Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
David Rees
retouched by
Andrzej 22
Time Flies
Once again, I have started compiling all of the so-called Friday articles, for 2015, into two places, because ...
* Google limits blogs to 1000 posts
So, ... Here you go.
3 July 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photgraph by
Staff Sgt. Kenneth Upsall
Last week, I covered some individual knowledge you need to know "If" you're going to get into warfare.
Today, I'm going to cover some buddy and team information.
A Partner (Battle Buddy)
The 'Battle Buddy' is an uniquely military concept. Some people thinks it's something like being friends with a person. It isn't. Yeah, liking your battle buddy is a good thing, but it's not being friends.
Being a battle buddy is developing a rapport with someone so you can watch out for them or save their life when things go bad.
For most preppers, it's going to be you and your partner or a friend and you. Try not to have an adult and child be battle buddies. The age difference is too extreme.
Now, that I have said that, I'm going to change the focus, just a little, to just partners. As in moving from place to place together.
Never Alone
During hostilities or tough times, no one ever goes anywhere by themselves. Children are actively watched by an adult to prevent kidnappings. Armed young ladies and young men travel together to prevent rapes, kidnappings, and other nastiness. Adults travel together, usually male and female, to give a softer but tough appearance and to prevent trouble.
Notice, I didn't mention that the adults were armed because Adults are always Armed!
No Shooting, Yet
So, ... The really, really tough times have hit and you're moving from place to place.
First, you're (as an individual) going to move from cover to cover. That means, you walk to a tree and stop. You might want to drop to a knee or lay prone then aim your rifle as you cover your partner as your partner moves to a covered position. (You have been reading the resources, right)
As your partner moves, you scan for any villains. "If" shooting starts, you immediately return 'Aimed' fire, either at muzzle flashes or (if you can't see muzzle flashes) to likely hiding places. (Hey, warfare is ammunition intensive. Remember, these United States' military fires hundred of rounds for one enemy causality.)
In the beginning as you're getting use to moving like this or during training, you might want to use voice or hand and arm signals. It goes like this.
You - look for a place to move to then once you find it, you say "Cover me"
Buddy - says "Got you covered"
You - say "Moving" then you get up and walk, actively watching for villains
Buddy - while you move, the buddy actively watches for villains by aiming their rifle. The buddy also watches you, waiting for you to take up your position.
You - once you're in position, you say "In Position"
When I say "In Position" I mean settled, rifle pointing in the direction of travel with you ready to return fire "If" you or your buddy comes under fire.
Next, your buddy does the same thing.
Now, depending on the terrain, mission, and other variables, you and your partner may move past each other (leap frog) as you travel or you may come abreast of each other. It's all going to depend.
Now, as you practice, you and your partner will quit talking and just start moving as you get to know each other.
Needless to say, the above method is for really, really tough times. For lesser times, you can move together but 5 to 10 yards apart (5 to 10 meters), so one burst from a machine gun won't kill both of you at the same time. Hey, it's really tough times!
The Team
Just add more people and you have a team moving. Just remember, one watches as another moves.
Home Defense
Sorry, I cut "The Team" portion short, but I wanted to get to the part about the villains.
Villains (male and female) may or may not do some looking before attacking you and your family (hopefully you have a lot of friends, too). In the military it's called reconnaissance.
Just to make you paranoid.
An unknown person knocking at your door could be a recon to see when you're home. Or, ... Someone walking down your street, glancing at your house. Or, ... A little child asking for a handout that reports back to ...
Sometimes the villains may do a recon, by firing at your home or a smaller attack to see your response to their action. Too small of reaction would indicate a possible home to attack.
Hey, warfare is mentally intensive.
So, .. The villains attack your home. Depending on their numbers, they may easily overwhelm your defenses, just by shooting and running towards your home. That's why "If" really, really tough times happen, your going to want a lot of friends, living with you. With guns and lots of ammo!
Now, ... For some military theory.
Attackers want 3 to 1 odds, at least. That means for every defender (your family and friends) the villains wants three people.
Say you have a family of four, to be successful an attacker would want 12 people. Yes, your young daughter, shooting a Ruger 10/22 (.22 LR) with several 25 round magazines is considered a defender. She just needs to aim for the head, stomach, thighs, and ... you know 'center mass' and shoot the same person a couple of times!
Enough military theory.
Now, ... We have a lot of former and current military in our society; some of them, sad to say, are villains. These folks are going to pass their knowledge to others, just like I am to you.
So, ... You're going to have to worry about being flanked.
Notice, the villains (the three Xs) are laying down a base of fire. Their bullets, headed towards you and your family, keeping your heads down and making it almost impossible to return fire.
Next, one of the group (the single Xs) sneak around and tries to get close to kill you by entering your house or use some kind of explosive device. Either way, the villains are trying to kill you and your family.
You can prevent this by looking for the flanking maneuver.
Needless to say, you have to be watching for this tactic in store parking lots, too
I was reading an after action review (someone telling a story) where a gentleman is leaving a China-Mart. As he walks out of the store, two villains start following him. One splits off and walks around to his left as the gentleman gets to his car while the other villain continues to follow him.
The gentleman pushes a cart to block the first villain then draws his handgun and points it at the villain following him. Needless to say, the villains quickly make an escape.
I haven't read the book about defending your home (it's a popular book from a few years ago), but I did read some reviews.
In one of the reviews, the writer said your family should camouflage your home to make it look like it is a burnt out wreck. Supposedly, villains would avoid it because the villains would think it's not worth the effort. Plus, others would avoid it, too. (Not worth the effort to salvage burnt food, clothing, and other items)
I disagree, I think families should ban together to hold off villains kind'a like Clan Mackenzie from Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling (I have recently read it, two months ago. It's worth the time), run combat patrols, and ... other military operations.
Of course, the best course of action is to leave the country for a more peaceful place like ... Where ever is the most peaceful place, that decade.
