Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Gan-Shmuel archive
I am planning ahead this time. (3 February 2014)
So, ...
I am consolidating some of the Wednesday's posts and Other Stuff into one ginormous post ; - )
And, ...
I am deleting all of the "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" articles for 2012
Update (7 August, 2016)
After more than four years, I'm still not finished with the 2012 archives, so I will be working on these, as time becomes available.
Also, ... I need your help.
It seems, I may have accidentally 'killed' the blog becasue a search for "Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness' doesn't show the blog, on the first page. Nor, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, ... or 14th page.
So, ... If you are able, please make GSiEP number 1, again.
Wednesday: 4 January 2012
What Not to Buy?
First up is a link, thanks Say Uncle, from Cheaper Than Dirt's blog called The Shooter's Log about their idea of some survival items.
I agree ...
Not really. A spool of 550 cord would be nice, but it's not necessary. Same with the 'space' tent and the IDF assault bag. The 6 in 1 radio/flashlight might be cool, but ... how cheaply made is the radio/flashlight?
It's nice to save some cash on your preps, but make sure you are buying what you need (not want) and buying quality (not sh*t). Remember, you are staking you and your family's survival on your gear.
Cheaper Than Dirt - Survival Items That Help Your Wallet Survive Too
Needless to say, James Dakin's words always chimes in when it comes to spending money for preps and the types of preps to buy.
Don't Panic About Every Little Disaster
Of course, if I mention Bison Survival Blog once, I have to mention it again.
You and I don't have to panic for every little disaster, so says James Dakin.
Bison Survival Blog - Bothering with Details
Jennie @ Home
One of the blog readers was kind enough to become a member of this blog. Needless to say, I will, time to time, check out what other folks are reading. Well, Jennie had a blog listed called "--- Living Prepared ---" on her 'profile' page that she reads
I checked it out and "--- Living Prepared ---" had a article on chemical lights that you will be interested in.
Thanks, Jennie @ Home for the link and (if you can) leave a thank you for Yukon Mike at Living Prepared for the useful article on lightsticks
--- Living Prepared --- - Lightsticks
Wednesday: 11 January 2012
Food Storage
Vic Rantala wrote a guest post, over at Stealth Survival, that is very informative about storing food. This would be one of the articles that I would send to folks if they asked about food storage.
Vic Rantala runs Safecastle and they are having a sale on the Mountain House Freeze-Dried food.
Stealth Survival - 9 Key Food Storage Tips for a Down Economy
New Year Resolutions
One of the gals over at Safely Gathered In wrote a post about healthy food storage recipes. These should help you with your news year resolution and your food storage.
Cool, two resolutions knocked-out.
Safely Gathered In - Food Storage Friday: Healthy Recipes Roundup
It's "What's for Dinner?"
Lastly, Sharon at Casaubon's Book has an article about soup.
When you head on over, make sure you have your favorite soup recipe handy to share, in the comments.
Casaubon's Book - The Soup Lady
Wednesday: 18 January 2012
As you can see, I have added AdSense and started an Amazon Store for this blog. Right now, the Amazon store only has four pages with about nine items per page.
Needless to say, if you can find it cheaper locally, you need to buy local. Enough said.
Jennie @ Home
A couple of posts ago, I told you about a visitor to the blog becoming a member. Well, Jennie @ Home had two more blogs on her profile page y'all might be interested in.
Eat Well, Eat Cheap - Home
Frugally Sustainable - Home
The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear
I so much want to disrespect the writer of this article. He failed to mention the importance of shelter, water, and food for long-term survival. Plus, almost half of the article talks about guns. (No mention of handguns, either)
The article by Brandon Smith has some good points. I especially like his comment ...
"Being poor is no excuse for procrastination."
Alt-Market.com - The Poor Man’s Guide To Survival Gear
Hotbeds and Cold Frames
I can't remember, if I have mentioned this .pdf in the past.
Purdue University Cooperative Extension Service - Hotbeds and Cold Frames
Wednesday: 18 January 2012, Part Two
Food for Thought
"... serious preppers must admit that not all problems can have a solution."
You'll want to read the rest at Bison Survival Blog, by James Dakin,
Bison Survival Blog - Not All Problems
Wives, Husbands, Friends, Colleagues, and Partners
Once you add another person to your prepping plans, you have a partner. A partner who needs to be listened to.
Spartan, my brother, has a idea on organizing a group of preppers, expected friends/family and unexpected arrivals, a vote. It's very democratic, keeping within our ideals, but you have to buy a vote.
To get a full vote, I and my family would have to purchase various food and supplies.
A short example: Everyone who wants a full vote must own a HK-91 type rifle, 10 magazines, and 1.000 rounds of 7.62 Nato ammo. If I or someone else buys a bolt-action rifle in 7.62 Nato with 1.000 rounds, they would get 1/2 a vote. If he or she buys a SKS rifle with 1.000 rounds of ammo, they get 1/4 vote. (He lives in 7.62 Nato country)
Well, Ryan, at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has an insightful article on marital decision making that might work in any partnership.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Marital Decision Making
Wednesday: 25 January 2012
Information and Resources
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Make America Strong Poster Number 7 (ca 1943-1945) NARA |
There are many great free (paid with your taxes) resources from your state's extension office. Below are a few links to various extension services and some publications you might find interesting.
If you want to access your state's extension service, conduct a search for "The name of your state" Extension Service or look them up in the local phonebook.
