Welcome Preppers and Surivalists,
Seth Javier
Again, ...
I have reached another 1000 posts, so I have consolidated the first half, January through June, of the blurbs for 2014.
Wednesday: 8 January 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Portrait of Assinaitappi and his Wife (ca 1903-1936) by C.W. Mathers |
First, you and your family are going to need adequate shelter.
Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties
Shelter is very important for survival.
Project Gutenberg - Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties in HTML
Of course, Project Gutenberg has this publication in different formats.
Project Gutenberg - Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties
Wednesday: 8 January 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Two Water Tanks in Udaipur, Rajasthan (c. 2010) by GiveWell |
Next, you and your family are going to need a reliable water source.
For short-term events, storing water is the easiest method of having water for an emergency.
Ready.gov - Water
Centers for Disease Control - Gather Emergency Supplies: Water Supplies
Cenetrs for Disease Control - Personal Preparation and Storage of Safe Water
North Carolina State University: Bio and Ag Engineering, Extension Publications - Emergency Drinking Water Supplies
Wednesday: 8 January 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Interiör av matbod. sourceNordiska museet |
Needless to say, during an economic event, food will become expensive, quickly.
So, ...
You and your family need to store food during the 'good' times.
Alan T. Hagan - Prudent Food Storage: Frequently Asked Questions, Version 4.0
The Survival Primer: Alan T. Hagan - Prudent Food Storage: Frequently Asked Questions, Version 3.5
Interiör av matbod. På golvet till vänster står en laggad tina innehållande kött och fläsk. Ett torkat köttstycke och korvar hänga på en stång i taket. Närmast höger vid väggen en dricktunna med svagdricka och tapp samt en spisölhålk med lyftlock. Till vänster en råttfälla.
Interior of food storehouse. On the floor to the left is a lagged thaw containing meat and pork. A dried piece of meat and sausages hanging on a pole in the roof. Closest right at the wall a drink thin with small beer and pin and a spisölhålk with lifting lid. Left a mousetrap.
Wednesday: 8 January 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Charles H. Johnson demonstrates how to evaluate an injured sailor during a first-aid refresher course in Victoria, Seychelles (ca 2013) byMCSN Luis R. Chavez Jr. |
During an economic event, you and your family may be unable to access quality medical care. Plus, you will be doing more that may put you in harm's way.
So, ...
University of Wisconsin: Kinesiology - American Red Cross: First-Aid/Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/Automated External Defibrillator, Participant's Manual
American Red Cross - Pocket Guide: Wilderness and Remote First-Aid
American Red Cross - Wilderness and Remote First-Aid: Instructor's Manual
This is a Google Book version. The book may have parts missing.
Adventure Medical Kits - Comprehensive Guide to Wilderness and Travel Medicine
Adventure Medical Kits - Wilderness Fist-Aid and Survival (Foldout)
Lastly, ...
United States of America: U.S. Army - FM 4-25.11 First-Aid
Wednesday: 15 January 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. soldier in South Korea practices first aid by Wwmarlow |
Medical, Again
The folks over at ReThink Survival have written an article with a couple of links to various medical references, you and your family might be interested in saving.
ReThink Survival.com - Medical and Health Guides
And, ...
For you folks in the medical community that can justify paying for a membership to purchase the other issues, here is a link to recent issues.
Journal of Special Operations Medicine - Full Issues
Another Resource
The wonderful folks, over at Federation of American Scientists, have provided a .pdf to ...
Federation of American Scientists - The Ship's Medicine Chest and Medical Aid at Sea
Wednesday: 15 January 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Auto met Machinegeweer (ca. 16 April 2012)
Machine Guns
Oooops, I mean pistol.
Say Uncle - Glock 42
Oooops, I mean readily available.
Say Uncle - Security Theatre
Mommy and Me
Oooops, I mean shooting while you're pregnant
Say Uncle -Shooting While Pregnant
And, ...
Julie Golob - Shooting While Pregnant
Thanks to Ms. Julie Golob for writing this insightful resource to help you decide whether or not to shoot while your pregnant. It is a must read for any woman.
Pregnant or not.
And, ...
The gentlemen, too.
Wednesday: 15 January 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Army M249 Machinegun (ca July 2010)
The Shooting Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show and Conference is an annual event.
But, ...
You can't attend, unless you are a member of the industry.
However, ...
Weaponsman has a rundown on some of the 'stuff' that will be exhibited, this year
Weaponsman -What's Coming at SHOT
I Didn't Know That
Remember, don't confuse a firearms' hobby as prepping for an event.
With that said, here is ...
Weaponsman - A Short History of Chrome Bores
I Told You So!
I have a deep respect for our men and women that serve and have served in these United States' military, especially combat veterans. (No, I'm not going to buy you a beer, brothers)
So, ...
It's really 'special' when one of your 'heroes' (If you can consider someone who wears a Girl Scout beret, as an adult, a hero) agrees with what you have said for years.
Weaponsman - She's a Unique and Special Snowflake
Just in case you missed it.
"Survival begins in the mind."
Wednesday: 15 January 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Philco model PT-44 Vacuum Tube Radio
Armstrong 1113149
Communications Plan
During an event, you and your family are going to need to communicate with friends, family, and other folks.
So, ...
You need to have a communications plan.
Family Survival Planning - Emergency Communications Plan
FEMA: Ready.gov - Family Communications
Graywolf Survival - Making a Family Emergency Communications Plan
Emergency Radio
Once you and your family have developed the family's communication plan, you will need to purchase appropriate radios.
Survival Cache - Survival Radio: What will Work
Bug Out Survival - Radio Communications: A Review of Waterproof Handheld VHF Units
Wednesday: 22 January 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Marines Taking Part in Cold Response 2010
Cpl. Tyler Hlavac
Baby, It's Cold Outside
I just loooove this song, especially sitting next to the fire with my partner, Katniss
Well, ...
As preppers and survivalists know, we can't always be in a nice warm shelter because sometimes we're going to have to get out there to run a patrol, feed the animals, or ...
Just go to work.
The Weather Channel - How To Dress For Winter Weather
Sierra Trading Post - Buying Guides: The Head-to-Toe Winter Dressing
University of Rochester Medical Center - Myths and Tips About Dressing for Winter
Just In Case
Y'all feel the same way about the song.
YouTube: mrdaft -
Wednesday: 22 January 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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NASA’s Super Guppy
Tony Landis
Last month, I was reading a book titled Children of the Alley by
Yard Carts And Wagons For Survival Preparedness
Survivalist Boards - Handcart Suggestions
Wilderness Survival Forums - Survival Cart
Riverwalker Survival Gear - Manga Cart Personal Hand Truck
- Several years ago, No-Tech Magazine had an article on what they called the Chinese Wheelbarrow--essentially a one-wheeled cart, with the wheel in the center to take the weight. It looks like something that could be built by someone with an extra bicycle wheel. The link is: http://www.lowtechmagazine.com/2011/12/the-chinese-wheelbarrow.html
Docent and Other Readers,
You make a good point, as we prepare for an uncertain future, we (you and your family) may need to include technology and techniques from our friends and family outside of our 'home' countries.
Sincerely, SYK
Wednesday: 22 January 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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One of Zwevegem
Electric Power Plant’s Generators
Peter Van
den Bossche
Alternative Energy
I was at one of the big box home improvement stores when I saw a couple looking at generators. They looked kind'a lost.
So, ...
I stopped and asked if they needed any help.
Not really, ...
I really asked what they were planning on buying the generator for.
Needless to say, they answered. (or you wouldn't be reading about it) They told me; they were planning to buy a generator to run their home's electric furnace. They also wanted one to power the family's refrigerator.
I asked a couple of questions and found out they were really lost. They didn't know:
Most, if nor all, refrigerators will 'draw' three times the power to run the refrigerator, just to start it. This includes freezers, too. Heck, most electric motors.
Let me explain. If a refrigerator takes 700 watts to run; it will take 2100 watts to start the refrigerator's electric motor.
Next, running a generator to heat your home, with an electric furnace, will require a large, very large generator. Same goes for the air conditioning.
They also didn't know (wait for it)
A generator needs to be exercised (started and ran under load) at least once a month. (yes, practice is required to use a generator)
So, ...
For heating their home, I suggested they look into buying a kerosene heater or a propane heater. Of course, we talked about buying kerosene from a gasoline station 'cause it's a lot cheaper then those two and a half gallon kerosene jugs at the home improvement stores.
But, ...
Kerosene will go 'bad' not like propane.
On running the frig,' I suggested they buy a "Kill A Watt" to determine how big of a generator they really need before buying a generator.
Damn, ...
I forgot to suggest they need to buy a battery operated carbon monoxide detector no matter what they do.
Wikipedia - Kill A Watt
Side Tracked
I apologize for getting side tracked.
But, ...
io9 had an article on ...
io9 - This Crazy Device will power Your Machines After the Apocalypse
Wednesday: 22 January 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Israeli Reservist Soldier by Israel Defense Force |
Fighting Load
Before I begin, make sure you and your family have proper shelter, a supply of water and food, and other necessities before purchasing any kit.
With that said (some of y'all will still ignore me) Ryan over at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest is having a contest on ...
TSLR - Fighting Load Contest Entry #1: Prairie Patriot, Part One
TSLR - Fighting Load Contest Entry #1: Prairie Patriot, Part Two
TSLR - Fighting Load Contest Entry #2: Max Velocity
TSLR - Fighting Load Contest Entry #3: Alexander Wolfe of TEOTWAWKI Blog
Wednesday: 29 January 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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French Civilians with Various Protective Masks,
at Marbache (ca 1918)
Official American Photographer
Learning from Recent History
One of the ways, we (you and your family) can learn to survive an event is by studying other disasters, such as the recent West Virginia chemical spill.
Thanks to Modern Survival Online, we can have a personal look at this event.
Modern Survival Online - First hand account from the West Virginia contaminated zone……
I'm a mindful guy (my brothers and sisters would say 'mindless'), or at least, I try to be.
So, ...
I try to 'see' around me; to notice people, to listen to them, and to respect them.
Well, ...
My seeing, like yours, has shown me the fragile nature of our communities.
But, ...
I have my limits because of lack of education, hadn't thought about it, or ...
Well, ...
Thanks to Dan W., I have an understanding about the progression of a collapse, now.
The Survivalist Blog: Dan W. - Event Phases: Understanding The Progression to Collapse
Belief Makers - A Man's Got To Know His Limitations
The Three Bs
Like Food and Water, (really, water then food) Beans, Bullets and Band-Aids (really, beans, band-aids, then bullets) are one of the ways, you and your family can easily prioritize you preps.
Until, ...
Someone, like Todd Walker, from Survival Sherpa adds a forth B.