Or, ... You could try to 'Lone Wolf' it by yourself like someone suggested, last week.
Needless to say, you're going to fight it out, so I'll tell you about abushes.
But before I do, please read this quote from John Adams
"I must study Politicks and War that my sons may have liberty to study Mathematicks and Philosophy. My sons ought to study Mathematicks and Philosophy, Geography, natural History, Naval Architecture, navigation, Commerce, and Agriculture, in order to give their Children a right to study Painting, Poetry, Musick, Architecture, Statuary, Tapestry, and Porcelaine." Letter to Abigail Adams, May 12, 1780
In other words ...
You are a Soldier, so your sons and daughters can be Farmers, so their daughers and sons can be Poets
I'll see you next week ; - )
10 July 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Jeanne boleyn
"The friend of my enemy is my enemy..."
Over the last few weeks, I have been talking about tactics that you and your friends may see from villains, but I have to remind you. It's all cool and such to gather the weapons, train in the tactics, buy body armour, and ... but proper shelter, stored water, long-term food, and ..., in other words, logistics is the most important aspect of warfare.
I Apologize
I have more to say, but I haven't written it : - (
17 July 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Andreas Praefcke
What Did You Do This Week, to Prepare?
There are a couple folks, The Survivalists Blog comes to mind, that write a weekly article about what they did that week to prepare for the tough times ahead. They usually cover the 'stuff;' they bought from the China-Marts or ordered from some company on the internet. That's good and all, but prepping (really survivalism) is also a long-term project covering 'stuff,' skills, and ...
Your family's threat analysis will determine the 'stuff' you and your family need to purchase. For most families this will be supplies for emergency home repairs or improvised shelter, water storage containers, food (short, medium, and long-term food storage), first-aid supplies, one or two firearms and ammunition, and ... the other stuff ; - )
You will also need to have this 'stuff' organized in emergency evacuation kits (bugout bags), on pallets in the basement (long-term food storage), on book shelves (books and binders) and hanging in the closet or under the bed storage boxes (body armour). Trust me on this.
Most people, when we start talking 'survival' skills, will mention fire starting, primitive shelter building, wild food identification, and other primitive skills. You might also think about applying a bandage to a cut, preforming the Heimlich maneuver, splitting a fracture, and other first-aid skills that you and your family need to learn and practice. Some folks, concerned about violence, will mention properly aiming a handgun, immediate action drills for their rifle, and even loading a firearm's magazine. Other families will mention learning to process long-term food storage such as whole red winter wheat, making rice with and without a rice cooker, and ensuring essential vitamins and minerals are eaten by their family.
But, ... Most people forget about such skills as finding a job during tough times, networking, and starting a company. Other skills folks forget are money management, bartering, and determining "if" a silver coin is fake or genuine. Lastly, other families forget about properly using debt, effectively saving money, and passing this knowledge to their children.
And, ...
By know, you are probably wondering what I did this week to prepare for the coming tough times.
So, ... Let me explain.
I categorize tough times as short, medium, and long-term events.
Most short-term events are common events, like hurricanes, earthquakes, ice storms, and other natural disasters. Some other short-term events are considered technical (human-made) events such as house fires, vehicle breakdowns (flat tires) and crashes, chemical spills, and ...
These events are easy to get prepared for by your family. You know, emergency evacuation kits, appropriate shelter, water, food, and ... all the other stuff ; - )
The medium-term events last a little longer and are a little more complicated. These events are such events as job loss, severe injury at work, divorce, and many others. Like short-term events, these are usually known (sometimes unknown) and relatively easy to prepare for by you and your family, but you have to be focused because they don't usually happen, every year, to your family.
Lastly, long-term events are global climate change, peak-oil, disintegration of these United States, global economic collapse, and others that rarely happen (massive earthquake, super volcano eruption, asteroid strike, and ... Zombies) These events take time, money and planning.
Plus, ... I'm a survivalist, so every day is a possible 'event' and everything I do is getting ready, including sleeping seven to eight hours, each night ; - )
So, ... What have my family and I been doing to get prepared?
From this ...
To this
And this ...
To this
Needless to say, there is a lot more work to get done before we are ready to move into the family's new (fourth generation) homestead.
Yes, I learned the other day that the new doorway isn't to current code : - (
Fitting the Narrative
As always there are some pictures that don't fit the narrative
Construction Debris Dumpster, Half Full |
Katniss posted some earlier pictures to the facebook. Friends and family jokingly commented on the neatness of the stacked debris.
At $500 for the rental, delivery, and pick-up fees, I wanted the dumpster as full as possible, not a bunch of air ; - )
Yep, that's a two prong plug with no ground. The wire is cloth covered, two strand with no ground wire, from around the '60s
100 amp Service |
It's serviceable, but not for the modern family's power needs. Plus, we haven't figured out what the knife switch (outside the box) controls, along with other electrical issues not shown.
YouTube: dEAdsPaCefanatics's channel - George Carlin: Stuff
24 July 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Australian Department of Defence
I am taking a class, working, and trying to juggle fixing the Farm, so you may or may not get a complete thought in any post. It's so hectic; I'm thinking about stopping the blog.
But, ... We'll see ; - )
The Enemy of my Friend is my Enemy
A few weeks ago, I wrote about flanking and other considerations. This week, I'm going to talk about pincher movements.
In a pincher movement, the villains split their force into two equal (or close to equal) groups. The two groups attack your family's home from two different directions. This causes you and your family to split up, dividing your family's fighting power.
Needless to say, splitting up your family is a poor choice, but you don't have another choice except to immediately evacuate.
A family of four shooters, (Yes, even your ten year old daughter with a 10/22 .22 LR rifle and a couple of 25 round magazines would count) could hold off a group of four villains.
Remember: 3 attacking villains are needed to overwhelm one family member.
So, ... a family of four (Yes, your eight year old son with two Marlin Model 60 .22 LR rifles would count) could hold off a group of 12 villains, with proper defensive positions.