Utah State University - Cooperative Extension
Utah State University - Cooperative Extension: Publications
Finance and Economics: General Finance and Economics
- How Advertisers Mess with Our Minds and Wallets
Food and Nutrition: Food Preservation
- Avoiding Common (Major and Minor) Canning Mistakes
Horticulture: High Tunnels
- Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel
University of Missouri - Cooperative Extension: Home
Home and Consumer Life
- Money Management: Living on Less
Nutrition and Health
- Ten Healthy Habits for the New Year
Business and Careers: Business Start-up, Business Plans and Planning
- Guide to Writing a Business Plan
Texas A & M University - AgriLife Extension Service
A & M University: Prairie View - Cooperative Extension System
- Keep the Customer You Already Have
Texas AgriLife Extension Service - Family and Consumer Sciences
- Home Water Conservation Tips
- Managing Money in Tough Times
A & M University: Bexar County - Cooperative Extension System
Bexar County - Family and Consumer Sciences
- Flavored Vinegars
Virginia Tech - Virginia Cooperative Extension
Virginia Tech - Virginia Cooperative Extension: Publications
Publications: Food Preservation
- Pressure Canning
Publications: Home Safety
- Preparing for an Emergency: The Smart Thing to Do
Publications: Tools & Techniques
- Composting
Lastly, a .pdf from Purdue University
Purdue University - Vegetable Tips: Resources
Wednesday: 1 February 2012
Emergency Kits
In the American Red Cross' 3 Steps to Preparedness: Get a Kit, Make a Plan, Be Informed, they suggests, rightly, that you and your family should have an emergency kit, in your vehicle, your home, and your workplace.
They suggest each family at "a minimum, have the basic supplies listed below. Keep supplies in an easy to carry emergency preparedness kit that you can use at home or take with you in case you must evacuate."
For most preppers, the American Red Cross' recommendations would be a good first-step for getting prepared. Needless to say, it's probably the best that most of us could expect from non-prepper family and friends.
American Red Cross - Prepare Your Home and Family
Threat Analysis
The American Red Cross also has some great resources on specific disasters and how to prepare for them.
American Red Cross - Preparedness Fast Facts: Emergency-Specific Preparedness Information
Household Slow Sand Filter
Kellene Bishop, at Preparedness Pro, has written a two part article (Part One and Part Two) on water filtration facts.
What happens when you water filter breaks, and it's an end of the world scenario?
You build a slow sand filter.
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Slow Sand Filter by Renewable Energy UK |
Wikipedia - Slow Sand Filter
Renewable Energy UK - Sand Filters for Greywater
World Health Organization (WHO) - Slow Sand Filtration
Tearfund International Learning Zone - The Household Slow Sand Filter
Surfers Without Borders - Slow Sand Filter
Surfers Without Borders - Slow Sand Filter Plans
Y'all will want to print the plans from Surfers Without Borders for your Survival Bible.
Wednesday: 8 February 2012
Bean Recipies and other Links
Marie from Food Storage...A Necessary Adventure has an informative post on some recipes; she found during a blog-hopping session.
Did you know, that excess salt could be removed from a still cooking dish by using ...
Yep, y'all will have to read the article to find out ; - )
Food Storage...A Necessary Adventure - A Bean Recipe--and Lots o' Links--for the Recipe File
Three Methods of Cooking Wheat
You will also want to read this other article by Marie, at Food Storage...A Necessary Adventure, for the three links to different methods of cooking wheat that don't require grinding the wheat!
Food Storage...A Necessary Adventure - Wheat: A Recipe, and Cooking Options
Preppers are everywhere, including Canada
Ontario: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care - Food Safety: Preparing Baby Formula During A Power Failure
or, the Printable Version
Wednesday: 8 February 2012, Part Two
Oh Well
Ontario's Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care has a couple of publications on ...
Ontario: Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care - Publications: Water Safety
Yep, you'll want to print this info for your survival bible.
Wednesday: 15 February 2012
The Devil is in the Details
The how-to article is short and sweet, but doing it may take a few years.
eHow - How to Live Off 1 Acre of Land
Another Use for Index Cards
It is important to keep a spare set of glasses on hand, just in case, in your bug-out bag. One inexpensive method is to save your old set of glasses every time you get a new pair.
What happens if you can't get to them? They are destroyed? or ...
io9 - Make a Pair of Glasses from Index Cards
Did You See That?
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link.
San Francisco Chronicle - 'Spotting Concealed Weapons and Profiling' is Covered in the Recent Absolute Rights Newsletter
Wednesday: 15 February 2012, Part Two
Loose Lips Sink ... Survivalists
The next article, I would like to point out, is from The Survivalist Blog. It's a guest post by E. Evans about OPSEC.
The Survivalist Blog - Guest Post: Security of Information: Or how not to blow your OPSEC (operational security)
You Want Me to Bring ... What?
I like the next article, by Bitsy Pieces for two reasons. First, it's a good start on a list, for friends and family, of what to bring, If they're coming to your house. Second, the list gives you a start on your own list of what you might want to store and/or take with you.
The Survivalist Blog - Guest Post: Checklist for Refugees Post-SHTF
Tactical Tealight
Lastly, Riverwalker writing at Stealth Survival has a post on ...
Oops, the title gave it away ; - )
Make sure to read the comments; there are some good ideas by Riverwalker's readers.
Stealth Survival - Simple Survival Gear: Tactical Tealights
Wednesday: 15 February 2012, Part Three
Food, Food, and More Food ... But How Much?
Food prices are going up, and they will probably go higher as fuel prices increase.
You and your family need to store more food, soon.
How much?
About.com: Latter-day Saints - Food Storage Calculator
But, What Do I Do With All That Food? ... Sprout It!
Angela, over at Food Storage and Survival, has two wonderful articles on using some of your family's long-term food storage by sprouting it.
Food Storage and Survival - Seven Preparedness Benefits of Sprouting
Food Storage and Survival - Sprouting Basics: What You’ll Need
Wednesday: 22 February 2012
I Can't Wait for Summer
You are probably starting to hear folks complaining about the cold. I am.
Needless to say, so are the retail store owners. They have started reducing prices on their winter merchandise, so this is a good time to buy winter essentials, cheap.
That's not my point. My point is ...
Today's Survival Show has a guest podcast by "A Grey Man" on alternative heat because winter's not over, yet. Plus, winter weather will be here next year.
Today Survival Show - Back Up Heat.
Food, Food, and Food, Again
Bob Mayne from Today's Survival Show has a good podcast about ...
