Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
William Gottlieb
Continuing, ...
This is the second half, July through December, of the 2014 blurbs for Wednesdays.
Wednesday: 2 July 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Chef Robert Irvine Shares Cooking Tips
MC1 John Parker, U.S. Navy
I like Howard Godfrey, over at Preparedness Advice Blog. He covers a large range of topics for the prepper and survivalist, in short articles.
So, ...
You'll see a lot of him today, since I haven't linked to them, in a long time.
Cooking Tips
O.K. There are a lot more then ten.
But, ...
They'll get you started in the right direction
Preparedness Advice Blog: Preparedness Mom - Ten Quick and Easy Cooking Tips for Preppers
One Recipe
Stew and soups are an excellent choice for you and your family to prepare during an event. Don't have potatoes, use rice. Don't have meat, use beans. Plus, stews can be started in the morning and eaten in the evening.
Preparedness Advice Blog: Preparedness Mom - An Excellent Brunswick Stew for Preppers
Katniss and our children love crackers with their meatless chili.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Hardtack or Pilot Bread is Good for Long-Term Storage
Speaking of Meatless Chili
Depending on where you're from and how poor your family was, chili is always meatless.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Meatless Recipes for Hard Times
On The List
There are a couple of things; I want to purchase or build in the next few years, like a better grain grinder, a meat grinder, and a ...
Preparedness Advice Blog - Solar Ovens, a Must Have Skill for Preppers
My father was in these United States' Navy before a lot of the Political Correct (PC) bullsh*t (before Z-grams)
Well, ...
One of my favorite stories was ...
The ship got a new cook, for the boat. After about two weeks at sea, the Captain and crew couldn't stand the cooking any more. When they pulled into the first port, the Captain had two men pack the cook's seabag and kicked him off the ship.
Since, the ship couldn't get a cook, the men cooked for the rest of the cruise, about three months.
From my dad's recount, they eat better, with the crew cooking, then they did for the first two-weeks of the cruise ; - )
U.S. Navy: Naval History & Heritage Command - Frequently Asked Questions: Z-Grams
Wednesday: 2 July 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Swedish Army 2nd Lt.Per Bursell listens,
Sergeant Bertha Flores, U.S. Army
Farm Supplies
Kurt Saxon, an early survivalist, advocated for folks to stock up on medical supplies from their local farm and home store. He even sold syringes for a time.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Vet Supplies are a Reason Preppers Need to Visit the local Farm Supply
Alternative Uses
Needless to say, using veterinarian-grade medical supplies on humans has its hazards.
Well, ...
These aren't the only supplies with alternate medical uses.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Sanitary Napkins and Their Alternate Uses.
The 'Real' Thing
Have you ever seen a t.v. show where one of the characters is taking a gazillion pills for medical reasons.
Well, ...
In real life, there are preppers doing just that. Well, almost ; - )
But, ...
What happens during an event?
Preparedness Advice Blog - So You Need Prescription Medications
The 'Real' Thing, two
Of course, all the warning that adults don't need apply here.
Preparedness Advice Blog - More on, So You Need Prescription Medications
As we have seen in Africa, Afghanistan, and other impoverished areas, basic medical supplies are important for survival.
Wednesday: 2 July 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Frederic Remington
Fire ...
Has other uses such as signaling rescueres.
So, ...
You need a reliable tender to start your fire, either commercial or homemade.
Stealth Survival - Riverwalker’s Gear Review: Instafire
ThriftyFun.com - Homemade Fire Starters
Instructables.com - Homemade Fire Starters
Yahoo: Sports - 5 Homemade Fire Starters for Winter Camping Trips
Rural Action.org - How To: Create Homemade Fire Starters
Wednesday: 2 July 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Sickbay of the HMS Northern Pride
Lt. D.C. Oulds, Royal Navy photographer
Signs and Symptoms
In medical terminology, 'signs' is what the doctor sees, and 'symptoms' are what a patient experiences.
Well, ...
io9 - A Field Guide To Understanding The Many Possible Colors Of Your Urine
Difference Between.net - Signs and Symptoms
Special Operations Forces
Some folks suggest you and your family model your preps on a Special Forces A-Team.
It's pretty good advice, generally.
Well, ...
WeaponsMan has an article about medics that you might be interested in.
I have written in the past that modeling your family's preps on a SF A-Team could be a bad idea. I'll link to it, if I find the article, again
Global Security.org - Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha (SFOD-A)
WeaponsMan - Why SOG RTs Ran Without Medics
Wikipedia - Military Assistance Command, Vietnam: Studies and Observations Group
Vietnam Gear.com - Vietnam War Photos: SOG
Just so you know.
UBoat.net: Allied Warships of WWII - HMS Northern Pride (FY 105)
Imperial War Museum - HMS Northern Pride
Wednesday: 9 July 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Brighton Earthship
Dominic Alves
So, ...
This guy and I were talking at work about moving, buying houses, and other housing issues.
And, ...
This got me to thinking.
Junk Land
There are some folks that suggest purchasing a cheap piece of land, better known as 'Junk Land.' Add a travel trailer, you and your family have shelter for a variety of events.
But, ...
There are issues.
Possum Living - Breaking Free: Junk Land and a Cheap Trailer
Stealth Survival - “Junk Land:” Can You Afford It?
Needless to say, you will want to read the comments and Riverwalker's other articles about junk land at the bottom of the article, from Stealth Survival.
Inexpensive (Cheap) Houses
Home Away From Home, where I live, is very expensive compared to the surrounding area. A two bedroom with one bathroom house runs about $95,000. Thirty minutes away, in a small town, similar houses run about $35,000 to $50,000, depending on age and condition.
One of my ideas is to purchase an inexpensive house, with a basement (For y'all without basements; you're missing out on one of the world's greatest engineering feats. O.K. a little hyperbole, but you get my point. I hope ; - )
Fix it up, and rent it out. During tough economic times, my family and I would displace the tenants (after their lease has expired) if it came to that.
Needless to say, I would form a company, cooperation, or a trust to hold the property, so the house couldn't be seized for settling my family's financial debts.
Of course, there are inexpensive homes where my family lives, too. We could do the same thing. Slowly building the number of properties, until we are part of the financial elites!!! Ha, Ha, Ha.
Probably not.
Quality of Life issues like crime; Not from my tribe; and ...
Depending on the event, if you have to leave your home, you might want to be out of town, like in another state, maybe.
Unconventional Housing
Something we also talk about, me and the guy from work, was converting a grain silo into a house. He has one that could be converted to a six story home.
His thinking is to have five or six stairs up, on the outside, so all the utilities could be in the 'basement' this would allow him to save all the other space for living.
Mother Earth News - The Energy-Efficient Silo Home
Dornob - Grain Silos Converted into Contemporary Rural Home
Wednesday: 9 July 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Dora Thewlis is Arrested (ca 1907)
Daily Mirror Photographer
Modern Survival Skills
It's sad to say, but you and your family need to learn the 'new' survival skills of surviving a traffic stop.
Ifithitsthefan.com - Surviving Police Stops
When the Ballon Goes Up - Surviving a Traffic Stop
Plus, here is one from the officer's side of the stop
Bluesheepdog.com - Traffic Stop Safety Tips
Needless to say, keep your mouth shut.
io9 - A Disturbing Mind Trick to Make You "Confess" During Interrogations
Wednesday: 9 July 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Photographer’s Mate 3rd Class Sally
MendezDora |
Disaster Cooking
For most likely events, a family with a propane grill will be able to cook one hot meal a day during the event.
About.com - Disaster Cooking
Wet-Packed Food
Normal canned food is considered 'wet-packed food. It is the most likely 'survival' food you and your family will store for an event. It's easy and plentiful, right now.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Some Tips for Preppers on Cooking with Wet Packed Canned Foods
Wednesday: 9 July 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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1950’s Television
During certain events, you and your family may want to evacuate, very far away. As in, y'all moving to another country.
Well, ...
Depending on where you live, you might want to ...
Learning a Language
It seems there are quick and practical methods of learning a language, quickly.
io9 - What Is the Fastest Way to Learn a Foreign Language?
Weather Radio
One of the house warming gifts, Kartniss and I give to extended family, is a weather radio with battery backup.
That's what preppers do!
So, ...
Help others get prepped without them knowing their getting prepped for the most likely events, like extreme weather.
National Weather Service: Weather Forecast Office - Dallas/Fort Worth, TX: SAME Weather Radios
National Weather Service: NOAA Weather Radio Reception - Ways to Improve Your NOAA Weather Radio Reception
National Oceanic and Atmosheric Administration: National Weather Service - NWR Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME)
Wednesday: 16 July 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Seeking Shelter
One of the 'big' events, most preppers are concerned about is a financial collapse, personally, locally, nationally, and internationally.
For the personal, have an emergency fund.
Locally, have a career that allows you to easily move to a city or state that's hiring.
For the national and international, ...
Of Two Minds Blog - A Reader Asks: How to Find Shelter from the Coming Storm
So, You're Going to Retire?
I don't think so : - (
But, ...
There are things you can do, to make your 'retirement' life easier.
Two Ice Flows - Rethinking The Concept of Retirement
Wednesday: 16 July 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Annibale Carraccci
Food, Food, and More Food
Either way, personal, local, national, or international financial difficulty, you and your family are going to need to eat.
One of the easiest methods of securing a large enough food supply is to store beans and rice.
But, what do you do with them?
The Survivalist Blog: Anonymous Bean - What Everybody Ought To Know About Cooking Pinto Beans Fast
In Muffins
I have heard of adding fruit or nuts to muffins but never ...
The Survivalist Blog: Cache - Little known Pinto Bean Recipes and Uses That Will Make Your Taste-buds Dance
Wednesday: 16 July 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
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Firefighter, Barry Point Fire (ca 2012)
Bureau of Land Management
Starting a Fire
After thinking, (normally, we're not going to be worrying about air) having proper shelter and being able to build a fire is probably the most important prepping skill.
Well, ...
This kit has at least three different methods of starting a fire.
Are We Carzy or What - Start A Fire Anytime/Anyplace With A DIY Altoids Fire Starter Kit
Wednesday: 16 July 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S.S. Carl Vinson (CVN 70) Flying Squad Line Up
Mass Communication Specialist 2nd class James
Folks get all caught up in the tactical stuff, and they forget the stuff that doesn't cost any money, like ...
ReThink Survival - 16,800+ Home Fires Preventable With This One Tip: Safety Saturdays
Prevention, Again
Another, harder, prevention effort is to be physically fit.
Well, ...
Len Penzo: Guest -10 Ways to Get Fit for Little or No Money
My favorite inexpensive method of getting fit?
Walking around the park, three time a week, for at least 30 minutes.
Wednesday: 23 July 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalist,
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Petty Officier 1st Class Christopher Colley
NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan
Your Gear
Normally, your gear will have a problem. It's too heavy. The cartridge wasn't designed to shoot through walls. It's too bulky. Your rifle is all black, so it's not camoflauge. There's not enough padding and many others.
Well, ...
Most of the time, I would say 'Suck it up and drive on' because through training you and your family can overcome these deficiencies or at least learn to cope with the situation.
Well, ...
WeaponsMan is recommending to get rid, of least one piece, of your gear, if you carry a semiautomatic pistol.
WeaponsMan - Three Reasons Not to Use the Blackhawk Serpa Holster
Technology and You
As you and your family prepare for life's tough times, technology is going to change. (Trust me, I'm old enough to remember pre-Gortex sleeping bag covers, coated nylon wet weather gear, and canvas tents)
Plus, opinions change, too.
Take having spare parts for your revolver and SKS rifle. Twenty or is it thirty years ago, folks recommended you and your family buy another rifle, just for spare parts. Now a days, we know that was a poor idea.
Well, ...
For a very long term collapse, we may have to go back to using less technologically advanced weapons, like the cap and ball revolvers. This change will also require us to change our techniques.
