Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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I needed more posting space because Google only stores 1000 posts for each blog, so I collected some of the 2011 Friday's articles with less than 100 views per post, in one spot.
Living Arrangements
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
As some of you know, I read Sharon Astyk at The Chatelaine's Keys and Casaubon's Book. She has given me great insight into some of the challenges we face as individuals and a community.
One of these insights is our need to rearrange the way we obtain our food and live.
I also read James Dakin at Bison Survival Blog.
These two writers are very far apart on how this Peak Oil situation is going to play out. Mrs. Astyk viewpoint, I believe, is a long, slow decline that will be relatively peaceful. Mr. Dakin's views are different. He thinks, I believe, that we are facing a steep, fast decline that will be very violent with few people surviving the collapse of cheap oil.
I'm hedging my bets.
So here are some of my thoughts
First, we are going to need to produce food for our families. Plus, we are going to need to have security; physical, financial, and mental.
Farms and Ranches are family businesses. The owner of the farm and his/her family work the land to produce food. This food is than shipped, sometimes very far, for profit. The profit is then used to buy the supplies the family needs to survive and flourish.
Sometimes the ranch or farm are big enough to require outside help. The outside help is paid in various ways. Most farm owners provide a day's pay for a day's work. Ranchers, on the other hand, will provide room, board, and a little spending money for their workers. Plus, the number of ranch hands may vary throughout the year.
Depending on the size of the farm/ranch will determine if the farm/ranch can provide its own security against villains.
Plantations are agricultural factories. Nothing more, nothing less. The owner of the plantation hired/enslaved workers to produce a product. The owner provides room and board in exchange for a day's labor. A worker, not a slave though, will also receive a little spending money for their labor.
Most folks think that plantations are self-sufficient; they are not. Plantations are dependent on outside producers for many products such as food, clothing, and other manufactured goods.
Monasteries are ran by a religious organization. They will attempt to be as self-sufficient as possible. Because most monasteries are ran by folks that have taken a vow of poverty, a monastery will need very little; however, just like farms and plantations, monasteries will need to obtain items from outside sources. These items will vary with the monastery.
Monasteries have two types of workers. The Nuns/Brothers "give" their labor for what they need. Profits are returned to the monastery. Lay people are compensated in various ways. Some are given room, board, and a little spending money; while others are just payed a wage.
Security is usually provided by an outside group that has a similar religious belief as the monastery.
Simply put, a kibbutz is a commune. Now, it isn't like a hippie commune unless you consider a heavily armed group of men and women trying to survive in a hostile region a typical commune.
Originally kibbutzes were organized to provide a democratic way for workers to enjoy the profits of their labor. A group of folks would buy land then work together to improve the land. The kibbutz might produce food and/or animal products (wool, leather, meat) for profit. The profits would then be used by the folks in the kibbutz.
Make sure you read the Jewish Virtual Library article on "The Kibbutz"
Now, I have been interested in kibbutzes for many years. When I was younger, I wanted to immigrate to Israel and live and work in a kibbutz. I thought it was a great concept. As I grow older and became a Capitalist, I realized that the economics might not work for me.
However, ...
As a survivalist, the kibbutz has much to teach us.
A kibbutz is a fortified hamlet; it has armed members patrolling the kibbutz with an established alarm system. The kibbutz is also designed for defense, at least the newer ones. They will have fences, walls, and cleared fields of fire.
A kibbutz also has a method of making decisions (and running the kibbutz) that can be used by a group made up of different families.
Lastly, after all is said and done Charles Smith, Of Two Minds, has a point in his article titled "1905 San Francisco: Great City, Low Energy Consumption"
Wikipedia - Kibbutz
Jewish Virtual Library - The Kibbutz
Of Two Minds - 1905 San Francisco: Great City, Low Energy Consumption
Vacation, Part One
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Our Christ's Mass vacation was awesome. We had a chance to sit down and talk with the In-Laws for a few weeks and meet some new folks.
Of the many folks we met, two couples were survivalists/preppers types. Their outlook and preps were alike but vastly different.
Both couples believe that the country, including most of the world, are still headed for hard times. They are suspicious of the government's intervention into the economy, and the security measures to fight terrorism.
Both couples have moved to rural property of about five acres, and they both have a healthcare professional in the immediate family. They have limited funds for prepping because they live in a rural area with low wages. Both couples have put off vacations to buy prepping supplies, the last few years.