Survival Sherpa - Best Prepper Practices: Add a 4th B to Your 3 B’s
Wednesday: 29 January 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Woman Preparing Chapati
During an event, you and your family may run out of the traditional fuels, such as kerosene, wood, propane, charcoal, and ...
So, ...
You will need to improvise using available material.
Thanks to Prepper Website, you and your family (and me) have one more option.
Ready Nutrition - Biomass Briquettes: An Alternative Fuel Source Made From Paper
Needless to say, I was intrigued with this method.
So, ...
I hunted down some YouTube videos for y'all to watch
YouTube: New and Lost Crafts -
YouTube: Masfaith3
Wednesday: 29 January 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Four F-15 Fighter Pilots (ca 2006)
Tech Sgt. Keith Brown
Women's Needs
Most survivalists and preppers are guys. As I learned in kindergarten, the military, and ... ; guys and gals are different.
So, ...
Guys, we need to make sure; we're providing appropriate items for the women in our lives.
Geek Prepper - Feminine Hygiene Products For TEOTWAWKI
Feminine Hygiene Products for TEOTWAWKI
Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/Feminine
Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/Feminine
Feminine Hygiene Products for TEOTWAWKI
Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/
Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/
Feminine Hygiene Products for TEOTWAWKI
Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/
http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/Copyright © GeekPrepper.org Read more at: http://www.geekprepper.org/feminine-hygiene-products-for-teotwawki/
This issue isn't limited to hygiene products. This includes clothing, weapons, and many other prepping gear and supplies.
Wednesday: 29 January 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Flashlight Carry Methods, U.S. Marine Corps
MCRP 3-01B: Pistol Marksmanship
Most of us are unable to afford night vision gear (NVGs) or night vision devices (NVDs), so we will need to learn how to use flashlights during a violent event.
Well, ...
If it has to deal with guns, it (as you know) is probably a post from ...
Say Uncle - Flashlight Blogging
Speaking of ...
These United States' Marine Corp.
Here is the link to ...
U.S. Marine Corp - MCRP 3-01B: Pistol Marksmanship
Red-Headed Stepchildren
Some folks will try and tell you and your family that military publications are inappropriate for preppers.
I agree.
However, ...
These publications are a good starting point for you and your family 'If'' you remember that ...
* You don't have the money
* You don't have the material (equipment)
* You don't have the people
and, ...
The military's role is to "... kill people and break things" while yours is to evacuate, so you and your family will live another day.
O.K. back to my point about the Marines.
It seems, some people (me included) recommend the Marine Corps manuals instead of these United States' Army because the Marines are a smaller force that has a long history of improvisation.
U.S.Marines - MCWP 3-11.3: Scouting and Patrolling
U.S.Marines - FMFRP 12-33: The Defense of Duffer's Drift
U.S.Marines - FMFRP 12-33: The Defense of Duffer's Drift
U.S.Marines - MCRP 3-02E: The Individual's Guide for Understanding and Surviving Terrorism
U.S.Marines - MCRP 6-11C: Combat and Operational Stress Control
Wednesday: 12 February 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Grey and White Cat,
in a Large Cardboard Box
It Starts with a Box
I was talking to a guy at work about a bunch of stuff. One of the things, we got talking about, was his emergency supplies that he carries in his car.
He mentioned, one winter, he had thrown some stuff; blankets, food, water, and ...; in a box then put the stuff in his car.
A few years later, he was going through his 'stuff' and started questioning why he had packed some items and not other items.
As he was recounting this experience, he made a comment that got me to thinking. The comment, His supplies are 'a box full of stuff'
Needless to say, my thinking lead me to ...
More about that later 'cause I have to head to work.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Survival Resources Found in Your Car or Truck
Wednesday: 12 February 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Eis an einem Wasserfall
Walter J. Pilsak
Frozen Water
Thanks to Howard, over at Preparedness Advice Blog, for reminding us that cold weather effects our preps.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Water Purification in Cold or Freezing Weather Can be a Problem
Wednesday: 12 February 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Macaroni & Cheese
with Beans
Testing Your Preps
Storing food for an event can be complicated for numerous reasons.
Well, ...
Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival, has one method of reducing those complications
Stealth Survival - Survival Food Test: Off the Shelf: Instant Refried Beans
Wednesday: 19 February 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Korean War Montage
Military Training Films
Yeah, yeah. I know. I was just talking about the militarization of prepping, and I go and link to a bunch of these United States' military training films.
Well, ...
They are informative.
YouTube: - Winter Camping: "Sub-Arctic Winter Bivouacking" 1955 US Army
Tiny Housing
A couple of years ago, I took a job about one and a half hours from home. The job required me to live less than 30 minutes from work, so I found an apartment for $300 and utilities, in an old mining town.
Well, ...
There was an older couple that lived below me. They were older, probably in their 70s, all around nice folks.
Of course, it got me to thinking about housing. First, I don't want to pay someone for an apartment long-term because they (since I'm paying rent) get a 'free' building, tax write offs, and other benefits of being the owner.
So, ...
If you have a chance to pick-up a small rental property, say a four family flat, in your area, you might think about buying it. Needless to say, being a rental property owner is a pain in the arse.
Back to my point.
These folks got me thinking about a 'tiny' house for frugal living.
YouTube: Kirsten Dirksen - DIY Home for Less than $3500
Wednesday: 19 February 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Teil des Wasserwerks in Siegelsum by Martina Nolte |
Military Training Films
Yeah, yeah. I know. I was just talking about the militarization of prepping, and I go and link to a bunch of these United States' military training films.
Well, ...
They are informative.
With that said, ...
These films have basic information, that is 'timeless' for preppers, so make sure you and your family take time to watch them.
YouTube: - WWII US Army Training Film: "Purification of Water" (1943)
YouTube: - Drinking Water 1945 US Navy United States Marine Corps Training
Wednesday: 19 February 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Die Fliegerabteilung 24, in Bielawina,
Ende 1917 Der Abteilungs-Donnerbalken
Military Training Films
Yeah, yeah. I know. I was just talking about the militarization of prepping, and I go and link to a bunch of these United States' military training films.
Well, ...
They are informative.
YouTube: - Cleaning Mess Gear 1945 US Navy United States Marine Corps
YouTube: - Latrine Procedures "Use You Head" 1945 US Navy USMC Training
https://www.youtube.com/watch?Wednesday: 19 February 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Delone cooking using traditional recipes and local ingredients by anoldent |
Cooking Gear
You and your family, for a longer event or evacuating during cool to cold weather, are going to need some hot meals.
Don't believe me? Go without eating a hot meal for a few days.
So, ...
You will need to make provisions to heat your food.
Of course there are many ways to do this, but one you and your family will want to avoid.
The one to avoid, heating the can because some canned foods have a plastic liner that will melt. Yuck!
So, ...
Below are three videos offering one solution to heating your food. Needless to say, ther are many, many, many more.
Including, purchasing, installing, and using a wood burning stove.
YouTube: - U.S. Military Issue Canteen Cook Set (Review)
YouTube: Bushcraftmaster12201- How to Make a Grill Top Canteen Stove for 1.50$$$$
YouTube: Danish Bushcrafter - Swedish, German, and Danish/English Mess Kit
Be careful, there are some folks selling expensive gear that you probably don't need.
Wednesday: 26 February 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Engineers with Task Force 1st Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 1, scan for weapons caches in northern Karmah by Unknown |
There will come a time, when you and your family make the transition from being preppers to becoming survivalists. You will be able to tell that moment when you start thinking about caches.
So, ...
Here's some links to help you make the transition.
YouTube: Missouri Prepper - Cache Tubes
YouTube: Missouri Prepper - Digging Up a Cache Buried a Year Ago
YouTube: The Hoss USMC - Checking a Survival Cache
Wednesday: 26 February 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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February 1940)
Lt. Kessell,
War Office
Preppers and survivalists are not in the military.
So, ...
We can camouflage our weapons, so they don't give away our positions.
Say Uncle - Painting an AR-15
These techniques and others will work for other firearms, such as your SKS.
When Guns are Outlawed, ...
I found Weaponsman a few months ago then promptly booked marked his site!
Weaponsman: Category Archives - When Guns are Outlawed, ...
These stories will also give you an idea of the villains you may face in the future and some ideas of alternate weapons to be used in a conflict.
Lastly, here are two links showing off examples of home-made firearms.
Ooops! Make that three links
The Firearms Blog.com - Common Illicitly Homemade Submachine Guns in Brazil
The Firearms Blog.com - Sten Submachine Guns Copies and Other Improvised Weapons, Tel Aviv
The Firearms Blog.com - Hand Built Submachine Guns Seized in Brazil
Wednesday: 26 February 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Telephone from Sweden (ca 1896)
1906 Kungliga
Telegrafverkets Apparater
Who You Going to Call?
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, usually has impeccably perfect posts.
Well, ...
For some reason, probably when she transferred her work from blogger, the format suffered in this post.
So, ...
1. Ambulance
2. Fire services
3. Police. In 98% of the US, 911 will connect you to the nearest emergency dispatch center which covers the first three on this list. If you are living in the other 2% of the US or out of the country, you’ll need the number to contact your ambulance, police, and fire services.
For folks living in other countries, or planning to visit another country, will find a list of Emergency Telephone Numbers <-- there ; - )
4. Poison Control. 800-222-1222
5. Your physicians. Include any doctors your family visits, including specialists and optometrists. Also your pharmacy
6. Your dentist
7. Nearest hospital and/or medical center
8. The adults of the household. This is normally you and your significant other. Include work and cell phone numbers
9. Other family members. Kids with cell phones, aunts and uncles, siblings, grandmas and grandpas. Anyone you might need to contact in an emergency
10. Schools your children attend
11. Your Ecclesiastical Leaders–Pastor, Priest, Rabbi, Bishop, or anyone else from your church you might need. As a member of the LDS church I have my Bishop’s number as well as our Stake President and my home teachers and visiting teachers
12. Neighbors
13. A nearby emergency contact. Could be a family member or close friend. You might want one in town and one 100 miles away or so
14. An out of state emergency contact
15. Veterinarian.
Food Storage and Survival - 15+ Emergency Phone Numbers to Have Handy
Usually, I don't copy and paste someone's work, as you know, but the formatting sucked enough (I couldn't read it)
So, ...
I apologize to you, Angela
And, ...
Would you click the link, so Angela knows you read her post. Thanks.
I tried to leave a comment, so Angela could possibly fix the post. Since I don't facebook, yahoo, pintrest, or other social media, I don't have a password to leave a comment.
So, ...
Could you leave a note for her. Thanks
The first three numbers, with your location's address, should be prominently displayed next to the landline, especially if you have recently moved.
Because, ...
There may be a time lag in, you and your children, remembering your new address. Plus, can you guarantee you're the one calling the emergency services. It might be a neighbor, visiting friend, or other visitor to your home or office that doesn't know your location.