WeaponsMan - The New York Reload in the Civil War
I would like you to note the mention of John Singleton Mosby and the irregular's turn to crime after the war.
Have you seen the Mad Max movies? They are awesome!
Well, ...
It seems, you and your family can build your own armoured vehicles.
io9 - These Homemade Tanks Are Tough Enough To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse
Wednesday: 23 July 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Langrage, an Improvised Cannon Shot,
John Antoni
Say Uncle
I love Say Uncle (even though I don't know him, haven't met him, or even seen a picture of him) He is the greatest.
Plus, he has ...
Say Uncle - Why Gun Control is Silly
The article is short and sweet. All is says is "Make your own MAC-11" and it's a link, to a .pdf.
Words of Advice
You have probably heard it from me before.
Watch those opinions 'cause Ryan and others that he links to are preparing for Minuteman or Patriot type events.
With that said, ...
He has some thoughts for us.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Russian Siaga and VEPR AK style Rifles Banned by EO
Wednesday: 23 July 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Great Lakes’ Region (ca 2010)
U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
I have talked about firearms twice today, so that means, I have to write about the most important item in prepping.
Which is?
Proper hygiene?
Medical supplies?
It's ...
ReThink Survival - How to Make 3000+ Calorie DIY Survival Food Ration Bars (per batch)
Dirttime - Ferro Rod vs. Bic Lighter
Dirttime - Fixed Blade Knife Comparison
Food Storage Moms - Personal Hygiene After A Disaster
Doom and Bloom - Search: Medical Supplies
The Survivalist Blog: Donald T - How to Carry 200 Gallons of Water or More
Wednesday: 23 July 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Radionette Kurér Radio,
Sindre Skrede
Shortwave Radio
After purchasing an NOAA emergency alert radio and an AM/FM radio, most families have the majority of their communication needs met.
For some families, y'all might want to purchase a shortwave receiver. These shortwave radios are used to listen to international programs.
Well, ...
io9 - A Great Way to Listen to Those Mysterious "Number Stations"
Shortwave Transceivers
There is a difference between shortwave receivers and shortwave transceivers. Shortwave transceivers receive and send communications or information. Unlike, a shortwave receiver that can only ...
Cool, huh.
There is some bad news. Shortwave transceivers require a license to use, and the shortwave community does a really good job of policing themselves.
So, ...
If you're thinking "Hey, I'll get a transceiver, and we'll be able to use it. Screw that licence" It's not going to happen. The 'Hams' won't talk to you, and they'll report you to the proper authorities.
Did I mention? It's against the law.
Oh, ...
Then, there's that whole issue of some governments actively seeking out illegal transceiver users and throwing then in prison, if they're lucky. (Think Nazi, the Resistance, and WWII or North Korea, People, and Death Camps)
But, ...
There is good news!
The entry-level license is (I don't want to say ..) easy with some effort by you and your family.
What, ...
You thought your children won't need a license?
American Radio Relay League - Ham Radio Licenses
Ham Universe - Home
Wednesday: 30 July 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Photinus pyralis,
Terry Priest
The local library has a couple videos, really DVDs, for loaning to its patrons. One of these DVDs is the fourteen episodes of Firefly.
Needless to say, if you haven't seen the former television show, you need to borrow them. (You know how I feel about purchasing books, music, videos, and other media when there is a library to borrow them from, right)
Well, ...
Firefly has a quasi-western theme, for a science fiction show.
Needless to say, the show uses six-guns and lever-action carbines as the characters weapons of choice.
For some preppers, these types of weapons will be more than adequate for their family's needs, especially if you live in one of those anti-freedom countries (formerly Great Britain and many others) or states such as California, New Jersey, and others. Since these places usually restrict the type of firearm and ammunition calibers, a lever-actions (with five to seven round capacity) will be available in .22LR, .38 special, .357 magnum, .44 magnum, and .30-30. Calibers that might not be restricted in your home country.
Prep-Blog.com - Lever-action Rifles for Hunting and Survival
Survivalist Boards - .357 magnum lever actions: Going Non-Tactical
Survivalist Boards - Marlin 1894c or Henry 'Big Boy' in .357mag
Speaking of videos. Here is a collection of 14 videos about lever action rifles/carbines
World News Network.com - Lever Action Rifles For Survival
After you and your family have at least one handgun (.357 magnum revolver) for each adult and older children (remember the kids grow up fast; they'll quickly be able to responsibly carry a defensive firearm), a semi-automatic rifle (I suggest a SKS rifle 'cause they're inexpensive and require little extra equipment), and a .22LR semi-automatic or bolt-action rifle.
You and your family might want to consider purchasing a couple of bolt-action rifles, so you can 'reach out and touch someone.'
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Bolt Action Rifles for Survivalists and Patriots
For Handy People
I am envious of folks with the tools and knowledge to build their own firearms, like ...
Northeast Shooters.com: Bulletin Board - DIY: Shovel AK - photo tsunami warning!
Six Rules?
We have all heard of the, ...
Four Rules of Firearms Safety
1. All Guns are Always Loaded
2. Never let the Muzzle cover Anything which you are not willing to Destroy
3.Keep Your Finger Off the Trigger until your sights are on the target
4. Always be Sure of your Target
Well, ...
There might be six, now
Say Uncle - That Spot's Taken
Wednesday: 30 July 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Leaving Off the Powder,
James Gillray
Saving Money
You and your family need to save money, purchase more supplies, and extend your existing supplies
One way to do all three is to ...
ReThink Survival - 10 Ways to Use Less of Stuff We Use Everyday: Frugal Fridays
Not What You Think
A financial collapse, I think, won't bring 'blood in the streets' to most neighborhoods 'cause you and your family live in a nice place, at least most of us.
So, ...
Everything you own will still be there, including your home.
Now, ...
A lot of families already know this. Plus, they know; they'll probably never be able to move, so they're updating their home; or they're fixing up their home, getting the house ready to be sold.
Either way, ...
Len Penzo - 19 Tips for Saving a Bundle of Money on Home Appliances
Living Like the Rich
A couple years ago, one of the recent crop of movie stars was talking about his family's sheets.
Yeah, bed sheets
He, being a 'poor' kid, never had really nice sheets and blankets, so he and his wife went out and bought 1000 count sheets. He loved 'em.
Well, ...
Len Penzo - Why High Thread Count Sheets Are Usually a Waste of Money
Advertisements are everywhere, even at GSIEP, telling you need this and your need that.
Of course, you don't. You and your family can survive without all those fancy 'toys' such as pistols, semi-auto rifles with detachable magazines, hi-tech backpacks (for emergency evacuation kits), four-wheel drive (fuel guzzling) pick-up trucks, and many other items.
Plus, more likely than not, a collapse isn't going to happen.
So, ...
You might as well get a good nights sleep and save money doing it ; - )
Wednesday: 30 July 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Latin America
With illegal immigrants in the news, I was reminded of a conversation; I had with a colleague, many years ago. She mentioned her disdain for 'Mexican' restaurants in these United States.
Her reason?
They served beef, chicken, and shrimp in their meals.
Later, she explained that traditional Mexican food was based on beans because they are so poor.
Who knew?
What's Cooking America.net - Dried Beans: How to Cook and Use Dried Beans
Five Dollar Dinners - How to Cook Dried Beans
Utah State University: Extension Service - Cooking with Food Storage Ingredients: Dry Beans
Wednesday: 30 July 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bug Zapper (ca 2013)
Malcolm Koo
CC-BY-SA 3.0
All I have to say 'There is the possibility; it won't be easy'
The Survivalists Blog: - Haven’t Bugged Out Yet? Then This Is Probably How You’ll Die
Read the whole thing
As Ryan notes, in this article, camping and bugging out is different.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - RE: Camping After The Collapse
- Thought on "Bummer". Note how the author fails to even mention the idea of "bugging in", especially on the semi-rural edges of suburbia. Article, while entertaining, was not very helpful.
Dear Anonymous:
Thanks for tagging the blurb that you were commenting on.
You're right about the possibility of 'bugging in' or staying put during an event. That is a viable option, for some events.
However, ...
For some events, sectarian violence, race wars, and other extremely violent events; some folks are going to have to leave their homes to survive.
With that said, ...
Sometimes the articles will not be informational, but motivational
Because, I have found folks (including me) slack off on getting prepared for life's tough times.
Peace, SYK
Wednesday: 6 August 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Masib, Ahmad, Haji, Abdullah, and Kara-Kooja, Muslim Bandits Panopa, Xinjiang, China (ca 1915)
Sir Marc Aurel Stein
.38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm, or 45 ACP
You can read the whole thing.
Or, ...
Just carry something that shoots a bullet in the title, of the blurb.
Buckeye Firearms Association - An Alternative Look at Handgun Stopping Power
Grandpa's and Grandma's Guns
I'm getting old, and some day, folks are going to remember ol' man SYK's rifle, an SKS.
Well, ...
For some of us, Grandpa's and Grandma's ol' rifle and pistol are a M1 Garand or a M1 Carbine, and the handgun is a M1911A1 pistol.
WeaponsMan -
Wednesday: 6 August 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalsits,
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Conserveira de
Shelf Life
For some families, they will purchase food from the local grocery stores to prepare for an event. These families will store the 'normal' boxed, bagged, bottled, and canned foods, they usually eat.
Other families will store whole foods, such as white rice and dried beans, also available from the grocery store.
Either way, you will need to know how long the food will be good to eat.
Food Storage and Survival - Food Storage Shelf life Chart
Food Storage Shelf Life Chart
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/food-storage-shelf-life/
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/food-storage-shelf-life/
Food Storage Shelf Life Chart
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/food-storage-shelf-life/
http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/food-storage-shelf-life/Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/food-storage-shelf-life/
One of the most abundent foods, here in these United States, is corn.
But, ...
Did you know, like rabbit, it can slowly kill you?
Preparedness Advice Blog - Nixtamalizing Corn to Prevent Pellagra
Preparedness Advice Blog - Pellagra and How to Treat Corn to Prevent It.
Corona Grain Mill - Home
Wednesday: 6 August 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Drowning Hazards:
U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
Plastic buckets are awesome. They can be used for many things.
Like, ...
ReThink Survival - How to Make a Bucket Survival Kit, 34+ Items to Add to Your “Bucket List”
Make sure you read the comments.
Wednesday: 6 August 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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I try to make my money squeal.
But, ...
Sometimes, I can't figure out how to make it squeal louder ; - )
Len Penzo - A Clever Consumer Trick for Ensuring Smart Spending Decisions
Wednesday: 13 August 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Plague-infected rats
Centers for Disease Control:
Public Health Image Library
Vermin Control
Mice, rats, and other rodents are a potential source of disease for your family. Plus, they can destroy your stored food in a matter of days.
So, ...
You and your partner need to control them. One way is to sit up all night with a pellet gun or .22LR firearm and dispatch the critters.
Or, ...
Survival Sherpa - How to Build a “Stairway to Heaven” Rat Trap in 15 Minutes
Dental Hygiene
With bad teeth, you can't eat. You can't eat, you ...
Preparedness Advice Blog - Dental Care, Your Life May Depend on It!
During the Korean War, these United States Prisoner's of War returned with terrible dental problems, so the military started teaching our service members how to improvise dental hygiene equipment and supplies from readily available items, such as salt or baking soda for toothpaste and a frayed twig for a toothbrush.
Needless to say, you and your family will want to store more toothbrushes, toothpaste, and dental floss.
The same probably goes for hand soap, shampoo, body wash, conditioner, toilet paper, and ...
Oooooou, Bugs
Most of us may have to deal with mosquitoes and ticks, especially if you and your family spend any time outside.
Well, ...
Here are two programs, from K-State, about the dangers and some prevention ideas.
Kansas State University: Research and Extension Service - Perspective: The Threat of Mosquito-Borne Disease http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/News/p.aspx?tabid=68
Link: Kansas State University: Research and Extension Service - Perspective: The Dangers of Ticks
You'll notice, both Perspective radio shows have the same link.