The first couple, Couple Z, are buying and stockpiling supplies, mainly food and firearms. For food, they are concentrating on storing rice, beans, and canned foods, and Couple Z plan to hunt for additional food. They have also provided food for their dogs.
Their home is a 2000 square feet circular home, on one level. The house was built by the couple and some paid helpers using an earth bag construction method. The walls are 16 inches thick. (Yes, the walls will stop a 7.62 NATO bullet.) The house is supplied by a community well. They do not have a septic system because the couple use a composting toilet.
The couple have plenty of firearms and ammo to defend themselves. They have also started a defensive "team" with their family, friends, and neighbors.
The second couple, Couple Q, are buying and stockpiling supplies, too. They are purchasing items that they normally use such as toothpaste, clothes washing powder, soap, and ... (You get the idea.) Couple Q are also buying extra food, but they are also developing their food production capabilities. They have chickens, goats, fruit trees (about an acre), a huge garden, and actively preserve their excess food. Couple Q are also meeting and buying their food from local farmers and ranchers with cash and barter.
They live in a older, really an antique, two-story home that was built during the time when everyone heated with wood. They have their own well and septic system. Plus, they have a generator and some fuel. Their neighbors also live a similar life style.
They have a few guns and some ammo for hunting and protection. Most of their neighbors are similarly armed for hunting, protecting their families, and/or work. (Some of them are police officers)
Now for the Bad
Couple Z live on a ridge with very little capability to produce any of their own food. They also live far enough out that purchasing food would be difficult after a prolonged emergency. They also don't have enough food stored for themselves, according to their threat analysis.
The community well ran dry last year, so Couple Z are adding two 5.000 gallon tanks for potable water. Good idea, but the tanks will be down hill from the house, so the tanks require a pump to supply water to the house. Plus, the tanks won't be buried, so they will be exposed to sunlight and bullets.
Couple Q live closer to town, so the largest landowner (50 acres) in the immediate area is currently thinking of selling her/his land to a developer. The developer's plan is to build houses on one-acre lots and a small strip mall facing the main road. Couple Q's home backs this property, so their home will have several close neighbors, if the plans go through.
This couple, according to their threat analysis, don't have enough ammo for the firearms they own. Plus, they do not have enough of the right types of rifles (their words) because they own two bolt-action hunting rifles and one revolver.
Both couples are also dependent on electricity to run their wells. (Couple Q less so because of the generator) Couple Z also has a problem if the electricity goes out because the composting toilet needs a fan to dry the poop out and draw the smell out of the toilet.
It was great being able to talk with folks that are prepping even though we don't have the same political viewpoints. They were very welcoming, friendly, and knowledgeable people. Plus, they are working on filling the holes in their preps.
Mother Earth News -Earthbag Construction
Composting Toilet World - Frequently Asked Questions
National Prepper Radio
Welcome Preppers and Survivalist,
"This American Life" on National Public Radio (NPR) had an episode titled "The Invention of Money" over the weekend.
The episode will be a good background on the modern financial system, from a nonthreatening source, for your friends that are non/reluctant preppers. The episode also describes some of the potential problems that we (just not these United States) face in the near future.
All I can say is 'We're screwed'
This American Life - The Invention of Money
Do You Live in IL, IN, KY, MO, MI, or OH?
.. then I have a deal for you.
Rural King has a sell on 5-gallon buckets. These buckets are the thicker .90 mil buckets, they are thicker and stronger then .75 mil buckets. The cost ...
Now, I don't know if these are food-grade buckets, so caveat emptor.
Now, the bad news.
The sale ends Sunday; the buckets have a painted Rural King logo; and the $1.49 lids are flimsy.
Let me say this again.
The on sale lids are flimsy. If you plan to stack the buckets more than two high, you will need to buy a .75 or .90 mil lid from another company.
Rural King - Store Locator
Rural King - Weekly Ad
Just so you know, I just paid over six bucks for some new 90-mil buckets and two bucks for the lids from my local supplier.
Let it Snow, Let it Snow!
With all this snow, the author of Code Name Insight has a couple of good articles about winter storms.
Code Name Insight - 10 Things You Need During a Snow Storm
Code Name Insight - Is Your Car Ready for a Winter Storm?
I apologize folks. I didn't plan to do another link article, but I read something that makes my brain crawl.