P.S. Again
This list might be a good idea for your workplace, too.
Wednesday: 26 February 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Display of grapes and wines, Georgia (Republic) from James Guthrie Harbord Collection |
In the early history of this country, making alcohol was a method of preserving some of the wealth of the harvest, as a barter item, and as a disinfectant.
Ooooh, ... and a way to get drunk.
Heck, ...
Alcohol sparked the first constitutional crisis of these United States that's how important alcohol is to preppers and survivalists.
Wikipedia - Whiskey Rebellion
This is a quick overview of some videos from the web.
If you are interested in doing something like this, you will need to do more research and ...
Practice, practice, and practice some more ; - )
Plus, among your drinking friends, you will be very popular when you offer 'free' samples of your handiwork.
Apple Jack (from apples)
YouTube: Mike Walker - How to Make Apple Jack, Part One
YouTube: Mike Walker - How to Make Apple Jack, Part Two
Wine (from grapes)
YouTube:MiWildreness - How to Make Homemade Wine from Grape Juice: Inmate Brew
YouTube: TC Rivers - How to Make Wine: Quick, Cheap, and Easy Wine, Part One
YouTube: TC Rivers - How to Make Wine: Quick, Cheap, and Easy Wine, Part Two
Vodka (from potatoes)
YouTube: TheFakingOriginals - How to Make Vodka at Home
Moonshine (from corn)
YouTube: pontiuspylate - Moonshine Making 101
I hate to say it, but you can also use alcohol in Molotov Cocktails : - (
Wednesday: 5 March 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Woman in Riding Boots (ca 1920s)
Henry Walker
Dressing for the Event
Part of the fun of going to the opera or theatre is the dressing up.
Well, ...
During an event, you will want to dress appropriately, too.
The Modern Survivalists - Important Car Winter Preps Often Overlooked
Fashion Faux pas
Needless to say, when you and I get to talking about fashion, we have to mention the faux pas of dressing for an event.
YouTube: Thenewsurvivalist -
A Reminder
16 Weeks has a chapter on clothing, if you haven't read it, yet.
GSIEP: 16 Weeks - Clothing
Wednesday: 5 March 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Emergency Cash |
Emergency Cash
Folk, make sure you and your family have some emergency cash at home. Not in the bank, but cold hard cash under your mattress or in a safe, bolted to the floor, of course.
But, ...
You're probably wondering how to get this cash.
Easy, ...
Save it, even a little at a time.
Needless to say, 16 Weeks: Finances has some suggestions
Saving Money, Not
As you and your family purchase your preps, you will have opportunities to save money on your purchases.
Well, ...
Sometimes these savings won't be worth the effort.
Len Penzo.com: Money Mirages - 6 Money-Saving Ideas That Are Anything But
How Much Gold and Silver
All of my brothers make good money. Of course, they have been financially responsible over these difficult years.
Well, ...
Being the brother of a survivalist, can be difficult for my brothers.
Because, ...
At least that's what they think every time they talk to me ; - )
Well, ...
They have reached a place in their finances and level of preps that they are looking at how much silver and gold to purchase as a hedge for their retirement and investments.
Len Penzo.com: Economic Collapse 101: How Much Gold and Silver Should People Own?
You and your partner will want to check out this link for the article, too
Just to reenforce what I write about.
Len Penzo.com: Economic Collapse 101: Ten Ways to Prepare for the Unknown
If you are worried about on-going and future financial difficulties, you might want to look around on Len Penzo.com, at some of his other work.
Oooh, while you're there, if you like his writing, drop him a thank you note in the comments.
Wednesday: 5 March 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
S.J. de Waard
Generators ...
Are a great way to provide power for your family, to use during a short-term event.
Stealth Survival: Riverwalker's Gear Review - The Predator 4000 Generator from Harbor Freight Tools
But, ..
I don't want to rotate my fuel or treat it for storage. I want to use a longer lasting fuel.
Instructables: Rainh2o - Converting a Generator to run on Propane
Then, ...
What happens when the fossil fuels runs out?
Phil Heiple - Since 1996, The Original: How to Make a Solar Power Generator for less than $300
YouTube: Bright Enlightenment -
Just in Case, ...
It really goes to poop ; - )
YouTube: TheUrbanFarmingGuys -
Wednesday: 5 March 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Marines
Fighting Load
Ryan, over at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, continues his fighting load contest. He currently has ten entries.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest: Label - Fighting Load Contest
Wednesday: 12 March 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
5-Gallon Bucket
A couple of posts ago, I highlighted some links on caching your supplies. Most of the links focused on PVC pipe.
Well, ...
The 5-gallon plastic bucket, if you protect it from freezing and sunlight, also makes a good cache container.
But, ...
What to put in it?
SHTF Blog - 5-Gallon Bucket Survival Kit Entries
That boulder?
It would make a great reference point for a cache.
Who knew, astronauts were preppers and survivalists ; - )
Wednesday: 12 March 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Sexton with Logbook
Georges Jansoone
Land Navigation
Moving across the land can be easy; you just start walking.
But, ...
If you're headed to a specific location, you will probably want a compass.
And, ...
A Map.
And, ...
Know how to use both of these instruments.
YouTube: CrawlingRoad - Compass Overview - Suunto, Silva, Brunton and USGI Lensatic
YouTube: Steven Hoober - Using the USGI Compass - Part 1
YouTube: Steven Hoober - Using the USGI Compass - Part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=J5GKGq379xE
Or, ...
Or, ...
YouTube: Survival HT - Using a Compass: Navigation
YouTube: Jeff Quitney - Basic Map Reading: Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass pt1-2 1966 US Army 15min
YouTube: Jeff Quitney - Basic Map Reading: Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass pt2-2 1966 US Army 15min
YouTube: Nuclear Vault - Direction, Orientation, And Location With A Compass (1967)
And, ...
YouTube: Nuclear Vault - Grid, Distance, And Elevation (1967)
Lastly, ...
YouTube: Steven Hoober - Protractor Use
I think, you and your family could get by without a protractor.
Unless, ...
You're going to have to tell someone your exact location, on a map.
Wednesday: 12 March 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Andrew Chen
Sooner or Later
It is said, in my family, 'if you sit at the Trevi Fountain, long enough, sooner or later, everyone in the world will pass by'
This goes for people's words, too
"I would argue that the dollar will soon be scarce, and the simple but profound laws of supply and demand will push the dollar's value not just higher but much higher. The problem going forward for exporting nations will be the scarcity of dollars.'
Of Two Minds Blog - The Dollar and the Deep State
Sooner or Later, Again
Taking what Mr. Smith has said, ...
According to a research paper, by Claude Ebb, the price of gold may be dropping by 50%
CNN: Money - Why Gold Might Drop Another 50%
What Does This Have to do With You and Your Family
First, I need for you to understand: You and your family can not control everything that can happen to you. In other words, there are powerful people and groups that wield vast power in your country, some elected and some unelected.
* Such as the Federal Reserve raising interest rates.
Sooner or later, interest rates will increase and the things we buy, on credit, will increase.
So, ...
You and your family need to plan for the cost of credit to increase. Since this is going to happen, you need to pay off (or refinance to a fixed rate) those credit cards, adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), and other variable interest credit obligations
And, ...
Refinance those higher rate fixed interest debts like home mortgages, car payments, and education loans into lower rate loans, if you're able to.
* Such as the European Union declaring war
There is the possibility, these United States and Russia will engage in a shooting war over the troubles in Ukraine.
So, ...
You and your family need to plan to quickly visit family outside of the E.U., Ukraine, or neighboring countries; immigrate out of the E.U. to a less troubled region of the world (like there is one); or hunker down and try and survive in place.
Yeah, I know this seems like a blend of "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" and a "Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff" blurb.
And, ...
All I really wanted to say, ...
Second, there is the possibility; the price of gold will decline far enough to justify you and your family setting aside some gold and silver for your financial preparations here in the next few months.
If, ...
You and your family have stocked up enough food to last one or two years ; - )
Plus, ...
Ammunition prices, except of .22LR, have significantly decreased, so you might want to stock up.
If, ...
All you have is a hundred rounds for your handguns and rifles.
Wednesday: 12 March 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
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Need a piece of string, go to the junk draw for a piece. Ran out of string, or need a different thickness of string?
Go to the store!
But what happens if you're stuck out in the wilderness and need a piece of cordage (a fancy name for twine, rope, and ... cordage)
You might have to make it.
With that said, ...
I am providing a link (I do every couple of months) to the 'best' 10 bushcraft books, in the world.
I'm not kidding.
Once you have read the .pdf; you need to pick up a copy, in book form, if you are planning to survive in the bush.
Chris Molly - Graves' Bushcraft Books: 00 Introduction
In .pdf
The Box.com - The Ten Bushcraft Books by Richard Graves
Or, ...
Bushcraft UK - 10 Bushcraft Books in .pdf
Or, ...
Bushcraft UK - Richard Graves - 10 Bushcraft Books, Mobi & Epub versions
Wednesday: 19 March 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Maj. Mike Pitzer, West Virginia Air National
Guard |
I was shopping at Costco the other day.
Of course, I walked around to see all the stuff; Costco has to offer.
Well, ...
Prep-Blog.com - Which Type of Rice Should You Store?
Wednesday: 19 March 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Spc. Steven K. Young, U.S. Army
I have talked about explosives in the past. (I'll try and find the older posts)
They are dangerous, very dangerous.
With that said, ...
Here is a link to a publication that will help you be safe.
Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement: Technology Transfer - Blaster's Training Manual
Needless to say, The Anarchist's Cookbook, ???, and many other similar books are dangerous because of the misleading and inaccurate formulas contained in the books.
Caches, Again
A couple of days ago, I provided some links to other resources and thoughts on caches.
Here's another one.
Survival News On-Line: SnoMan - How to Hide and Recover Your Survival Cache
Wednesday: 19 March 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Kenyan Soldiers march
to Camp Great White to participate in
the opening ceremony
for exercise Natural Fire 2006
conducted at Nginyang
Village, Kenya, Aug. 7, 2006
Staff Sgt. Nic Raven, USAF
When you and your family walk from place to place, does your head swivel, scanning for possible threats?
Do you keep your family close? Carry one of your young children, in your arms?
How about your partner? Does he do the same?
Then, ...
What happens 'if' your moving in a hostile environment?
The Survivalists Blog - How to Survive Interstate Driving
Continuing with the Theme
Doomsday Moose has an article on ...
Doomsday Moose: Karleia - Stranded on the Road? Five Things You Must Know to Remain Safe
I would add -
* Remain in your vehicle, unless it's burning or some other life threatening situation, along a busy highway 'casue at 45, 55, 65 MPH people can't react fast enough to avoid you. (In other words, you're soft and squishy outside the vehicle)
* Having towing or road side assistance on you insurance. (Yeah, worthless during the apocalypse but until then)
*Do you have anything to add? Make a comment.