It seems, ...
You have to go to the page and click on the show title to hear the show.
If, ...
The embedding failed to work.
Wednesday: 13 August 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Coronal Mass Ejection,
Two, If By Sea
I like Say Uncle and The Survivalists Blog. They both have pertinent information for preppers.
Well, ...
Say Uncle - 16 must have books for preppers
I would add Nuclear War Survival Skills by Cresson Kearny
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - Nuclear War Survival Skill.html
Nukepills - Nuclear War Survival Skill.pdf
Oregon Intitute of Science and Medicine - Nuclear War Survival Skills, book
If you and your family are concerned about a nuclear war, an electromagnetic pulse attack, or coronal mass ejection, you will probably want to purchase a hard copy.
They're the Same?
One of the things that I like about prepping is the researching, learning new skills and ... knowledge.
Plus, the link has seven links to various meteorological agencies, just not NOAA's National Weather Service's National Hurricane Center.
Gawker: The Vane - What Is the Difference Between a Cyclone, Typhoon, and Hurricane?
Wednesday: 13 August 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Israeli Defense Forces Search a Safe (ca 2011)
Israel Defense Forces
Physical Security
Securing your stuff before, during, and after an event is important because stolen water and food; firearms and ammunition; and other needed supplies are useless.
So, ...
You and your family are going to come up with a plan, a physical security plan. Two aspects of this plan are ...
WeaponsMan - Physical Security: the Importance of Inventory
WeaponsMan -Physical Security: 6 Facts about Safes
Wednesday: 13 August 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists.
Memorial to
Gay Victims
Pink Pistols
Nope, it's not for your girlfriend or your wife, unless you're a female, too.
Say Uncle - The Gay Advocates of Gun Rights
Just in case, you didn't read the article; here are the links
Big Gay Al's Big Gay (Gun) Blog - Home
Gays With Guns - Home
Pink Pistols - National
Munchkin Wrangler - Why the Gun is Civilization.
Wednesday: 20 August 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Eddy Darrius Refrigerator (1881)
Darrius Eddy Advertisement
I Would Miss ...
There are a couple of things, I would miss during a long-term event.
One of these is ...
An icebox.
Sunshine works - Solar Refrigerators and Freezers
During most events, you and your family will be able to head down to the local grocery store and market to resupply you food storage. Oops, you could probably use the internet, too.
Well, ...
After a long-term event, you and your family will have to do a resupply by yourselves.
Of Two Minds Blog - It Doesn't Take Much Land to Grow a lot of Food
I want you to head down to the local library and checkout some books on preserving food, cooking whole foods, and gardening.
Yes, the pun was intended ; - )
Wednesday: 20 August 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalsits,
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Trashed Refrigerators and Freezer on Curb (2005)
Daniel Lobo
We are Family
Thanks to Spartan, my brother, we have a link about some off-grid projects.
Momtastic: Web Ecoist - 14 Off-Grid Projects to Cut Your Energy and Water Usage
Be careful using an old refrigerator or freezer for a root cellar. There is the potential for children to become trapped.
Or, ...
Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers - Freezer Danger
Consumer Product Safety Commission - CPSC, Appliance Manufacturers Announce Voluntary Recall Initiative for Old Chest Freezers - A Deadly Play Area for Children
Belvoir Eagle - Abandoned Refrigerators, Freezers Present Dangers to Children
Wednesday: 20 August 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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United States Army
What 'Not' to Buy
There are certain things, you and your family shouldn't purchase like expensive knives, years supplies of freeze-dried food storage, and ...
WeaponsMan - Now We See It! Taurus 85VTA
Needless to say, if all you can afford is an used Highpoint pistol or Taurus revolver, they are better than a baseball bat or golf club for protecting your family.
Wednesday: 20 August 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Some of the Contents of an Evacuation Kit |
For the Children
Do you have children? How about grandchildren? Nephews and Nieces?
Do they go to school? How far away?
What happens 'If' they have to evacuate? Do they have an emergency evacuation kit?
The Organic Prepper - Build the Ultimate School Bug Out Kit for Your Kids
the Ultimate School Bug Out Kit for your Kids - See more at:
the Ultimate School Bug Out Kit for your Kids - See more at:
the Ultimate School Bug Out Kit for your Kids - See more at:
the Ultimate School Bug Out Kit for your Kids - See more at:
Something for Y'all to Think About
Ol' Remus has something for you and your family about bug-out bags.
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report - Issue 383: 19 Aug 2014
Wednesday: 27 August 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Cpl. Liji Sui,
Sgt. Richard West and Lance Cpl. Kirby Salmans
Gunnery Sgt.
Bryce Piper, U.S.M.C.
Say Uncle
Uncle has been having a couple articles about 'list articles.' You know the ones with titles like 'Best 10 Automobiles for Driving Slow,' 'Ten Hottest Celebrities from Antarctica,' 'Worst States to Live in if You're a Cat' or ...
Well, ...
He linked to one that is worth reading.
Say Uncle - Another Listicle
Say Uncle, Again
One of the cool things about being a prepper or survivalist, you and your family get to learn sooo much about stuff.
Like, ...
Sound Suppressors
Say Uncle - Silencer Science
Dang, there is only one volume, so far : - (
Say Uncle, Again and Again
I'm a realist. I know folks don't take my suggestions to purchase a .357 revolver and a SKS rifle.
So, ...
Uncle has a link about using a foregrip on the AR-15.
Say Uncle - Not Applicable to AKs
I'm Trying for a Couple More
If you see this message, I wasn't able to make a listicle about Say Uncle articles.
Unless, you consider three items a list.
Wednesday: 27 August 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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日本語: オクラのピクルス
A couple of days ago, in the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" I linked to a piece by Charles Smith titled "Is the $5 Bill the New $1 Bill?"
In the article Mr. Smith points out another example of inflation.
Well, ...
I have been seeing it in table salt. Yep, salt.
I put aside a 5-gallon bucket of salt, about 50 pound (22.7 kilograms), every couple of years.
For preppers and survivalists, we need salt to do various things, like making pickles. Our bodies also need salt for our cells' sodium potassium pump. Plus, some salt has iodine added to prevent goiter.
So, ...
We stock a variety of salt, canning or pickling salt (just salt, nothing else), iodized salt, and kosher salt.
Well, ...
Those little one-pound cardboard cylinders of iodized table salt have gotten expensive. I have seen them go from 10¢ a cylinder (ten years, ago) to over 75¢ (it might be higher, now)
Oh, ...
If you look around, you might find salt on 5 pound bags for less. I did at one of the local grocery stores, in the canning section, so I bought all they had. Came back; did it again, and had over 50 pounds of canning salt for less than, 'If' I remember correctly, 30¢ a pound : - )
Preparedness Advice Blog - Found My Old Dill Pickle Recipe
Dill Pickles
Human Anatomy: Student Edition - Animation: How the Sodium Potassium Pump Works
Simple Remedies.com - How To Prevent Goiter: What Are The Causes Of Goiter
About.com: Home Cooking - Salt Varieties and Types
Wednesday: 27 August 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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United States’ Soldiers
National Archives and Records Administration
You're Carrying Too Much Stuff
The Infantry is famous for being overloaded because they may be cutoff from resupply at a moments notice, so they carry excessive amounts of gear and supplies. Plus, they usually have to stay and fight while a prepper and their family will leave for more peaceful climes.
WeaponsMan - A Millennium of Burdens: What The Grunt Carried
Wednesday: 27 August 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Stack of Cash
Federal Bureau of Investigation
There is an acronym in the military, R.O.A.D.
It stands for Retired on Active Duty.
Well, ...
It seems one of your investments can do the same thing.
CNBC - Don't let your 401(k) retire before you do
We have a 401K at work that limits our investment options to about ten options. Most of these options are target-date funds that I avoid.
I am not an average investor. I want a higher percentage of stocks, exposure to foreign stocks, and a little safety from bonds. Plus, I am planning for a financial collapse that might not happen ; - )
401K or IRA
How about both?
CNBC - 401(k) or IRA: Cramer’s rule to remember
More likely than not, you and your partner will be able to retire instead of dying at a young age from fighting off a zombie attack.
So, ...
Y'all need to be investing wisely for your retirement.
But, ...
Just in case there is a zombie attack, you might want to set aside some water, food, medical supplies, and ...
All the other stuff
GSIEP - 16 Weeks
Wednesday: 3 September 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Evidence of Animals!
Rob Farrow
More than 1,000 Burglaries
Here is an interesting article about a man that lived in the woods for over two years, by himself, and he was never discovered, almost.
WeaponsMan - Deep off the Grid, Two Years Later
The Future
Concrete is a great building material, if you're worried about protecting your family from bullets.
Well, ...
It seems 3D printing may make it possible to build an all concrete home, in the future.
io9 - Whoa, This Guy 3D-Printed His Very Own Concrete Castle
Yes, it's a child's playhouse, but there is a group working on a transportable machine that will 3D print a 'real' house.
I have provided a 'short' version and a 'long' version.
YouTube: World Breaking News - New 3D Printer can build a House in just 24 hours (Short Version)
YouTube: sameotheruser - 3D printer can build a house in 20 hours (Long Version)
It's starting to get that time of the year to purge GSIEP of the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" articles and consolidate the Wednesday's blurbs into one page.
So, ...
If you have a blurb you wanted saved, you better do it now.
Wednesday: 3 September 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Butternut Squash with dried seeds (ca 2005)
Penelope Colodny
Cooking Oil
A couple of days ago, I was at work, and one of my co-workers was eating butternut squash with jalapeno peppers and crushed red peppers in linguine or was it fettuccine? I forgot.
Either way, ...
He said 'The pasta was cooked water with a little olive oil added to keep the noodles from sticking together.'
Lifehacker.com - This Chart Demystifies Which Cooking Oils Are Best for What
allspice: Online - Use Your Noodle! Spaghetti vs Linguine vs Fettuccine
Expiration Dates
I have been guilty of throwing out perfectly good food because the food had 'expired.'
But, ...
No more.
io9 - The Disturbingly Inexact Science Of Food Expiration Dates
It's starting to get that time of the year to purge GSIEP of the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" articles and consolidate the Wednesday's blurbs into one page.
So, ...
If you have a blurb you wanted saved, you better do it now.
Wednesday: 3 September 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists.
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A U.S. Soldier, at Aitape, confronting a Japanese Sniper
Imperial War Museum
Top Three?
I respectfully disagree.
You only need a handgun (.357 magnum revolver) and a defensive rifle (SKS rifle), for everyone in the family, and that's it.
O.K. ...
You might need a few more firearms, like a .22LR rifle, a .308 (7.62X51 NATO) rifle, an AK-47 series rifle, instead of the SKS, a .22LR pistol or revolver, an AR-15 series rifle, instead of the SKS and AK-47, a Glock 19 in 9mm, instead of the .357 revolver, and ...
Depending on your family's threat analysis and how deep your pockets are, of course ; - )
YouTube: FPS Russia - Top 3 Weapons to Survive the Apocalypse
Never give up; Never surrender. Fight to the end, either your's or your attacker.
It never ends well.
WeaponsMan - Five NEVERs of Self-Defense
Only One Needed
Not really ; - )
But, ...
I thought it would make you look. Plus, the ammunition is cheap!
Preparedness Advice Blog - Why Airguns Can Be an Excellent Tool for Hunting Quietly
It's starting to get that time of the year to purge GSIEP of the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" articles and consolidate the Wednesday's blurbs into one page.
So, ...
If you have a blurb you wanted saved, you better do it now.
Wednesday: 3 September 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Top 400 "Urban Areas"
As the urbanization of our country continues, we will face different threats such as gangs, failure of city services, corruption, labor disputes and other modern survival events.
U.S. Army.mil - Army prepares for dangers lurking in 'deep future' megacities
Did you notice when General McMaster pointed out "the Army cannot take technological superiority for granted in future conflicts.