First, all of my brothers enjoy tech. They have the latest computers, plasma screen televisions, digital video recorders, and game consoles, and they try to hack/bash all this tech for various purposes. Boooooring.
Well, come to find out there is an annual hacker conference. This year it took place in Berlin.
Before you're like me and blow this off; let me tell you some of the titles of some of the talks.
Using a .pdf document to put a program to take over your computer.
"The Baseband Apocalypse"
Using your cellphone to steal your information.
"Chip and Pin is Broken"
Breaking the British smart card/ATM card to steal your money
"Your Infrastructure will Kill You"
I don't need to say a thing
io9 - 10 Devious New Ways that Computer Hackers can Control Your Machines (or Fix Them)
Vacation, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This vacation was different from our last one.
Our last vacation, visiting the In-Laws, I drove over 1500 miles, in five days, as we visited the surrounding sights. This time around, I only put 100 miles on the car, and we were gone for two weeks.
The reason?
The In-Laws were feeling apprehensive about the economy, so we hung out and stayed local mainly visited folks and playing cards and other games. Usually, the In-Laws take "care of" the expenses once the family and I get there, so needless to say I had a chance to ask a lot of questions.
The In-Laws were happy to answer them, and I had a lot of them.
The first set of questions was about money.
My Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law answered the question pretty much the same. First, save enough money for six to twelve months of expenses as an emergency fund. Mom-in-Law added 'depending on who you are, and what you do, you might want to save more.' This money goes into a safe investment such as a savings account, certificates of deposit (CD), or a money market fund. Plus, this money acts a safety net, if your investments head south.
Next, my Mom-in-Law recommended that a person should max out their 401K. To do this, they should contribute enough to get the maximum match from the company they work for. Now, my Father-in-Law piped in and said 'make sure to watch the fees that each fund charges.'
Fees get paid out of your account. Yes, your account, so the lower the fees, the more money stays in your account
Next recommendation was to start an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Now, I asked why an IRA especially if you have a 401K? My Mother-in-Law explained to me that a 401K is controlled by your company and an IRA is controlled by you. Plus, you can contribute more to an IRA.
That was a simplification of what she said but it's basically what she said.
Next, they both said to diversify.
Now, the way they diversified was to buy stocks, bonds, and real estate. They don't believe in having their investments in cash. They believe that investment money should be used to buy things of value, and they should pay-off investment property as soon as possible.
I asked them why paying off investment property, as soon as possible, is important. Mom-in-Law said 'Paid off investment property allows you to adjust rents, as needed, to keep the property rented.' So if the economy goes down, an investor lowers the property's rent and doesn't worry about making the property's mortgage. Remember, an unrented property isn't bringing in any cash!
This is where the folks start to disagree. Mom-in-Law believes that residential property should be the major real estate holding, and Dad-in-Law believes that commercial property should be the major holdings, for real estate.
Lastly, the In-Laws told me that they haven't/wouldn't invest in gold or silver.
The reason? No income.
Motley Fool - All About IRAs: The Eleven Types
Note: If you're interested, click through the article to learn more about IRAs.
My Apologies (22 January 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I apologize about the lack of articles after my family's vacation. I have been busy at work because of the extreme weather (lots of snow and very low temps) these past few days. I'm exhausted from all the overtime.
Building A Tarp Shelter (24 January 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
While I was serving in the United States Army, I attended the Jungle Operation Training Center (JOTC) down Panama way to learn about jungle warfare. We learned a lot of useful skills. One of these skills was building a poncho/tarp shelter.
So the first thing you are going to need is a ...
Tarp or poncho.
Since I didn't have a poncho handy, I am going to use a blue/green reversible tarp, purchased at Lowe's. Yes, It's the same tarp from the expedient water collection article.
Trust me on the sticks.
Next, you need to tie your string to the posts (or trees).
Yep, all you do is tie a small loop in the ends of your cord then bring the cord around the pole then make a half-loop in the cord, place it through the tied loop and stick a stick in the half loop. Don't make the cord tight, yet.
I know this picture sucks, but it's the best one I have. Plus, you and your family need to practice your survival skills before you need them.
Now, you tighten the cord. To tighten the cord, carefully pull on the sticks, in the half-loops, until the cord is taut. Next, you tighten the tarp, so it doesn't have a bow in the middle of the shelter.
To do this, carefully pull on the sticks, in the half-loops, until the tarp is tight.