Sometimes, I give 'bad' advice, such as ...
You and your family need to purchase a rifle before a handgun.
Well, ...
As you know, I have changed my opinion since we (you and your family) have probably entered an economic event and the possibility of needing a concealable handgun is more likely then a rifle to defend yourself.
Well, ...
Thanks to a link from Uncle, over at Say Uncle, we have ...
Ten Examples of the Internet’s Worst Gun Advice
Say Uncle - Lights and Lasers Give Away Your Position!
Wednesday: 19 March 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Keating, War Office official photographer
Evacuation Kits
It's getting warm again; unless you're in South America, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and many other 'southern' countries; so, it's time to update your emergency evacuation kits.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Get Home Bags Should be a Work in Progress
Survival Kits
Many years ago, I found Equipped to Survive edited by Douglas S. Ritter. The site offers reviews of aviation survival kits.
Well, ...
One of the things, I like about this site, is how the essentials for survival are grouped together.
So, ...
You and your family could easily build a similar kit, after looking at their most excellent pictures!
Equipped to Survive - Aviation Survival Kits Reviews
Needless to say, you and your family will want to leave the dart board at home ; - )
Too Much Stuff
Speaking of the dart board.
How many cups do you need, in you evacuation kit?
Survival Life.com - Best Bug Out Bag List
Please read the other comments from this article.
O.K. I'm getting hungry, and when that happens, I don't play well with others.
So, ...
Please excuse my harshness to this article.
Wednesday: 19 March 2014, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Diagram of a Typical ‘Bullet’
More Appropriately Termed a
1 – Bullet
2 – Cartridge Case
3 – Powder
4 – Rim
5 – Primer
On Monday, I added a 'Ray of Sunshine' to the weekly dose of doom and gloom.
Well, ...
If you use your pistol or revolver, in a defensive shooting, you are going to need legal help.
And, ...
Hollow-Point Bullets
Say Uncle - Preaching to the Converted
I'll try, no promises, to link to the remaining three article when they appear.
Updated: 3 May 2014
Here y'all go. All three in the series of excellent articles by Massad Ayoob, from Backwoods Home Magazine.
Backwoods Home: Massad Ayoob - Why We Use Expanding Bullets for Self-Defense
Backwoods Home: Massad Ayoob - Why We Use Expanding Bullets for Self-Defense, Part Two: The Over-Penetration Factor
Backwoods Home: Massad Ayoob - Why We Use Expanding Bullets for Self-Defense, Part Three: Reduced Ricochet Potential
Wednesday: 26 March 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Military Robot Being Prepared to Inspect a Possible Bomb
Kevin L. Moses, Sr.
Luddites and Futurists
Many people, incorrectly, think preppers and survivalists are Luddites or Neo-Luddites.
We are not. We select technology that is appropriate for the events we are predicting to happen.
So, ...
Some of this technology, such as stainless steel knives instead of carbon steel knives, may seem primitive to non-preppers, it isn't to us.
Other technology choices will be obviously, such as wireless home security systems (with or without internet monitoring), cellphones with I.C.E. (in case of emergency) telephone numbers saved to the internal memory, photovoltaic solar cells with battery banks, and many others.
Another little known aspect of preppers and survivalists is that we are futurists
Well, ...
It seems there are 20 critical terms we need to learn.
io9 - 20 Crucial Terms Every 21st Century Futurist Should Know
Watch Out
There are folks, out there, that are collecting information about your family preps.
Of course, you can do the same. Just understand, they may not appreciate it, if they ever find out.
You have been warned.
ReThink Survival - I’ve Been Scoping Out My Neighbors Lately and Found Some Good Stuff…
Wednesday: 26 March 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Nat Edwards
Home Security
As we are seeing, during this economic event, home security and the security of our stuff is important.
Needless to say, there are some easy thing we can do to improve our security.
Preparedness Pro: Lukas Nicholson - Guest Post: Alternative Home Security
To make 'shatter-proof' windows, you can purchase window tinting from the local home improvement stores (or the internet). Plus, if you take some time and think about this, you can decrease you home's energy usage.
Do It Yourself.com - Save Money and Energy with Window Film
I installed window film on our home's west-facing windows. We immediately saw a reduction in our cooling bill, since the window film blocked the sunlight from heating the inside of the house.
We also have been adding heavy curtains and insulated blinds to all of our home's windows to increase the insulation on the windows. Remember, most homes have R-13 or R-15 insulation in the walls, but even the most efficient and expensive windows are only R-5.
However, ...
At night, the window film prevents you from looking from a lighted room out into a dark yard.
So, ...
You will have to add outdoor lighting to illuminate the yard, unless you plan to turn off the room lights before looking out the window.
Wednesday: 26 March 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Anna Regelsberger
How Big
As you and your family prepare for an electrical outage event, be it short-term or longer, you will need to calculate how much energy you will need for your preps.
The Daily Prep - How Many Watts Do You Need?
The 'tree-shaped' photovoltaic insulation is awesome!!!
However, ...
The building's shade greatly reduces the solar array's power production potential.
I looove electric lighting, flip a switch and whula, the room is illuminated.
But, ...
What happens if it doesn't come on, for a couple of hours or days?
Duh, ...
Break out the candles and matches.
Have you ever lived by candle light. Besides being dangerous, candles don't give off a lot of light, neither do L.E.D.s
So, ...
What's a prepper to do?
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The Penitent Magdalen
Georges de la Tour
The wick is too long on this candle, in this painting. The candle's wick should be trimmer to stop it from flickering and sending soot into the air.
Another solution is to place burning candles in the corners of the rooms.
Or, ...
Burn multiple candles in a candelabra
Another solution is to ...
Use Technology
Burning candles are dangerous, so using technology such as light emitting diodes (L.E.D.), that have very low power consumption would be a safer alternative, for you and your family.
However, ...
Like candles, their light sucks. L.E.D.s emit their light in one direction, so you may have to improvise some fixes.
Such as the ones from ...
Food Storage and Survival - Preparedness Quick Tip: Reflect Light for More Light
LifeHacker - Make an Ambient Lamp Out of a Milk Jug
Wednesday: 2 April 2014, Zero
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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National Archives and Records Administration
I was over at io9, my favorite site for information about science and science fiction, yesterday.
Well, ...
They had a great article about earthquakes.
Which had a link asking the question: "How's the Emergency Response Plan Looking?"
Which had a link to these United State' Geological Survey's educational program about natural hazards.
And, ...
A link to these United States' Federal Emergency Management Agency's Plan, Prepare & Mitigate page
That led to another page about earthquakes
That led to ...
Earthquake Hazard Maps!!!
Which kind'a led to ...
Earthquake Safety at Home
Earthquake Safety at School
Earthquake Safety at Work
If you're kind'a blowing off earthquake preparedness, you and your family may want to look at the maps, just in case.
io9 - Shake, Rattle, and Roll in Los Angeles
io9 - How's your Emergency Response plan looking?
United State' Geological Survey - Natural Hazards
FEMA - Earthquake
FEMA - Earthquake Hazard Maps
FEMA - Earthquake Safety at Home
FEMA - Earthquake Safety at School
FEMA - Earthquake Safety at Work
Wednesday: 2 April 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Albert Bridge
Two Choices
During this long economic event, most people believe, there are two choices, spend or save. Others see two choices in politics, left or right.
And, ...
Others only see, preppers and sheeple.
As I have learned; from Charles Hugh Smith at Of Two Minds blog, life's experiences, and ...; there are usually more then two options.
But, ...
As I said, many people only see two choices.
ReThink Survival - There are Only Two Types of People Post-SHTF: Assets and Liabilities. Which Are You?
Wednesday: 2 April 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Seated Woman Sewing a Kimono
Clothing Repair
There are certain skills that I don't have time for or I'm not interested in.
However, ...
There are certain skills, we all need to know how to do like, ...
* Changing a Vehicle's Tire
* Cooking a Decent Meal
And, ...
Food Storage and Survival - Some Thoughts on Learning to Sew
Food Storage and Survival - Four Essential Survival Sewing Skills
Wednesday: 2 April 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Brian Robert Marshall
Cover can be concealment, but concealment can't be cover!
Weaponsman - Cover and Concealment
Practice, Practice, and More Practice
I have probably told this story before, but here it is again.
Just after the attacks on September 11th, 2001, I was visiting a professor, and he asked me to join the class. About ten minutes into the class, we heard screaming!
'He has a gun! he has a gun!'
Everybody froze, including me.
Weaponsman - Real-World Shooting Considerations
An Obituary
"Men in the Auxiliary Units were expected to last for about two weeks before they were either captured or killed. Though Millard was never given this depressing prognosis, he knew that the reality of invasion would have been brutal. Auxiliers, as they were known, were expected to ignore German reprisals among people in their own localities and were instructed never to be taken alive: “We were told at Coleshill that if a colleague was badly wounded he was to be shot. It was made clear if you were captured you would be executed"
The Telegraph - Obituary: Bob Millard
Wednesday: 2 April 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Lacquerware Factory Works,
in Bagan, Myanma
28 Hours, of Overtime
I have been working, a lot.
So, ...
Of Two Minds Blog
I enjoy Charles Hughes Smith's writing, as you can tell. I also enjoy hearing about his philosophy, such as ...
"A healthy homecooked family meal and a home garden are revolutionary acts."
Plus, he has some awesome recipes!
Of Two Minds Blog - What's Cooking at Our House: Chinese-Style Onion Flatbread
Of Two Minds Blog - What's Cooking at Our House: Paella
Of Two Minds Blog - What's Cooking at Our House: Quiche
Of Two Minds Blog - A Healthy Haute Cuisine One-Dish Meal in 20 Minutes
Speaking of Recipes
I was surfing the interweb, a couple of days ago, and happened upon the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. They are an United States' government organization that provides for "research, training, and education program to promote the prevention and treatment of heart, lung, and blood diseases and enhance the health of all individuals so that they can live longer and more fulfilling lives."
They're part of these United States Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
With that said, ...
They have several recipe books y'all might be interested in. Plus, a lot more resources in the left sidebar.
United States Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health - National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: Free Healthy Recipes
Wednesday: 9 April 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness
In a few months, I have been writing about getting prepared for about four years.
So, ...
I would like to highlight some articles from the past, for you and your family.
GSIEP - It's Not That Easy (Shelter)
GSIEP - It's Not That Easy (Shelter), Part Two
GSIEP - It's Not That Easy (Shelter), Part Three
GSIEP - It's Not That Easy (Shelter), Part Four
Wednesday: 9 April 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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I know, I know, I know.