Modern Survival
You probably get told a lot that getting prepared for life's bigger disasters is a waste of time. That storing food for you family is a waste of time because the government will help during times of trouble.
Or, ...
You don't need a handgun (.357 magnum revolver) for concealed carry because your neighborhood, town, state, or country are safe places.
Or, ...
You don't need a water filter because the city has great water and awesome service. Plus, water always comes out of the tap when it's turned on, always.
Well, ...
Some of your preps might be a waste of time, like bushcraft skills.
The Modern Survivalist - Is Preparedness a Waste of Time?
My statement was misleading because I believe bushcraft skills are needed by you and your family to survive certain events. Plus, I believe bushcraft skills will give you and your family confidence to survive any event.
But, ...
Your family also need to develop a threat analysis, be storing water, storing food, and other modern survival skills.
One of Those Modern Events
Here's a video one of FerFAL's readers sent in, over at The Modern Survivalist, for us to watch about a 'modern' event, and a few suggestion on how to survive it.
The Modern Survivalist - Documentary: Economic Collapse, Bartering and Bugging Out Abroad
It's starting to get that time of the year to purge GSIEP of the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" articles and consolidate the Wednesday's blurbs into one page.
So, ...
If you have a blurb you wanted saved, you better do it now.
Wednesday: 10 September 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Food, Food, and More Food
After thinking, air, shelter and water, food is the most important item your family will need for an event.
Not really because it depends on the event. Take getting accidentally shot at the range!
You sure don't need shelter, water, or food. You need medical supplies, proper training, and quick responding emergency services. Oh, and maybe a police officer ; - )
Sorry, back to the blurb ; - )
But, ...
Where do you get this food.
For some folks, their families are going to the local grocery store to purchase 'normal' bagged, boxed, bottled, canned, and frozen food.
For others, they are going to purchase long-term food storage like dried beans, winter and summer wheat, rice, sugar, and quick oats from the Latter-day Saints.
Preparedness Advice Blog - LDS Home Storage Center Update
Some folks are starting to talk about price controls, here in these United States.
Just to let you know where this leads.
Laboratory of Hidden Alternatives - More Empty Shelves in Venezuela
New Zimbabwe.com - Zimbabwe BAns Bulk Sales as Shelves Empty
Beans and Rice or Beans and Corn
When you and your family are short of protein (meat), you will have to mix non-protein foods such as rice, beans, and corn to make up for this.
One way is to make ...
All Recipes - Succotash
All Recipes - Al's Sufferin Succotash
Food.com - Succotash
Practice, Practice, and More Practice
Of course, using whole foods such as dried beans, winter and summer wheat, rice, dried corn, sugar, salt, and many others will take practice.
Plus, you and your family need to find out 'If' you like these recipes.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Helpful Hints on Food Storage Cooking to Make your Food taste Better
Wednesday: 10 September 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches,
Gopal Venkatesan
No, not your neighbor's kids ; - )
LifeHacker - Keep Your Home Bug Free with These DIY Pest Control Methods
Bigger Pests
Still, not your neighbor's kids ; - )
Five Gallon Ideas - Mouse Trap
Even Bigger Pests
Now, we're talking
Angelfire: Hero 2 - Vietcong Booby Traps
Wednesday: 10 September 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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De Naakte krijger
Augustin Van den Berghe
Shelter for Your Body
Except for very brief periods, you and your family are going to need clothing to survive an event. Some of these events will require a warm coat, hat, gloves, so you and your family are warm. Other events will require speciality clothing like hard hats, welding gloves, shatter-proof glasses, and ...
Survival Gear.com - Survival Clothing
Storing Your Clothing
Either way, ...
You're going to need to store this clothing, if you're planning for a longer term event.
Make sure to read the comments.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Preppers Should Store Clothes for Long-term
But, ...
What happens when your stored clothing runs out.
Wildwood Survival - Clothing
Wednesday: 10 September 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Gould’s Outdoors,
Mick Lobb
How Much is Enough
I am planning to purchase some ammo for me and my family, so I have been thinking about how much is 'enough.'
Well, ...
I was in the military, so I understand during a firefight I want more ammo then not enough. Plus, all of my family are potential 'trigger pullers,' so I will require more ammo.
I live in a suburban neighborhood. More ammo, again.
I also have family that plan to join us, if it gets bad enough. More ammo, again.
Total Survivalist Blog - How Many Guns Do You Really Need?
Total Survivalist Blog - How Much Ammo Is Enough?
Y'all probably know my opinion by now. A handgun (.357 magnum revolver) and a semiautomatic rifle (SKS rifle) with 250 rounds for the handgun and 500 rounds for the rifle, for everyone in the family.
My family's threat analysis envisions a greater need for ammunition then you and your family's might, so take what I have said with a grain of salt.
But, ...
What Do We Do With These Weapons?
YouTube: Maine Prepper - Best Book on Retreat Security and Small Unit Tactics
If you and your family are planning to protect yourselves from villains, you need to think about some of this stuff.
YouTube - Southern Prepper 1
YouTube - Maine Prepper
Wednesday: 17 September 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Norma Crane and Eddie Albert
CBS Television
Don't Be Fooled
I have read such classic as Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, Robert Heinlein's Foundation, and Eric Blair, known by his pen name as George Orwell, 1984. I have also read Suzanne Marie Collins' Hunger Games, Veronica Roth's Divergent, Edan Lepucki's California ...
But, ...
One thing, I always remember. These books aren't real life.
io9 - 10 Lessons From Real-Life Revolutions That Fictional Dystopias Ignore
Wednesday: 17 September 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Where You Are
During a disaster, you and your family aren't going to be at your multi-million dollar retreat. You're going to be at your home in the city, suburbs, or ...
US Crow - How Preppers Can Survive in The City
Solar Water Heating
As you and your family plan for an event, you will start discussing power systems. A system that you and your family can throw a lot of money at to provide the same level of service your family currently enjoys.
That's a mistake, several mistakes
The first, in an alternative energy system, you and your family shouldn't use gasoline or diesel to power a generator to run a heater, for heating your home. You use a woodstove.
Second, you and your family don't need to take a 5, 10, or 20 minute shower, with hot water, to get clean. Your family takes a cat bath.
In other words, your family reduces their expectations and use appropriate and sustainable technology.
Common Sense Homesteading - Solar Water Heating Basics
Last Minute Prepper - How to Setup Alternative Self-Reliance Power Sources
Wednesday: 17 September 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Greenpoint, Brooklyn (ca 2007)
The 'Hood
I have probably linked to one of these articles in the past.
But, ...
I think, this is something important for you and your partner to think about.
The Prepper Journal.com - Thinking About your Neighborhood from a Tactical Perspective
The Prepper Journal.com - Coordinating your Neighborhood Intelligence and Response Plan
Wednesday: 17 September 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Cowboy with Rifle
Department of the Interior,
National Park Service,
Scotts Bluffs National Monument
Some Folks
In certain parts of the world, owning a modern firearm is prohibited, or their partner objects : - (
Well, ...
You can always become a cowboy or cowgirl reenactor and obtain lever-action carbines and black powder revolvers.
All Outdoors - Upgrading Marlin 336 Lever Action: More Precise Shooting Options
Upgrading Marlin 336 Lever Action
http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/09/09/upgrading-marlin-336-lever-action/Oleg Volk Blog - Aim well. Placement counts.
Other Folks
Might want to take some advice from ...
Oleg Volk Blog - “The original owner didn’t need it anymore…”
Oleg Volk Blog -Maquisard
Just So You Know:
During certain events, military weapons will be available through theft of government stores, barter with deserting soldiers, removal from dead combatants, or being armed by a foreign government.
Either way, make sure to stock up on ammo or get lots of it from your new friends.
Plus, ...
Depending on the situation, you might not want to get caught with a military-grade weapon.
So, ...
Plan accordingly.
Once you purchase a handgun, you're going to need a holster. One type of holster is the 'kangaroo' holster. My understanding, it's used for deep cover carry, similar to 'secret' agents.
Or, ...
By folks that don't want to look like they are carrying.
All Outdoors - Kangaroo Carry Holsters
Lastly, ...
Usually this label 'Guns' usually concentrates on firearms.
Well, ...
As WeaponsMan reminds us, you and your family, ...
"The most important weapon is the human mind."
WeaponsMan - “A Weapon is Where you Find It” — the Legal Angle
Wednesday: 24 September 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Here are three articles from Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival about water storage.
Stealth Survival - Rainwater Collection: Free Storage Calculator
Stealth Survival - Rainwater Collection: Advantages and Disadvantages
Stealth Survival - Prepping Project: Rainwater Collection Tanks
O.K., one more becasue Riverwalker is willing to share his knowledge with you and your family ; - )
Plus, it's a project most preppers with access to a downspout and a water container could do in a few days.
Stealth Survival - Prepping Project: Rain Barrel
Wednesday: 24 September 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Possible Improvised Water Bottle
One Person's Garbage, ...
To a certain extent, this article is about saving money as you and your family reuse items most folks throw away, after one use.
Well, ...
During an event, you may need to improvise to survive.
LifeHacker - All the Disposable Things You Can Cleverly Reuse Before Throwing Out
You may want to add "Financial Difficulties" to your family's threat analysis because it's an event.
... Is Another Person's Treasure
Ol' Remus has a neat blurb on storing tobacco, pipe tobacco.
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report - Home
I am a former smoker (Quit now, it will be easier and healthier for you and your family), so my family and I don't store tobacco, even for trade.
But, ...
If you're a smoker, you might want to set aside some, just in case.
By the way, pipe tobacco seems to store better
Wednesday: 24 September 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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An Unusual Switch
Mark Oliver
Having 'Options'
One of the often overlooked aspects of prepping is that prepping gives you options during an event.
Take storing food.
If you have three days of food, you have three days to deal with constructing adequate shelter, filtering and treating water before you really need to be worry about finding food for your family.
Well, ...
This includes our (you and your family's) finances.
Lifehacker: Two Cents - Common “Debt Traps” That Keep You Living Paycheck-to-Paycheck
Wednesday: 24 September 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Lance Cpl. Nick Fernandez, USMC
Cpl. James L. Yarboro, USMC
There Comes a Time, ...
When you and your family will start thinking about adding to your family skills. One of these simple skills, I would like to suggest, is weapons repair.
Of course, ...
You're going to need tools ; - )
WeaponsMan - Tool Deprivation Syndrome: Excuses and Gunsmithing
The military-type weapons that most folks have in their arsenal are easily repaired by switching out parts. The same goes for the newer citizen-type weapons.
So, ...
You will only need basic tools, as WeaponsMan suggests, and a few carefully selected spare parts.
Just to remind ya.
GSIEP: Firearms for Preppers -SKS Rifle
GSIEP: Firearms for Preppers - AK-47 series Rifle
GSIEP: Firearms for Preppers - M16/AR-15 series Rifle, Part Two
Been There; Done That
Most events have already happened.
So, ...
I believe, you and your family can learn from the past.
WeaponsMan - “Book” Link: the Rhodesian African Rifles
One of these historical events is the Rhodesian war and the African 'Independence' wars that gave us Zimbabwe, Liberia, South Africa, and other sh*t holes masquerading as functional countries.
AnswersAfrica - Top 10 Worst Dictators of Africa
Wednesday: 1 October 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Boris Orel
Corns, Beans, and ...
io9 - While the rising tide of pumpkin ...
During an event, you and your partner will need to insure proper nutrition during an event. The easiest method is storing and using multivitamins.
But, ...
What happens when the multivitamins run out or when more people show up than expected.
Food Storage and Survival - Getting Started Sprouting!
Getting Started Sprouting!
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/how-to-sprout/Getting Started Sprouting!
http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/how-to-sprout/Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/how-to-sprout/Getting Started Sprouting!
Wednesday: 1 October 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Grill mit Fleischspießen und Bratwürsten
I Cheated, He Cheated, We All Cheated
Yes, I know, I reused an illustration for a blurb, but I have a good reason.