You have been reading the reference material, right.
Another danger is villains surrounding you house.
As you can see, there is no way to escape.
Now, some folks are going to say 'This is a little extreme. Nothing like this has even happened in these United States.'
They would be wrong.
During the border wars between Kansas and Missouri (later 1850s), raiders (thugs, thieves, low lives, scum of the earth, and ...) would surround homes, kill the inhabitants, and steal their livestock. In some raids, the villains would enter towns with 300 fighters and loot, burn, and kill the town folk.
Oh, yeah. They shot anyone who surrendered.
Now, I try to be different from most folks. When I tell you about a problem, I try to give you a solution.
The first solution, you might want to build a home that can withstand rifle fire. I like the insulated concrete form. They are available from different manufacturers and suppliers.
Another solution is to build landscaping that will protect your home, such as big planting boxes made from concrete blocks.
Another solution is to use large landscaping blocks to form a protective wall.
And, ...
I have to go, so more, next week.
Here are two links to FM 5-25 Explosives that you might be interested in for your files.
Wikimedia: Wikipedia Commons - FM 5-25 Explosives and Demolitions (1967)
Wikimedia: Wikipedia Commons - FM 5-25 Explosives and Demolitions (1992)
31 July 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Federal Bureau of Investigation
Another Example
Last week, I mentioned the Kansas-Missouri conflict (1850s to 1860s) as an example of a group of villains attacking your home. Since that is a pretty old and obscure example, I would like to suggest a more modern one, the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms(ATF) raid on Mount Carmel, in 1993 to arrest David Koresh.
During the raid, the ATF (now the ATFE), Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), and ... in their ineptitude caused the death of about 15 children and over 55 adults.
With that said, let us look at another way that villains might harm your family during a conflict
There are various types of ambushes; near, far, linear, Z-shaped, L-shaped, and ... others that I have probably forgotten.
A far ambush is far away. Some can be over 500 meters away because the villains are using M2 Browning .50 caliber machine guns, M240 7.62 NATO machine guns, and other 'long' range weapons. Needless to say, if you're in Europe, there is the possibility that you will see NSV machine guns, Kord machine gun, PKM machine gun, and other 'long' range weapons used by the Russian military.
Far ambushes will be set up so the villains can see into the kill zone, so they will be on hilltops, ridges, or other high ground.
Near ambushes are going to be close to the kill zone. The villains will probably plan to sweep across the kill zone to gather loot, kill any survivors, or ... whatever villains do. The villains will be able to use handguns and rifles (maybe machine guns) for a near ambush. So, ... A near ambush can come from the side of the road, side of the street, or other area close by.
Linear ambushes are straight. L-shaped ambushes are shaped like a "L;" and Z-shaped ambushes are "Z" shaped.
Linear ambushes can be small, or they can be huge, depending on how mwny people the villains will commit to the ambush. Needless to say, "If" the villains know what they are doing, the ambush will have security on its flank to prevent flanking. (More about that later)
The L-shaped ambush will have two groups shooting at your family at the same time. One from the side and another from the front or back, depending on your direction of travel. The L-shaped ambush is probably the deadliest ambush of them all.
The Z-shaped ambush is very exotic and rarely seen except for very large military operations. Plus, it's really just a series of linear ambushes ; - )
And, ... One ambush that I forgot was the remote or automatic ambush. These types are usually just like bobby traps. Mines or explosives are rigged to exploded, killing lots of people, when tripwires are tripped setting off the explosives.
Now, you know me, I don't bullsh*t you (at least most of the time), so ...
Either type of an ambush is deadly. If the villains are doing it right, most folks die or are wounded and dying within the first few seconds of an ambush.
I apologized, but I have to go : - (
More later, with pictures.
7 August 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Le Patriote Illustré
Surviving an Ambush
Last week, I said "Either type of an ambush is deadly. If the villains are doing it right, most folks die or are wounded and dying within the first few seconds of an ambush."
But, ... Ambushes are survivable "If" you and your family act quickly by using immediate action drills.
First, I am going to assume somethings. (You know what 'assume' means "make and ass out of you and me") One, that your family has trained for this event. Two, that four scenarios are going to happen, your family is alone; your family is alone with hand grenades; your family is part of a larger group; and your family is part of a larger group with hand grenades. Three, the villains are inept. (Don't we wish!)
The Close Ambush (alone)
You and your family are walking down the road, alone. The villains open fire.
First, your family immediately turns towards the attackers and start shooting your rifles at the enemy (You're trying to get the villains to stop firing or stop accurately firing at your family).
Next, you run towards the villains (you're trying to get out of the kill zone and behind the villains).
Next, your family regroups and gets out of there or you regroup and attack the villains and rescue any family members still in the kill zone.
The Close Ambush (alone w/hand grenades)
You and your family are walking down the road, alone, but you have hand grenades! The villains open fire.
First, you family takes cover (your family knows the difference between cover and concealment, right?) and throws hand grenades at the villains' positions. Once the grenades explode, your family gets up and runs towards the villains, firing their rifles.
Next, your family regroups and gets out of there or you regroup and attack the villains and rescue any family members still in the kill zone.
There are a few important facts; I want you to get from the first two scenarios. One, you have to act aggressively and get out of the kill zone. You can't go forward or back because the security teams will kill you, and you can't run away from the villains because the villains can still shoot at you. Lastly, there is no help coming to rescue your family from the villains, so staying in the kill zone isn't an option.
Two, everyone has to get out of the kill zone and regroup, as soon as possible, because your family (four or five people) aren't big enough to take on a group of villains. Remember, the attacker needs 3 to your 1 to be successful, so a family of four will be successfully attacked by at least 12 villains.
But, ... The same goes for your family.
For you and your family to fight through the ambush then turn around and attack the villains; you would need a group of 36 people. 3 to 1, right?