Links to articles with links to articles about water.
I was trying to be funny ; - )
GSIEP - Wednesday: 8 January 2014, Part Two
GSIEP - Wednesday: 13 November 2013
GSIEP - Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff
Well, ...
Here's a couple I have written.
GSIEP - Expedient Water Collection, One Method
GSIEP - Expedient Water Storage
GSIEP - Expedient Water Storage, Part 2
GSIEP - Deliberate Water Storage
GSIEP - Deliberate Water Storage, Part 2
Wednesday: 9 April 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Florentine Codex
Two Links
After providing sooo many links for water. I'm only going to provide two for food, a recent one.
And, ...
All the others ; - )
GSIEP - Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff, on a Saturday
GSIEP - Label: Food
Wednesday: 9 April 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Mate 2nd Class Michael Sandberg
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness
In a few months, I have been writing about getting prepared for about four years.
So, ...
I would like to highlight some articles from the past, for you and your family.
GSIEP - Military Skills: Rigging Your Gear: LBE
GSIEP - Combat Vests and Survival Vests
Gsiep - Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff (14 February 201)
Wednesday: 16 April 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Dorothea Lange
I haven't read Mr. James Dakin in a few months, so I headed over there to check out what he has to say.
Needless to say, Mr. Dakin is an example of a very frugal prepper with 'unique' viewpoints about various subjects covered here at GSIEP
Thinking and Mindset
You have to read it to believe it.
James M. Dakin - Prioritize
James M. Dakin - What are you prepping for?
The Big Four [Problems]
Needless to say, prepping is about solving the problems you and your family will face, but what are they?
James M. Dakin - Guest Article: The Big Four
Mr. Dakin is an advocate of purchasing 'junk' land and placing a travel trailer on the lot for tough times.
James M. Dakin - Trailer Relocation 2
James M. Dakin - SBJABOno17
James M. Dakin - SBJABOBno18
Like GSIEP, Mr. Dakin realizes that clean, potable water is very important.
James M. Dakin - Dry Bleach
James M. Dakin - rain catchment
Wheat, wheat, and more wheat. Unless, you're allergic then it's rice, rice, and more rice.
James M. Dakin - Prepping For Die-Off: Food Stash And Hiding
James M. Dakin - Prepper Emergency Essentials #2
James Dakin, formerly at Bison Survival Blog, has always advocated for you and your family to purchase bolt-action rifles for your preps. His favorite is the Lee-Enfield rifle.
James M. Dakin - Default Arms Acquisition
Wednesday: 16 April 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Yorkshire Museum
Safety, Safety, Safety, and ...
Thanks to Say Uncle my favorite (can you hear my swooning) firearms (awesome dad, twice; and bacon) blogger, we have a couple of links on ...
Firearms Safety!!!
Say Uncle - Four Rules Mnemonic
The Gunner's Blog - Gun Safety's Four Rules: Don't get Your Name in the Newspapers
Before you go any further, you and your family go back and read those two articles.
That includes you brothers and sisters!!!
Drawing Your Pistol in a Car?
Now, this is my type of 'Art'
As always, observe the four rules, and practice, practice, and ...
For this, you might want to clear the weapon (put the weapon on safe, remove the magazine, open the slide or bolt, and check the chamber to insure the weapon is empty) before you practice.
Say Uncle - News You Can Use: Draw a Pistol in a Car
Simply About Guns - How to Properly Clear a Gun [Firearm]
Make Yourself Heard!
As some of y'all know, I will never vote for an anti-freedom candidate such as New Jersey Governor Christopher "Chris" Christie, U.S. Senator John McCain, and ... for President or any other office, including Dog Catcher!
With that said, ...
For you folks living in repressive areas of these United States, here is an AR-15-type rifle for your consideration.
After, ...
You and your family have written 50,000,000 letters to your elected and unelected representatives.
Say Uncle - N.Y. Compliant AR
Consumerist - How to Write to Congress
Almost Lastly, You're 'Normal'
... unless you're a Hipster ; - )
You could have been in the article, too.
If you didn't practice OPSEC ; - )
Say Uncle - This is What Gun Ownership Looks Like
View From the Porch - Gun Hipster
Sooo True
Say Uncle - Kinds and Guns
And, ...
The article, I'm talking about
Imgur - Sometimes Facebook Pays Off...
About that firearm in the picture. It's real.
Wednesday: 16 April 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Kettuvallam Houseboat
Just Because!
I want to convert a school bus into a travel home. Katniss thinks I'm crazy.
Well, ...
Rolling Barge.com - Floating Dock Converted into a Camper Barge
Wednesday: 16 April 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Empty Shelves,
in a Venezuelan Store (ca 2013)
Don't Be 'That' Family
Some folks think they need to dispose of their food buy the best used by date.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Best Used By Dates On Canned Foods are Often Misunderstood
A $5.00 Prep
Angela, over at Food Storage and Survival, has a five dollar, or less, prep for you and your family.
Food Storage and Survival - Why You Want a Bucket Opener
Ummm, Biscuits
My brother, Scout use to bake biscuits every morning when he and his family went camping.
Like I said.
Ummm, biscuits!
Dirt Time - Easy Homemade Buttermilk and Dutch Oven Biscuits
Canning Your Food
Both my grandmothers canned food for their families. It is an inexpensive (but labor intensive, compared to grocery shopping) method for preserving food.
Well, ...
As I have learned, Grandma could have killed us.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Pressure Canners Vs Pressure Cookers
Wednesday: 23 April 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Not a Lot of Money
Say Uncle has a link for us about some $300 concealed carry guns.
Say Uncle - Reliable Carry Guns for Under 3 Bills
What Not to Buy
Again, Say Uncle has a link, of course, to five firearms never to purchase
Say Uncle - 5 Terrible Guns You Should Never Buy
Just to make sure that you read the link, about the AR-15, here it is.
PDB - Bottom Of The Barrel: A Look At The Moores Machine Co. AR-15
Lastly, Just to Remind You
I don't care if you're a Fag, Sand Monkey, Nigger, Square Head, Cracker, Wop, Carpet Muncher, Spic, Kyke, Limey, or ...
Because, ...
There will always be someone; who wants to steal your property, oppress you, enslave you, torture you, kill you, or ...
So, ...
Remember, The Gun is Civilization
Say Uncle - ‘This Nonviolent Stuff ’ll Get You Killed’
Munchkin Wrangler - Why the Gun is Civilization
Wikipedia - List of Ethnic Slurs
If you're offended, good because you still need a firearm.
Wednesday: 23 April 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Joost J. Bakker
Protecting Your Firearms
As you and your family prepare for an event, you're going to acquire a large number of firearms, one rifle and one handgun for everyone in the family. Plus, maybe a couple for fun.
Well, ...
If you get ripped-off, you and your family have no protection.
WeaponsMan - Gunowners Physical Security Plan, Part 1
Carrying Your Firearm's Stuff
Ryan, from TSLR, continues his fighting gear contest. He has 15 entries, currently.
Total Survivalist Libertarain Rantfest
1 comment:
- One thing a lot of people don't know is that most home owner's insurance limits the coverage amounts for certain valuable and often stolen items such as jewelry, precious metals, antiques ... and firearms. It is not uncommon for coverage to be limited to just two or three thousand dollars even if you otherwise have full replacement coverage for everything else in your house. If you have a lot of firearms, or a few very expensive firearms, you may want to go over your policy with your insurance agent and, if you are inclined to do so, check into purchasing a special rider or endorsement for your firearms.
Wednesday: 23 April 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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NASA: Crew of the STS-129
Portable Power
From the Preparedness Advice Blog comes an article about a small, portable solar array in a garden wagon that you and your family could build.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Solar Wagons can Provide Off Grid Electric Power
Wednesday: 23 April 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Physical Fitness
FerFAL, from The Modern Survivalist, reminds us that physical fitness is important and so is healthy eating for preppers and their families.
The Modern Survivalist - Eating Healthy & Staying in Shape
U.S. Army Physical Fitness Training
It is said: 'There is a Right Way, a Wrong Way, and the Army Way'
Well, ...
Here is the Army way of getting physically fit.
Doctrine and Training Publications - Field Manual 7-22
Wednesday: 30 April 2014, Zero
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
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Public Relations Section,
Office of the Chief Counsel for War Crimes,
Nuremburg, Germany
Criminals will Adapt
I was reading an article, many years ago, about an increase in the number of carjackings. The author suggested the reason carjacking had increased was the increase in the use of automobile alarms.
Well, ...
Say Uncle -Reaction
You will want to read this article that Uncle has linked to!
Wednesday: 30 April 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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German Federal Archives
I Just Need to Quit
Not Really!!!
The Prepper Journal - Where There Is No Kitchen: Cooking When The Grid Goes Down
I Really Do Need to Quit
Or, ...
Start using 'social' media like, ...
Pinterest: Alt Cooking
No, I'll 'Never' Quit
There is just so much still to do and learn.
Design Mom - Living Well: 23 Secrets To Cooking on a Campfire
From My Cold Dead Hands
That's right brothers and sisters, y'all need to get your own copy.
'Cause, you can't have mine.
University of Georgia: Extension Services - So Easy to Preserve
University of Georgia: Extension Services - So Easy to Preserve: Order Form
Christ's Mass is approaching, in eight months.
Lastly, ...
Have y'all heard about porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus that has been devastating the pig population, here in these United States.
Well, ...
You might want to run down to your local grocery store and purchase some of those tinned hams, for $3 to $4, that you find in mainly discount grocers.
Just saying.
Wednesday: 30 April 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
Shortwave Radio
During tough times, inexpensive entertainment will be welcomed by you and your family.
Besides, balls, boxes, dolls, Legos, Lincoln Logs, crayons, and other 'imagination' toys, you and your partner may want to purchase a shortwave radio for news and entertainment.
Wednesday: 30 April 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
My family is getting older, the children are starting to think of college, careers, and leaving our home for their adventures.
Well, ...
My partner and I aren't going to hang around and clean a 'big' house, so they can come and visit their old bedrooms ; - )
Apartment Prepper - Downsize Before You Have To
Wednesday: 30 April 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Samu Hupli
and Stefan Melander
Depending on who you and your family read, will depend on how mush 'stuff' is in your emergency evacuation kit.
Well, ...
It might be too heavy, especially if you and your family haven't practiced carrying your kit.
Survival Sherp - Skills: A Gear Weight-Loss Program
Global Security - Chapter 11: Soldier's Load and Combat Readiness
The 7.62 X 51 NATO rifle.
Assault Rifle Brotherhood - FAL: Right Arm of the Free World
Because of the awesome picture from Samu Hupli and Stefan Melander
Wednesday: 7 May 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bjarni Juliusson
Internet, Not
We get wrapped up on the internet, ignoring other sources of information like the library.
