Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Reynold Brown
I have been doing a reorganization of Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness; on 8 August, 2016. One of the intentions, of this reorganization, is to make the blog easier to read and find information, so I have created an archive.
So, ... This page is part of that archive, but in doing this, I have created a situation. GSiEP is no longer on the first page, for a search. Heck, it no longer shows up anywhere, so I need your help to get GSiEP on the search engine's first page.
But, ... I don't know how to do that.
With that said, here are the blurbs for 2012, from July until December.
Wednesday: 4 July 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Reading Material
From Commander Zero, writing at Notes From the Bunker, here is a link to some (really many) prepper/survivalist fiction book reviews.
Reflexiones Finales - Book Review
Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has a guest post from Vic Rantala, the owner of Safecastle, on our options for purifying water.
Stealth Survival - Options for Purifying Water
Couldn't Say It Better
Shane White, from The Doomsday Moose, has some good points on home survival
The Doomsday Moose - Home Survival Tips: Part One
1 Comment:
- Thank you for mentioning The Doomsday Moose on your blog. I hope you enjoy it.
Wednesday: 4 July 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Getting Started In Survivalism
FerFAL, writing at Modern Survivalist, has a 53'ish minute video on getting started in preparedness. He makes many practical points in this video.
Yeah, it's a must see. Make sure you take notes.
Modern Survival - Preparedness: Getting Started
Taking Summer Off
It seems, during the summer, most prepper/survivalist blogggers take the summer off, not Angela, from Food Storage and Survival.
She even suggests something for your family to do to get better prepared, this summer.
Food Storage and Survival - Preparedness Quick Tip: Summer is Great For Calculating
One for the Children
Angela has another article; I would like to point out for you and your family, especially, if you are planning to feed small children during a disaster.
Food Storage and Survival - Eight Fantastic Food Storage Foods for Toddlers
Tool Users
Lastly, another article from Angela at Food Storage and Survival for those tool uses in the family.
Food Storage and Survival - Preparedness Quick Tip: Put Your Name on It
At work, we have five different crew with five sets of identical tools. They spray paint their tools once a quarter to help keep track of their tools when they work together.
The paint trends to the very bright colors to prevent the tools from being lost in the mud and at night.
Yes, one set is neon pink ; - )
Wednesday: 4 July 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Survival Top 50
As most "Getting Started In Emergency Preparedness" readers know, I endlessly repeat myself - shelter, water, food, protection, medical supplies, ..., and I try to keep away from the politics.
Well, if you like this blog and are getting the information you need for you and your family to survive during tough times, I want you to hang around, comment on the articles (if you want) and prepare.
If you dislike the format, aren't getting the information you need, or want to talk politics, you need to go find another blog.
One place to find another blog (that you might like) is Survival Top 50. It has over 100 blogs that you might like instead of GSIEP.
Survival Top 50 - Home
Survival Top 50 - Runners Up
Survival Top 50 - Reader's Choice
Yes, even this little note about finding another blog is a repeat. : - )
Wednesday: 11 July 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Six Tenets of Survival
Jack Spirko, from The Survival Podcast, has some interesting stuff to say about prepping. First, are his six survival tenets.
"Everything You Do Should Improve Your Position in Life Even If Nothing Goes Wrong"
"Debt is financial cancer! Minimize it, pay it off early and stay away from credit cards."
"Growing your own food is for everyone not just people that want “organic” fruit and vegetables."
“Tax is theft, the best way to combat it is to understand every legal deduction you can take or create.”
"Food stored is an exceptional investment. You simply can’t lose by storing additional food that you use on a regular basis."
"Use threat probability as your guide when building a plan to deal with potential disasters."
10 Modern Survival Philosophies
Next, Mr. Spirko expands his six survival tenets into 10 modern survival philosophies.
The Survival Podcast - Modern Survival Philosophy
The Podcasts
Lastly, Mr. Spirko has some folks, that he interviews on the podcast, that have interesting things to say about prepping.
You'll need to crank the audio up to hear this interview
The Survival Podcast - Episode 932: Selco from SHTF School on Survival during the Balkan War
The early and late '90s Yugoslavian wars are one of my modern historical examples/lessons on preparing for a violent collapse.
Wednesday: 11 July 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Spartan, my brother, has a degree in public administration. Many years ago, we were talking about the costs associated with running a local government. One of these cost was storage of supplies. Shelves cost money, and the supplies a government organization stores also cost money.
Well, Riverwalker at Stealth Survival has some suggestions for preppers about storage and organization.
Stealth Survival - Organized Chaos: Keeping Track of Extra Supplies and Gear
Violent Lessons Learned
FerFAl, at The Modern Survivalist, emphasizes the violence his family experienced and witnessed during Argentina's ongoing financial disaster. He has some good suggestions in this article.
The Modern Survivalist - Reader’s Experience and Lessons Learned
Another Article
There is another article at 8:30 PDT, today.
Wednesday: 11 July 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Four from Angela
Angela, writing at Food Storage and Survival, has four articles about emergency car kits; you and your family should consider reading.
They are great articles, I highly recommend them.
Winter is coming.
Food Storage and Survival - Seven Times I Was Glad to Have an Emergency Kit Just Last Week
Food Storage and Survival - Baby 72 Hour Survival Kit
Food Storage and Survival - 11 Trunk Essentials for Winter Preparedness
Food Storage and Survival - Five Reasons to Update and Rotate Your Emergency Kits!
Wednesday: 18 July 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
The Preparedness Podcast
Many months ago, probably years, I found this podcast. I listened to it a few times then promptly lost it.
I could only find the podcast on iTunes.
The Preparedness Podcast - Podcast Portal
The Preparedness Podcast - Index Page
iTunes: Preview - The Preparedness Podcast
Wednesday: 18 July 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Oxygen Absorbers
I recently put up 25 pounds of pinto beans using mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, and plastic buckets. I ended up having to use some older oxygen absorbers because I was in a rush to get a little bit more long-term food into the house.
I was checking my bookmarks about podcasts and clicked through to a short forum discussion on ... What else but oxygen absorbers.
The Preparedness Podcast - Episode 101 and 102: O2 Absorbers
Plastic Buckets
Their forum also had a couple of entries on plastic buckets that you might be interested in.
The Preparedness Podcast - Episode 103: Food Prep and Containers
I was checking earlier this week to make sure the links worked, and they don't.
Oh, well.
Here's the link to The Preparedness Podcast forum, so you can look up the discussion.
The Preparedness Podcast - Forum: Index
: - )
As you probably know by now, I found links that work!
Wednesday: 18 July 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
When setting up an alternative electrical power system, the first thing a family must do is conserve energy that means no heating, no drying, and no cooking using electrical power (except possibly a microwave oven). Since a family can't use electricity for cooking, Your family will have, about, two conventionally cooking options, wood and gas. Wood and gas that may be in short supply.
A disaster may require a family to conserve even more. Well, Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has a variation of the hay box cooker; you might be interested in reading about. She has links to using it, building it, and she sells them, filled or unfilled.
Food Storage and Survival - Wonderbox Thermal Cooker FAQ’s
Angela's design looks wonderful. Plus, she has tested them to insure the design works. With that said, hay box cookers are one of those technologies that can be easily improvised numerous ways. (a future article)
Yes, I wrote about this way back in November 2011.
I worked in a city where no one talked 'bad' about the school system. I guess it was thought that only good things would happen if everyone focused on the positive.
Well, the superintendent went to prison for fraud, everyone on staff 5 years or less were fired, and the school district was taken over by the state. Oh, standardized test scores went down, and the school district went from having 10 million in the bank to having a couple hundred thousand.
So what does this have to do with survival?
Read FerFAl's article, at Modern Survivalist, and find out.
Modern Survivalist - Modern Survivalism: To worry or not to worry?