Today's Survival Show - It’s not too Late to Improve Your Food Storage.
It's a Site, Not a Blog
Miles Stair has a site called "End Times Report." Some of it is a 'little' weird (to me), but he has a lot of information.
This is one of those sites that you'll want to take a lot of notes.
End Times Report - Home
Wednesday: 22 February 2012, Part Two
Sprouting Your Food
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, is continuing her wonderful, great, and awesome series on sprouting.
Food Storage and Survival - How To Sprout in a Tray Sprouter
Food Storage and Survival - Sprouting Wheat in a Mason Jar
Food Storage and Survival - 7 Ways to Use Sprouted Wheat
Wednesday: 29 February 2012
I'm just going to go with a quote and the link.
"On March 1st, Google will implement its new, unified privacy policy, which will affect data Google has collected on you prior to March 1st as well as data it collects on you in the future. Until now, your Google Web History (your Google searches and sites visited) was cordoned off from Google's other products. This protection was especially important because search data can reveal particularly sensitive information about you, including facts about your location, interests, age, sexual orientation, religion, health concerns, and more. If you want to keep Google from combining your Web History with the data they have gathered about you in their other products, such as YouTube or Google Plus, you may want to remove all items from your Web History and stop your Web History from being recorded in the future."
Thanks to Say Uncle for the heads up.
That's tomorrow!!!
Electronic Frontier Foundation - How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy Takes Effect
Privacy, Again
It's sad but becoming more true everyday ...
The Police are not our friends. : - (
Thanks to Say Uncle (again) for the heads up.
Huffington Post - 5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide)
Doomsday Preppers or How to Waste a Couple of Hours
Folks, I have been watching the show. It has been informative.
Well, on one of the episodes, the folks were talking about preparing for a "pole shift." A pole shift according to the preppers on the show would be catastrophic. The Arctic ice would sweep down to the equator, destroying these United States, Russia, Europe, and Canada; the Antarctic ice would sweep down wiping out Australia, Africa, South America, and New Zealand.
Needless to say, a pole shift is absent from my family's threat analysis, but there is an informative web site called "Pole Shift Survival Information" The site has many informative links.
Check it out.
Pole Shift Survival Information - Home
Wednesday: 29 February 2012, Part Two
Just In Case
I wanted to make sure that you saw the link from that last post.
Pole Shift Survival Information - Home
Homesteading Books
Sharon Astyk writing at Casaubon's Book has an informative article on farming/homesteading books.
As always, borrow the book from your local library, and make sure you read the comments section of the post.
Casaubon's Book - Triumph of the Generalist: Reading the Farming/Homesteading Encyclopedias
... and Mrs. Astyk also has ...
A couple of videos for us, too.
Casaubon's Book - UMASS Permaculture Garden
Casaubon's Book - It All Comes Down to Compost in the End...
Wednesday: 29 February 2012, Part Three
The Games People Play
My wife and I have been playing cards with different groups of people for the last few months. One group is family; another group is friends; and the last group, I'll mention, is neighbors. All of the people in these groups have different backgrounds and interests.
It all started with a deck of cards.
My Dad always told me that all I needed in a survival kit is a deck of cards. If I got lost, all I needed to do was sit down and start playing solitaire. Sooner than later, someone would come along and tell me how to make a move. ; - )
Stealth Survival - Survival Entertainment: The Alternate Use for Playing Cards
Pagat.com - Alphabetical Index of Card Games
Bicycle Playing Cards - Card Game Rules
Another Tip ...
From Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival.
Stealth Survival - Simple Security Tips: Creating a Safe Environment for You and Your Family
And Another Tip ...
From Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival.
Stealth Survival - Simple Survival Tips: The Flashlight Battery Protector
Heck, I should have titled this post "Three Great Ideas from Riverwalker"
Wednesday: 7 March 2012
You Have an Arsenal!
If you read the comments, over at Say Uncle, you will see a couple of people who thought I was suggesting to buy all of the rifles, I listed.
So, I found an article from Survivalists Site.com or was it the blogs at Survivalists Site.com about developing an arsenal for survival.
Survivalists Site.com: Blogs - Thoughts on Survival: The Survival Arsenal
Water Storage
A prepper by the name of RamboMoe has written a quest article over at Food Storage and Survival about ...
Food Storage and Survival - Got Water? Emergency Water Storage, Filtering, and Purification
Homeopathic Medicine
Encourager has written an introduction to homeopathic medicine, over at The Survivalist Blog.
The Survivalist Blog - The Emergency Homeopathy Kit
Wednesday: 14 March 2012
Power and Power Production
John Robb, writing at Resilient Communities.com and Global Guerrillas, has advocated that towns become independent from the national power grid. He says this for a couple of reasons.
It seems one German town has unknowingly taken his advice.
Spiegel: International - A Power Grid of Their Own: German Village Becomes Model for Renewable Energy
Will Work for Food
From io9 comes a link on "Ten Essential Tools For A Well-Equipped Garage."
Some good advice.
Jalopnik.com - Ten Essential Tools For A Well-Equipped Garage
More Later
Folks, I didn't have another technology related link, so you will have to come back at 6:30 and 8:30 for some more links.
Wednesday: 14 March 2012, Part Two
Eat What You Store
One of the gals from Safely Gathered In has written a post on "Life Skills" bread, with lots of pictures.
Yep, it's one for the survival bible.
Safely Gathered In - Food Storage Friday: King Arthur Life Skills Bread
Staying Healthy
Melinda G has a guest post over at The Survivalists Blog on staying healthy.
The Survivalist Blog - Staying healthy before, during, and after SHTF
Water Filtration and Purification Tips
Riverwalker, from Stealth Survival, has some good tips on water filtration.
Did I mention they were great tips.
Yep, survival bible, stuff.
Stealth Survival - Emergency Water Filtration and Purification Tips
Wednesday: 14 March 2012, Part Three
The Circles of Preparedness
FerFAL, writing at Surviving In Argentina and Modern Survivalist, has a neat article from 2010, and a video from a couple of days ago on the circles of preparedness.