It's a great example of an improvised method of cooking.
But, ...
He cheated too.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Fourteen Uses for a 55-Gallon Barrel
During an event, you and your family may also have to cheat.
Just don't plan to steal from other families, kill other people, or other crimes.
Talking of Barrels
At work, we use barrels for various reasons.
Well, ...
Once we use them, the barrels are unsuitable for drinking water.
But, ...
They would make great containers for collecting rain for the garden. Cool
Preparedness Advice Blog - Rainwater Collecting can Provide Water for Drinking and Other Uses
While I was looking for a blurb picture, I came across this picture of a portable grill.
Brazier with Grill and Pot-Rest (ca 2006)
Robert Lawton
Wednesday: 1 October 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Hassan Abdel-Rahman
Shoes, Boots, and Sandals
During an event, short or long-term, you and your family are going to need protection for your feet.
The Survivalist Blog - Stocking Up on Shoes and Boots for Survival
But, ...
How does your family store these items?
About.com: Home - How to Store Shoes: Store and Organize Your Shoes and Boots
Wednesday: 1 October 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
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Long line of people
Los Angeles Daily News
It Started With ...
A link at Say Uncle,
Say Uncle - But gun control will work
Then it lead ...
To a link at,
Alloutdoor - Picking an AR-15 on a budget: a guide for the perplexed
Then ...
Another link at,
- See more at: http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/01/01/ar-15-accessories-shtf/#sthash.m6loeIqe.dpuf
Alloutdoors - Five Must Have AR-15 Accessories for SHTF: Tuning the AR-15 for SHTF
- See more at: http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/01/01/ar-15-accessories-shtf/#sthash.m6loeIqe.dpuf
Five Must Have AR-15 Accessories for SHTF
Tuning the AR-15 for SHTF
- See more at: http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/01/01/ar-15-accessories-shtf/#sthash.m6loeIqe.dpufFive Must Have AR-15 Accessories for SHTF
Tuning the AR-15 for SHTF
- See more at: http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/01/01/ar-15-accessories-shtf/#sthash.m6loeIqe.dpufFive Must Have AR-15 Accessories for SHTF
Tuning the AR-15 for SHTF
- See more at: http://www.alloutdoor.com/2014/01/01/ar-15-accessories-shtf/#sthash.m6loeIqe.dpufAnd ...
Ended where I started.
Say Uncle - Why are anti-gun activists so violent?
But, ...
It never ends for me ; - )
WeaponsMan - Two Interesting Pistol Jams
Or, ...
WeaponsMan - What’s a Target Shooter Like?
And, ...
A funny to end, this blurb.
Say Uncle - But I read it on the internet
Wednesday: 8 October 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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International Stabilisation Force (ISF) Soldiers
on Bike Patrol (ca 2009)
Australian Civil-Military Centre
I'm Leaving in a ...
Car, motorcycle, minivan, S.U.V., or ...
Either way, ...
I'll have an emergency kit.
Food Storage and Survival - Episode 70: Five Emergency Kits to Prepare
But, ...
Don't make these mistakes.
The Modern Survivalist - 5 Biggest Bug Out Mistakes
Not for Most People
But, ...
You'll want to read the links at the bottom of the post.
Total Survivalist - Large Bug Out Back/ Ruck Conversation
Wednesday: 8 October 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A quiet, cold morning along the Kungsleden
Hans de Laat
When you and your family go for an outside adventure, you need to pack a couple things, such as shelter, water, appropriate clothing, and ...
Food Storage and Survival - Practically Free Egg Carton Dryer Lint Firestarters
Practically Free Egg Carton Dryer Lint Firestarters
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/practically-free-egg-carton-dryer-lint-firestarters/
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/practically-free-egg-carton-dryer-lint-firestarters/
Wednesday: 8 October 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Wounded Marine is Given a Drink
National Archives and Records Administration
Level of Care
There is a various levels of medical care. The first is 'Self-Care,' and the next level of care is 'Buddy-Care.'
Police One - Importance of self-care and buddy-care for patrol officers
Thanks to Howard Godfrey over at Preparedness Advice Blog here is a link to a couple of free military publications on first-aid.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Some Good Medical Training for Free
Preparedness Advice Blog - More Free Books for Preppers
Journal Of Special Operations Medicine
I dislike the idea of pointing you and your family towards a 'Special Operations' publication because you and your family won't have the resources (time, personnel, and logistics) to preform at that high level of preformance.
But, ...
These guys operate in places and situations like the ones we (you and your family) might seeduring certain events.
Journal Of Special Operations Medicine - Issues
Not all issues are available.
Wednesday: 8 October 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Albanian Soldier Standing Guard (ca 2005)
Dave Proffer
Take Your Time
And, ...
Read the links, too.
Bayou Renaissance Man - Protecting your economic future in a time of chaos: Part 1
Bayou Renaissance Man - Protecting your economic future in a time of chaos: Part2
AK vs. AR
Ryan adds some more to the debate.
Total Survivalist - From Around The Web
Wednesday: 15 October 2014
Welcome Prepper and Survivalists,
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Colorized transmission electron micrograph (TEM)
CDC microbiologist Frederick A. Murphy
I am going to change, for today, the normal format for Wednesday's post because of the current Ebola threat for the readers.
Ebola is a virus that is currently spread through direct contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person. These body fluids are urine, saliva (spit), sweat, feces (poop), vomit and semen. There is also a 'sharps' hazard from needles and syringes used by infected people.
The Ebola virus is not spread through the air, water, or insects like mosquitoes and flies. It can only be contracted from infected mammals such as monkeys, apes, and humans.
Normally, an Ebola outbreak is confined to West Africa. With growth of urbanized areas, human encroachment of forested wilderness areas, and the ease of international travel, Ebola has recently occurred outside its traditional boundaries.
Historically, Ebola has a fatality rate of 25% to 90%. The current epidemic fatality rate is about 55%
Currently, Ebola is normally spread by 'direct contact only' that means you have to have a cut, scrape, or wound breaking the skin or contaminated body fluids getting into your eyes, nose, mouth or through sexual contact.
Additionally, ...
Dried Ebola virus can survive for several hours on doorknobs, counter tops, and other surfaces. The Ebola virus can survive several day (I have read up to six days) in body fluids at room temperature.
Now, some folks are reporting of the possibility that Ebola may become 'airborne.'
That is true.
There is a possibility someone having a cold, allergies, or other respiratory illness with sneezing and coughing could spread the virus by sneezing or coughing directly into your face.
However, ...
It has to be directly into your face. Not like with the flu virus.
Protective Equipment
Now, some folks are rushing out and buying protective equipment for their families. This may be a waste of resources.
* Do you and your family plan to come into contact with a person inflicted with Ebola?
* Do you plan to care for someone infected with Ebola?
* Do you plan to come into contact with items contaminated with Ebola?
* Do you have the resources to store a large amount of chlorine disinfectant and disposable protective equipment and the means to safely dispose of the contaminated equipment?
* Do you have the knowledge to set up a decontamination station?
* Lastly, do you even know what protective equipment you and your family need?
With that said, ...
You and your family have decided to purchase protective equipment. You will need gloves, boots, coverall (pants and coat) , specialized head covering (hood), face shield and eye protection, and protective mask. All of these items, except the protective mask, are impervious to liquids (waterproof) Damn, I almost forgot, you need a waterproof apron, too
With a possible 90% fatality rate, this is not a time to improvise.
I might change these links to try and make some money from folks, but for right now, these are for illustration purposes only.
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Disposable Nitrile Gloves
I personally like my gloves slightly powdered. They are easier to slip on and off.
Either way, large or small, powdered or unpowdered, you and your family will want a lot of these because you are going to be wearing two pairs, every time you use them.
Ebola has up to a 90% fatality rate.
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Dunlop Boots
Kameraad Pjotr
These boots should have no buckles, zippers or other openings like rips, tears, or ...
You know, ...
You should be able to stand in a pool of water, and the boots should not leak.
No hip waders or knee highs either.
You'll see ; - )
Protective Coverall
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Tyvek Coveralls
Jarek Tuszynsk
By the way, you want them a little big. They have a habit of ripping out the crotch when you take too big of step or climb up and down ladders.
Either way, don't get the hooded ones.
Protective Hood
If you listened to me, you bought the protective suits without hoods (There is a reason. I'll tell you later).
So, ...
You will need protective hoods like these from Uline.
Protective Mask
If you are former military, when I say protective mask, you probably think of the old M-40 protective mask or the MCU-2/P Protective Mask. If you're still serving, some of you will think of the the newer M-50 protective mask.
I'm talking about the 3M (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing) N-95 from Uline and FitSeal's N-99 from SafeHome
Remember, the Ebola virus is currently transmitted only by blood or body fluids, so a N-95 mask is adequate.
However, if your going to the expense of buying all this protective equipment, you might as well splurge for the N-99 masks.
Now, some of y'all are going to purchase a 'real' protective mask like the ones I first mentioned. I have even seen folks recommend your family do that. At $200 to $300 a mask, you'll be out close to a $1000 just for the mask. Plus, you have to decontaminate them, so you'll need a lot of filters at $30 to $40 for one filter after each use.
You thought you could reuse filters to save money?
Face Shield and Eye Protection
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ASE Technician Airman Israel,
Photographer's Mate 3rd Class
Lamel J. Hinton
The face shield can be the typical face shield found in industrial applications. It just needs to completely cover your face, like this setup from Uline.
The eye protection needs to be goggles, with no vents, better know as indirect vent safety goggles
No, safety glasses, duh.
If you have to ask, you shouldn't be doing this.
Lastly, you are going to need a waterproof apron to cover the zipper on the Tyvek suit!
Trained professionals have died using these techniques.
You have been warned
Suiting Up
First, you are going to need someone detailed orientated.
No joking, ...
This person needs to be an obsessive-compulsive, clean freak, that loves you.
I'm serious, ...
Don't have someone that dislike you help you suit up!
Next, you're going to strip naked and put on hospital scrubs and socks. No watches, No jewelry, No wedding rings, and No street clothes. No underwear that includes a bra. (O.K. maybe just a bra)
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CDC and Médecins Sans Frontières Staff
Athalia Christie
If you have to ask, you shouldn't be doing this.
Next, put the Tyvek coverall on. Don't zip up, yet.
Next, place the pair of waterproof boots on. The waterproof coverall's legs should go over the boots.
Next, put on a pair of Nitrile gloves on your hands then another pair. It's known as double gloving. The sleeves of the Tyvek suit go over the gloves.
Some folks suggest taping the sleeves and legs of the coverall to the gloves and boots. You can do that, but use a 'weak' tape because you don't want to rip the suit as your removing it, later.
Now, zip up the Tyvek suit and place the impervious apron on.
After you do that, place the hood on.
Yes, you will see in the later picture that folks are wearing their hoods under the apron. That's a mistake. If you don't know why, you shouldn't be doing this. (I'll tell you why in a moment)
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A Médecins Sans Frontières Staff Member
Athalia Christie
Next the mask goes on according to the manufacture's instructions (the straps are over the hood) then the goggles.
Next, the face shield
Lastly, your detailed orientated, obsessive-compulsive, clean freak, that loves you partner has been inspects your gear to make sure there are no tears and no uncovered skin through the whole process.
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Dr. Montgomery Adjusts a Colleague’s Protective Equipment
Athalia Christie
One last time, the detailed orientated, obsessive-compulsive, clean freak, that loves you partner checks your protective equipment.
Why, Why, Why???
By now, you're probably wondering why the sleeves go over the gloves, the pants' legs go over the boots, the waterproof apron over the coverall, the hood over the apron, and the face shield over the mask and goggles.
And, ...
Not a piece of skin showing.
If someone was to puke, spit on you, piss on you, throw sh*it at you, or just explodes, the resulting blood and body fluid would run down the protective equipment like water on a roof. Finding no opening to contact your skin; possibly infecting you with a virus the kills up to 90% of the people it infects.