This is from Sussex County Angel over at Sussex County Angel on Wordpress
Wednesday: 25 July 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
As some folks know Spartan, my brother, has some rural property, and he and his family are looking into setting up some kind of shelter on the property. Now, Spartan is a forward looking kind'a person. He thinks a violent collapse is possible, so Spartan is investigating tactical aspects of shelter to incorporate in the design of his family's future home.
One of these tactical aspects is ballistic protection. Needless to say, if you have a castle, you need people to protect it.
If you have people, you need to provide shelter, water, food, and ...
They need to provide all this stuff themselves.
So, Spartan has been looking into shipping containers for shelter and storage. One of our ideas is to purchase the shipping container, stock them with supplies, and "If" a long-term disaster happens, and my family needs to relocate to his property. We would convert the shipping containers into housing.
Well, --- Living Prepared --- has an article on what else but ...
--- Living Prepared --- - Sea Shipping Container Purchasing Source and Information
There is a lot more to say about shipping containers, so here are some other links for further reading.
Wikipedia - Containerized Housing Unit
Wikipedia - Shipping Container Architecture
Spot Cool Stuff - 5 Cool Buildings Made of Shipping Containers
Of course, if you want to know more, you can always do an internet search for "Containerized Housing Unit" or "Shipping Containers for Housing" on Bing.
Almost lastly, my two cents.
Burying a shipping container is a bad idea because the walls are 'thin' metal. The walls can't take the load unless the walls are reenforced.
On "Doomsday Prepper" the one family shoots their container home, and the bullet didn't penetrate the wall. They cheated. The 'wall' was really a corner support and the husband shot a .22 LR. A 5.56/.223, 7.62 NATO, or 7.62X39 round would easily penetrate a shipping container's walls, so you will need ballistic protection for shipping containers.
I wrote a few articles late last year titled "It Not That Easy (Shelter)," "It's Not That Easy (Shelter), Part Two," and "It's Not hat Easy (Shelter), Part Three" that covers some of the issues my brothers and I have been recently talking about.
Wednesday: 25 July 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I am almost, but not quite, an extreme commuter. My drive is about ?? miles everyday. (Ha, ha. You thought, I would tell you how far my commute is? Remember! OPSEC) If something was to happen, think EMP, I would walk home. At about 25 miles a day, it would take me three days to get home, with no help.
I would need to carry three gallons of water. That's 24 pounds (3 gallons X 8 pounds per gallon = 24 pounds) just for water in my emergency evacuation kit. In the summer, especially this summer, I would probably need to carry more. That 24 pounds doesn't leave a lot of room for other stuff.
One of my ideas, to reduce the water weight, is to carry a water filter.
Well, Riverwalker at Stealth Survival has an article about an inexpensive filter called the "LifeStraw" that he gear tested, late last year.
Stealth Survival - Survival Gear Test: The Lifestraw Personal Water Filter
If you can, go to his site and click on the link (it's about halfway down the page) to purchase. He gets a little bit of cash for each one sold from his blog. Plus, the LifeStraw is on sale, for now.
Wednesday: 25 July 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Here's another article from Mike, over at --- Living Prepared ---, about spices. Spices will help you and your family 'spice' up your long-term food storage. Ha Ha
Yes, I ment to make the pun ; - )
--- Living Prepared --- - How Long Do Spices Last In Long Term Storage?
Food, Again
Mike from --- Living Prepared --- has another short article on making Cream of Tomato Soup from long-term food storage items.
---Living Prepared --- - Cream of Tomato Soup
And Again
No matter how much food you and your family store, sooner or later it will run out. Ready Nutrition has an article written by Tess Pennington about ...
Ready Nutrition - Survival Food Series: 25 Survival Seeds You Need For Your Garden
And Again
Ms. Pennington has two other gardening articles y'all might be interested in.
Ready Nutrition - 9 Things to Consider Before You Ever Grow a Survival Garden
Ready Nutrition - 10 Easy Survival Seeds to Grow
Wednesday: 25 July 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Politics Ahead
Folks, there are still people, powerful people, trying to limit our Second Amendment rights. Don't believe me, just listen to The Diane Rehm Show.
The Diane Rehm Show - Gun Control In An Election Year
Ignorant Guests
Either some of her guest were ignorant, or they were deliberately trying to deceive the audience about the "assault rifles" used in the recent attacks. As you listen, you can also see some of the potential tactics that these folks will use to limit your freedoms by banning normal capacity magazines, limiting purchases of ammunition, prohibiting you and your family from buying firearms, and ...
Remember folks.
Some of Ms. Rehm's guest were not talking about "Gun-Control" they are talking about limiting your freedom.
Write a Letter
Make sure your elected representatives know you thoughts.
Thanks to The Second Amendment Foundation for the links
United States Senate - Contact Information
United States House of Representatives - Find
Note: You'll need to enter your zip code + 4.
Lastly, What He Said
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link.
Sharp as a Marble - The number of violations were staggering
Wednesday: 1 August 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Upgrading and Spiral Purchases
Ryan, over at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has many observations that are useful to you and your family. This week, Ryan wrote an article about setting limits and upgrading your gear.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Priorities, Upgrading, Looking at Your Stash and HP or Ball
Folks, be careful when upgrading your family's gear. As Anonymous' and Ryan's discussion points out, I believe, we need to emphasize utility and functionality because a lot of money could be spent on just a knife. A knife you may never use because it was too expensive.
Ms. Astyk writing at Casaubon's Book has a very important observation about our project list.
As always, make sure you read all the comments. Ms. Astyk's readers have many great suggestions and ideas
Yes, that includes the comments about the cats.
Casaubon's Book - Low Input Projects
As a personal side note, I find this article appropriate because of the on-going chicken-coop project. It seems the chicken-coop is the only project; I have worked on in the last three months.
For some folks, storing long-term food in mylar bags, oxygen absorbers, and plastic buckets/cardboard boxes is absent from their preparations. Instead their families store bottled, boxed, canned, and bagged food they normally eat which is a very good idea.
Sometimes those cans get ignored.
Well, Angela at Food Storage and Survival has a quick article about ...
Food Storage and Survival - Don’t Eat This!
Wednesday: 1 August 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Food Storage
In early 2010, M.D. Creekmore from The Survivalist Blog had an article on seven must read food storage resources.
I disagree on two points.
First, Alan T. Hagan updated his work "Prudent Food Storage;" it is currently at version 4.0.
Second, I think FN-503 Food Storage Cooking School: Use It or Lose It from Utah State University is a much better resource then FN-579 Food Storage Guide. Heck, FN-500 A Management Plan for Home Food Storage is a pretty good resource, too.
The Survivalist Blog - Seven Must Read Food Storage Resources
Alan T. Hagan - Prudent Food Storage: Questions & Answers 4.0
North Dakota State University - FN-579 Food Storage Guide
Utah State University - FN-503 Food Storage Cooking School: Use It or Lose It
Utah State University - FN-500 A Management Plan for Home Food Storage
Wednesday: 1 August 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survialists,
Extension Publications
Speaking of Utah State University, they have an extensive library of food storage publications that the prepper will want to download, print, and add to their 'survival bible.'
Damn, they changed their website!
Utah State University - Cooperative Extension
Utah State University: Cooperative Extension - Publications
Oh, Well!!!
I guess I'll have to give some links to selected publications
Utah State University: Cooperative Extension - Cooking with Food Storage Ingredients
Utah State University: Cooperative Extension - Cooking with Food Storage Ingredients: Dry Beans
Utah State University: Cooperative Extension - Utah: Quick Mix
More Ideas
Here's a link to another basic food storage cookbook from the Columbia Basin Ward
Columbia Basin Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - New Ideas for Cooking with Basic Food Storage
Wednesday: 8 August 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Power and Power Production
My family has shelter, water, food, protection, medical supplies (not as much as I'd like), and much of the stuff I write about, but we lack a reliable means of power production.