Surviving In Argentina - Five Circles of Preparedness
Modern Survivalist - Seven Circles of Preparedness
Wednesday: 21 March 2012
In a recent article at Stealth Survival, Riverwalker writes "There are some items that can’t be put in a survival kit." Find out what they are at the link.
Stealth Survival -
We lost power a couple of weeks ago, and I had to go down into the basement for some pasta sauce. It was so dark; I had to use my cellphone for light.
Well, Laura from Prepping to Survive has written a post on Oil Lamps.
Prepping to Survive - How to Light Up Your World, Part 1: Oil Lamps
Backfeeding an Electrical Panel is Dangerous
Tracy, over at Possum Living, has an article on some suggestions, if you plan to use a generator during a power outage.
Possum Living - Back Feeding Electrical Panels
Wednesday: 28 March 2012
Docent, writing at Practical Eschatology, has a good article on making rope. The article has a very good supplemental illustration, to Mr. Graves' book, on making rope using a rope walk.
If you don't know what a rope walk is you'll need to read "The 10 Bushcraft Books" by Richard Graves.
Practical Eschatology - Knots and Rope Making
Chris Molloy's Interweb Folly - The Ten Bushcraft Books
One or two folks have complained that there is too much information in this blog, and they have a hard time figuring out where to start.
First, to those folks, go read a different blog.
Second, do you really know what information you will need during and after a disaster because I don't.
Third, here is a link to a forum post on ...
Patriot's Corner: Forums - Links to Survival Websites and Related Informative sites
Don't confuse the Patriot movement, Tea Parties, Promise Keepers, or any other political organization with getting prepared for disasters. It's about prepping not politics.
The first idea behind self-protection is to avoid the situation. The next is to be aware of your surroundings, and the third is to carry, always. There's a forth ...
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link.
When the Balloon Goes Up! - One reason I don’t carry a government model 1911
Wednesday: 28 March 2012, Part Two
Self-Aid and Buddy-Aid
In a fire fight, the number one priority is to neutralize the threat. If your partner gets shot, you keep shooting. Your partner will treat their own wounds. I repeat; you keep shooting.
The same goes, if you get shot. You keep shooting, and you treat your own wounds.
Once the shooting has stopped, and you have won ...
Thanks to Western Rifle Shooters Association for the link.
Maine Army National Guard - IS 0871: Combat Lifesaver Course: Student Self-Study
But With What?
These United States' Army has the Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK) that it uses for first-aid.
US Army Medical Materiel Agency - Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK)
YouTube: US Army - Improvements to Army Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK)
Army Property.com: Store - U.S. Army Improved First Aid Kit (IFAK)
Note: The last link, for Army Property.com is for the pictures and the links to these US' Air Force and these US' Marines IFAKs. The links to the various kits are at the bottom.
Needless to say, you don't need to buy the kit; you and your family can build a blowout kit
Cheaper Than Dirt - Assembling a Blowout Kit
YouTube: The AK 47 Nut - Blowout Kit, BOK, IFAK, DOK First Aid Kit
YouTube: Delta 69 Alpha - Building your basic BOK (blow out kit)
Thanks to the Australian Air Force
The Australian Air Force has a link to the current United States Army first-aid manual FM 4-25.11.
Study it; practice it.
The Australian Air Force - FM 4-25.11: First Aid
Wednesday: 28 March 2012, Part Three
Going to War
When I was a young soldier, I wanted to go to war, for many reasons. Since I have gotten older, and I hope wiser, I have little desire for armed conflict. There are many reasons for this 'lack' of desire, burned and mangled bodies of young men and women, lasting mental problems, changed perceptions of life, and ...
Well, Say Uncle has a link to a blog post about the legal and social realities a self-defense shooting could stir up.
Make sure you read the comments.
Remember, prepping is about surviving.
Say Uncle - Should I stay or should I fo?
Tongue in Cheek
Say Uncle has another link to a blog post on the Coalition to Stop ...
Say Uncle - We Must Regulate Buckets
Say Uncle is Probably a Prepper
Needless to say, I have a third link to a post, over at Say Uncle, that is a link to a guest article at The Survivalist Blog.
Of course, make sure to read the comments.
Say Uncle - News You can Use
Wednesday: 4 April 2012
Folks, you need to purchase a firearm for protection. If you can't because you live in a restrictive country, you need to plan to emigrate to a less restrictive land.
If you can't seem to afford one, Mr. Ayoob has an article you need to read.
Backwoods Home - Massad Ayoob: Affordable Firearms
Inexpensive Firearms
Jackpine wrote a guest post, over at The Survivalist Blog, with another view on purchasing inexpensive firearms.
I like this point that Jackpine made in his article.
"That $75 rifle that you got may have been cheap but $40 box ammo and no spare parts availability may mean you just blew you carefully saved up gun budget."
The Survivalist Blog - The Horse and Cart Plan with Budgets and Guns
Ha Ha Ha
From Riverwalker over at Stealth Survival
Stealth Survival - Texas Squirrel Gun
Wednesday: 4 April 2012, Part Two
There are many great blogs out there in internet land. They cover many subjects preppers and their families would be interested in. Some are just link sites; others are a collection of links with a few short articles; and other blogs have few posts, but the articles are very long and informative posts. Plus, most have information or techniques to add to your knowledge about prepping, but you and your family have to get out there and turn this knowledge into new skills.
One of these blogs is ...
Prepping to Survive
This blog seems to have been around for about a year. It overs a wide range of ideas and material on survival from food to self defense to nuclear disaster. It even has some guest posts.
The blog is easy to navigate. It has an excellent categories section with, like I said, a wide range of information for you and your family. Plus, it has a blogroll that doesn't include me. Which is a good thing ; - )
The reason it's a good thing, I'm not on the blogroll, Group Think.