So, ...
I would like to recommend some books for you to locate, read, and possibly purchase.
Putting Food By - Janet Greene, Ruth Hertzberg, and Beatrice Vaughan
Jam It, Pickle It, Cure It and other cooking projects - Karen Solomon
Can It, Bottle It, Smoke It and other kitchen projects - Karen Solomon
200 Easy Homemade Cheese Recipes - Debra Amrein-Boyes
Self-Sufficiency Cheese Making - Rita Ash
The Joy of Cheese Making: the ultimate guide to ... - Jody Farnham and Marc Druart
Internet, Yep
Of course there are many internet resources, from the internet ; - )
Like, ...
Utah State University: Extension Service - Publications
I'm partial to the "Eating Well: Made Easy" for information and recipes
Utah State University: Extension Service - Publications: Eating Well: Made Easy
Or, ...
University of Georgia - Cooperative Extension
You will need to 'click' on the drop down menus, then click around to get to the publications.
Here is a link to some of them in an alphabetical list.
University of Georgia: Cooperative Extension - College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences: Alphabetical List
Here is a list, by category, of some other publications
University of Georgia: Cooperative Extension - Family and Consumer Sciences: Publications
Needless to say, I like these.
University of Georgia: Cooperative Extension - Publications: Emergencies
Of course , if you want to search for information from other states, just search for ["the name of your state" State University Extension Service].
Of course, there are many international references, especially development programs from many non-government organizations (NGO) like, ...
FAO: Publications - Search: Better Farming Series
I apologize for cutting it short, but I have to go the work.
Wednesday: 7 May 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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James Elmes and William Woolnoth
Don't Be That Guy
Here is an article from WeaponsMan, about various incidents in his home state of New Hampshire.
I would like for you to take note of two of these incidents. First, "School Fool" when it comes to a possible deadly threat, take it serious Every Time!
The next blurb, "Off Target" has a quick lesson for us, too. Please, please, please, make sure you know where your bullets are going. Don't assume (make an ASS out of yoU and ME) anything when it comes to firearms.
Remember, 'Don't be that guy or gal!'
WeaponsMan - New Hampshire Crimes & Misdemeanors Update
Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword
During the Vietnam conflict, old men would be given antique rifles and five bullets, by the Vietcong. These old men would then be instructed to have five empty brass casings, upon the Vietcong's return. Of course, the old men were threatened with family harm or death, so they complied.
Currently in Africa, young boys, preteen and teens, are manipulated, coerced, or threatened to fight in numerous conflicts, over there.
And, ...
Say Uncle - Once he pointed a gun at someone, it was a moral imperative to kill him
Some of y'all will probably ask: Why did you include this, since Wednesdays are usually about learning from other sites?
Let me tell you.
When someone, no matter how old or how young, points a gun at you, it becomes personal and deadly.
In other words, as Uncle says "Once he pointed a gun and threatened someone he had to die. It was the moral imperative."
No Promises
Say Uncle wrote a blurb titled "Preaching to the Converted", about an article by Massad Ayoob titled "Why We Use Expending Bullets for Self-Defense," that I linked to a couple of months ago.
Well, ...
I didn't promise to update it with the other two articles
Well, ...
I did, I did
GSIEP - Wednesday: 19 March 2014, Part Five
Wednesday: 7 May 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Dorothea Lange
I was reading a book titled The Long Walk: The True Story of a Trek to Freedom by Sławomir Rawicz. It was an easy, quick read. Plus, it had some adventure, fine for middle schoolers and adults.
Now, some people say the book is a work of fiction (not a true story). They sight various inconsistencies in the historical records of that period.
Oh, well.
But, I want you to think: if the book is true, he walked 4.000 miles (6.500 km) in 18 months.
And, ...
This quote from the book: "..., because only food had value."
Wikipedia - Sławomir Rawicz
Taking Care of Your Feet
After your brain, I would say, your feet are probably the ultimate survival tool.
It might be brain, hands, then feet.
But, ...
Either way, your feet are important for survival ; - )
How Stuff Works.com: Health - How to Care for Your Feet
How Stuff Works.com: Health - Foot Injuries
Yeah, it's a multiple page article to probably increase advertisement revenue, but it's worth the effort to read it.
Wednesday: 7 May 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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On a Kick
Preppers, I have gotten on a kick about this library thing.
I tell you. I was walking through the stacks, at the library, and found some other books you might be interested in.
The Gardener's A-Z Guide to Growing Organic Food by Tanya L.K. Denckla
High-Yield Gardening by Marjorie B. Hunt and Brenda Bortz
Grow, Cook, Eat by Willi Galloway
The Encyclopedia of Natural Insects and Disease Control edited by Roger B. Yepsen
and, ...
I have to stop for now. I'm headed to work, again.
Wednesday: 14 May 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
U.S. Army report ADA278230, “Nuclear Environment
Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Faraday cages
Most people would be surprised to see a discussion about EMP and Faraday cages on a site dedicated to firearms, Special Forces, and warfare.
Well, ...
Most people don't now; one of the missions of the Special Forces was to carry nuclear devices. These 'bombs' were used to destroy large targets such as bridges, rail yards, dams, and other strategic targets. They would also be used to destroy similar friendly assets, so the enemy couldn't use them.
WeaponsMan - Common Sense EMP Preparation
ADA278230, “Nuclear Environment Survivalibility”
I'm one of those people that like to read the primary source of information.
Well, ...
Here is the report that the illustration is from.
DTIC: Online - ADA278230, “Nuclear Environment Survivalibility”
Wednesday: 14 May 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Weather Service
I Didn't Know That
Did you know there is a tornado season?
National Weather Sevice: Strom Prediction Cneter - Online Tornado FAQ
AccuWeather.com - Unusual Start to Tornado Season
Minnesota Department of Public Safety - Tornado Safety Information
io9 - A Map Showing Which Time of Year You're Most at Risk of a Tornado
Wednesday: 14 May 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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T. Voekler
Do you want a job?
Say Uncle - Sign of the Times
Wednesday: 14 May 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Choosing Your First Firearm
As you and your family make your preparations for tough times, one of the pieces of equipment y'all will want to purchase is a handgun.
So, ...
Which one to purchase?
Say Uncle - Buying your First Gun
Some Lessons on Training and Equipment
Katniss' girlfriend married a police officer, many years ago. He has studied hard, took the tough assignments, and done the 'right' thing many times. Now, he is the Chief of Police for a major city, in our state.
Well, ...
He isn't into guns!!!
It seems a lot of police officers aren't into guns.
So, ...
They have to practice.
Say Uncle - Lessons on Training and Gear
Make sure to read the comments. They have a couple of more ideas for you and your family, too.
Getting Older
As we get older; it's going to happen to everyone, guaranteed; our eyesight starts going.
So, ...
Seeing the front sight becomes difficult.
Well, ...
Purchasing an optic for your rifle is one solution.
But, ...
Which one?
Say Uncle - Best Optic: Aimpoint v. EOTech
Remember!!! Food, Food, and More Food then all the other 'stuff'
Almost Lastly, ...
Just so you know.
io9 - How Gun [Firearms'] Silencers Really Work
Lastly, Some Art
Say Uncle - How it’s Made
O.K., ...
One more.
Say Uncle - I Made a List
The reason why, I linked to this post from Say Uncle.
"The real lesson in this post is really that you can’t know what you don’t know. Whenever you read something, whether it’s in a gun magazine printed out for you, or a blog, a forum, or even 4chan, question the source. Is this person knowledgeable? What are their qualifications? If you’re reading a post by a grandmaster USPSA shooter about pistol technique, they probably know what they’re talking about. If that same GM is then telling you about how to clear a room by yourself…maybe question that source. Don’t just accept something uncritically because it’s written by someone you like, either. Confirmation bias is deadly."
1 comment:
- You use a pistol to get to a rifle. Get a SKS before you purchase a pistol...at minimum.
Wednesday: 21 May 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Lance Corporal Hector Figueroa, U.S.M.C. (ca 2005)
Lance Corporal Matthew Hutchison, U.S.M.C.
Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome
During an event, you and your family may be limited to the items on hand to solve your problems.
Such as an ...
Say Uncle - Many uses of an AK magazine
Peak Prosperity: What Should I Do? - Mooselick7: Problem Solving: Improvise, Adapt, Overcome
The 'Best' ...
Say Uncle - The 5 Best Cartridges for CCW
As Caleb points out at the end of the article "The best cartridge is the one that’s loaded in the gun you’re carrying when you really need it. Like every[one] says, having a gun is the most important thing. Knowing how to use it well is second, and third is having it loaded with one of the rounds on this list."
Wednesday: 21 May 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Solar-Powered Wheelie Bin Sound Systems (ca 2012)
Mashy P
Solar Power
Riverwalker from Stealth Survival has been working on a couple of solar-powered projects. One has been a shed. Another one, he is working on right now, is a portable water pump.
Stealth Survival - DIY Solar Shed Project
Stealth Survival - DIY Solar Project: Portable Water Pump, Part One: Basic Planning
Just So You Know
Wheelie Bins are large, 45, 65, or 95 gallon wheeled garbage containers
Sunny Bins - About Us
Sunny Bins - Applications
Wednesday: 21 May 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Sgt Rupert Frere RLC/MOD
During an event, clothing is quickly available to you and your family. Plus, your feet are going to need protection because you might be doing a lot of walking.
Well, ...
A quality pair of hunting boots might solve that problem, but they aren't the only answer.
Survival Common Sense - How to pick the best pair of hunting/hiking boots
One person opinion on a 'combat' rig.
Justbarkingmad.com - An Excellent Tutorial on Rigs
Most folks forget about the lefties.
Left handed people will want to keep the left shoulder clear of obstructions, so no magazine, first-aid, or other pouch on the left shoulder to prevent a good stock-weld on the left shoulder.
And, ...
The Radio pouch will need to be on the right-side.
And, ..
The pistol holster will be accessed with the left hand and the magazines will be removed from their pouch by the right hand.
And, ...
Practice, practice, and more practice with your gear to make sure it works for you.
Just a Reminder
Ryan is still running his Fighting Load Carrying contest. He currently has 18 entrants.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Label: Fighting Load Contest
Remember: Food, Food, and more food first!!!
Wednesday: 21 May 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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National Archives and Records Administration
Non-internet Edition
My family receives electrical power from an electrical cooperative. One of the perks is a free magazine.
Well, ...
This month's issue had some electrical safety tips.
Do You Know What to do in an Electrical Emergency?
"If someone nearby comes into contact with electricity, do not touch the person or anything the person is touching. First call 9111. You could become a victim yourself by touching the person or the object.
If the source of electricity is an appliance, grab the plug - not the cord - and pull it out of the outlet. If you can not safely remove the plug, turn off the power at the circuit breaker.