So, I have two links for you.
The first link, from The Modern Survivalist, is primarily a battery focused article. FerFal, as always, makes some good points in this article.
The second article is from a link at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest. In this article, Rudy provides important background information, some suggestions about using a back-up system, and the components of an emergency power system.
Lastly, you and your family need to be careful who you listen to about technical subjects such as electricity. The reason I say this: Survival Blog had a recent contribution that was published on July 25th about photovoltaic power that could get you killed. See the first of "Two Letters Re:" for the reason.
The Modern Survivalist - Preparing for Blackouts
Preparing Your Family - How To Build an Emergency Power System
Survival Blog - Living With Photovoltaic Power, by D.P.
Survival Blog - Two Letters Re: Living with Photovoltaic Power
Wednesday: 8 August 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Guns are sexy, and they are easy fodder for preppers/survivalists to argue about. Trust me on this; I have had many a discussions debating 5.56 vs. 7.62 or 9mm vs. 45 ACP for defensive firearms with various folks. Plus, with all the recent discussion about the shooting in Aurora, most news program guest are totally lost when talking about firearms.
Well, Lloyd P. has a firearms primer guest post over at The Survivalist Blog that you will be interested in reading.
The Survivalist Blog - The Firearm Primer: Answers to the Questions You are Afraid to Ask
The SKS Rifle, Again
Way back in late 2011, on the Survival Boards 'A Bored Survivalist' asked if the SKS rifle is still viable for the prepper/survivalist.
I think the answer is a very resounding YES.
Just so you know, 'A Bored Survivalist' had over 150 comments, most are worth reading, about his question.
Survival Boards - Is the SKS still a viable survival rifle
Survival Boards - Forum Post: Is the SKS still a viable survival rifle
The 'Other' .22
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link about the other .22 rifle, the Marlin Model 60.
I own three. All three rifles were given to me. I especially like using them with new shooters. They are lightweight, accurate, and simple.
MArooned - Friday Gun Pr0n #277
Wednesday: 8 August 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Low Tech Skills
Freeze-dried food, night vision scopes/goggles, shortwave radios, chemical protective masks, and many other high technology items can assist you and your family in your efforts to survive a disaster.
I believe, we also need to focus on low-tech skills because high technology needs an extensive supply chain to function. A supply chain that can be/is easily disrupted.
This problem is not limited to these United States.
So, the question becomes ...
Where do we learn about these skills.
One place to start is an article from Angela over at Food Storage and Survival.
If you have something to add, leave a comment because we'll all become more knowledgeable.
Food Storage and Survival - 13 Pioneer Skills You May Need
Low-tech Magazine - Home
Wikipedia - Low-Technology
Wednesday: 8 August 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Survival Podcast
A former colleague called me the other day about food storage; he just finished reading "One Second After."
We talked for a little bit about his objectives, and I answered his questions.
Survival Podcast has a listener call-in show that the first third of the show covers bulk food storage in buckets with mylar and O2 absorbers.
Survival Podcast - Episode 952: Listener Calls for 8-3-12
I disagree with some of the stuff he said about the food storage question
- In my experience, plastic buckets allows moisture to enter the bucket, so you must use a mylar bag to get a better than 2 year storage life.
- To me, putting canned food in buckets with long-term food storage is a bad idea because canned food lasts 2 to 3 years and long-term food lasts 30 years.
Additionally, I agree with some of the stuff he said, too.
- Keep long-term food storage simple.
- Parboiled rice (Minute Rice) and instant beans would be a good addition to your family's food storage
- Double seal your seasonings, but use mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.
- Mixing up the storage (5 lbs of beans, 5 pounds of wheat, and so on in one bucket) is a good idea, or putting one week worth of food in a bucket.
Wednesday: 8 August 2012, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was updating (checking links to see if they worked, finding out if the blog had moved, or if the author was no longer posting) my post titled Third Half - Information and I found some information y'all might be interesed in.
GSIEP - Third Half: Information
Felling a Bit Glum
Prepper Kat, writing at Musings of a Post-apocalyptic Wife, as a good post on overcoming those 'glum' feelings.
Musings of a Post-apocalyptic Wife - Felling a Bit Glum, Are We?
Prepping at Work! You're Not Crazy
Shane White from Doomsday Moose has an article about ...
Yep, you guessed it. Prepping at work
Doomsday Moose - Prepping for Disaster at Work
Cooking With the Sun
Over at Peak Oil Hausfrau, Christine Patton has an article on using a solar cooker.
Over at Peak Oil Hausfrau - Summer Solar Cooking
Collecting Rain Water
Rudy Kearney, from Preparing Your Family, has three articles on rain water harvasting; y'all might be interested in.
Preparing Your Family - How To Collect Rainwater: The Basics
Preparing Your Family - How To Size Rainwater Collection Systems
Preparing Your Family - Plumbing Your Storage Barrels Together
Wednesday: 15 August 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Say Uncle
The owner of Say Uncle has a great site. He links to many great articles from all over the internet, just not about guns, either.
Here's an even dozen that y'all might be interested in.
Mad Ogre - The Fighting Lever Action
Blue Sheepdog - Smith and Wesson M&P for Law Enforcement
AnarchAngel - A philosophical treatise... Don't Buy Cheap Guns
Navy Times - The Zombie Deployment Guide
Cheaper Than Dirt: Shooter's Log - Let’s Learn our ABC’s. Again.
The Art of Manliness - 22 Ways to Reuse an Altoids Tin
Shooting illustrated - Fast Reloads for Internal-Magazine Rifles
Blue Sheepdog - Officer Stabbed, Suspect Shot: Chase Video
Huffington Post. - 5 Reasons You Should Never Agree to a Police Search (Even if You Have Nothing to Hide)
The Art of Manliness - How to Use a [BUSTED] Cell Phone to Meet 5 Basic Survival Needs
Snub Training - Why the Snub (Again)
Maddened Fowl - Meanwhile Across the Pond
Thanks again to Say Uncle for the many great links
Wednesday: 15 August 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Selecting Firearms for Survival
M.D. Creekmore, way back in 2008, had an overview on selecting firearms for survival. It's a good article worth your time, but I have some disagreements about the article.
First, Mr. Creekmore say "Handguns are useful as backup weapons and for concealed carry but for the most part they are of limited use." I agree, but they will be the weapon most urban preppers should purchase first.
As Mr. Creekmore says later, "... the handgun is likely what you will have on you at the time." Plus, in an urban/suburban area, preppers will stick out if they are carrying a rifle, any rifle. A pistol or revolver will allow you and your partner (don't forget to get a handgun for you adult loved ones) to leave the house with effective protection.
Second, my first choice for the best prepper rifle is still the SKS, in 7.62X39. Spare parts, ammo, and the rifle itself are still plentiful and inexpensive. Needless to say, if you are current or prior service U.S. military, an AR-15 rifle is probably the better choice. Make sure you get one for your partner, too.
Lastly, prepping for the urban/suburban resident should focus on protection for themselves and their family.
The Survivalist Blog - What You Should Know About Survival Gun Selection
Minimum Cache
Say Uncle has a link to an article from Cheaper Than Dirt about the author's thoughts on the minimum firearms, ammunition, and accessories a prepper, or any one else, should have in their firearms battery.
Make sure you read the article, the writer has some good advice near the end of the article.
Cheaper Than Dirt - Minimum Cache: What You Should Have In Your Gun Locker
The Debate Continues
Say Uncle has a link to a humorous look at the endless debate; I mentioned a few posts ago.
Oh, they forgot the .40 caliber.
Yes, again. Make sure you read the two links at the bottom of the post.
Best Defense, LLC - 9mm vs. .45 ACP: Humorous Look @ the Endless Debate
Wednesday: 22 August 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Wikibooks, "Open books for an open world," has thousands of books in ten languages and hundreds of books in over 30 languages. : - )
Go to the link to see what I mean, if you don't get it.