O.K., let us move on to a close ambush with a larger group.
The Close Ambush (a larger group)
You and your family are walking down the road, with a larger group. The villains open fire but not everyone is in the kill zone!
The folks in the kill zone immediately turns towards the attackers and start shooting their rifles at the enemy. At the same time, the folks outside the ambush are shooting at the villains, trying to kill them. Next, the folks inside the ambush run towards the enemy.
At the same, the folks outside the ambush 'shift' their fire to avoid shooting the friendlies. Next, the folks that were in the kill zone regroups and gets out of there, or they regroup and attack the villains and rescue any people still in the kill zone.
More likely, the larger group will try to attack the villains, wiping them out for the good of the community ; - )
The Close Ambush (a larger group with hand grenades)
You and your family are walking down the road, with a larger group, and you have hand grenades The villains open fire but not everyone is in the kill zone!
Just like before, the folks in the kill zone take cover and throw the grenades. After they explode, the folks in the kill zone fight through the ambush as the people outside the ambush shoot at the villains and shift their fire when needed. Then, everyone regroups and quickly leave the area or attacks the villains, killing and capturing as needed.
Just like last time, your family and the larger group needs to practice these immediate action drills, so y'all can quickly react to the villains' ambush. You also need to understand, warfare is death, destruction, and a whole lot of killing.
With that said, let us move on to the ...
The Far Ambush (alone)
You and your family are walking across an open field, alone. The villains open fire.
Since the villains are so far away, your family immediately take cover, getting behind anything that can protect them from the villains fire. Everyone, even the wounded, accurately open fire trying to kill the villains. The surviving parent or responsible child picks one or two family members to get out of the ambush and flank the villains.
As the flanking family members get close to the villains, your family still in the kill zone shift fire. The flanking family members try to kill or chase away the villains.
Needless to say, with four or five folks in your group, a far ambush is dangerous. You're trying to lay down suppressive fire to keep the villains heads down and at the same time split your family to try and get the villains to run away or kill them. Pretty daunting.
The Far Ambush (alone with hand grenades)
The next scenario (You and your family are walking across an open field, alone, but with hand grenades) is handled the same way, but your family throws smoke grenades to try and obscure the folks in the kill zone and the family members moving to flank the villains.
Remember, smoke grenades need to be thrown in such a way, so the smoke hides the people in the kill zone. This means you might just throw the smoke grenades behind you, so the wind can blow the smoke over your family in the kill zone, obscuring the villains view of the kill zone. Yes, it might make it harder to see the villains, but it also makes it hard for the villains to see you ; - )
Lastly, the flanking family members shoot the villains.
As you can probably figure, the family members that stay in the kill zone will have to be very careful not to shoot their flanking brothers or sisters when shifting their fire.
The Far Ambush (a larger group)
Now, let's look at a far ambush with a larger group of people.
I suspect you have already figured it out. The folks in the kill zone take cover and return accurate fire, as the folks outside the kill zone move to flank the villains (to kill them or cause them to run away).
As the flanking group gets close to the villains, the group in the kill zone shift their fire to avoid killing their own people. If their lucky (the folks in the kill zone), the villains will move into their shifting fire ; - )
Lastly, let us look at the far ambush with hand grenades.
First, the folks in the kill zone get behind cover, throw smoke grenades to obscure the kill zone, and return fire. These people are trying to get the villains to stop firing by keep their heads down or to inaccurately fire into the kill zone.
Next, the group outside the kill zone flank the villains, as the folks in the kill zone shift their fire.
The difference between a near ambush and far ambush is the distance the villains are away from you. A near ambush is usually within about 25 to 30 yards (hand grenade throwing range) while a far ambush is further away. Yes, a far ambush could be as far away as 500 yards.
Another difference, you might encounter is being in a vehicle. If your vehicles are offering cover, you stay in them and fight from them. But, ... We are talking about warfare, so you will have to be concerned about rocket propelled grenades (RPG) or light anti-tank weapons (LAW). These weapons will penetrate bullet resistant vehicles.
If your vehicles don't offer cover, you get out of them and fight on foot.
Exceptions to the Rule
Needles to say, in warfare, it is a fluid event. The situation may be different. Let me give you a couple of examples.
First example, you and your family are in a vehicle.
You and your family may be able to quickly drive straight through the ambush's kill zone getting away. As the driver, negotiates any obstacles in the road, your family would fire at the villains, trying to keep their heads down because the villains forgot about setting out security teams.
This example might take place "If" a small group of villains try to ambush your family; the villains haven't learned about the 3 to 1 (attacker vs. defender rule), or ...
Another example is discovering the ambush before it happens.
In this situation, you and your family would have to determine are you going to attack the villains, or just avoid the kill zone and report the villains to the military authorities. Needless to say, you're trying to survive, so leave the fighting to the military ; - )
Another example is you can't split up and attack the villains, disrupting the ambush. You and your family could play dead until the villains come out of their hidden positions then shoot the villains.
But, ... "If" I was a villain, I would shoot my target a couple of times from cover before going down to recover any loot.
And, ... This brings up a point.
The villains might not have much ammunition. They may be trying to avoid damaging any food, supplies, and other equipment, so they will be cautious. The villains, like I said earlier, may be inept or inexperienced, so the ambush will be greatly more survivable.
O.K., that's it for today.
8 August 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Ministry of Information
Last week, I received a comment about two articles (here and here) that FerFAL, over at The Modern Survivalist, had posted. The comment was ...
"Anonymous said...
I must warn you about what ferf@l (aka Tokyo rose In some places i.e.: Mendoza. Ar.).
I recently travel to Argentina with a contractor friend to build xxxxxx, for Mr. Anony a well recognized actor. Why he's buying there? just don't know but I do know that Argentina is not what Fernando says it is. The area where we were is nothing but white and one or two Mapuche families. The problem that besides Spanish, German, lot of Italian and English are spoken those who control the herds of xxxxxxx and xxxxxx speaking Serbian/croatian, and Finnish. Never been in an area so white. My friend is trying for me to buy a piece of land. What these peoples are doing is tottally strange, but makes sense in case of xxxxxxxxx.