Prepping to Survive - 5 Tips to Improve Your Cold Weather Survival Shelter
Prepping to Survive - Using Chlorine Bleach to Disinfect Water
Prepping to Survive - A Different Kind of Food-in-a-Bucket Plan
Prepping to Survive - Three Weapons Every Prepper Needs
Prepping to Survive - First Aid Refreshers, part 8: Constipation
Wednesday: 4 April 2012, Part Three
Power and Power Production
Sharon Astyk, at Casaubon's Book, has an article on the first step a family needs to do before building an alternative power supply.
Casaubon's Book - Cutting Your Phantom Loads
Food and Go Bags
I normally refrain from linking to a Food Storage Tuesday article by the women (Brittany, Aleasha, Sarah, Tiffany, Hannah, and Abbie) over at Safely Gathered In because the articles are usually 'what to buy' this week/month articles.
This week is different because the women remind us to ...
Safely Gathered In - Food Storage Tuesday: Rotation Week
Passing Along Our Knowledge
There was a series of 'survivalist' novels during the '80s that dealt with a group, commanded by the lead character, trying to survive after foreign troops had invaded a' la the new world order. The series was pretty neat until the group was picked up by aliens and transported into the future to fight the established foreign powers and evil extraterrestrials.
Back to my point.
One of the concepts I remember from the series was the commander emphasise on educating children. In the novels, the lead charater would get p*ssed about a town letting their children go without schooling.
Well, Libby has a quest post over at The Survivalist Blog about her efforts to collect books and supplies for educating her children and grandchildren.
The Survivalist Blog - Children: Treat Them Well, Teach Them Well
Wednesday: 4 April 2012, Part Four
Love and Fear
Sharon Astyk, writing at Casaubon's Book, has an insightful article about fear during tough times
Casaubon's Book - On Fear
It's Personal
Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has an article on the failure of personal infrastructure. This has hit home for me these last few months. I have lost my phone (with all of my contact info). Our roof was damaged during a windstorm, and I had to drive the truck (18 mpg) instead of my car (30 mpg) to work.
Stealth Survival - Worst Case Scenario - The Failure of Personal Infrastructure
Security and Privacy. It's All the Same
Riverwalker, writing at Stealth Survival, has a post on the importance of privacy in you life.
Stealth Survival - Preppers, Privacy and Perception: Safeguarding Your Security
Wednesday: 11 April 2012
Stockpiler or Hoarder
In political circles, it is said "Control the Language; Control the Argument." I believe this is true, and you can see this with the word survivalist.
Survivalist has come to mean a wacked-out racist running around the woods with guns plotting to overthrow the government, and the same thing will probably happen to the word prepper.
Well, Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has a post you should read.
Stealth Survival - Prepping - Stockpiling or Hoarding?
The Basics, the Basics, and the Basics, Again
Anita N, writing a guest post at The Survivalist Blog, covers the basics of storing food for you family.
The Survivalist Blog - Practical Food Prepping what you Should Know
English Muffins
I love English Muffins with a little bit of jam. Well, Hannah and Abbie have a post on making English Muffins, over at Safely Gathered In using food storage items.
Safely Gathered In - Food Storage Recipe from the Archives: Homemade English Muffins
Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP)
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has a post about TVP. Since my partner is a vegetarian, we use TVP.
It's not in our food storage, yet because we are trying to store the maximum amount of food for our family.
Remember your threat analysis.
Food Storage and Survival - What in the World is TVP?
Wednesday: 11 April 2012, Part Two
Sam, at Do It Yourself Survival Preparedness, has a couple of older posts on protection; y'all might be interested in.
Be warned the posts are from 2008, so the blog has been dead for a few years.
Protection: Anonymity
Protection: Stealth
Protection: Clarification
Protection: Evasion
Protection: Formidability
Protection: Firearms
Wednesday: 18 April 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Low-Energy Cooking
James Dakin, writing at James M Dakin, has an article explaining his solar oven and some other things.
If you haven't read Mr. Dakin, he is a very frugal prepper.
James M Dakin - Underground Solar Cooker
Presidential Election Results are In!
Me and the folks at work get into some pretty good conversations, especially politics. Well, we got talking about the next presidential election in these United States.
Needless to say, I predicted President Obama will be reelected, and ...
Ok, Ok. Y'all need to chill for a moment. I usually take the liberal argument to keep the conversion from getting boring.
If it happens, Ryan, at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has some thoughts about some thing you should be doing, really, really, soon. Like, yesterday.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - What Did You Do To Prepare This Week?
This Will Keep You Busy
75+ links to various survival/preparedness sites, from Truth Is Treason.
Truth Is Treason - List of Survival & Emergency Preparedness Websites
Wednesday: 18 April 2012, Part Two
Welcome Prepers and Survivalists,
Emergency Kits
Food Storage and Survival has an article by Angela about updating and rotating your emergency kits.
Food Storage and Survival - Five Reasons to Update and Rotate Your Emergency Kits!
Chicken and the Egg
Sharon Astyk, at Casaubon's Book, has a neat article on getting eggs.
Casaubon's Book - The Eggs are Yummy and Definitely Worth It!
Wednesday: 18 April 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Guest Articles
I usually don't write guest articles; there is no profit for me or the blog. Plus, I think entering 'contests' like Survival Blog or The Survivalist Blog is kind'a hinky (not good)
These guest post are great for insight and information about prepping.
So, here are a few recent guest articles from The Survivalist Blog.
The Survivalist Blog: Tom Sciacca - How much water is enough?
The Survivalist Blog: Farmgal - Creating a Bread Starter
The Survivalist Blog: Bam Bam - Beans, Again? Let’s make them interesting!
The Survivalist Blog: Sioux0624 - Storing food -vs- being prepared
The Survivalist Blog: J. D. - It’s All Good- One Prepper’s Journey
The Survivalist Blog: J. D. - The Total Prepper
Wednesday: 25 April 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Spartan, my brother, was telling me about this Facebook site called Homestead Survival. Now, I don't use Facebook, but I was interested.