If an electric wire falls on your car, do not get out of the car. You are safe inside your vehicle because your tires are conductors of electricity. They can keep you safe in your car because electricity travels through the outside of the car, through the tires and into the ground. Stay in your car until help arrives.
It is a common misconception that car tires protect you. Not so. The metal that surrounds you affords you the protection - assuming you have a metal car and not a convertible. Similar to lighting that may hit your car, electricity will travel only on the outside surface of the car to the ground.
Power Lines are never safe to touch. When a wire falls to the ground, it may still be live, even if you don't see sparks. Call 911 and your electric cooperative or utility if you see a downed wire. Warn others to keep their distance. (The reason for Mr. Steel's picture, above)
Wood is a poor conductor of electricity, but it is still a conductor, especially when wet. Do not use wooden or metal ladders near a power line. If a ladder begins to fall into a power line, don't grad it. Let it fall and call your utility.
It is not safe to climb trees near power lines at any time. The tree can conduct electricity, which can 'jump' from the power line and electrocute the climber.
If GFCIs are not working properly, they do not protect you from shock or electrocution. Ground fault circuit interrupters can be damaged by voltage surges from lighting or simply normal use and wear. They should be tested once a month.
You can test a GFCI easily using a night light to verify it is working:
1. Push the 'Reset' Button
2. Plug in a night light; it should be 'On'
3. Press the 'Test' button. The light should turn 'Off'
4. Push the 'Reset' button again; the light should turn back 'On'
If the light did not turn 'Off,' the GFCI is not working properly."
Source: Rural Arkansas Magazine, North Carolina's Electric Cooperatives, and Electrical Safety Foundation.
Randell Electrics and Trade Services - What to do in an Electrical Emergency
Randell Electrics and Trade Services - Electricity Safety at Home
Wednesday: 28 May 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Sgt. Bertha Flores, U.S. Army
Just so you know, on Monday, I wrote a blurb about a possible Doom and Gloom that has been updated with another article about what 'might' happen, if an El Nino forms, this year. That I think you should read, just in case.
When ammunition is properly stored, cool, dry place, and away from sunlight, it has an almost indefinite shelf-life, kind'a like long-term food storage.
So, ...
After you purchase 500 to 1.000 rounds of ammunition for your SKS rifle and 250 to 500 rounds for your .357 magnum revolver; if you store half of the ammo in serviceable U.S. military ammunition cans in you basement, you and your family will have ammo for your rifles and handguns, during an event, for thirty years.
Pop and No Kick
Most soldiers don't read the military manuals for their equipment, but all of the military's firearms technical manuals have a quick blurb about the possibility of a 'squib' round (little or no powder) that fires but doesn't provide the same 'kick' and sound of a normal round. Plus, the squib round can cause the bullet to become lodged in the barrel, a very bad thing.
So, ...
Make sure you click on the link to see the video about ...
Say Uncle - The Shortest Ammo Test Ever
Speaking of Manuals
Here are a couple of links to the technical manuals for the M-16 rifle. The first two are the -10 manuals or better know as the operator manuals. The next two are the -20 to -30 s which are organizational (unit armours) and the ...
Dang, I forgot.
Oop! (As Homer Simpson would say) I remember!
The -30 manuals are the Direct Support manuals, and the &P gives the parts' numbers, usually national stock numbers (NSN)
Archive.org - TM 9-1005-249-10: Operators Manual for Rifle, 5.56mm, M16
Or, ...
Text Files.com: Manuals, Military - TM 9-1005-249-10: Operators Manual for Rifle, 5.56mm, M16
This edition of the manual kind'a sucks because there were a lot of changes to the manual, after 1985.
If I get a chance, I'll see if I can find a newer edition. Either way, you still need to read your equipment manuals. Before using the equipment!
And, ...
If you want to be able to change parts with a manual as a guide, here is ...
TM 9-1005-319-23&P; Field Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Rifle, 5.56mm, M16A2 ...
Or, ...
Text Files.com: Manuals, Military - TM 9-1005-319-23&P; Unit and Direct Support Maintenance Manual (Including Repair Parts and Special Tools List) for Rifle, 5.56mm, M16A2 ...
These United States' military changes weapons every couple of years or decades, depending on the platform. The same goes for other countries militaries. When they do change over, sometimes these countries sell their old weapons.
Well, ...
These older weapons may not have adequate sights for preppers, take the AK-47. It's a great carbine suited for mass fire (that's what the soviets designed the carbine to do)
Well, ...
Preppers and survivalists aren't going to have the massive quantity of ammunition and people that technique requires to be effective.
So, ...
You and your family are going to need to aim (One Shoot; One Kill)
Well, ...
You might need to add a scope to your rifle, for it to be effective for you and your family.
Say Uncle - New Optics for Old Guns
That's one of the reasons why I suggest the SKS rifle for preppers and their families. The rifles is more then adequate, as is.
Yeah, I know they're not as sexy as an AR-15 or intimidating as the AK-47.
But, ...
The SKS rifle work as they are with minimal equipment because food, food, and more food with lots of water are more important.
Wednesday: 28 May 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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John Atherton
Speaking of Shelf Life
Short-term food storage will last from a few days, for fresh fruits and vegetables, to a few weeks or months; potatoes, frozen chicken, beef, pork, or ...; depending on what it is and how it's stored.
Medium-term food storage will last from a couple of weeks, bagged chips and crackers, to a couple of years; canned meats, canned soups, canned fruits and vegetables, or other canned food you buy at the local grocery.
Long-term food storage will last from five to ten years; the dehydrated foods, properly processed and canned; to a couple of decades for the freeze-dried and properly canned foods, like Mountain House.
The ultimate long-term food storage are properly processed and canned whole wheat (hard red or white), long-grain white rice, white sugar, iodized salt, oats (quick and regular) and the dried beans (pinto, black, lentils, chick-pea, and ...)
Family Survival Planning - Food Storage Shelf Life: For Long Term Food Storage
Well, ...
How much long-term food storage do you need for one year?
Backdoor Survival - Getting Prepared Week 32: How much food do you need?
About.com: Latter-day Saints - Food Storage Calculator
Where ...
Do my family and I purchase this food?
For the short and medium-term food, you and your partner buy it from the local grocery store, discount retailer, and bulk big-box stores.
For the dehydrated, freeze-dried, and whole grains and dried beans, you're going to search around, on the internet (I have a couple of links) or from your local grocery store.
The Latter-day Saints have a couple of places, locally, and a national distribution center that you can purchase the whole grains and pinto beans.
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center: Starter Kit
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center: Hard Red Wheat
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center: White Rice
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center: Quick Oats
Latter-day Saints - Distribution Center: Pinto Beans
Safecastle - Home
Safecastle - Storage Food
Safecastle has or had a policy of matching specials offered by other companies on Mountain House.
So, ...
If XYZ offers green beans for $17.00 a can, they'll do the same. Just make sure you check before you order. O.K.
Walton Feed - Rainy Day Foods
Honeyville Food Products - Home
Wednesday: 28 May 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Fred the Oyster
Everyone Does It, Everyone!
We all make mistakes that's part of being human.
But, ...
We don't have to repeat some of them.
Prepper-Resources.com - Common Prepping Mistakes
The Prepper Journal - 3 Common Mistakes Preppers Make and How To Avoid Them
Offgrid Survival - 4 Mistakes That Preppers Make
Urban Survival Site - 10 Common Prepping Mistakes
My Family Survival Plan - Survival Guide: Common Prepper Mistakes to Avoid
The Daily Prep - The 8 Biggest Mistakes Preppers Make
Prepared Christian - Ten Common Mistakes Prepper’s Make
I made sure to include articles that present different prepper mistakes.
So ...
Please read each of these articles because they have different viewpoints on the common mistakes.
Makes You Ask 'What Were They Thinking?'
Lastly, even really 'smart' people have their moments.
io9 - The Ten Most Bizarre Ideas For Using Nuclear Weapons
Wednesday: 28 May 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Amanda Slater
Yeah, it screams "Attack Me!"
Plus, at over $2,000,000, you could find a nicer place ; - )
The Telegraph - A Fortress with an All-Round View
Drink beer and protect you and your family from rocket attacks ; - )
Wired: Tour the Pubs and Dance Halls of Israel’s Many Bomb Shelters
Wednesday: 4 June 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Nicholas Morant
A Hobby
There is a difference between a firearms hobby and firearms for prepping.
First, a hobby allows you to purchase firearms of different calibers. You might have a .45 ACP pistol, a 9mm pistol, a .357 magnum revolver, and a .50 A.E. pistol with a couple of boxes of ammo for each one or none at all.
Prepping requires you and your family to standardize on a specific caliber, like 9mm or .357 magnum (but only one) for your handguns and 7.63X39 for your family's SKS or AK-47 series rifles. Plus, you stock a lot more than one or two boxes of ammo. More like 500 rounds for each rifle and 250 rounds for each handgun.
Next, you and your family also only have one type of handgun and one type of rifle, such as a Glock 19 (9mm pistol) and the AR-15 series rifle, in 5.56 mm.
Second, a firearms' hobby allows you to read articles, like this ...
WeaponsMan - Eli Whitney and Interchangeable Parts
Or, ...
WeaponsMan - How .22 Ammo is Made
O.K. I lied. Anyone can watch the video and read these interesting article from WeaponsMan; - )
Selecting a Firearm
When you and your family go out to buy a firearm, you need to have done your research, maybe done some shooting (test firing), and read the internet about other important issues, like selecting a firearm ; - )
Well, ...
According to a link and a comment!!! from Say Uncle, you need to be careful about firearm's reviews, too.
Say Uncle - On Gun Reviews
Peak Prosperity - Selecting a Firearm
Police One.com - Buyer’s Guide to Selecting a Handgun
Say Uncle and Me
I like Uncle, over at Say Uncle. He, at least to me, is The Drudge of firearms because he has so many different links to various firearm's related stuff, opinions to price reductions to new products to ...
Almost everything firearms related.
That's why he's linked here so often, at GSIEP.
Well, ...
Here are two more from Say Uncle, kind'a
Say Uncle - Gun Porn: Check Your Ammo
Pistol Training.com - Do’s and Don’ts of the “Correction Target”
Wednesday: 4 June 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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You'll See
In about two hours, I'll have a link to an article about a group of folks that almost died.
So, ...
1. Thinking
2. Emergency Evacuation Kit
3. Air
4. Shelter (and Fire)
5. Water
6. Food
7. Medical
8. ...
Kukri Blades.com - Best Bow Drill Techniques to Start a Fire with Friction
If I haven't told you this before, YouTube (and to a lesser extent Vimeo) is a great place to see and learn how to do many things.
Including, ...