It is costly if I have to travel there (me, paying). Can say much (wife behind me) and I promised to s.u. about this.
Grat post, keep up the good work."
Needless to say, the comment provides some lessons for you and your family.
First, catastrophic events (financial collapse, world war, and many others) will effect areas of the world differently, take Seattle, Washington and Hiroshima, Japan as an extreme example.
Both cities, during WW II, were in countries isolated from their enemies by a vast ocean. Both cities provided manufacturing plants and a motivated workforce producing products for their countries military. Lastly, to keep it short, both cities' citizens believed in the righteous of their country's cause.
However, ... One city was nuked (killing about 150,000) while the other would take another thirty years to come into its glory.
Second, the truly rich (Anthony Anderson, Anthony Edwards, Anthony Hall, Anthony Hopkins, Anthony Mackie, and ...) like Melinda Gates, Christy Walton, Oprah Winfrey, and many, many others have slightly different resources than you and your family. They are able to purchase a level of security that would make most small, medium, and some large towns envious. ; - )
Lastly, ... These folks are able to buy a plane (just not a plane ticket) to evacuate their family during an event.
Third, so called 'Rich' people are monetarily rich for a reason. They buy assets that generally increase in value or produce an income while the 'poor' use their money to purchase items that decease in value. In other words, they use their money to make more money.
Like George Bailey says in It's a Wonderful Life "Potter isn't selling. Potter's buying! And why? Because we're panicky and he's not. That's why. He's picking up some bargains."
So, ... You and your family have to ask yourselves 'Are we that Bargain?'
Fourth, buying land in Argentina or any other country with a recent and past history of land inequality, government repression, militia violence, assassinations by radical groups, and ... is fraught with danger because the country isn't like these United States with our racial, economic, and anti-freedom (gun control) problems ; - )
Fifth, so-called 'white' folk aren't these kind and generous people that some folks glorify. People no matter their color (including you and your family) would generally kill another human to stay alive one more day during an event if they could get away with it. That's why I advocate for you and your partner to purchase handguns and rifles for everyone in the family, stock ammunition, and learn how to effectively use these defensive tools.
In other words, ... There is no guarantee your friend isn't setting you and your family up to be a source of supplies during an event. After, they have killed you, raped your partner, and enslaved your children. (Or, ... Some other order, like rape you, kill your partner, and rape then enslave your children)
Sixth, almost finished, anyone that acts strange is to be avoided. Period!
Lastly, ... You truly plan to s.u. over this, two links to an informative article about potential events facing this and many other countries because I have found FerFAL, writing over at The Modern Survivalist, to have a great amount of insight about the debilitating policies of the Leftest governments of South America. The same policies that these United States average citizen will gladly see implemented when we finally enter the financial collapse that has been kicked down the road, for these past 20, 30, or 40 years.
Oh, I almost forgot. FerFAL has another great article about the craziness in Argentina, paying prisoners more than pensioners.
Oooh, ... One more, not from FerFAL. A link bait article about 'The 10 Most Dangerous Cities in the World' that highlights the failure of some Leftest governments, again.
Ooooh, Another one from FerFal about one reader's experience with Greek currency controls
There is a lot more that I have to say, so I'll tell you two more stories.
When I was younger, I worked with a knowledgeable survivalist. He told me about this business that was selling survival 'bunkers' to people for a modest amount. The bunker had filtered water, a year supply of food, and all the other necessities for life.
It was going to be nice, kind'a like the Greenbrier Hotel
You guessed it. In less than two years the bunker developer was bankrupt and everyone lost their money.
GSIEP - Wednesday: 29 July 2015, Part Four
The Modern Survivalist - 20 Survival Lessons from the Greek Crisis
The Modern Survivalist - Argentine and Greek Collapse: 12 Similarities, Differences and Lessons Learned
The Modern Survivalist - In Argentina, crime does Pay (no joke, it really does )
The Modern Survivalist - Greek Capital Controls Lessons Learned
14 August 2015
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
photograph by
Pudelek (Marcin Szala)
Tantum Inferi Finem Belli Viderunt
It's Everywhere
I was watching some espionage drama on television last Saturday night, and I saw two agents use flanking to look for a subject.
On the television show, the two agents walk up the sidewalk towards the house. The lead person motions for the second to go around to the side door as the lead person walks up to the front door. As they look in the house, the suspect comes out of the house from a basement window.
At Least Three Ways Out
There is a reason, every bedroom has two ways out, usually the bedroom door and bedroom window because the occupant can't get trapped that way.
So, ... As you plan your fortified home, you want to make sure your family has at least three ways out. First, the main entrance. Second, the backdoor, and third a secret exit that only you and the family know about.
Some people say, that's where the Branch Davidians messed up, at Mount Carmel. The Davidians could have easily used a backhoe and dug a trench to an isolated thicket of trees, placed a 4 to 6 foot diameter corrugated culvert in the trench and then back filled the trench, covering the culvert.
So, ... When the A.T.F., F.B.I., and other alphabet soup agencies attacked, they could have escaped down the culvert.
If you go to the link, about Veliko Tarnovo, you will see a 4.262X 1.232 pixels image of the medieval fortress. You will notice a tower at the top of the hill. That was probably the first place a fortified structure was built. (You'll see a church's bell tower there, now) As the fortress was built, secondary defensive structures were built such as a wall around the hill then another wall with more defensive structures.
Why, do I bring this up?
First, these elaborate expectations some folks have about moving to the country and building the ultimate 'survival' retreat are unrealistic. These folks still need to work in the city (to pay the mortgage), or it's to remote (they can't defend it)
Second, you and your family need to live your lives. As far as I can tell, the apocalypse hasn't happened, yet.