I did an internet search for "Homestead Survival," and I found some other interesting sites.
First, I found Homestead Survival, LLC. The site, to me, doesn't have a lot of information, but it has some great links.
Homestead Survival, LLC - Home
Homestead Survival, LLC - Resources
Some links, from the site, you might be interested in.
Backwoods Home - Preparing for Hunting Season
M4040 - Survival Skills: Fire
M4040 - Survival Skills: Primer
Wednesday: 2 May 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Thanks Tamara
Tamara was kind enough to follow GSIEP. She was also wonderful enough to list the other blogs, she has joined. One of these blogs is --- Living Prepared ---.
You will recognize --- Living Prepared --- from a previous Wednesday post.
Mike Yukon has a niffy article on converting a 110 volt lamp to 12 volt.
--- Living Prepared --- - 12 Volt LED Lamp Update 3-23-12
Free!!! I Like Free
Mike Yukon also has a link to a free canning manual, at his blog.
--- Living Prepared --- - Canning Manual, Free
There's Oil in Them There Hills
Fats and oils are one of those things; preppers need to store.
They have very short shelf life.
Mike Yukon, at --- Living Prepared ---, has an idea you might be interested in.
--- Living Prepared --- - Crisco Shortening and Survival Storage
You Said What?
As always make sure you read the comments for each blog article I link to. Other folks have some good things to add.
Wednesday: 2 May 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Folks at work are killing me. They leave tools and supplies laying around after they get finished with them. After a few days, they run around trying to remember where they last used that tool.
Did I tell you they're killing me because I like to take five minutes to put everything back where it belongs.
Well, Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has an article on the importance of organization.
Stealth Survival - Prepping Skills: Being Prepared by Being Organized
Three-Month Supply of ... Everything, of Course
The Gals, over at Safely Gathered In, have a reoccurring post called Food Storage Tuesday. This week's post urged everyone to add a basic first-aid kit to the car kit, store rice for the longer-term food storage, and remind us "You don't have to only store Ramen and cans of prepared soup!" for our three-month supply of food.
Plus, check out the link to their food storage recipes.
Safely Gathered In - Food Storage Tuesday
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Attack
FerFAL writing at The Modern Survivalist has an article on assembling a kit to protect your family from chemical weapons.
The Modern Survivalist - “Duct Tape Alert” and Stay Put Kit
Wednesday: 9 May 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
It's Just for Talking
From a link at io9, Lifehacker has some suggestion for building an emergency photo album in response to an article at Apartment Therapy.
Who knew that science fiction readers were preppers.
Lifehacker - Keep an Emergency Photo Album in Your Phone to Quickly Provide Important Information in a Crisis
Apartment Therapy - 10 Snapshots You Should Keep in Your Phones Photo Album
Do They Have Street Lights?
One of the most essential points about preparing for disasters is 'Don't Be There.'
To avoid 'big' city troubles; you and your family may want to move to a smaller town.
Just make sure you read FerFAL's article before you move.
The Modern Survivalist - Relocating: What is a Good Sized Town?
It's Simple
Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has a list of ten simple survival tips.
Stealth Survival - Ten Simple Survival Tips
Wednesday: 16 May 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
It's Like Shelter for You Body
Clothing is shelter for your body, so specialty clothing is one of those top priorities.
Not all clothing items are a top priority because during most disasters, folks clean out their closets to help out. Don't believe me; you just need to go to a Goodwill store or a Salvation Army Thrift store and check out the donated bargains.
OK, that's not going a planned.
As you purchase and stockpile clothing for a disaster: remember, cotton 'kills' because cotton will retain moisture, and cotton clothing takes a very long time to dry, after getting wet, including from perspiration (sweat).
OK, that's not working out, either.
How about?
Surplus military clothing is a great bargain. For folks on a budget, the wool sweaters from surplus places like The Sportsman's Guide (do a search for "Sweater Wool") will keep you and your family warm, during a disaster. Wool is a natural insulator; it stays warm, even when wet.
That's not working for me either, so let's try ...
Here's a link to an article from Salt and Prepper.com for a suggested clothing list.
Salt and Prepper.com - Ultimate Preparedness Clothing List
Go read Ms. Hooley's post then come back for my comments that I posted. (Just in case the comments doesn't get add or I lose it)
Ms. Jessica Hooley,
You make some very good points in this article, especially your insight into having clothing repair items on hand.
I think some of your quantities are too small for some potential emergencies.
First, athletic bras (even normal bras). They start to smell, especially from stinky, hard work. I think every women should have at least seven bras work-type bras, so they can be washed and dried before using again.
Next, hats. I work outside. I have a couple of broad-brim hats for summer and spring; two wool watch caps for fall and winter. (one for back-up, just in case I lose my first one)
Third, long underwear. I would suggest getting different 'weights' of synthetic long underwear. (Warning: Stay away from cotton long johns) The heavy weight "thick" will be too warm for most activity; they're only good for sedentary activity like sitting still. The medium weight are ok, if you're not moving alot. The lightweight are great for keeping warm, if you're doing most kinds of work.
I usually wear a wool watch cap, pants, shirt and lightweight ploypro longjohns, at around 32F to 45F. I'll add a jacket, if it's windy or gets colder.
Next, jean pants. Yes, cotton jeans are rugged. I like the J.C. Panny brand at under $30, brand new.
Cotton 'kills' because it takes forever to dry out, when the jeans get wet. I like work pants. They're just as rugged as jeans, and they dry out quickly.
Fifth, rain poncho/parka/pants. I suggest staying away from ponchos. They flap around in the wind. A parka and pants are much better. If you have the money, I suggest purchasing a set of Gore-Tex Pac-Lite Rainy River Parka and Pants from Cabela's.
Yeah, they are expensive, but you can use the Gore-Tex parka as one of you jackets. Plus, they go 'on sale', two or three times a year.