Wearing the Suit
You are going to fry in this protective suit. If could be 50°F (10°C), you will be sweating. Any hotter, and your boots will fill with sweat ; - )
So, ...
You're going to want to rush. Don't!!!
Take your time and make sure you stay as clean as possible. Every time you dirty your gloves, wash them with a strong chlorine bleach solution. Same for your apron, you want to stay as clean as possible. Plus, try not to touch anything unless it's important
Cleanliness is survival when you're dealing with Ebola.
Next, never, ever on pain of a slow and ghastly death touch your face. No matter how bad your nose itches, don't scratch it.
Getting dressed was the easy part. Taking it off is going to be difficult.
So, ...
You're going to need a decontamination station.
The first stop is washing your gloved hands with a strong chlorine bleach solution.
The next step is getting sprayed down with the strong chlorine bleach solution from a garden sprayer.
Once again, you want your detailed orientated, obsessive-compulsive, clean freak, that loves you partner to spray your protective equipment in such a manner that every inch of you is covered in bleach solution and none of it washes under the protective equipment.
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Dr. Tom Frieden is decontaminated
Athalia Christie
Next, you step into a strong chlorine bleach solution to decontaminate your boots.
After that you step forward to a clean place, so your partners can start removing your gear.
Yep, that's right partners.
'Cause every time they touch your protective equipment, they either change people or change gloves.
So, ...
Off comes the face shield.
Next, the goggles then the mask.
Very carefully remove the hood, so that nothing drips on you as the hood is taken off.
Next, the apron comes off then the tape around the sleeves and boots. Make sure you or your partner does this slowly to avoid ripping the Tyvek suit.
As each item is removed it is taken to a place to be safely stored until it can be decontaminated, again.
Next the suit comes off then the boots, then the gloves.
Next, you strip out of the hospital scrubs and socks and take a shower with a weak chlorine bleach solution then rinse and then soap and water.
Save It or Trash It
The gloves, protective mask, and the tape (if you use it) are all disposed of responsibly. This contaminated material can't just go in the trash. It has to be properly disposed of by incineration.
The Tyvek suit, hood, and apron are decontaminated using a strong bleach solution by another detailed orientated, obsessive-compulsive, clean freak.
Or, ...
Just trash everything but the boots.
Lastly, ...
If you don't know the difference between a virus and a bacterial infection, your family might just want to implement a self quarantine.
Warning, Warning, Warning
Katniss showed me an article from our local hospital just before she went to bed.
The article said the local hospital was reevaluating its procedures since the recent infections of healthcare workers, here in these United States and Spain.
So, ...
Be prepared for all this information to be out of date and to implement other precautions.
There's more.
Centers for Disease Control - Ebola (Ebola Virus Disease)
Centers for Disease Control - Transmission
Centers for Disease Control -
Bloomberg - Spanish Health Worker May Have Gotten Ebola From Suit
The Washington Post: Health and Science - Suiting up for Ebola
- Wow, pretty intense preparations. maybe time to bug-out?
- Dear Cliff Kummer,
Yeah, it is definitely something that families might want to be preparing for such as building an emergency evacuation kit, contacting family across town, out of state, or in a different country, building a cache, and other issues.
Sincerely, SYK
For those families, unsure of where to start, I would suggest the book Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead because it covers the sensible preps families may want to start taking for this potential event. - Saw this coming months ago, and ordered a case of N95 masks, a case of nitrile gloves, tyvek bunny suits, face masks, boots, the lot. I even have gas masks should that be necessary. Might still want to fill in a couple of details, but we could bug in and do fine.
- I think we are being lied to when they say that Ebola is not airborne.
Health care workers have been effectively dealing with blood born pathogens (HIV and Hepatitis) for decades. Two nurses in the same unit get Ebola, then we find out that the precautions began as the steps you outline above, and then we find out that the medical teams have all switched to using positive pressure respirators, and we are supposed to believe that there is no chance of airborne transmission?
Dear Mr. Evilwrench,
Excellent. The preps you and your family bought in advance will definitely help protect y'all from other events too, like an influenza outbreak, dust hazards, and make it easy to decontaminate after a chemical or nuclear event. Just make sure to set up on inspection routine because the nitrile gloves will start to breakdown. We have this problem at work.
Sincerely, SYK
I see what you're saying, but one of the problems, as seen in the Dallas hospital nurse's complaints, is they weren't trained or provided with the appropriate PPE. Plus, most of the blood borne diseases medical personal, like yourself, have to deal with have 'simple' precautions.
Ebola, in advanced stages of the disease, creates a lot of body fluids. Plus, HIV and Hepatitis, as far as I know, are 'fragile,' so they don't stay contagious as long as Ebola on solid surfaces.
Almost lastly, as I mentioned putting on all this protective equipment is time consuming. Stepping into a suit with a positive pressure respirator, velcro closures, and disposable is easier, quicker, and the hospitals don't need to hire a second nurse to check the gear.
But, ...
Like I said, you and your family are going to have to be prepared for the 'rules' to change. Either through a mutation or officials learning what works and doesn't work. (Ooooh, I heard an interview where one of the African Ebola researchers stated his medics are better trained and more knowledgeable about Ebola precautions then western medical workers, including doctors!)
Lastly, in Africa, the doctors haven't had to deal with someone with an upper respratory infection, allergy, or ???
But, ...
We might see Ebola going 'airborne' through this route.
Sincerely, SYK
Mr. Evilwrench,
I almost forgot.
Did your family use a formal 'Threat Analysis' process like the one in the Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead free sample?
Sincerely, SYK
Wednesday: 22 October 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Used car dealership sign,
Thomas Machnitzki
No, Someone Else
With that said, ...
"In short, if you’re on a budget and you’re willing to do a little bit of homework, buying a used gun can be ..."
Say Uncle - Guide to Buying Used Gus
Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More
Even before the ammunition price run-up (even now, as ammunition prices drop, .22LR is still expensive) dry firing is an important practicing technique used by the military and other professional organizations.
WeaponsMan - Don’t Take Our Word on Dry Fire. Take Keith’s.
Family Reunion
Needless to say, we all had a great time, everything was perfect, including the weather ; - )
Well, ...
We got talking to a cousin about his career as a machinist.
Well, ...
If you are thinking about another career, you might want to investigate it.
Well, ...
If you plan to fix firearms, above replacing parts, this link might be of interest.
WeaponesMan - Wednesday Weapons Website of the Week: Tubalcain’s Machine Shop Tips
No Firearms ...
... Were used.
Gray Wolf Survival - Five discreet weapons you can carry (almost) anywhere
Wednesday: 22 October 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Multi-Vitamins |
Before an event, you and your family are going to store a lot of food.
Well, ...
Most people forget the vitamins.
Prep-Blog - Multi-vitamin Multi-mineral Supplements for Survival
Wednesday: 22 October 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Survival of the Fittest (ca 1900)
Louis Dalrymple
Buying for the Future
If you and your family are planning for a long-term economic event, your family may want to stock long-term items that will need to be replaced like sheets, blankets, and ...
Len Penzo - The Best Things to Buy During the Fall Season
Gold and Silver
Some thoughts from Len Penzo on ...
Len Penzo - Reader Mailbag: The Skinny on Buying and Selling Precious Metals
Christ's Mass
I would like to be the first (this year) to suggest that you and your family give prepping items to family for Christ's Mass
Len Penzo - How to Get a Head Start on Your Holiday Shopping
Wednesday: 22 October 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Actress Susan Cabot
UCLA Library
Three Kits
The first kit is ...
Food Storage and Survival - Assembling a Car Emergency Kit with Printable Checklist
ssembling a Car Emergency Kit with Printable Checklis
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/car-emergency-kit/
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/car-emergency-kit/
Assembling a Car Emergency Kit with Printable Checklist
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/car-emergency-kit/
http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/car-emergency-kit/Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/car-emergency-kit/
The second kit is for your ...
About.com: Home - How To Assemble a Disaster Supply Kit
And, ...
American Red Cross - Emergency Preparedness Checklist
The last kit is a school kit.
WikiHow - How to Prepare an Emergency School Kit for Girls
Wednesday: 29 October 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Puoluekokous juoksuhaudassa (ca 1940)
"Talvisota puna-armeijan silmin"
Shelter, Water, then Food
As you read the article, I would like you to remember that clothing is shelter for your body ; - )
The Survivalist Blog: Ski - The Three Survival Essentials
Plus, ...
It really should be "Shelter and Fire"
Preparedness Advice Blog - A Comparison of Four Different Fire Starters
Wednesday: 29 October 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Wounded Soldier at Waterloo (ca 1815)
Charles Bell
In Vogue
Even in the medical field, depending on the current study, techniques go in and out of vogue, take tourniquets.
Twenty years ago, nobody recommended using tourniquets for severe bleeding. Now-a-days, everyone wants one, two, or even three.
Either way, ...
You and your family will need to know how to use one. Trust me.
The Survivalists Blog - Tourniquet Best Practices: How to Prep, Store and Apply a TQ
Getting Older
Something to think about.
Dirttime - Creating the Average Joe Look
Wednesday: 29 October 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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‘Good’ Picture
Pete Souza
Inexpensive, Maybe
I want to build a small solar generator.
Well, ...
Photovoltaic panels are expensive, and batteries, and charge controllers, and ...
Well, ...
Preparedness Advice Blog - A Source of Inexpensive Solar Panels.
My apologizes to Mr. Souza.
Originally, the title of the file was named "Barack Obama & Harry Reid at Nellis AFB" Ha, Ha, Ha
Yep, You're Right, ...
I have linked to this article many times.
But, ...
It's very good source for you and your family for building a solar generator.
Rain - How to Make a Solar Power Generator for less than $300
Wednesday: 29 October 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Flohmarkt in Paris (ca 1904)
Friedrich Karl Ströher
Ha, Ha, Ha
Amazon is a good place to buy your family's preps.
But, ...
There are better places, and some are free, like the local library. Others may cost you a little bit of money such as the local charity stores, weekly bargains at the grocery store, or ...
The Survivalist Blog - 10 Books That Could Actually Save Your Life
Free, Free, Free
Then there is the internet.
LDSavow - LDS Preparedness Manual (2009)
U.S. Marine Corp - Scouting and Patrolling
Hesperian - Where There is No Doctor (and Many More)http://hesperian.org/books-and-resources/
Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead
If you liked '16 Weeks,' you will like the book. It has pictures ; - )
Smashwords - Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead
There's more information in the book, too.
Wednesday: 5 November 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Homes Built Under a Highway Overpass,
Jonathan McIntosh
Just in Case
You and your family were thinking that the apocalypse is going to be fun.
Death Valley Magazine - The Post-Apocalyptic World Sucks Balls
Wednesday: 5 November 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Empty Kitchen Cabinet (ca 2009)
Friends and Family
You and your family probably hear it all the time.
"We're coming to your place, during ..."
Well, ...
In our case, they're eating beans and rice. Just like the rest of us ; - )
Preparedness Advice Blog - Inexpensive Long-term Food Storage Products
Cooking With Your Food Storage
I disagree with Angela 'cause, ...
#1 - Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More
#2 - ...
Food Storage and Survival - Top 5 tips for cooking with your food storage
op 5 Tips for Cooking With Your Food Storag
Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/top-5-tips-cooking-food-storage/
http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/top-5-tips-cooking-food-storage/Copyright © 2014 - Food Storage and Survival - Read more at: http://foodstorageandsurvival.com/top-5-tips-cooking-food-storage/
Wednesday: 5 November 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Money Bags and Bars (ca 1956)
Adolph B. Rice Studio
Long-Term Savings
You and your family have long-term food storage. What about ...
Len Penzo - The Importance of Long-Term Savings & Strategic Financial Road Maps
Wednesday: 5 November 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Specialist Freddy Ojeda with Shotgun
Staff Sergeant Joseph Roberts
Lastly, ...
What every prepper seems to be worried about.
I didn't want to distract you from this link, over at Say Uncle.