YouTube: Cédrik Grenier -
Vimeo: - Paul Scheiter - Bow Drill Fire
And, ...
A bow drill isn't just for starting a fire
Wikicommons - Remscheid - Deutsches Werkzeugmuseum: Bow Drill
Wednesday: 4 June 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Albert Bierstadt
There is a Right Way, ...
And there is the wrong way because Mother Nature is a killer, a serial killer.
So, ...
Whenever you go into the wilderness (said, wilder ness), carry essential gear.
Like, ...
The Captain's Journal - Survival In The White Mountains
The Captain's Journal - Category: Survival
If You Noticed
If these folks, in the above article, had carried a woodsmen's basic gear, they would have been better off.
Northwest Woodsman - The Woodsman Ten Essentials
Some folks would recommend substituting the axe for a saw.
If you're tired or the axe 'slips' and hits your leg or arm, it will leave a nasty injury, maybe a life threatening injury.
Stuff, You'll be Interested In
The Northwest Woodsman has many more articles that you and your family will be interested in, such as ...
Northwest Woodsman - Articles
Northwest Woodsman - When Thing Go Wrong
Northwest Woodsman -Tarp Tent Set Up
Northwest Woodsman - More Tarp Set Ups
Wednesday: 4 June 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
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LCpl C.D. Clark, USMC
Short Sword or Long Knife
In the early days of firearms, folks would still carry swords. As firearms became more reliable, it seems to me, the swords became smaller.
Take the Bowie knife. It was a knife with a ten to twelve inch blade (almost a short sword) around the transition from black powder to smokeless powder
Well, ...
The Bowie knife isn't the only short sword or long knife available to preppers and their families.
Kukri Blades.com - Best Kukri Knife: Comparison of 5 Top Rated Models
Kukri Blades.com - Kukri History: Roots of the Iconic Gurkha Military Knife
Kukri Blades.com - Chakmak and Karda: What is their purpose?
I knew a medic, in these United States' Army, that carried a Kukri for self-protection, just in case his .45 jammed.
P.S. Again
I had an opportunity to work with (more like watch, from a long distance) the Gurkas. One of the things I noticed; they use their Kukri for everything; clearing brush, trimming weeds, and other bushcraft tasks; just not hacking their enemies to death.
So, ...
You'll probably want to purchase a sharpening stone, too.
GSIEP - Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff, on a Saturday (10 May 2014)
What Not to Buy
I'm a child of the '80s, so I remember wanting a hollow-handled survival knife like Rambo, in the movie "First Blood" (based on the book First Blood by David Morrell) for my preps ; - )
At about $75, they were well outside my meager financial resources. Plus, they suck as survival knives.
It seems, the blade is pinned to the hollow handle making the knife very weak at the guard. If the knife is used in a prying motion, the blade will snap off the handle. Except for one manufacturer, Chris Reeves
It seems, Chris Reeves solved the problem by making the knife from one piece of steel.
Well, ...
From $400 to $1.500 for a Shadow II or a Shadow III, a quality hollow-handle survival knife is still out of my price range ; - )
By the way, if you're planning to purchase one of these knives, be warned, they may be counterfeits.
WeaponsMan - Rambo Knives in Court
Don Rearic.com - The Urban Survival Knife: The Chris Reeve Shadow III
Chris Reeves - Counterfeits
If you have the opportunity to read First Blood by David Morrell, it's worth the time.
Just to Keep Going
Since this blurb seems to be turning into an article, here are a couple of links for some general information about knives.
Unknown - General Knife Anatomy
Great Eastern Cutlery - Knife Terminology
Survival Primer - Custom Knife Encyclopedia: Blade Shapes
Wednesday: 11 June 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Cats at Play
McLoughlin Bros. Publishers
I'm looking for a new place to live (trying to reduce my living expenses) at Home Away From Home, so my family and I can make a bigger dent in paying down our debt.
So, ...
I have been filling out leasing applications.
Well, ...
Most applications have a place for my social security number.
Yahoo: Finance - 8 numbers identity thieves want to steal from you
Spear Phishing
Working with a group of diverse individuals provides me with differing viewpoints and multiple sources of information.
Well, ...
One of the 'guys' left a copy of the local paper explaining how the five recently indicted Chinese 'hackers' gained access to some of the information; they stole from a couple of major corporations.
Federal Bureau of Investigation - Spear Phishing
Norton.com - Spear Phishing: Scam, Not Sport
The Hindu.com - Five Chinese ‘hackers’ indicted for cyber espionage
Wednesday: 11 June 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Jon
Dasbach, U.S.N.
Quality Food Storage
Have you and your family heard about the death of numerous pets because of substandard pet food from China?
Well, ...
It seems China provides freeze-dried products to the long-term food storage companies.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Avoiding Chinese Freeze Dried Foods
Spoiled Food
A long time ago, I was talking to a local school's cook. She made the comment that cottage cheese is curdled milk. Another time, I was talking about food with a buddy of mine, and he stated that Kim Chi and sauerkraut are rotten cabbage.
Well, ...
Preparedness Advice Blog - Fermented Foods are Good for Your Health
Preparedness Advice Blog -Which Fermenting Crock is Best for You?
Chow.com - Basic Napa Cabbage Kimchi (Kimchee) Recipe
Dr. Ben Kim - How to Make Kim Chi
Missing Food
This is kind'a a doom and gloom blurb with some suggestions for your family from FerFAL.
The Modern Survivalist - “Shrinkflation” in USA
Practice, Practice, and More Practice
One of the situations we, you and your family, have to deal with is getting our children involved.
Well, ...
Damian Brindle has an idea for you.
ReThink Survival - Stove Sundays: Wonderbox Macaroni, My Kid’s Favorite Made Even Better!
Wednesday: 11 June 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists
Jan Polák
I was visiting my brother Spartan a couple of years ago. While I was there, we went to a local solar and wind energy place.
Well, ...
They had quit selling windpower systems because the systems had become too expensive, compared to solar voltaic systems.
Seasoned Citizen Prepper - A Wind Power Primer
Seasoned Citizen Prepper - DIY Wind Turbine
Seasoned Citizen Prepper - Plastic Drum Wind Turbine & More
Talking of Windpower
One of the problems with alternative sources of power is energy storage, such as batteries.
Well, ...
Seasoned Citizen Prepper - A Wind Powered Washing Machine!
Wednesday: 11 June 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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You remember, a couple of years ago, all those protestors with posters showing then President Bush (43) as a monkey. How about the ones of President Obama as a monkey?
Well, ...
Everyone has opinions, including prepping.
Survival Primer - Home
Another Opinion
Don Rearic.com - Main
Don Rearic.com - Urban Survival Primer
Don Rearic.com - Survival
Wednesday: 18 June 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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image credit
Don Davis,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
In The Wrong Place
Now, some of y'all are going to think this article is in the wrong place.
Well, ...
It might be, but I want you to think about this information as you get prepared for life's little and big emergencies.
The BlackListed News article has faulty links, so I found the original article over at The Economist.
BlackListed News - 17 Things That Kill More Often Than ‘Far Right Extremism’: This Chart Should Make Media Feel Silly
The Economists - Daily Chart 7: Danger of Death
Wednesday: 18 June 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Raudvatnet in the Autumn (ca 2005)
The Have More Plan
Many years ago, about 70, book called The Have More Plan by Ed and Carolyn Robinson hit bookshelves.
Ki4U - The Have More Plan
Meat (chicken, pork, beef, and others) is expensive. So expensive, you and your family will probably want to prepare meatless meals during tough times.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Meatless Recipes for Hard Times
Wednesday: 18 June 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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National Archives and Records Administration
M1 Garand
Some folks want a 'harder' hitting rifle. Probably one of the easiest to obtain is the ...
Wikipedia - M1 Garand
Building a M1 Garand
WeaponsMan has an article about building one with the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP).
WeaponsMan - Building an M1 with the CMP
Here's the link WeaponsMan didn't provide; at least, I think so.
Civilian Marksmanship Program - M1 Garand Sales
I don't know why it's called "thirty ought six," but that's the caliber of the M1 Garand.
Well, ...
It's no longer a 'common' caliber like 5.56mm and 7.62X39, so you and your family could purchase chamber adapter from ...
MCA Sports - Chamber Adapters
Speaking of ...
Chamber adapters. There is another product that's not soo hot.
O.K. I was too mean
Let's say, ...
Preforms less than expected
Wednesday: 18 June 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Displaced Children by Julien Harneis |
We take cheap clothing for granted.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Do You Have an Adequate Supply of the Right Type of Socks?
Wednesday: 25 June 2014
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Alexander W. Galbraith
The Big City
As a general rule, cities are unsurvivable.
If you don't believe me, then you need to read Ol' Remus' description of some of their problems.
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report - Woodpile Report 375: 24 Jun 2014
But, ...
What's it like?
The Modern Survivalist - 700 Days of Urban Survival in Syria
Wednesday: 25 June 2014, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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One Brother
I have mentioned this before, but I'll tell you again.
I have three brothers. Each is different in their preps. One brother, Scout, plans to evacuate for most of his family's emergencies. He and his family purchased a newer camper to use as mobile shelter.
Needless to say, he has made arrangements with his three brothers to park the camper in our drieways.
The Modern Survivalist - Bug Out Camper/RV?
Two Brother
Another brother plans to travel 'lite,' if he has to evacuate.
Of course, he has to sleep on the couch, when he arrives during an event.
The Survivalist Blog - Cheap, Light Shelter Ideas for Your Bug Out Bag
Three Brother
I almost screwed that up because all my brothers know how to improvise shelter for their families.
Ravenlore: Bushcraft and Wilderness Skills - Shelter
There is a lot of good information under those symbols on the side of the page.
Wednesday: 25 June 2014, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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United States’ National Park Service
You Only Need One
View From the Porch - I'll have the usual.
Wednesday: 25 June 2014, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Eugene Atget
More Information
Yeah, I know ...
Information overload, but I don't know what you and your family will be facing during an event
Think about it. A few short years ago, President Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize for ???
Now, China is sinking Vietnamese fishing boats. Russia is annexing Crimea. Africa is fighting each other. The Iraqis are killing each other, again
And, ...
These United States is involved, some way or another, in every one of these conflicts ; - )
Oh, oh, oh, I forgot. Illegals are streaming across the southern border. Democrats hate Republicans and vise versa. The V.A. is killing vets, and ...
Docs Archive.com - Red Cross Evacuation Kit: .pdf documents
Here are some of the ones you might be interested in if you're a high school student, have a small business, run a daycare, or ...
State of Illinois - Disaster Kit
APHA - Get Set: An Emergency Preparedness Project Kit for High School Students from the APHA
FedEx - Emergency Preparedness Checklist for Small Businesses
Community Health Training Center - Emergency Preparedness Planning Guide for Child Care Centers
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