Once you are finished staking both sides, you have a basic "A" frame shelter. All that is left to do is find some kind of material to cover the ends of the shelter. I have used pine tree branches, a backpack, and huge fern leaves to cover the end of the shelter to break the wind and stop blowing rain from coming into the shelter.
Lastly, remember me telling you to trust me on the sticks. Well, the sticks allow you to quick dismantle the shelter. All you have to do is break the stick and the shelter and cord are ready to be packed up for travel, if you a moving to a better location.
Jungle Operations Training Center and the History of Jungle Warfare - Fort Sherman/JOTC History
The Importance of Learning Bushcraft Skills (28 January 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Bushcraft uses materials found in the forests, plains, deserts, parks, backyards, and ... (you get the idea) to survive. "Bushcraft skills include; firecraft, tracking, hunting, shelter building, the use of tools such as knives and axes, foraging, hand-carving wood, container construction from natural materials, rope and twine-making, and many others" to survive.
About this time you are wondering 'Why is she telling me this?'
Because as you prepare, think about what you would do if you lost it all, in one quick moment. That end of the world moment as the New Madrid Fault lets loose the big one.
Just so you know. In one article I read, the writer said officials are planning for over 5,000,000 being homeless and over half a million people dead or injured. The writer said folks and their families should be ready to live for up to a month (it might of been a week) on their own with no outside help.
Let me say that again. No outside help for a month!
Your home is unlivable; water and sewer lines are broken; roads and bridges have been damaged or destroyed; and there are over a million families in the same dire straits.
I hope you're being sceptical, because I was when I read the article, then the Republic of Haiti's (Haiti) capital city was hit by an earthquake.
Now, Bushcraft skills that you and your family have practised would allow your family to improvise shelter, build a fire, gather water, and possibly survive as you wait for assistance to arrive.
Think about it.
Wikipedia - Bushcraft
University of Arkansas at Little Rock - The New Madrid Fault Zone (NMFZ)
USGS - Earthquake Topics: New Madrid Seismic Zone
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
Family Emergency Communications Card from Maryland
CB Radio Slang from Survival Spot
Emergency Communication Tips from Illinois
Doomsday Shopping List from Bison Survival Blog
A List of Long Term Food Storage Shelf-Life from Daily Survival
Storing Sugar in Plastic Buckets (4 February 2011)
Not All Plastic Bucket are Created Equal (5 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Not all plastic buckets are created equal, some buckets' plastic is thicker, so the bucket is stronger. Other buckets are food-grade, and some buckets are nonfood-grade. The same goes for bucket lids.
Let me tell you about bucket thickness. Some buckets are .075 mils and some buckets are .090 mils. As you probably guess, the higher the number the thicker the bucket. The same is true for lids.
You will find these numbers on the bottom of the bucket and on the top of the lid. Now, some manufactures are putting the thickness of the buckets and lids in a code. Only the seller/distributor/manufacturer knows the thickness of the bucket, but you can tell the difference.
A thicker bucket or lid will feel heavier. Plus, if you try to twist the lid or push on the side of the bucket, a thicker bucket and lid will resist your efforts. A really thin lid will easily twist, and a very thin plastic bucket will easily deform when the side is pushed in with your hand.
So, what's the big deal?
A heavier bucket and lid will allow you and your family to stack more buckets, one on top of each other. A thicker bucket will also resist the efforts of mice and other varmints from eating your food storage.
But be warned!
A stack five buckets high will put the top bucket at head height, for an adult. A stack six buckets high will place that top bucket above your head. It will hurt, might even kill you, if the top bucket falls off and hits you in the head.
Food-grade/Nonfood-grade Bucket
You can't tell if a bucket is food-grade or nonfood-grade by looking at it, smelling it, or touching it. A lot of buckets are made out of #2 plastic. The #2 plastic symbol only tells the type of plastic the bucket is manufactured from.
There are two methods, that I know, to really know if the bucket is food-grade. The first one is to obtain only used-buckets that have contained food items. You can get these from bakeries, cafeterias, and other food places. The second method is to contact the manufacturer of the bucket before you buy it.
So what's the big deal?
Well, food-grade buckets are made with a food-grade releasing agent, and a non-food grade bucket is made with a non-food grade mold releasing agent.
In other words, when the bucket is made, the manufacturer will spray a chemical on the equipment. The chemical helps the bucket come off the manufacturing equipment. If the chemical (mold releasing agent) is not rated/certified as food-grade the bucket is a non-food grade bucket.