Needless to say, they have a couple of "books" preppers might be interested in reading such as "A Compendium of Useful Information for the Practical Man," "Self-Reliance Handbook," and "Outdoor Survival."
Lastly, y'all might be interested in the "Asia and Pacific UNISDR Informs," but the links don't work. You will need to do an internet search for each book and/or article such as "Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction" and/or "Village Tank Cascade Systems of Sri Lanka"
Wikibooks - Home
Wikibooks - A Compendium of Useful Information for the Practical Man
Wikibooks - Self-Reliance Handbook
Wikibooks - Outdoor Survival
Wikibooks - Asia and Pacific UNISDR Informs
El Centro Regional de Información sobre Desastres (CRID) - Indigenous Knowledge for Disaster Risk Reduction
Disaster Reduction Hyperbase - Village Tank Cascade Systems of Sri Lanka
Wednesday: 22 August 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Before I begin, I'd like to give a shout out to Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival, for the many awesome posts; he has for us, this week.
Body Armour
As you advance in your family's preparations there will come a time to purchase body armour for you and your family. Ryan writing at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest has some thought on when to buy and wear the body armour.
Riverwalker (yes, over at Stealth Survival) has 5 tips on proper body armour storage. Plus, some very important observations about general storage of y'all's gear.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Body Armor, To Buy Or Not And When To Use
Stealth Survival - Gear Storage Tips: Proper Storage of Body Armor
Fishing Kit
Next up, Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has a couple of photos and the content sheet of a U.S. military survival fishing kit. This article would give you a very good start on making your own survival fishing kit.
Stealth Survival - Basic Survival Gear: The Survival Fishing Kit
DIY Survial Gear and a Contest
Riverwalker is writing a series of articles on do-it-yourself survival gear. He will be giving away the finished kit at the end.
Stealth Survival - DIY Survival Gear: Building a Survival Kit, Part One: The Container
Stealth Survival - DIY Survival Gear: Building a Survival Kit, Part Two: Signal Devices
Stealth Survival - DIY Survival Gear: Building a Survival Kit, Part Three
Wednesday: 22 August 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists.
One type of dried bean (and canned) that my family stores is black beans. We love the flavor.
Well, The Survivalist Blog had a quest post from Daisy about a black bean recipe.
The Survivalist Blog - Recipe of the Day: Black Bean Soup
Eternal Foods
Folks, I don't care what anybody says. We still need to rotate the long, medium, and short-term foods; we store for emergencies.
With that said,
Mary in GA wrote a guest post for The Survivalist Blog about various methods of storing a variety of foods.
The Survivalist Blog - Foods that last forever on their own and preserving other for… almost forever too!
Wednesday: 22 August 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
During tough times, the library may be closed, so a prepper needs to have certain references on hand, just in case. M.D. Creekmore has ten suggestions, at The Survivalist Blog.
The Survivalist Blog - Ten Must Have Self–Sufficiency and Preparedness Books
M.D. Creekmore, of course from The Survivalist Blog, has an article with about 25 links to free publications on Scribd. Needless to say, some of the more popular publications have been deleted.
Scribd, if the book is deleted, sends you to a page that has other free (and some not-so-free) publications, so check it out.
The Survivalist Blog - The Free Survival Library
Wednesday: 29 August 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
What's Been Going On?
These last few weeks, I have been cleaning up my bookmark file, as you can see, by writing about older articles from way back in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.
Well, one of these post disappeared when I went looking for it. Instead the old bookmark sent me to a post, over at The Survivalists Blog, about ...
The Survivalist Blog - Top Posts
That's it for today because there are 50+ articles about getting started, food storage, wheat, water storage, bugging out, saving money, survival medicine, and a few more subjects including firearms in this article. It should keep you busy for a few days/weeks
Wednesday: 29 August 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
O.K., I lied
Don't Forget
Riverwalker, writing at Stealth Survival, is building, then giving away, a survival kit. He is on part eight of the series.
Stealth Survival - DIY Survival GearL Building a Survival Kit, Part Eight
Some folks are advocating that you and your family move to increase your chance of surviving.
Well, James Dakin has some thoughts for y'all.
James M. Dakin - Culturally Speaking
Wednesday: 29 August 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Lest We Forget
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Concentration Camp Prisoners in Ebensee, Austria by National Archives and Records Administration |
io9 - Archaeological dig at Concentration Camp reveals what the Nazis tried to hide
Lest They Forget
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Former Concentration Camp Prisoner Identifies SS Guard by these United States Army |
Jewish Center for Public Affairs - Hunting Nazi Criminals; Operation: Last Chance
Wednesday: 12 September 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Since I failed to post last Wednesday, you may see some older articles, today.
Fire and Fire Starting
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has two articles about fire starters.
Food Storage and Survival - How to Start a Fire with a Magnifying Lens
Food Storage and Survival - How to Make Great Char Cloth
Testing Your Gear
Riverwalker, over at Stealth Survival, has another post in his ongoing series on building a small survival kit.
Stealth Survival - Survival Kit Gear Test: Will It Float?
How Much?
FerFal writing at Modern Survivalist asks the question ...
Modern Survivalist - How much Cash Should I have?
Wednesday: 19 September 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
There's an App for That
Thanks to ISG223 for the link.
When you head on over to read the link, Dave has some other short articles you might want to read.
Dave’s Reflections on Disaster Preparedness - Situational Awareness: There's an App for That
Dave’s Reflections on Disaster Preparedness - Text First
Dave’s Reflections on Disaster Preparedness - Communication Tips
Dave’s Reflections on Disaster Preparedness - But Which Disaster Do I Prepare For?
Note: The link below has some purchase suggestions. Remember! You don't need to buy anything to survive. Except of course water, food, medical supplies, some kind-a protection (firearms and ammo, mainly), and ...
Dave’s Reflections on Disaster Preparedness - So How Do I Learn All This Stuff
Thanks again ISG223 for the links!
Wednesday: 19 September 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Preparing on the Cheap
Folks, I agree with Ryan, at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Getting Ready on the Cheap
Food Storage
Ryan, from TSLRF, had a link to the TEOTWAWKI Blog. As I checked out that article, I found another article you might be interested in reading.
Needless to say, make sure you read the comments.
TEOTWAWKI Blog - Simple Food Storage
How to Not get Killed in a Riot
I don't have anything to add
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - How to Not get Killed in a Riot
Wednesday: 19 September 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness
OK, folks. I was cleaning up the blog posts, and I realized that some folks would never look back to '08, '09, and '10 to read some old posts from the blog.
Well, if you click on the label below you can have about 100 short, very short for me, articles on a wide variety of topics.
Wednesday: 26 September 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Alternative Housing with Pictures
I don't always agree with James M. Dakin, but he practices what he writes.
James M. Dakin - B Pod
Just to Make Sure
Here's another one, just to make sure you and your family are buying food because "surging" won't work during a crisis.
James M. Dakin - Three Days to Dumbass
Wednesday: 26 September 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
When I was in the army, I had a sweet little pocket knife. The knife had a unique method of locking; the back of the knife operated the lock. I lost it one day, and I haven't been able to replace it since. Heck, I can't even find who made it.
As cool as that knife was, the knife had its limits. It only had one blade, and the knife was small, about the size of my index finger.
Well, Riverwalker has a short article on an adaptable 'old school' pocket knife.
Stealth Survival - Types of Knives: The Stockman Knife
Wednesday: 3 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This part of the Wednesday's links will focus on everyone's favorite subject ...
Firearms Safety, First
Folks, even before you and your family purchase a firearm, y'all can learn the "Four Rules."
The Gun Zone - The Rules
Concealed Carry
Say Uncle has a great link to an article comparing the "Mini" 9mm pistols.
Misfires and Light Strikes - Mini 9mm Roundup
Needless to say, some folks will be going all crazy on me, since I have always said that families should purchase a SKS rifle first.