But, ... That doesn't mean that you and your partner can't build a modest ICF (insulated concrete forms) vacation home on a large lot for your family (that your children will add a surrounding wall like the French farm houses), build a small family business (that the children will expand and run), or other long-term project that may benefit your children when their generation's apocalypse comes around.
Lastly, Veliko Tarnovo took many years to build, as the people living there paid taxes. Battles and wars were waged in the area as children were born and parents died. Either way, (if you get prepared or not) live your life as you see fit 'cause we're all going to die; it's just a matter of when.
A Comment
Last week, a reader left this comment.
Please, Please, Please ... Think about his words.
For Now
O.K, that's it for now, about military techniques for preppers. I'm going to move on to other subjects for a few more articles.
Lastly, Blogger tracks the number of visitors to a specific post, like last week's surviving an ambush.
Well, ... It seems very few people went to the previous posts to learn more about other aspects of ambushes and other military tactics for preppers : - (
Just so you know
Only the dead have seen the end of war
21 August 2015 (Cache)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Wolfgang Sauber
About two years ago, (scroll 7/8s of the way down) I built a bed using dimensional lumber from the local big-box lumber store. It was a success, but I need a larger 'secret' storage compartment, now.
So, ...
Needed Supplies
2 * 2 X 10 X 98 inches
1 * 2 X 8 X 98 inches
4 * 2 X 4 X 98 inches
1 * 1 X 3 X 98 inches
3 * Sheets of Plywood 5/8 inch thick.
1 * Box of 3 inch long deck screws, one pound
1 * Box of 2 inch long deck screws, one pound
1 * package felt pads (if you have wood floors)
Safety Supplies
Hearing Protection (Earplugs)
Eye Protection (Safety Glasses)
My Brain (Hey, you have to think to be safe)
Needed Equipment
Wood Saw (Circular Saw Preferred)
Extension Cord (50 feet)
Tape Measure
Framing Square or a short and long straight board
Drill with Phillips screw bit (Electric Drill Preferred)
Sawhorses, one set
First Things, First
All of our family's beds are queen sized, so I measured the mattresses. They are 80 inches long and 60 inches wide. If you plan to build a bed for a different sized mattress, you'll have to measure them to get a custom fit.
Next, I drove into town purchased the needed material, drove home, collected the needed tools, and found a shady spot to work.
Yes, I had to go back into town, a second time, but that's another story ; - )
Making the 'Frame'
First off, to keep Katniss happy, I did all my cutting out in the yard, so I set up the sawhorses in a shady, level spot.
Next, I cut the 2 X 10s to 79 and 1/2 inches.
Why? To keep the frame from sticking out too far. It seems, I hit my shins on the original 80 inches bed.
Next, I cut the single 2 X 8 into two 45 inches pieces. After I cut it to length, I found the center and cut a notch on both sides. The notch is 1 1/2 inches deep and 3 1/2 inches wide.
To mark the 2 X 8 for the notches, I found the center, made a mark with the pencil then measured 1 3/4 inches on either side of the mark. Next, I measured from the edge 1 1/2 inches creating a box. Then, I set may circular saw blade to 1 1/2 inches and cut the box out.
Needless to say, I made a mistake, and I had to go back to town for another 2 X 8.
After cutting the 2 X 10s and 2 X 8, I cut the 1 X 3 into a bunch of 8 inch long pieces. These pieces will be 'feet' for the bed frame.
Next, I cut two of the 2 X 4s to 56 inches long and the other two 2 X 4s to 53 inches long.
With everything cut, I attached the 'feet' to each end of the 2 X 10s and the middle with two 2 inch deck screws, per foot. I then added a felt pad to each foot.
I made sure to countersink the screws, just a little bit, to keep the screws from possibly scratching the floor.
Next, I carefully carried all the cut pieces inside and upstairs to where I would build the bed. I laid out the two 2 X 10s on the floor and placed the 2 pieces of 2 X 8 in between them.
Next, I attached everything with 3 inch deck screws.
The 2 X 8s were screwed, using three deck screws, one foot in from the top and bottom. The 2 X 8s were also leveled with the top of the 2 X 10s, to form a level surface.
One of the 56 inches long 2 X 4 was screwed into the bottom notch while the two 53 inch long 2 X 4s were screwed along the side of the 2 X 10s, level with the bottom of the 2 X 8.
As you can see, in the above picture, a frame is created within the 2 X 10s. This frame is 56 inches long by 45 inches wide. The frame is recessed about 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the 2 X 10, to allow air to circulate under the bed.
Next, I went downstairs and cut a piece of plywood into a 56 inch by 45 inch rectangle. Then, ... I carried it upstairs and attached it to the bottom of the recessed frame with 2 inch deck screws along the edge and the middle. I also used 3 inch deck screws at the corners and along the middle edges.
The next one I build. I will also glue the plywood to the frame for added strength.
If you embiggen the picture, you might be able to count how many screws I used to hold the bottom.
After everything was attached, I carefully laid the bed frame on the floor. Be careful, it's starting to get heavy.
Next, ... I want downstairs, grabbed a drink of water and cut the remaining 2 X 4 to 79 1/5 inches long. Carried it up stairs and laid it in the top notch.
I did not attach it to the 2 X 8, yet.
Next, I went down the stairs and started cutting the other two pieces of plywood to the proper dimension.
Now, I can be crazy, as you can see in this project, so there are a couple of ways to finish this bed frame. You could cut the two pieces of plywood down to 79 1/2 inches long by 29 3/4, fill the cache and screw the two sheets of plywood to the frame. Securing the 2 X 4 in the process.
Then, when you need something out of the cache, you unscrew the plywood and pull whatever you wanted out and go from there.
Or, ... You could cut the middle of the plywood out and make two 'doors' for the cache.
To do this, is pretty simple.
First, cut the two pieces of plywood down to 79 1/2 inches long by 29 3/4 wide.