Do Not, Don't, Never use a bucket that has had chemicals, paint, asphalt, or other non-food items in it. The bucket could be contaminated with a dangerous chemical that could contaminate the food stored in that bucket.
Wikipedia - High-Density Polyethylene
Rotating Your Supplies (6 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Last article, I wrote about storing sugar in plastic buckets.
If you remember, I showed you a picture of a bucket that had been packaged back in 2007. Sooner or later, the sugar in that bucket will be used by my family, and the empty bucket will be refilled with sugar.
We do this with all of our supplies. As we use a product (shampoo, soap, trash bags, can openers, spices, dog food, batteries, ...) we replace it with the items that we store in our home. On shopping day, we buy replacements for the stuff from our basement, and these items go onto the shelves in our basement.
Now, these items just don't get put on the shelf. They get placed on the back of the shelf because the stuff on the front of the shelf is older and it gets used-up, first.
An example is shampoo.
A couple of months ago, a local store had the brand of shampoo that we use on sale. I bought 12 bottles of shampoo. I took those bottles and stacked them on a basement shelf. Once the bottle we were using was empty, I went downstairs to the shampoo and brought up a bottle and put it next to the bathtub.
A couple of days later, on shopping day, we bought a new bottle of shampoo that new bottle went into the basement and was placed behind all of the other bottles that I had bought on sale. In about six months, after we use all of the other shampoo, the new bottle will be used, but it will have 11 bottles of shampoo behind it.
Now, we also might wait and buy 6 bottles of shampoo because we have noticed that the shampoo goes on sale every three months. This method saves us money every time we buy shampoo.
Lastly, you will notice that we stock what we use. If we have a name brand preference, we stock that brand. An example is pasta sauce.
My wife loves (more like really, really, really likes) the store brand pasta sauce from a local market (no corn syrup), so we stock that in out basement.
When it comes to plastic garbage bags, we don't care, so we buy the inexpensive price per unit box.
Oh, you're probably wondering where we put those 5-gallon buckets full of sugar, rice, and beans.
When I was redesigning our pantry, I raised the lower shelf high enough to allow a 5-gallon bucket to slide up under it.
Going Through My Bookmarks (10 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
Ten Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society from Alternet
The Wood Heat Organization, Inc. home page
Solar Cooking International home page
Building an Institutional Barrel Stove from Aprovecho Research Center
Thoughts On Disaster Survival from Fr. Frog
A Forum for Readers in Great Britain from Self Sufficient'ish
Building a Fire Kit (11 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
By now, you know the "3 to 5 Rule of Living" (OK. I renamed it)
3 to 5 Rule of Living
You will Live
3 to 5 Seconds without Thinking
3 to 5 Minutes without Breathing
3 to 5 Hours without Shelter
3 to 5 Day without Water
3 to 5 Weeks without Food
Guess what?
Yep, you're right. The ability to make fire is missing from those rules.
Now, my brother Scout is a Scout Master, and his boy scout troop use matches and fire ribbon to make a fire. (Yes, I was outraged that his scouts used matches, but he explained to me that he would teach them to use a gallon of gasoline and a road flare, if it was truly up to him ; - )
Well, a gallon of gasoline is a pain to haul around, so he suggested a simpler kit.
First, you want a waterproof container, a few packs of matches, a couple lighters, and some (real) cotton balls.
Plus, the plastic bags can be used to carry extra tinder, that you find, if you start to run out of cotton balls.
Now, some folks would suggest carrying a metal match (Fire Steel) in this kit. I disagree because a fire steel should be carried in your pocket. This fire kit, to me, would be carried in your vehicle, backpack, or survival vest because of its size.
Firesteel.com - Home
County Comm - Metal Match Survival Fire Starter
of the items in this kit can serve double-duty. The plastic bags can be
used as water carriers especially if you use the thicker freezer-type
bags. The matchbook covers can be used a tinder, The container can be
used as a dipper to get water out of shallow pools of water, and the
lighters can be used as a flint and steel when the fluid runs out.
Update: 18 Jul 2013
Going Through My Bookmarks (17 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
Western Rifle Shooters Association - Lessons From Lithuania, Part I
Note: This link is just in case one or two of y'all think guns are un-needed by a prepper/survivalist.
Western Rifle Shooters Association - Concealment Does Not Equal Cover
Note: There is basically NO cover in a typical home.