So, ...
I'm directly lining to it.
The Firearm Blog - POTD: From $30 Broken Gun to Post Apocalyptic Shotgun
From $30 Broken Gun to Post Apocalyptic Shotgu - See more at:
From $30 Broken Gun to Post Apocalyptic Shotgun - See more at:
Yeah, I suggest every prepper purchase a handgun, especially a .357 magnum revolver.
Well, ...
Some folks are going to want a pistol.
WeaponsMan - Dirt Cheap Beretta 92’s — but there’s a catch (or two)
Just for the Coloradoians
I apologize if I spelled it wrong.
Say Uncle - But that’s against the law!
Wednesday: 12 November 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Evacuees in an aircraft hangar,
photograph by
PH1 Randall C. Burney, USN
If you and your family do only two things to prepare for an event (place a smoke detector in your home and pack an emergency evacuation kit), you will increase your odds of surviving an event.
But, ...
That may not be enough because an emergency evacuation kit will only help you survive for a short time during an event.
So, ...
Most folks think of the Green Berets (no, not the Girl Scouts, the other green berets) when a cache is mentioned. These folks mistakenly think a super-high speed military container is needed.
Well, ...
Depending on where your cache is going to be stored, will determine it's container, like a PVC pipe.
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - PVC Cache Tips
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - Survival Cache Pt1
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - Survival Cache Pt2
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - Survival Cache Pt3
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - Checking A Survival Cache
YouTube: TheHossUSMC - Checking and Moving a Cache
Wednesday: 12 November 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The First Automobiles
American Furrier combined with Sol Vogel
As you and your family prepare, you will acquire more and more stuff such as filled water storage containers, buckets of food, firearms and ammunition, and other 'stuff'
But, ...
What about blankets, bedsheets, towels, and ... ?
Ready Nutrition - Prepping: When Have You Got Enough Stuff?
Some folks may not have the cash for blankets.
So, ...
We, you and your family, can look to the past for ideas, like quilts.
Preppers Survive - Blanket Preps for the Winter- Frugal Ideas #6
Wednesday: 12 November 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The Order of Release 1746 (ca 1852)
John Everett Millais
No Pictures!
I was expecting a slideshow or a bunch of pictures
But, ...
One picture
However, I suggest you read the article to get an understanding of some of the folks; you and your family may encounter during an extreme event.
The Concourse - Violence Is Currency: A Pacifist Ex-Con's Guide To Prison Weaponry
Not the SKS or an AR-15
Thanks to Say Uncle, you and your family have another option instead of a SKS or AR-15 rifles, especially if you have purchased a .357 magnum revolver.
Day at the Range - Marlin 1894C: Discreet Urban Carbine
The Reason Why
Just in case, you need a reason to carry, Mom.
Say Uncle - Moms Demand
Wednesday: 12 November 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Toward Mono Basin (ca 2009)
Ronnie Macdonald
Social Security
Since the Carter administration, I think, folks have been saying Social Security is doomed.
Well, ...
Thirty, plus, years later, it's still around.
Motley Fool - Social Security: 3 Things to Know Before Taking Benefits Early
Not What to Do
Times are a changing.
Yahoo: Finance - Millennials: Stop Taking Financial Advice From Mom and Dad
At first, I thought these two articles were link bait.
But, ...
I realized, most preppers are probably going to die in their sleep of ... old age.
Dang, ...
Ed That Matters - Financial Planning for Smart Preppers
Wednesday: 19 November 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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being built
Shelter, Shelter, and ...
During certain events, you and your family may need to downsize to comfortably survive.
Well, ...
We can start learning from others' experiences, now.
io9 - This Ultra-Tiny House Is Perfect for the Post-Apocalypse
Another Tiny House Story - Home
As we have seen in the last few days, the weather can quickly change for the worst. Like freezing cold worst.
So, ...
Survival Cache - Do you have 5 Ways to Make Fire?
Preparedness Advice Blog - What Type of Fire Starters Do You Carry?
Love The Outdoors - Fire Starters
Wednesday: 19 November 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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photo by
Airman 1st Class Katrina Heikkinen
Preppers are Everywhere
Every once in a while, Say Uncle will have an article about prepping.
Needless to say, he focuses on water and food, like a prudent prepper ; - )
But, ...
Sometimes the articles are ... inappropriate : - (
Say Uncle - How To Create A Food Storage Supply For $5 Per Week
The article is inappropriate because the article makes some of the ...
Seven Food Storage Mistakes
Even though the article is about fifteen years old, Ms. Tate's work is still important for you and your family.
So, ...
Read Ms. Tate's article then read the '$5 Per Week' article.
And, ...
See if you can recognize the mistakes ; - )
Backwoods Home: Vicki Tate - Seven Mistakes of food Storage
Just to Remind You
GSIEP: 16 Weeks - Week Four: Food
Wednesday: 19 November 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Naval Academy Plebes from the Class of 2015
photograph by
Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Alexia Riveracorre
How Many?
Katniss and I went to a local firearm's range to check out the Glock series of 9mm pistols. We shot the G-17, G-19, and the G-26 pistols, all 9mm handguns.
Well, ...
WeaponsMan - How Many Guns Should You Practice With?
Needless to say, we had a good time ; - )
Speaking of ...
Here are two military manuals on marksmanship, one for the rifle and one for the pistol.
Utah National Guard - FM 3-22.9: Rifle Marksmanship, M16A1, M-16A2/3, M-16A4, and M4 Carbine
U.S.M.C - MCRP 3-01B: Pistol Marksmanship
Just to Remind You
Registration Leads to Confiscation!!!
Say Uncle - Registration leads to confiscation
Wednesday: 19 November 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Map Reading Class
Map Reading
A lot of people think the military is 24/7 shoot 'em up, just like the video games. It isn't.
It's plan, practice, pack up, inspect, and ...
University of Vermont: Reserve Officer Training Corps - FM 3-25.26 Map Reading and Land Navigation
Army Study Guide - Land Navigation/Map Reading
What happens 'If' the internet dies?
On Point Preparedness - When the Google Well Runs Dry
Wednesday: 26 November 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Military Supplies,
National Library New Zealand on the Commons
100 Items
You and your family have probably seen the advertisement for "37 Food Items" or one of its permutations at $49.97 a copy.
Well, ...
Angela from Food Storage and Survival has come up with a list of ...
Food Storage and Survival - 100+ Non Food Items to Have in Your Emergency Supplies
GSIEP Response
Of course, I wrote an alternative list, too.
GSIEP - 37 Things You Need in a Crisis
Another Response
I wasn't the only one to question this advertisement.
Backwoods Home: Forum - 37 foods you need to survive
This One is Older
Needless to say, the study of survival has been around for some time, so there are older lists, like ...
Millennium Ark - 100 Items that Disappear First in a Disaster
Wednesday: 26 November 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Douglas en el Aire
photograph by
Arteaga Douglas
Below are a couple of other lists for you and your family.
Survival Weekly - Free Prepper Info!
Beware of other people's lists. They are usually event specific or tailored to that family's threat analysis.
One of my worries is heating a room when the power goes out.
Well, ...
YouTube: Desertsun02 - Awesome Air Heater!! - The "Stack Boot" Air Heater! - Easy DIY (350F+) Mini Off-Grid Furnace!
Of course, there are a few more example of expedient heaters at this link, too.
And, ..
Backyard Prepper US - Early Warning Devices for a Downed Grid
Wednesday: 26 November 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Passengers Board an Airplane (ca 1971)
photo by
George Garrigues
One of the easiest methods of staying healthy is preventing diseases that's why I advocate you and your washing your hands, eat correctly, and ...
io9 - Why You Get Sick On Planes and How To Keep It From Happening
The Infantry ...
has a saying. "Life Sucks Then You Die." Katniss hates that saying. She says I'm being negative.
Well, ...
io9 - Does "Positive Thinking" Really Make Our Lives Better?
Wednesday: 26 November 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Machine Gun Training Center,
photo by
Arthur Samuel Mole
Out Gunned?
The SCAR costs $2.750. A FN Fal costs $1.750. An AR-15 costs $700, and a SKS rifle costs $500.
Well, ...
For all you folks that still want to get an AR-15. You're not out gunned.
WeaponsMan - Two views of the M4 can’t both be true
It Doesn't Explode : - (
During my service, I shot many different firearms (revolvers, pistols, rifles, machine guns, and even some auto-loading cannons) and none of them exploded. Heck, none of their cartridges exploded either.
Say Uncle - Realistic Hollywood Gun Scenes
We're Winning
First the Russians and now the suburbanite ; - )
WeaponsMan - What’s the Difference Between Moscow and Washington?
KPLR - Conceal and carry permits have exploded across St. Louis area
I wonder why?
- $500 for an SKS? Heck, Classic Firearms has the Chinese SKS for $289.
Dear Anonymous,
Thanks for the heads up.
Here's the link for everyone else:
Classic Firearms - SKS Rifle: Grade B
Sincerely, Someone You Know
Make sure you read the description because you might have to include buying a 'new' replacement stock. SYK
Wednesday: 3 December 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Latvian Soldier Armed with a G3 Rifle
Senior Airman Jason T. Bailey, U.S. Air Force
During the coming (already happening) tough times, local, state, and federal security forces may have to downsize because of smaller budgets.
So, ...
You and your family may have to adapt to the situation.
The Modern Survivalist - The “Scarecrow” Police Car
Never Quit, Never Surrender and ...
Always fight.
Say Uncle - Face Your Fear
Even in the Dark
Like the world's population (50% male and 50% female), the day is 50% light and 50% dark.
So, ...
You and your partner need to be able to operate in the dark.
The Survivalist Blog: BCTruck - Things That Go Bump, and Thump in the Night
Anti-SKS Rifle
Prices have come down for entry-level AR-15s while SKS Rifle prices have increased because of supplies drying up. Plus, you could save some money building your own AR-15.
The Total Survivalist - AR-15 Build vs Buy: Unique AR Platform Characteristics, Quality, Economics, Value and Customization
Wednesday: 3 December 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The Dead Stretcher-Bearer (ca1919)
Gilbert Roberts
Blowout Kit
If you're going to go shooting, you are going to need some emergency supplies.
Like, ...
Police One.com - Assembling a Blow Out Kit for Patrol
Disaster Kit
If you're going to survive a disaster, you might want to store some medical supplies.
Like, ...
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness - A basic Medical Kit for a 10-20 person Shelter
The Survivalist Blog - List of ‘Collapse’ Medical Supplies
Wednesday: 3 December 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Ola Miller and Jeff Alderman look at a map (ca 2007)
photograph by
Patsy Lynch
We are surrounded by wealth. Need something, hop in the car, drive to the store, and buy what we need like twine, rope, or ...
Well, ...
What happens when you run out of cordage and you need to build a shelter, such as a lean-to, in the bush?
YouTube: bushcraftbartons - Setting up a Pole in the Wilderness without Cordage
550 Cord, Not
You have to love the military. They have some of the neatest stuff, like claymore mines, hand grenades, and parachute cord (better known as 550 cord).
But, most people can't get any of these.
O.K, maybe the 550 cord ; - )
Ooops, that's not going where I wanted, so let me start over.
Thanks to Prepper Website for the link to a less expensive cordage for our (you and your family's) survival kit or to use during your 'practice' sessions in the wilderness.
On Point Preparedness - Bank line: The Cheaper Paracord Alternative
Speaking of Bushcraft
I hate getting wet, especially whem I'm sleeping.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Sleeping Dry While Camping in the Rain
About the Picture
I selected that picture because ...
They are reading a map.
ReThink Survival - Find Your Direction at Night and by the Moon (link)
Wednesday: 3 December 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Roger or Renate Rössing
In 'Good' Times ...
and in 'Bad' times. you and your family need to know how to get the 'best' deal possible.
Len Penzo - Essential Negotiating Tactics Everyone Should Know
Plan, Plan, Plan ...
Some more.