Folks, it's your choice. Rifle or Pistol. Remember, you have to make the decisions for you and your family, not me. Plus, as more people research and write about prepping (and the more I read) my opinions may change.
Protection, Not for You, For Your Firearms
I haven't a clue whether this guy knows what he's talking about or trying to rip us off.
It sounds good.
YouTube - Gun Safes "The Truth" Weapons Education
Wednesday: 3 October 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Needless to say, if I write about guns (really firearms), you are going to hear a little bit about ...
These United States and some other countries use potable water to flush our toilets. Yes, drinkable water flushed down the toilet with our poop.
Well, there are other uses for potable water.
Food Storage and Survival - 12 Reasons You’ll Need Water in an Emergency
As you and your family prepare for long-term disasters, or even short ones, you soon realize that you and your partner will need to supplement your food storage with multivitamins.
Now, y'all don't have to go crazy because the inexpensive multivitamin is almost the same as the most expensive multivitamin.
You only need to plan to have one multivitamin a day per person.
Yes, the children get the kids version because cutting the vitamin doesn't guaranteed a proper dose
Modern Survivalist - Preparedness: Vitamin tablets for your food Stash!
I'm Not Sure
Some of us are planning to walk our way out of danger (bugging out). The plan is to pack a bag with all the stuff we need to survive. Have you weighed that bag, yet?
I'm not sure where I found the link.
The Lizard Farmer - A Little Weight List
Wednesday: 10 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This post isn't your typical prepper post because Howard Godfrey, from Preparedness Advice Blog, is asking for your advice, so make sure you read the comments. His readers have some good points.
Almost every Spring, I purchase two wide brim straw hats, one for work and one for home, to wear from mid-Spring to about the middle of Fall. Once it starts getting very cool, about mid-Fall, I wear a wool watch cap until early Spring. For the really cold weather, I wear a wool watch cap and a wool or polypropylene scarf.
Preparednes Advice Blog - Hats, What King Do You Wear?
It's a Doesy
41 different articles, over at Survival Weekly, by Jim, Deborah, and Rick R. covering the basics of prepping.
Survival Weekly - Countdown to Preparedness
It is said that clean water and proper treatment of sewage (poop and pee) have saved more lives than all the doctors and nurses that have ever practiced medicine. In other words, if you and your family get this wrong, you could end up killing each other and the neighbors.
To keep us, you and your family, from dying Vicki Crossett, from Savvy Survivalist, has an article about basic sanitation.
Savvy Survivalist - Sanitation
Needless to say, all of these folks (including me) are trying to make a couple of bucks, so be careful about their recommendations for any 'needed' equipment.
Wednesday: 17 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Guns, Guns, and More Guns
They are really called firearms, but y'all know that already.
Everybody loves them.
Well, I have a bunch of links courtesy of Say Uncle.
Hi-Point Pistols
The first is about a test of the Hi-Point pistol.
Gun Nuts Media - The Hi-Point Challenge: Completed!
Hi-Point pistols are inexpensive 9mm and 40 caliber handguns. If you are thinking about purchasing one, I need for you to read the whole article.
Strange, Very Strange
The next article is kind'a strange. It's like that tv show about nothing, but it's not. The article makes two important points. First, make sure you have more than one magazine for you pistols (you have a pistol for your partner, right). Second, make sure the ammo you are carrying functions in your pistol.
View From the Porch - Diamonds and pearls...
As always, read the comments. Tam has some very knowledgeable readers
The next article highlights another important issue about shooting. Practice!!!
Combat Studies Group - That my briefcase??
Lastly, ...
A commenter made the point that the article "That my briefcase?? relies on a movie to make a point.
Cracked - 5 Weapon Myths You Probably Believe (Thanks to Movies)
Wednesday: 17 October 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Firearms, Firearms, and More Firearms
Needless to say, Say Uncle provided the source for all or most of these links.
Safety Training
The most important training is safety training.
The Gun Zone - "The Rules"
Additional Training
After safety training, it's up to you and your family to decide about additional training.
But, remember!
Training changes over time. What was once considered 'right' can be found to be 'wrong' in a couple years.
No Lawyers: Only Guns and Money - How Much Training Has Changed....And Hasn't
Do your research because there are some folks that shouldn't be training your family, like you.
It's about what you're carrying and how you use it.
Straight Forward in a Crooked World - Dark Arts for Good Guys: The .22 LR Pistol and You
Wednesday: 17 October 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
That's it for firearms for a few posts.
One More
Quora: Jon Davis' Answer - Gangsters: Why do gangsters hold their guns sideways?
Come back for some more in two hours, but not firearms. ; - (
Wednesday: 17 October 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Move to a Smaller Home!!!
The Telegraph has a article to one possible solution to high fuel bills, or peak oil.
Telegraph - The solution to rising gas bills? Move to a smaller home
Not Fun!!! Not Sexy!!! but It's Important
The Globe and Mail has an important article that all preppers and survivalists should read.
The Globe and Mail - It’s not fun or sexy but life insurance is a must for all families
Talking About Money
Folks, I have been preparing for the collapse for (remember OPSEC) years, it hasn't happen, yet.
Prices on shelter, water, food, protection, camping supplies (I was recently in China-Mart looking at camping supplies) and ... have gone up.
So, you and your family will need more money in retirement.
Yahoo: Finance - Index Funds Still Beat Most Managers
Wednesday: 17 October 2012, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Talking About Money
I have two 'deals' for you, today. Sorry, three deals.
Military Sleeping Bags
First is these United States' military used sleeping bags for under $70. Plus, about $20 for shipping.
Army Gear.net - Military Modular Outdoor Sleep System, Very Good Condition
P Mags
The next 'deal' is Magpul magazines for a low as $11 a piece. Plus, about $15 for shipping, if you buy 7ish magazines.
I Need More Gear - PMag Magazines
Body Armour
If you are planning to actively defending your home, you will need body armour. If, you are like me, you are planning to protect yourself, your partner, your children, and ..., you have to do it inexpensively. Steel plate armour is the answer, but it's heavy.
AR 500 Armor - AR500 Body Armor
Remember, you and your family don't need to buy anything to survive, if y'all have adequate shelter, water, food, firearms, and ...
Go to the very bottom of Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness to read the disclaimers because it's your choice about what you purchase to get prepared.
Wednesday: 24 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Shortwave Transmitter of the Radio
Ham (Shortwave) Radio
Michael C., over at The Survivalist Blog, has written a four part series on Ham radio.
The Survivalist Blog - Primer for Ham Radio, Part 1
The Survivalist Blog - Primer for Ham Radio, Part 2
The Survivalist Blog - Primer for Ham Radio, Part 3
The Survivalist Blog - Primer for Ham Radio, Part 4
Wednesday: 24 October 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Prairie Homestead, Milepost 213 on
I-29, South Dakota (May 2010)
Peter Rimar
The 'New' Homesteader
It use to be, a hundred fifty years ago, families could claim a homestead on 'government' land, needless to say, that 'government' land is long gone, but folks can still start a homestead; where they're at.
Starting with this quote "If you’d like to join the movement, ..." New Life on a Homestead lists some things you and your family can do to join those "new" homesteaders.
Thanks to The Survivalist Blog for the link.
New Life on a Homestead - Homesteading Wherever You Are
What Are You Prepping For?
For folks preparing for a die-off event or any other Earth-shattering event James Dakin, at James M. Dakin, has some thoughts for you.
Everyone should read this post because ... "a lot of time and money and energy is required for each step to survive. But don't make the mistake of trying to carry one over to another. ..."
James M. Dakin - What Are You Prepping For?
Almost lastly, here is a link from Rodale about twelve inexpensive low-tech tools.
Rodale - 12 Low-Tech Tools You'll Always Use
O.K. Really Lastly
Here's another link from Rodale on seven prepared foods you'll never need to purchase again.