Pine Home - Home Page
Primitive Ways - Home Page
United States Forest Service - Publications List
Note: An Ax to Grind: A Practical Ax Manual, Boulder Buster: Breaking Rocks without Explosives, Crosscut Saw Manual, Hand Drilling and Breaking Rock, and Saws That Sing: A Guide to Using Crosscut Saws are a few of the electronic books you might want to download.
Gloves and Scarves (19 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Whenever I wear gloves my pinkie and ring finger get cold. Plus, when I'm working, I always have to take my gloves off to do an intricate task. It sucks.
Well, my favorite Stepmother-In-Law gave me a really neat pair of gloves as a present for Christ's Mass.
They are a cross between a glove and a mitten. As you can see in the above picture, the gloves have a mitten that goes over the cutoff fingers on the gloves.
I have had other pairs of mitten/gloves like this, but this pair have a little sewn tab that allow me to easily pull the gloves off. If you look really, really close you will see the tab. (it makes the glove look like it's flipping you off)
The gloves are made out of polypropylene fleece that's very warm, and it stays warm even when wet. Plus, if you get the gloves wet, they are easily dried by whipping them around to fling the water out of them.
Another present I received, from her, was a polypropylene fleece scarf. I like this scarf because it isn't overly long. A real danger when you work around moving machinery. So far, it seems to be the perfect size to wrap around my neck with no long ends hanging out.
Outdoor Designs - Home
Outdoor Designs - Fuji Convertible
Going Through My Bookmarks (24 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
WikiHow - Home Page
Note: Do a search for "Water," "Grow Food," or "Firearms" to get an idea of the extent of the articles at this website.
Instructables - Home Page
Note: Another how-to website that is easy to navigate. Check it out.
Brownell's - Gun Cleaning Clinic: Knowing the Limits of Rust Preventatives
Federation of American Scientists - Really Ready
Note: The Federation of American Scientists went through the "Are You Ready?" manual provided by FEMA. They noticed many mistakes and inaccuracies, so they developed "Really Ready".
Make a Decision than Do It (25 February 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
You have read Survival Blog, and you have been reading James Dakin, over at Bison Survival Blog. (By the way let's not forget listening to Jack Sirko, at The Survival Podcast) Now, you're trying to figure out who's right, so you can implement a plan to survive the coming collapse of the World.
First, Mr. Dakin and Mr. Rawles both believe stockpiling of food and other supplies are important, and living in a remote area is the key to continued survival, but they disagree on what to do after the collapse. Mr. Rawles believes in staying in place; Mr. Dakin believes a nomadic life is the best way to survive.
Now, Mr. Spirko believes we are going to survive where we are at, at the time of the collapse. Plus, we need to take a different approach to getting prepared then both Mr. Ralwes and Mr. Dakin suggest to us.
So, who's right?
It doesn't matter!
I'll say it again. It doesn't matter because you are prepping for the emergencies you feel are important, prepping in the ways you feel are important, making decision that you feel are the important ones to make.
If you decide to spend $3,000 on night-vision goggles, but you and your family have minimal food storage. You just might die from starvation.
If you go into debt buying a remote farm in Iowa, you might die homeless because you lost your job.
If you decide to follow Kurt Saxon's, Mel Tappan's, James Rawles', FerFAL's, James Dakin's, Jack Spirko's, or a host of other writers' advice, you and your family might just die during an extraterrestrial alien invasion.
Ladies and Gentlemen, make a decision, develop a plan, and implement the plan, then review your actions to make sure your decision/plan is working for you and your family.
Because time is running out, or not ; - )
Yea, I know this article didn't help but nobody knows what's going to happen.
I do know, without a doubt, that you and your family are going to need to have shelter, drink water, eat food, protect yourselves, heal your sick and injured, and have some cash no matter what the future brings.
Lastly, to help you out, I believe that Jack Spirko at The Survival Podcast is currently the most relevant for most preppers/survivalists, so give his show a try.
Going Through My Bookmarks (3 March 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
Teaching Aids at Low Cost - Home Page
Note: Their "materials are chosen because they are specially written for conditions in poor countries."
Antique Farm Tools - Home Page
Note: The name says it all.
Ada City - County Emergency Management - Preparedness Pointers
Note: These are great, informative one-page newsletters for friends and family. Plus, they're from the government (no copyright), so your church, workplace, Girl Scouts or ... can print one, copy it, and send to all your members.