The Survivalist Blog: Ski - The Survival Plan Done Right!
"A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals ..."
I think Aristotle said it first.
Or, ...
Was it Mark Twain?
It was Agent "K" from the movie "Men in Black."
Total Survivalist Blog - Repost: How To Not Get Killed In a Riot
Lastly, ...
What you and your family see in the movies and on television probably isn't 'real'
Dirttime - The Dangerous Side of Survival TV
Yeah, I know. I posted Wednesday's links in the 'wrong' priority.
Thanks for noticing.
Wednesday: 10 December 2014
Welcome Prppers and Survivalists,
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Bollywood Birthday Party
Vancouver 125 - The City of Vancouver
Sick in Bed
That's all I have to say.
So, ....
Shut This Party Down
During an event, no pun intended, you or a family member may have to turn the power off to the house. The easiest way is to 'throw' the main breaker.
But, ...
Where's the main breaker?
Preparedness Advice Blog - Electric Panels and How to Turn Off the Power.
Sizing a Generator
Needless to say, if you have lost power, you might need a generator.
But, ...
What size?
eHow - How to Size a Home Generator
United Generator - Generator Sizing and Determining Your Energy Needs
Wednesday: 10 December 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Interior of an Olive Oil Storage House (ca 1900)
Title Insurance and Trust,
and C.C. Pierce Photography Collection, 1860-1960
Sick in Bed
That's my story, and I sticking with it ; - )
Check Your Gear
I have some excess gear that is haphazardly stored, here and there, around the house.
So, ...
It will might go unchecked for months, maybe years.
The Modern Survivalist - Firesteels & Ferrocerium Rods: Gear Check Alert!
Wednesday: 10 December 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Imperial Roman Army Military Pack
photograph by
Sick in Bed
If I say it enough, do you believe me?
Since militaries have been around, they have been trying to figure out how to carry their 'stuff.'
So, ...
We have seen belts with sword hangers, cartridge belts, pistol belts with holsters, chest rigs, backpacks in various sizes, and ...
Total Survivalist Blog - Pic Post: My Battle Belt
Total Survivalist Blog - Product Review: Midnight Rider Loaded Battle Belts
Midnight Rider Outfitters - Home
My take on the 'battle belt' phenomena
Battle belts are an incremental improvement over the U.S. military's A.L.I.C.E. system for carrying your 'battle rattle' that probably isn't needed if you and your family already have your kit based on TA-50 or a MOLLE vest.
But, ...
If you are still looking for combat gear, this product from Midnight Rider is military surplus gear that is inexpensive.
Just so you know:
I have priced the individual components from various sources and it's a good deal.
Wikipedia - All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
Wednesday: 10 December 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Navy Historical Center
Sick in Bed
Yeah, yeah, you already know ; - )
All that Glitters
As you and your family get prepared for coming events, you may want to purchase some silver and gold for you and your family.
Well, ...
The Money Changer - Ten Commandments for Buying Gold and Silver
The Money Changer - What Is a Numismatic Coin?
If you're thinking of spending $199 for their survival manual ($179 for the pdf. version), how about picking up a copy of mine for $14.99.
Smashwords - Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead
It's getting close to the end of the year.
So, ...
You need to be thinking about your investments.
Finweek - INVESTMENT: Year-end to-do list for investors
Daily Finance - 11 Crucial End-of-Year Financial Tips
Wednesday: 10 December 2014, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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John Wayne as Ethan Edwards
The Searchers (ca 1957)
Certain 'Rules'
There are certain rules we live by, all of us. My rules may be different from your's
Such as, ...
Weaponsman - Hognose’s Rules, from Luke Somers’s Sad Fate
Katniss was going though some 'shoot, no shoot' training recently and she shot the hostage (center mass, of course)
She was down hearted about it.
The villain now has a falling, squirming person to contend with. Plus, the villain is quickly losing their cover ; - )
Wednesday: 17 December 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Power and Telephone Lines Sagging After a Heavy Icestorm
Historic National Weather Service Collection
You Have to Ask
I saw a trailer mounted photovoltaic system (as I was walking to the library) so, I walked over to take a look. Believe it or not, the owner walked out with a friend to explain the system.
So, ...
I asked if I could join in.
They were nice enough to say 'Yes'
Long story short ...
Dave sells photovoltaic systems for emergency back-up power systems.
Now, ...
I got to talking to Dave, and he made a comment about 'community power' systems.
Well, ...
In community power systems, a few families or small town get together to purchase a small power systems that provide power for the families. In the past, these systems have been liquid-fueled generator systems. Of course, gasoline and diesel generator systems are dependent on these fuels, so folks have (with the help of NGOs) been installing photovoltaic systems.
Of course, I immediately thought about a prepper group getting together and purchasing one of these systems to power a bunch of chest freezers and other necessities during an event ; - )
So, ...
If you're interested in purchasing a system, and live around Kansas give, you might want to drop him an e-mail.
Phil Heiple - How to Build a Solar Generator
Google - How to Build a Solar Generator: Cached page
Solar Burrito Blog - Build Your Own Solar Power Generator for under $150
Wednesday: 17 December 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Utility Pole Leans Precariously
photograph by
Michael Raphael
Staying Warm
Of course, it's been getting colder, so I have been trying to keep warm, on my daily walks.
Lafehacker - How to Effectively Layer Up and Stay Warm This Winter
I would like to clarify somthings.
First, runner tights will work, but there are newer base-layer models that will keep you warmer and good-looking too.
Second, wear a hat, like Jayne
Third, mittens are better than gloves. Just make sure to purchase thick winter mittens.
Fourth, ... This article is better
Gizmodo: Indefinitely Wild - How To Stay Warm When It's Cold Outside
I was checking out the links, in the first article
So, ...
Of course, I needed to read the one about military hacks
Quora.com - What are some day to day life hacks that armed forces and law enforcement people know but civilians don't?
Ha, Ha, Ha
I hate the internet.
Cracked - The 6 Most Ingenious Misuses of Military Hardware
Wednesday: 17 December 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Улица Красный Казанец в Москве (ca 2010)
photograph by
(Vokabre) Shcherbakov
By now, y'all are seeing the trends for this Wednesday's links.
So, ...
Know the Threats
The next few links are about the dangers; you and your family may face during extreme cold, every winter
F.E.M.A. - Winter Storms & Extreme Cold
United States Search and Rescue Task Force - Blizzards
Cold Weather Injuries
The next two will provide information about preventing and treating some of the more common cold weather injuries.
C.D.C. - Cold Stress: NIOSH
United States Search and Rescue Task Force - Hypothermia and Cold Weather Injuries
Wednesday: 17 December 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Groundskeepers at Central Missouri State University
photograph by
David Stonner
Yep, some of y'all are going to be walking in the cold.
So, ...
University of Utah: Environmental Health and Safety - Winter Walking Safety
Weight Watchers - Winter Walking: 10 Tips
Of course, most of y'all aren't going to be crazy, like me, and walk in the snow ...
Unless, your car gets stuck.
Business Insider - 10 Tips For Safe Driving In Winter Weather
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Blog - 10 Tips for Driving in Winter Weather
Just So You Know
There is a part five for this Wednesday.
Wednesday: 17 December 2014, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Front Cover of "Atomic War!" (ca 1952)
published by
In 1946, March and April, Daniel A. McGovern and Akira Mimura took color film footage in Hiroshima for a United States Strategic Bombing Survey.
Wikimedia - Physical Damage, Blast Effect, Hiroshima, 1946-03-13
Even though the death toll may be underestimated (150,000 in Hiroshima and 75,000 in Nagasaki), many people survived the initial blast but were burnt, irradiated, and ...
Children of the Atomic Bomb - Hiroshima and Nagasaki Death Toll
Investigate the other links, on the right side of the page, for more information.
Nuclear War Survival Skills
Of course, the Ruskies are causing trouble, again ; - )
So, ...
Folks are thinking about protecting their families from the 'newest' threat.
Prepper's Info - Nuclear War Survival Skill in .pdf
This is one of four 'books' I suggest, you and your family should have on your bookshelf, in Prepper: Surviving the Tough Times Ahead
Wednesday: 24 December 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Allied Paper Corporation
The JM Winkworth Collection
Tis the Season
I am spending time with my family.
So, ...
Year End Financial Tasks
One financial strategy is to sell some of your 'winners' and buy some of your 'losers' to keep your portfolio in 'balance' with your financial objectives.
Of course, there are others.
YouTube: BlueShore Financial - Year-End Financial Tips - Tip #1
LifeHacker: Two Cents - 10 Good Financial Rules of Thumb
Wednesday: 24 December 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Airman Rashard C. Lovelace
photograph by
Mass Communication Specialist Seaman K. Cecelia Engrums
Tis the Season
There will be blurbs and articles, like always
Brain Attack??
We all know the symptoms of a heart attack.
But, ...
What about a brain attack?
In Jennifer's Head - Recognizing a Stroke FAST
Just Not the 40s
We all need to be fit, so we (you and your family) can be prepared for certain events.
The Telegraph - Mark Foster's Guide to Keeping Fit in Your Forties
Wednesday: 24 December 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Alissa White-Gluz and Michael Amott
photograph by
Athanasius Soter
Tis the Season
Enjoy the season, ...
Know thy 'Enemies
It's a little dated, but the manual will give you a general idea of the equipment the various militaries use, world-wide.
Especially the 'Bad Guys'
Wikimedia - OPFOR Worldwide Equipment Guide.pdf
Wednesday: 24 December 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Первый Снег (ca 1910)
Nikolay Nikanorovich Dubovskoy
Tis the Season
May you and your family receive the blessing of God
Snow + Automobile =
It's a little late for the holiday, but you will be able to use this information about preparing your family's car for every winter.
How Stuff Works: Auto - How to Prepare Your Car for Winter
CAA South Central Ontario - Preparing Your Car for Winter Driving (Part One)
Preparing Your Car for Winter Driving (Part 1)
Preparing Your Car for Winter Driving (Part 1)
http://blog.caasco.com/automotive/preparing-your-car-for-winter-driving/CAA South Central Ontario - Preparing Your Car for Winter Driving (Part Two)
Wednesday: 31 December 2014, Part Zero
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Nothing More
Ms. Bryony Gordon is being funny.
But, ... What would you do "If" the lights didn't come back on?
The Telegraph - My disastrous Christmas has turned me into a survivalist
Wednesday: 31 December 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Happy New Year Postcard (ca 1910)
Frances Brundage
Shelter, Water, Food, Medical Supplies, ...
If you are going to lose the house, make sure you have alternate shelter, first.
If you have secured shelter, but don't have water stored, store water first.
If you have shelter and water but no stored food, store food first.
If you have shelter, water, and food, buy medical supplies first.
If you have shelter, water, food, and medical supplies, buy protection first.
After that, it's just arguing about prepping, and that's a waste of time.
Texas Preppers Network - Becoming A Texan Prepper, Part One: Mindset and Threat Analysis
Wednesday: 31 December 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists;
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of the Clavie,
photograph by
Anne Burgess
This holiday season, there have been bitter cold snaps, torrential rains, and other adverse weather including a mini-heatwave in South America that have affected city, town, and country dwellers.
So, ... Either one is going to require secure shelter
M4040 - Shelter: Tarp Shelters
Wednesday: 31 December 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Chinese New Year (ca 2014)
photograph by
RM Bulseco
Before food, before medical supplies, even before buying a firearm.
That's how important water is to your family's survival.
Link:Texas Preppers Network - Becoming A Texan Prepper, Part Two: Water Storage
Wednesday: 31 December 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Diwali Divali Dipavali (ca 2011)
photograph by
You and your wife, like most United States' citizens, carry a little extra weight, maybe your children too.
But, ... Did you know, your children would starve before you and your partner. That's one of the differences between adult and child.
Texas Preppers Network - Becoming A Texan Prepper, Part Three: Short Term Food Storage
Texas Preppers Network - Becoming A Texan Prepper: Long Term Food Storage