If you're putting together a basic food cookbook, you may want to save these recipes. I did.
Rodale - The Nickel Pincher: 7 Packaged Foods You Never Need to Buy Again
Wednesday: 24 October 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Not Lastly,
O.K., I have a couple more links for you this Wednesday.
Little Red Solo Cup
I have nothing more to say.
Reporter's Private Notebook - [infographic]
YouTube:Toby Keith - Red Solo Cup (Unedited Version)
Dang, only the women were scantily clothed
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One-Dollar Federal Reserve Note
Another Method
In a pinch, you can also use these United States' dollar bill as a measuring tool. By law, a dollar bill is just over 6 inches long by 2 and 1/2 inches wide (6 X 2.5 inches). Fold the bill (hamburger-style *) once, you have three inches. Fold it twice, you have 1 and a half inches. Fold it again, for 3/4 of an inch.
If you can fold these United States Dollar bill in thirds (1/3), you have 2 inches.
Needless to say, all measurements will be approximate.
* = Ask a fifth grader
Wikipedia - United States One-dollar bill
Another Other Method
You can boil, chemically treat (with chlorine), filter, and ...
Pasteurize your water to make it safe to drink.
Thanks to Angela at Food Storage and Survival for the link.
Food Storage and Survival - Water Pasteurization and the WAPI
Another method is exposing the water to ultraviolet (UV) light. When using UV light, the water needs to be absolutely clean because bacteria; yes, harmful bacteria that can make your family sick or kill you; will 'hide' behind the plant and dirt particles. The hiding bacteria will not be 'killed' by the UV light.
Wikipedia - Solar Water Disinfection
Wednesday: 24 October 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
O.K. The next two links, I haven't taken the time to read or watch; however I have been reading FerFal for so long, I trust his stuff, to a certain extent.
I don't agree with some of the stuff from the Western Rifle Shooters Association, but any thought experiment may provide useful in a disaster. Plus, I just might get this read before Wednesday.
I read Mr. Bracken's article; it's interesting.
He makes some assumptions that are, I believe, incorrect. He assumes that warfare will result after folks start shooting up the rioters. I think the rioters, at least the ones looking for fun, will suddenly stop rioting because seeing a friend rolling around on the ground dying in agony quickly changes most people's definition of 'fun.' I also think that 'white' (really meaning prosperous folks; white, black, and brown) will self organize a lot sooner. I also believe that the article brought out a lot of racist motherf*ckers that have delusions of ... I don't know the same stuff as preppers thinking a collapse would be a good thing. Stupid.
Lastly, like I said a good scenario for a thought experiment in: What would you do in this situation?
Modern Survivalist - Dual Purpose: EDC Bag – Survival Emergency Bag (SEK kit)
Western Rifle Shooters Association - Bracken: When The Music Stops, How America’s Cities May Explode In Violence
That's it for this week, until Friday or Saturday ; - )
Wednesday: 31 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Most new preppers think they need a 'survival' knife like Rambo. Not really.
But, we do need a knife.
And, Riverwalker over at Stealth Survival has a couple of very informative articles on different types of knives.
Stealth Survival - Types of Knives: Trapper
Stealth Survival - Typesof Knives: Doctor's Knife
Stealth Survival - Types of Knives: Congress
Note: I may have already written about these knife articles by Riverwalker.
Oh, well they pretty good, soo they're worth mentioning again.
Sorry, still blogging from the hospital
Wednesday: 31 October 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Bug-Out Bag
Sibi Totique has another look at the bug-out bag that has some good points.
This article suggest some expensive, to me, equipment that might not be right for your situation especially if you and your family will be going to a shelter, live in a 'big' city, or have little outdoor living skills.
Sibi Totique - Another Look at the Bug Out Bag
Sibi Totique also has a free online survival guide
Sibi Totique -Free Online Survival Guide
Homemade Water Filter and Water Purifier
Poorman Survival's Blog has a link to a homemade ...
Life Line Water Purifiers - Make Your Own Homemade Water Filter and Purifier
I'm Sceptical
Poorman Survival's Blog also has a link to a book on Scribd called ...
Scribd - Arrest Proof Yourself
Wednesday: 31 October 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Most new preppers think they need a 'survival' knife like Rambo. Not really.
But, we do need a knife.
And, Riverwalker over at Stealth Survival has a couple of very informative articles on different types of knives.
Stealth Survival - Types of Knives: Trapper
Stealth Survival - Typesof Knives: Doctor's Knife
Stealth Survival - Types of Knives: Congress
Note: I may have already written about these knife articles by Riverwalker.
Oh, well they pretty good, soo they're worth mentioning again.
Sorry, still blogging from the hospital
Wednesday: 7 November 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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GLOCK 23 .40S&W Pistol
Michael Donnermeyer
First up are a couple of .pdfs from If It Hits The Fan for two of the most popular semi-automatic firearms.
Keep and Share - Glock Armorer's Manual
Keep and Share - M-16 (AR-15) Technical Manual
Firearms, Again
The Mental Militia: Forums has a couple, really about 20ish, links on various topics about firearms. Of those 20ish links, twelve links are magazines, ammo, and other accessories, three links to other forums, and six links for firearm parts.
The Mental Militia: Forums - Firearms Reference Library
Wednesday: 7 November 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Vehicle Emergency Kit
A couple of posts ago, I wrote about my car emergency kit. In my car kit, I have three emergency warning triangles. If It Hits The Fan has some more suggestions for our vehicles.
If It Hits The Fan - Helping Someone Else Survive
Hotel Preparedness
Here's another one from If It Hits The Fan on ...
If It Hits The Fan - High Rise Hotel Preparedness
Wednesday: 14 November 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Have y'all been keeping up with the aftermath of the storm that hit the Northeast United States, in late October? Interesting, isn't it?
Needless to say, we (preppers and survivalists) can learn from this storm.
Evacuation Kits
One of the easiest methods of dealing with a disaster is to
Now, as you and your family build these evacuation kits, make sure y'all are realistic about where you are headed. Don't add a compass if you're planning to go to your sister-in-law's home, down the block.
Ready North Carolina - Emergency Evacuation Kit Checklist
Emergency Essentials - Evacuation: 72 Hour Emergency Kits
The National Terror Alert Response Center- 72 Hour Kit
WikiHow - How to Create an Urban Emergency Evacuation Kit for Work
Wednesday: 14 November 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Have y'all been keeping up with the aftermath of the storm that hit the Northeast United States, in late October? Interesting, isn't it?
Needless to say, we (preppers and survivalists) can learn from this storm.
Without shelter, you and your family could die within three to four hours, quicker during extreme weather. The possibility of a quick death is also possible with inadequate shelter.
As we have seen in the Northeast (cold, no electricity, destroyed home, and ...) there is a possibility you and your family will have to move into a shelter.
Wikipedia - Emergency Shelter
Coffee County Emergency Management Agency - Shelter Living
NYC: Office of Emergency Management - Ready New York: Evacuation and Disaster Sheltering
Lancaster County: Emergency Management - Shelter Living for Those With Special Needs
NRCCPS - Trainer Notes: Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect in Disaster Emergency Shelters
The next two links are about setting up professional disaster shelters.
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services - A Public Health Guide for Emergency Shelters in Missouri
International Association of Venue Managers, Inc - Mega-Shelter Planning Guide: A Resource and Best Practices Reference
Wednesday: 21 November 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The First Thanksgiving at Plymouth
Jennie A. Brownscombe
Folks, in these United States, y'all are going to be fixing a feast in the next couple of days. As you chow down, I want you to think about the food you and your family would eat during a disaster.
For you folks outside of these United States, I want you to think about the food you and your family would eat during a disaster, too.