Next, sock wool/heavy. I suggest using a polypro or silk sock liner, instead of a thicker sock. If you use a thicker sock, you and your family will probably need a larger boot/shoe. Plus, the thicker sock will squeeze your foot reducing blood flow to your feet, and that leads to cold feet.
A ploypro or silk sock liner will wick moisture away from your skin. This is important because moisture conducts heat faster, so your feet will get cold quicker.
Seventh, shirts. I would suggest just the six long-sleeved shirts; you mention previously. Shirts seem to last, but pants wear out much faster. Plus, you can always roll-up your sleeves. if it's too hot
Next, winter gloves. I suggest many pairs. There is nothing more miserable the cold hands. If your readers can only afford one pair of cold-weather gloves, do like Mom did. Use one pair of shoelaces as a 'dummy' cord to tie the gloves to their coat.
The same goes for work gloves. You'll want more, a lot more. They wear out pretty quick, even the leather gloves.
Almost lastly, I would add a wool scarf and lots and lots of shoes. It seems every disaster there are clothes galore but no shoes. Plus, our feet are the ultimate transportation.
Add some sandals, instead of shoes. They work for warm weather. For cold weather, add socks and your ready to go.
Lastly, look at military surplus for some of these items. It can be easy on the purse.
Salvation Army stores, Goodwill stores, or other thrift stores for bargains. I have bought much of my family's winter clothing and preparedness clothing at places like these.
One time I bought three thick polyester fleece jackets (one was an "IZOD" jacket) for $12. Not each, $12 total.
Once again, you have offer good insight into clothing for a prepper.
Wednesday: 16 May 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
It's 12:53 am Wednesday Morning
If you see this entry, I'm tired and went to bed.
Come back later.
It's Later
Jessica, over at Salt and Prepper, has another neat article on a homemade fire starter; for you folks headed out to the bush.
Salt and Prepper - Super Saver: DIY Egg Carton Fire Starters
An Oldie but Goodie
Ryan from Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest has a post on downloading the Foxfire series of books, at least volume 1 - 3.
Volume 5, if you read the comments.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Download the Firefox Books for Free
Living 'Off' Grid
io9 has an article (with pictures!) about photographer Eric Valli's images of four groups living off grid.
io9 - This is what it looks like to live "off the grid" in the United States
Wednesday: 23 May 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Food Storage: After the Collapse
One of the things I think are the many areas our lives and our children's lives may be different, after a devastating collapse
One of these areas is food storage, and I have many questions. Right know, I'm asking: If there are no metal lids, how do you and I use mason jars?
How do we store wheat, if there are no mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, and plastic buckets?
How did our ancestors store food?
Well, Ms. Sharon Astyk writing at Casaubon's Book has part of the answer for me.
Casaubon's Book - Fermentation: To Infinity and Beyond!
Volunteers in Technical Assistance
Earlier this week, I was thinking about all the things; I take for granted. One of those things is access to knowledge people, in many different fields such as automotive, farming, firearms, .... The list seems endless.
It wasn't always this way, Before I had to go looking for information. One of these resources I found, pre-internet, was Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA). Just so you know, they have many great 'how-to' booklets.
One of these booklets is called "Small Farm Grain Storage"
If you don't like Scrib, here's a different link.
Small Farm Grain Storage.pdf
Enterprise Works/Volunteers in Technical Assistance - Home
Enterprise Works/Volunteers in Technical Assistance - Reference Publications
I'll Say It Again
Some folks have already heard about the "Compact Disk for the Third Word" (cd3wd)
If you haven't, you need to check out the index page.
Just so you know, below are some organizations' how-to pamphlets you might be interested in.
BF = Better Farming Series
A Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) series of publications for Third World farmers.
GTZ = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
They have an excellent series on biogas and some good ones on animal power.
IBE = Institut fr Berufliche Entwicklung
They have a bunch of stuff on using powered equipment and hand tools
.zip = these will open (I think) as .pdfs. It's the whole booklet, complete.
cd3wd - Index
Wednesday: 30 May 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Musings of a Pre-Apocalyptic Wife
PrepperKat was kind enough to leave a comment on a previous post with a link to her blog. Needless to say, I headed on over to see what she has to say about prepping, at her blog Musings of a Pre-Apocalyptic Wife.
Even though PrepperKat seems to be starting out; she has some good things to say.
The first post, I would like to point out is about Ticks!!! PrepperKat tell us how to safely remove a tick, some of the diseases that can be caused by a tick (and their symptoms), and offers some suggestions on preventing tick bites.
The next post, is titled Teamwork. She introduces us to 'her' team. PrepperKat has a very good point in this post: "Your team members need to be people that you are able to get along well with."
The last post, I would like to point out has I believe a kind'a common mistake for most folks writing about prepping. She provides too much information, about herself.
Yeah, yeah. I know it's nice to know who's writing, their names, where they kind'a live, their husband's name. It makes the blog very personable, very readable...
It provides information about you, really her, that may be used against you and your family. Remember OPSEC, OPSEC, OPSEC.
Lastly, I would like to again thank PrepperKat for providing a link to her blog. I look forward to reading, and linking, to her posts as she adds more.
Musings of a Pre-Apocalyptic Wife - Ticky Business
Musings of a Pre-Apocalyptic Wife - Teamwork
Musings of a Pre-Apocalyptic Wife - A Bit About Me
1 comment:
- Thanks for the input! I'm glad you found the information helpful and I definitely know I can be more secure about my information. If you ever want information or anything else I'm happy to write something for you and send it over!
Wednesday: 30 May 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Dang, I almost forgot to have some links, so ...
The 90% Solution
I agree with Riverwalker. Most disasters have common preps; you and your family need to make to survive: shelter, water, food, protection, and ...
Stealth Survival - Being Prepared for a Crisis or an Emergency: The 90% Solution
After Wheat
Folks, after you have stored 350 pounds of wheat for everyone in your family, you need to have a variety of methods for cooking it. Plus, you need to start storing a variety of food to prevent ...