Next, taking a sheet of paper (so you don't forget) draw a picture like this.
Then, measure from the top edge of the bed frame, along the 2 X 10, to the middle of the 2 X 8 (the cross piece). The measurement should be around 12 3/4 inches. This will give the plywood an overlap of about 3/4 inc for securing the plywood to the 2 X 8. Make sure to measure both left and right hand side, to make sure they're even.
Next, measure the bottom.
Starting from the bottom edge, along the top of the 2 X 10, measure to the middle of the 2 X 8 (the cross piece). Once again, this measurement should be around 12 3/4 inches. Make sure to measure both sides, to make sure they are even.
Next, measure between the 2 X 10s, from the middle to middle. This measurement should be 46 1/2 inches. This allows the plywood to overlap 3/4 inch on each 2 X 10.
After all this is done, I'm almost ready to cut the opening for the plywood to size, but first, I have to mark the plywood.
First, mark the top and bottom on each sheet of plywood (cut down to 79 1/2 inches long by 29 3/4 wide) I want all the way across, so I would be able to easily transfer my other measurements.
Next, you will have to divide your, between the 2 X 10, measurement. It should be 23 1/4 inches.
Now, here comes the hard part. I have to remember which sheet of plywood is going to be the right and which one is going to be the left, also the top and bottom of each sheet.
I always write on the plywood, left, right, top, and bottom ; - )
Once I determined left and right; I measured from the middle, marking the 23 1/4 inches.
A long time ago, I learned to measure twice and cut once.
So, ... I made sure to remeasure everything a second time to make sure all the dimensions were correct, before cutting the plywood.
After all the measurements have been marked on the plywood, I'm ready to cut.
So, .. I reset the circular saw's blade for cutting plywood. Yes, I unplugged the saw ; - )
Once, the two sheets of plywood are cut, I will have two "C" shaped pieces and two small plywood sheets 23 1/4 wide by 54 1/2 inches long.
Once I had these four pieces of plywood, I carried them upstairs and test fitted the "C" shaped pieces to the frame, making adjustments as needed. Of course, I needed to make an adjustment, (I didn't like the fit) so I carried them downstairs and shaved about an 1/8 inch off the top and bottom of the "C."
Once that was done, I used 2 inch deck screws to attach the plywood to the frame. Starting at the top, attaching the plywood to the 2 X 10s first then moving down to the bottom, attaching the plywood to the 2 X 10s. Next, I attached the middle of the plywood to the 2 X 10s and 2 X 8s.
And, ... That is when I adjusted the 56 inches long 2 X 4 to properly fit.
Once, I was finished, I placed the cache's cover (found they didn't fit, too big) on the opening and called it good (after I cut about 1/4 inch off each side, so they would fit properly)
Next, I took a full sized flat sheet and placed it on top the bed frame and started placing the box springs and mattress on the bed frame. This protects the box springs from the plywood.
The Biggest Mistake
Of course, I made a mistake.
The cache isn't deep enough to hold .50 caliber ammo cans, not even on their side.
Only .30 caliber (small) ammunition containers (ammo cans) can fit in this cache.
Oh well, ... Version 3.0, here I cut ; - )
Doesn't Fit the Narrative
As (almost) always, some of the pictures didn't fit the narrative.
This picture is one of the middle 'feet' with the felt pad attached. In the future, I would bevel the ends of the feet, so it looks nicer.
This picture gives you an idea of how the 2 X 8s are positioned on the 2 X 10s, with the tops level and the bottom about 1 to 2 inches from the bottom, allow air circulation under the bed.
This picture shows how the 2 X 4s butt up to the 2 X 8s making a frame to secure the bottom, with screws.
I used an electric drill to screw the screws through the 2 X 10s. I wanted it as strong as possible, to carry a lot of weight.
28 August 2015 (Food Storage)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
National Archives and Records Administration
Invest in Canned Goods
There is some joker; on the internet, of course; telling everyone to take their money out of the stock market, the banks, 401Ks, and everywhere else then buy canned goods.
'Cause, the stock market is going to crash. Plus, he has proof, ... finally
Ha, Ha, Ha
The easiest method of setting up a food storage program is to purchase more of the foods you and your family normally eat. You don't have to figure anything; just go buy more of what you eat.
Eat, ... Mac and Cheese; buy, ... Mac and Cheese and butter and milk. Store all of it in the appropriate place. Mac and Cheese goes on the kitchen shelf. Butter and milk are in the refrigerator. Unless, you observe certain dietary customs then the butter goes in one refrigerator and the milk in another refrigerator.
Ooops, got that wrong. It's meat in one refrigerator and milk products in another refrigerator : - (
Another example: Your family eats lasagna with a salad and garlic bread, so you store all the fixing for that meal. Same deal as above; everything is stored in the appropriate place.
But, ...
Some folks are going to say, 'But, But, ... On the internet, it says to only store canned foods because the electricity is going to go out! Don't you know about Coronal Mass Ejections or Electromagnetic Pulse?'
Yes, I do know about CME and EMP, but ... If you're getting ready for an economic collapse, your 25 cubic foot chest freezer (full of chicken, beef, pork, and frozen veggies) is still going to be running. Plus, a full freezer will stay colder longer when it's full.
Now, ...
When you go to the store, you purchase one more bag, one more box, one more bottle, one more can, and one more package of what you're buying. This 'extra' food is placed in your family's kitchen pantry. Over the course of three or four grocery shopping trips, you will have several days of 'extra' food.
Be careful purchasing fresh food using this method. You don't want the fresh food to spoil before your family can eat.
We have this problem when my family purchases apples and oranges from the warehouse stores. We don't eat them fast enough, so we quit buying apples and oranges from Costco, Sam's, Albertson's, or ...
Before I continue, I need to explain 'extra' food.
It's really not extra because your family is going to eat this food.
So, ... you don't give it away. You don't let people (especially other family members) guilt your family into giving it to them.