Needless to say, I have some websites to help you. The first one, Food Storage Made Easy, you just need to start reading and doing. If you get overwhelmed, first, store three gallons of water for each person in your home. Next, store three days of canned, bagged, and/or bottled food. Next, assemble a first-aid kit, and ...
Relax, because now, you're good for three days.
Food Storage Made Easy - Home
Food Storage Made Easy - Powerless Cooking
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
War, Civil War
The Survivalist Blog has a guest post by Georges Fahmy about growing up in Lebanon during their civil war.
It's a must read, folks especially if you are planning for a civil war in your country.
The Survivalist Blog - Living in a High-Risk Environment: My childhood in Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War of 1975-1990
Bing: Images - lebanese civil war
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I have a lot of stuff for you today, so there will be many, and I mean many, links for y'all.
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Stacks of
Home-Canned Food
These United States
Library Of Congress
Rodale has a couple of articles on food.
The first article is on canning tomatoes. Tomatoes are like marijuana; tomatoes are the gateway canning vegetable. Most people get their start in canning, canning tomatoes.
Rodale - How to Can Those Extra Garden Tomatoes
The next article is about turning fruit into preserves and jellies
Rodale - The Nickel Pincher: Try Canning to Turn Summer Fruit into Preserves and Jellies
The next article is also about preserving your food by drying.
Rodale - The Nickel Pincher: Preserve Summer's Tastiest Harvest to Enjoy in Winter!
The next article deals with setting up a root cellar without digging one.
Rodale - How to Save Money, and Save Vegetables, by Creating a Simple Root Cellar
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Let Your Fruit Trees Save Sugar
Robert M. Brinkerhoff
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
The next link is the complete booklet from a chapter y'all saw over at Survival Blog. Needless to say, Survival blog doesn't know it all, sometimes.
FAO - FAO Animal Production and Health Paper 79: Manual on Simple Methods of Meat Preservation
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Four
Welcome Prepper and Survivalists,
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Bags of Whole Grains
Arin Crumley
Rodale, Again
Here are a couple more links from Rodale on eating inexpensively and healthier. Something we all could do more of.
Rodale - A Guide To Eating Healthy on the Cheap
Rodale - Save Money and Eat Healthy, Tasty Food
Preventive Health
Needless to say, you don't want to kill your family with a dirty kitchen, so y'all are going to have to make sure the kitchen is clean before, during, and after your meal prep.
Rodale - Could Your Kitchen Pass a Public Health Inspection?
Speaking of preventive health, here's a link about the dangers of drying your clothes indoors.
At first, I thought the article was some anti-dryer rant from the environmentalists. It's not. The article is talking about ...
Yes, y'all need to read the article.
Rodale - The Energy-Saving Trick That's Costing You Your Health
Saving Money
Since we're talking about saving money, here are two links. One on making your own laundry soap; the other on "Cleaner Clothes, Lower Costs, and Fewer Headaches."
Rodale - The Nickel Pincher: 3 Easy Homemade Laundry Detergents
Rodale - 9 Laundry Tips for Cleaner Clothes, Lower Costs, and Fewer Headaches
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I haven't been on the internet for the last couple of days, way too busy with other stuff. I had forgotten how much information is out there.
Here are more links to a bunch of links.
52+ Links to Hundreds of Publications
I can't remember where I found this list. Plus, I may have posted this link before. Either way, here is over fifty-two links to lots and lots of information.
God-Like Productions: Forum - MOTHER LODE: Big caches of free and legal TEOTWAWKI downloads
196 Publications
FerFAL, over at The Modern Survivalist, has an article with over 150 links to individual publications.
The Modern Survivalist - 196 Neat Free Survival Downloads
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Six
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I told y'all; I had some links for you, today.
Making Things Happen
Ryan, at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has a quick article on a formula for making things happen with your goals.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Making Things Happen
Testing Your Emergency Plan
FerFAL writing at The Modern Survivalist has a quest post on testing your emergency plan that you should have made as one of your goals ; - )
The Modern Survivalist - Testing Your Emergency Plan
The Anatomy of a Breakdown
Tess Pennington, from Ready Nutrition, has an article; I would like to highlight.
Yes, you saw this link at Survival Blog, but I wanted to point the article out to you.
Ready Nutrition - The Anatomy of a Breakdown
Wednesday: 21 November 2012, Part Seven
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Thanks for hanging out with me, but this is it. These are the three last posts from some of my favorite Prepper/Survivalist bloggers.
Y'all have probably been reading Riverwalker's informative posts, over at Stealth Survival, on the different types of knives. Well, as always, Riverwalker provides some great insight into a very small knife for your survival kit.
Stealth Survival - The Survival Kit Fixed Blade
I link to Angela's site Food Storage and Survival a bunch of times this last year. She has many insights into prepping that are very useful. Needless to say, here's another wonderful article on an overlooked aspect of prepping.
Food Storage and Survival - Preparedness Quick Tip: Cheap and Easy Wash Water Storage
Writing at The Modern Survivalist, FerFAL has brought his unique experience to prepping that has informed us all.
The Modern Survivalist - Improving your Home Security
Wednesday: 28 November 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Farm House Tuscany, Italy
Steve Vidler
Home Security, Part Two
FerFAl, at the 'most' excellent blog The Modern Survivalist, has part two of his video on home security.
The Modern Survivalist - Improving Your Home Security, Part Two
Buying Used Gear
Riverwalker, from Stealth Survival, has a primer on buying used gear for your preps.
Just so you know, I purchase used gear, clothes, firearms, and ... all the time except for used underpants, panties, and bras. Oh yeah, no used food either except for fertilizer. ; - )
Stealth Survival - Frugal Prepping: Testing Used Survival Gear for Reliability and Function
Make sure to read the two articles at the "You might also like:" section.
And, ...
Just in case they change, here are the links.
Stealth Survival - Camping Gear: Choosing Gear for Survival
Stealth Survival - Survival Gear Bags: Important Qualities for a Gear Bag
Wednesday: 28 November 2012, Part Two
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Religious Symbols from the Top Nine Organised Faiths of the World |
I believe, our spirituality plays a part in survival.
With that said, ...
Chris Ray from Prepared Christian has some very good articles on why you and your family should prepare, developing a plan, water storage, and food storage.
Should You Prepare? Part One
Should You Prepare? Part Two
Developing A Preparedness Plan
The Storage, Filtration And Purification Of Water
Why Store Food And The Rules For It
The Kind Of Foods That You Can Store
Shelf Life of Staples
The Process and Enemies of Food Storage
Store how much food and where to put it all?
Tips On Stocking Up and Affording it all
Food Boredom and Survival Cooking
When you go to his site, at the very top is a pull-down menu titled "General Preparedness," it has a bunch more information.
Wednesday: 5 December 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
FerFAL, from The Modern Survivalist, has a video on the "501 Most Devastating Disasters."
Needless to say, I recommend you watch this video because FerFAL talks about the disasters we (you and your family) will likely see in our lifetimes.
Starvation is one of the disasters.
The Modern Survivalist - 501 Most Devastating Disasters
Food and Food Storage
Once again, Riverwalker from Stealth Survival has a great article on storing food for a disaster. He has many good points in the article, but I do disagree with him on one point.
First, the great.
* You and your family need to make food storage a priority
* You and your family need to stay within a budget when building your food storage
* Prepacked foods, like the ones in Riverwalker's photos, are a great place to start for food storage
Second, my disagreement
I believe prepacked foods should not be placed in a bucket for storage because, in my experience, the food becomes 'lost.' I believe the intermediate food storage (3-month supply) should be stored on shelves, so you and your family can see than remember to use the food.
Remember: "Store what you eat; eat what you store"
Stealth Survival - Food Storage Alternatives for the Beginning Prepper on a Budget
During a disaster, you have what you have.
You and your family may have to improvise to survive.
Well, Ms. Briana Davis has written a guest post on ...
Don't forget to read the comments for more ideas.