Stealth Survival - Dealing with Appetite Fatigue: The Common Sense Approach
Silver and Gold
FerFAl has some insight if you and your family are going to store silver and gold.
The Modern Survivalist - Home Safe
Wednesday: 6 June 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
What about BOB?
Many months ago, Lady Hawthorne became a blog member. At that time, I investigated other sites my Lady had joined. She had several that had good information pertaining to prepping.
One of these was Simply Living Smart.
Now, the first article that I would like to point out is actually a video on packing an emergency car kit.
The next link is Anitra's food storage recipes.
Simply Living Smart - Packing an Emergency Car Kit
Simply Living Smart - Food Storage Recipes
Yes, Every Day
Another site, Lady Hawthorne had joined was Preparedness 365.
The article that I found interesting, when I first looked, was about the basics of sprouting. Since I'm writing about the blog, I have been back. Pam has a lot of articles about food.
Needless to say, the blog hasn't been updated since January 2012, but there is still some good information.
Preparedness 365 - Sprouting
That's it! I'm finished!
For now ; - )
Ok, the last site, I'm going to highlight from Lady Hawthorne is called Slow Living Essentials.
There is a great article, with pictures!!!, on building a wood-fired oven.
Slow Living Essentials - Bambino woodfired oven (using recycled materials)
If I have repeated myself, I apologize.
If I didn't repeat myself, they're good links.
Thanks again, either way, Lady Hawthorne
Wednesday: 6 June 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Say Uncle
The next threeish links are from Say Uncle. He has a very informative site about firearms and other stuff that he finds interesting. I really enjoy his site because he questions the ideas and comments of others about firearms and government. Say Uncle is a daily read for me.
Needless to say, I found all these links at Say Uncle
Hollow-Point Bullets
Law Officer.com has a quick article about hollow point bullets.
Dang, I was going to buy me some, so I could blow up a hundred Zombies, at a time, during the collapse ; - (
Law Officer.com - A Short History of Hollow Points
Your First Gun
The AnarchAngel has an article "about concealed carry for first timers" and some other considerations for firearms owners and soon to be owners.
As always, make sure you read the comments from AnarchAngel's readers.
The ArnachAngel - Revisiting the "First Carry Gun" Question, 5 years or so Later
It's a Responsibility and a Right
Robb Allen, from Sharp as a Marble, has a short about his thoughts on carrying a concealed firearm.
Sharp as a Marble - I didn’t even give a middle finger salute
Wednesday: 6 June 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Learning Our Lessons
Over at BlackListed News there was a link to an article about some prepper-type lessons being learned in Greece.
BlackListed News - 10 Things That We Can Learn About Shortages And Preparation From The Economic Collapse In Greece
Another 10 Things
Here's an article from io9 about 10 things you don't know about tornadoes
io9 - 10 Things you Probably Didn’t Know About Tornadoes
We Need to get rid of the EPA
Lest we forget.
io9 - Before environmental regulations, Pittsburgh looked like the capital of Hell
Just So You Know, Again
Folks, I will be reposting the articles; I first wrote way back in 2008. The week long article series for the most important categories, I believe, about prepping will appear on Fridays.
You will have 3 to 4 articles each Friday for about 16 weeks.
Needless to say, Some of the articles are fantastic, others are good, and some just s*ck, so make sure you read them all.
If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.
Wednesday: 13 June 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Guerrilla ≠ Survivalist
Ryan, from Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has a great article on what it takes to be a guerrilla.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - So You Wanna Be a G?
Either Way, You'll Need Clothing
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has an informative post on the minimum sewing supplies; you may need during a disaster. This is truly a minimum kit that will allow you and your family to repair most articles of clothing.
Just so you know, I keep my every-day sewing kit in a clear plastic tote. Any excess sewing supplies are stored in a metal 2 1/2 gallon popcorn tin; my wife bought me for Christ's Mass one year.
Yes, we have extra scissors,
Yes, the children run with them, sometimes. ; - )
Food Storage and Survival - The Short List of Essential Off-Grid Sewing Supplies
Angela is Wonderful
Angela has another post about some of her top posts.
Cool! One post; ten links.
Oooooh, she's on vacation, too.
Food Storage and Survival - Top Posts You May Have Missed
OK, Two More
Madd Mexx, at Madd Mexx, has a couple of reminders for us.
Madd Mexx - Living in the Recent Past
Madd Mexx - Social inSecurity
Wednesday: 20 June 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Ethnic Foods
I love these United States and its many immigrants. We all come from a fine stock of First-Generation survivors or are ourselves First-Generation survivors that know how to cook with basic foods like wheat, rice, beans, and potatoes.
Lady Hawthorne know this because she linked to a blog called Self-Reliance by Jamie that had a great article on making ...
Self-Reliance by Jamie - Potato Latkes
A Complete List of Every...
You probably saw this at Survival Blog, but just in case you missed it.
Wild River Rogues - The Complete List of Every Prepper Book Ever Recommended
The Fall
Many writers assume a great fall (You know about assume? It makes an *ss out of you and me.) after a collapse. It's possible, but then I read about people like The Hansa League.
The Lost Fort - The Hansa League: A Brief Introduction
Note: Thanks to Lady Hawthorne for the link.
Note 2: Still on vacation
Wednesday: 27 June 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Two-Week Vacation
Did you know that bankers are required to take a two-week vacation, every year?
Yes, every year, because in two week, any
I have some links for you from YouTube instead of recent blog articles.
10 Survival Tips that will Get you Killed
What NOT to Wear When Bugging Out After a Disaster!
The next three, sorry four videos, address the question ... Yes, the videos are from three different people.
5 most underrated survival skills for preppers and survivalists
5 most underrated survival skills for preppers and survivalists
5 most underrated survival skills for preppers and survivalists, Part 1 of 2
5 most underrated survival skills for preppers and survivalists, Part 2 of 2
Lastly, the greatest food storage class on YouTube
#1 Best Food Storage Seminar! Wendy DeWitt
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