Remember, this is your family's food for emergency events!
Storing a short-term food supply (three days to two weeks) is easy. All you do is store the food in its normal place.
Of course, a two week supply is going to be a little more difficult then a three day food supply, space wise.
Not the Earth, your food ; - )
You will need to rotate this food. Let me explain.
Your partner and children like Mac and Cheese, so you purchase an extra box, for 'extra' food.
The box of Mac and Cheese that you purchased goes on the shelf, and the box on the shelf goes in the cooking pot.
In other words, the first box you purchased is the first box to be eaten by your family.
Most families, even a reluctant partner, can see the need for 'extra' food. There are events such as unexpected company, holiday store closings, late night munchies, and ... that easily justify keeping extra food in your home.
You're not crazy; You're prepared for late night munchies ; - )
Next week, ... Medium-Term Food Storage. (The link won't work until September 4th)
4 September 2015 (Food Storage)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library,
University of Toronto
Last Week
I talked about starting a short-term food storage program.
Only More
A medium-term food storage program is going to be more of the food your family eats, just a little different in some areas.
One Difference
The first difference is going to be in the storage. You and your family are going to need shelves, lots of shelves. You can buy them, or you can build them.
I built ours, ... Twice!
Either way, you are going to have to plan.
Have a Plan
According to some sources, the 'average' family (who knew preppers were average) has 21 meals; seven dinners, seven lunches, and seven breakfasts; that they normally eat.
In our home, it's:
- Dinner
* Mac and Cheese with a canned veggie (green beans, carrots, peas, or corn) and a salad.
* Chicken 'Nuggets' with a canned veggie and a salad
* Hamburgers with french fries and usually canned corn
* Chicken with veggies and a salad
* Spaghetti with garlic bread and a salad
And, ... So on.
- Lunch
* Peanut Butter and Jelly with chips, veggies, and a piece of fruit
* Beans and Rice with a piece of fruit
And, ... So on with leftovers thrown in for good measure.
- Breakfast
* Cold or hot cereal with a piece of fruit, depending on the weather
* French toast with fruit
* Toast with peanut butter with fruit
* Pancakes or waffles, on the weekend, with fruit and Bacon!
And again, ... So on.
Like all families, these meals are rotated throughout the week
With that said, let us start planning.
First, we breakdown each meal. As an example
* Mac and Cheese with a canned veggie (green beans, carrots, peas, or corn) and a salad.
We use two boxes of Mac and Cheese (Kroger store brand is O.K., but Kraft Mac and Cheese is preferred), two cans of veggies, and one head of lettuce, two tomatoes, 1/2 a can of olives with some salad dressing, usually ranch ; - )
In three months, on average, we would have this meal 12 times.
So, ... We need to store 24 boxes of mac and Cheese, 24 cans of veggies (six corn, six green beans, six carrots, six peas), 6 cans of olives (or 12 smaller cans of olives), and one bottle of salad dressing.
Next, we would set aside money to buy the lettuce and tomatoes
* Chicken with veggies and a salad
We use two chicken breast and two chicken legs (Guess who gets the legs?), two cans of veggies, one head of lettuce, two tomatoes, 1/2 a can of olives with some salad dressing.
So, ... We need to store 24 chicken breasts and 24 chicken legs, 24 cans of veggies (six corn, six green beans, six carrots, six peas), 6 cans of olives (or 12 smaller cans of olives), and one bottle of salad dressing.
Again, ... We would set aside money to buy the lettuce and tomatoes
Of course, each meal would be analyzed in a similar fashion and the necessary supplies would be stored.
Like last week, some of y'all might be freaking out about having some of your stored food, stored in the freezer because you're worried about EMP or a CME.
If that's on your threat analysis and your family is getting prepared for those event then you're going to need to make some substitutions.
For the fresh fruit, your family can use canned fruit. For the tomatoes, your family can use canned tomatoes. Needless to say, some items can't be substituted, like red leaf lettuce.
So, ... You and your partner are going to have to slowly, very slowly change your family's eating habits, "If" you're planning for a medium-term event.
Two Similarities
The first similarity, to short-term food storage plan, is to only purchase the minimum amount of fresh produce that your family will eat, before it goes bad.
Just so you know, in Europe, partners will shop almost everyday for fresh food for their family's meals. It's part tradition and part logistics. Logistically, Europeans have smaller kitchens and kitchen appliances (stoves and refrigerators) then here in these United States.
The second similarity is to "Store what you eat, eat what you store"
Just in case some folks don't know about this saying. Your family stores the food that you normally eat and your family eats that food that you store.
Forgetting Somethings
Needless to say, you and your family probably snack between meals, so you will need to plan for them. I like a handful of mixed nuts. Some people like a handful of chips while others might like a piece of fresh fruit.
Either way, again. You and your family store these snacks, just like everything else.
Another point, I would like to make, is to rotate your supplies. When your family purchases food that purchased food goes on the shelf and the food on the shelf goes into the cooking pot. This method insures you have the freshest food available for your family.
Now, ... Some family members are going to have problems with this, (I'm thinking of you, Katniss) so someone is going to have to monitor your family's rotation of food.
On a similar point, you and your partner or even a child should monitor your family's food preferences. "If" all of a sudden, your children no longer like the Safeway brand Mac and Cheese, your family needs to stop buying it and stop storing it.
The last point that I would like to make, ... for this blurb. If you rotate your food, you don't need to worry about this for your family's medium-term food storage.
O.K., I want to add one more. Have something flavorings for your family's water storage, like Kool-Aid, coffee, tea, Gatorade, and others
Don't Needs
Needless to say, there are some things you and your family probably don't need for your medium-term food storage.
* Freeze-dried food
* Meals Ready to Eat (MREs)
* Bulk or whole foods (dried beans, whole wheat, and ...)
Next week, ... Long-term Food Storage (the link won't work until September 11th)
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