The Survivalist Blog: Briana Davis - Weather Emergency: Four Non-Intuitive Disaster Kit Necessities
Wednesday: 5 December 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
First, there is no guarantee, I'll be writing more.
Nothing to see here, today.
Wednesday: 12 December 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The Temple of the Sun, at Palenque
Ric Raider
The Mayan End Date 2012
Have y'all been reading about it. Supposedly a rogue comet, asteroid, or coronal mass ejection is going to hit the Earth; or the magnetic poles are going to shift; or the anti-Christ is going to be born, emerge, or takeover; or zombies are going to arise; or ...
Either way,
A website called "Doomsday Guide" has a bunch of information on basic survival. Two of the pages are listed below. The first link is a kind'a list of all the stuff you might need with some having an explanation why. The second link is to a shelving system that will allow you and your family to store water drums, horizontally.
Doomsday Guide - Topic: Preparing for What is Coming: Earthquakes
Scroll down to "Basic List of Suggested Items for Long Term Survival." It's about halfway down the page.
Doomsday Guide - Food Storage Multi-Unit Rack
Wednesday: 12 December 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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U.S. Airman’s Meal, DaNang, Vietnam
Paul Mashburn
Legacy Gear
I have been trying to find new U.S.G.I. plastic canteens to use for my kit, and I have been having trouble finding a source.
Commander Zero, from Notes from the Bunker, has some comments about my troubles.
Notes From the Bunker - Canteens and Legacy Gear
All canteens, except arctic canteens, will freeze during really cold weather.
So, ...
You will have to carry your canteens inside your jacket or have a metal canteen to heat over a fire.
The plastic canteen will melt before the water melts. Trust me, I know from experience
Modern Gear
Me and other folks have pointed out the cellphone/smartphone is a survival tool.
But, ...
The phone needs to be charged.
Well, Commander Zero writing at Notes From the Bunker has some solutions for charging your phone during a disaster, with a few tools.
Notes From the Bunker - Charging the Smartphone
Folks, all I have to say about this article is ...
"there should never be an empty gas can in your world."
Notes From the Bunker - Fuel Rotation Musings
Wednesday: 12 December 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bush Search and Rescue Volunteers
being Briefed by Victoria Police SAR during the Search for David
Peter Campbell
Leave a Note!
Commander Zero, at Notes From the Bunker, has three things you should leave in a note when you're headed out to the woods.
Or, ...
Leaving your vehicle to trek back to civilization when you're stranded.
Remember, folks will be looking for you in most disasters.
Notes From the Bunker - Article: Utah Hiker Survives Being Trapped for 4 Days
Easy and Inexpensive Modification
Riverwalker writing from Stealth Survival has an inexpensive and easy modification that we all can do to our gear to increase our chances of surviving a disaster.
Stealth Survival - Simple Survival Gear Mods: The Wrap
Wednesday: 12 December 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Fighting Load
As some of y'all know, my family and I decided to use A.L.I.C.E. gear for our kit, many years ago.
If you're thinking of following our example, this might be a poor idea for y'all.
Because, ...
ALICE gear is starting to get kind'a expensive to replace and stock up because the supply of military-issued components are drying up. Plus, if you're a recent United States military veteran or current military member, you have been using MOLLE gear for the last few years.
So, ...
You and your family might want to do some research on which system to use.
Needless to say, here a few links to get you started.
I'd like to thank the folks hosting these manuals because I couldn't find them at an 'official' site. I would also like to thank the folks, like Wildman, Mil, Brooke Clarke, and SFC NsundaTezzo, for sharing their insights into ALICE and MOLLE gear.
Remember your 'Threat Analysis' because you, family, and friends may not need or want this stuff.
PRC 68.com - All-purpose, Lightweight, Individual, Carrying Equipment (A.L.I.C.E.)
Air Soft Forum - ALICE Gear Manual
NCO Support.com - TA-50 Pictures and Descriptions: Courtesy of SFC NsundaTezzo
Camping Gear Review - Modular Lightweight Load Carrying Equipment (MOLLE)
Wednesday: 19 December 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Just One More
I apologize, but I have to say just one more thing about the school shooting, in Connecticut
But, ...
Say Uncle has expressed my sentiments, already
Say Uncle - Just one more!
I Love My Wife
Katniss, my wife, has used 'my' fabric scissors to cut thick crafting wire, in the past.
I wish I had taken a picture before I threw the scissors away.
Food Storage and Survival - Reader Comments Roundup: Save Your Scissors, Tea Balls, Firearms and More!
Feeling Human
When I was in these United States' military, we would go days and weeks without showers.
But, ...
Everyday, we would shave and brush our teeth. Shaving insured our protective masks would seal, just in case of a chemical attack.
Brushing my ...
Felt like heaven and kept my teeth healthy.
Stealth Survival - Bug Out Bag Additions for Survival Hygiene
Wednesday: 19 December 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Your Home
From The Survivalist Blog comes a guest post by Buuurr in Ohio
The Survivalist Blog: Buuurr in Ohio - Top 11 Things to Know About Your Home Before Crisis Strikes
The more skills you and your family have the better off y'all will be.
You might want to take a gander of Daily Prep by Dan
Daily Prep - Episode 252: 13 New Skills in 2013
Check it out.
The Survival Doctor - Home
Wednesday: 26 December 2012
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I apologize folks, but this couldn't wait until Friday or the next "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom"
Last Saturday, I wrote about the possibility that Senator Feinstein had called for confiscation of some firearms from citizens of these United States.
So far, I can't find the article, but Say Uncle had a link to an article that quotes New York Governor Cuomo as saying "Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. ..."
Washington Examiner - Sen. Feinstein suggests national buyback of guns
New York Times - Cuomo Says He’ll Outline Gun Proposal Next Month
Just so you know, Senator Feinstein a Democrat has an agenda that includes limiting our freedom. Plus, I think she just called for confiscation of firearms in this news conference.
C Span - Democratic Senators Respond to NRA
Wednesday: 26 December 2012, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Keeping 'It" in Perspective
With all this current doom and gloom, FerFAL, over at The Modern Survivalist, has written an article on his perspective about preparing for disaster.
The Modern Survivalist - So since the world didn’t end…
They're Back, Maybe
The writers for Safely Gathered In have been on hiatus for the last few months (O.K. six months), but they have started posting again.
I like these folks, besides all the good information about food storage, because of their "Motivational Monday" posts.
Needless to say, here are a couple of recent articles from Safely Gathered In
Safely Gathered In - Roundup
Safely Gathered In - Gift Giving Riundup
Safely Gathered In - Winterizing the Car Kit
Wednesday: 26 December 2012, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Another Perspective
Mr. Dakin, to me, is a love 'em or hate 'em kind'a guy. He can be abrasive, cranky, wacko, and ... but he has a valuable perspective that most preppers should read, every once in a while
So, ...
Here are two articles from James Dakin, over at where else but James M. Dakin, about his perspective on ...
James M. Dakin - What are You Investing In?
James M. Dakin - More Investments
Apartment Survival
While I was away from home, I lived in an apartment (more about that later). It was a challenge prepping wise, but very doable with certain limitations.
Well, In The Rabbit Hole has a podcast on apartment survival
In The Rabbit Hole - Apartment Survival
In The Rabbit Hole has some other 'fun' podcasts you might be interested in, just scroll down for such episodes as "Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse," and "Surviving X, Part One and Part Two."
Wednesday: 26 December 2012, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
O.K. This is the Last One
Marjory Wildcraft wrote a guest article, over at The Survivalist Blog, on ...
Yep, you guessed it, a women's perspective on prepping
For most folks, the comments will be a good read, too.
The Survivalist Blog: Marjory Wildcraft - A Woman’s Perspective on Prepping
I Lied, Here's One More
In The Rabbit Hole has a podcast on being prepared in seven days
In The Rabbit Hole - Prepared in Seven Day
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