Going Through My Bookmarks (10 March 2011)
Welcome Prepers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
The Real Deal - The Real Deal 196: Emergency preparedness tech (podcast)
We are surrounded by technology, A cellphone with a camera, calendars, contact lists, information managers, and ... is just one of these tech we carry everyday. Plus, they can be used for survival.
CNET: Download - Compact Disk for the Third World
Here is another from CNET. The link is to (an often mentioned) collection of information for developing countries. A lot of the information is written for the beginner/untrained citizens to improve their lives.
Even though the emphases is on Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Central/South America, the techniques can be easily modified to work in these United States.
Just Peace - Better Times II
Energy Conservation News and Resources - A Compendium of Useful Information
A boat load of information. Anything else I say is a waste of time.
Remember to do this!!!
Print the pertinent information, and put it in your "survival bible."
We Interrupt Our Regularly ... (11 March 2011)
From Google
Tsunami Alert
Zealand, the Philippines, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Hawaii, and
others. Waves expected over the next few hours, caused by 8.9 earthquake
in Japan.
What to Say (11 March 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
So what did we (my brothers and I) decide to tell folks asking about getting prepared, the other day?
First, tell the folks the most important thing to store is water. They can go down to the local store and purchase a case of 1/2 liter bottles of water for each person in the family.
So, 24 bottles of water (.5 liters each) works out to 3 gallons of water (24 times .5 liters divided by 4 liters in a gallon = 3 gallons of water per person)
Buying bottles of water is an expensive method but quick. A kind'a cheaper method is to buy water containers from the China-Marts (Wal-Mart, K-Mart, Target) or a sporting goods store and fill with regular tap water.
Make sure you tell them to figure 1 gallon of water a day per person. So a family of five needs 15 gallons for three days. Don't forget the pets!
If they ask: Why water?
It's possible that government workers might go on strike. Since most folks get their water from a community/city water system, a strike might cause the water to stop flowing.
Next, tell the folks to buy extra food they normally eat. Make sure to emphasize to buy bottled, boxed or canned food their families normally eat. If they ask how much food to buy, tell them at least enough for three days.
If they ask about frozen food, tell them it's cool but they will need a generator to power the freezer or refrigerator.
After this ask them if they have a way of cooking if the electricity goes off. If they do, tell 'em good then ask them how much fuel they have? They will know, if they need more fuel. If they ask how much fuel they need? You'll figure it out ; - )
If they don't have a way of heating their family's food, tell them to buy a propane stove (a small one) and a couple big fat bottles of propane from the store.
They probably won't ask why they need to store food, but just in case tell them that truckers might go on strike/go out of business because of fuel prices
We assumed our coworkers would keep their home in this potential emergency, so they should have a plan for keeping warm if any problems go down in the next couple of months.
One plan is having the kids build a "fort" or "tent" big enough for everyone in the family, using multiple layers of sheets in the living room, so the family can sleep together if the power goes out. (Don't use plastic sheeting and make sure the fort/tent has ventilation) The family will sleep huddled together wrapped with all the available blankets.
Another plan is for everyone to sleep with "Mom and Dad" with all the blankets piled on top of them to stay warm.
For those folks with fireplaces, they need to make sure they have enough wood to last a couple of days and matches.
Lastly, families can double or triple up in one house. Heck, four, five, or six families could come together, if they plan ahead for this possibility.
If they ask about guns, you are going to have to decide if they are able to handle a pistol or revolver. This is a big responsibility that I can't stress enough because (all joking and politics aside) "Guns Kill" and maim and injure and ...
If you decide they are cool, I suggest a .38 special or .357 magnum revolver with 50 to 250 rounds of semi-jacketed hollow points and a holster. At least one firearm and two if there is another adult even if the other adult is resistant to the idea of firearms.
Don't forget a holster. An inexpensive nylon holster will work fine, for now.
Then, take them (both adults, if possible) out shooting to zero, get familiar with the firearm, and practice the safety rules Here and Here. Make sure to use cheap Lead Round Nose (LRN), the semi-jacketed hollow points are expensive compared to LRN bullets.
In all my years, no one has ever asked why they need a firearm. They usually ask where they can get one.
Note: Please, use .38 special bullets in the .357 magnum, if your coworker's partner is recoil sensitive.
We decided to tell folks to make sure they have enough of their regular medicine to last a couple of weeks and get a small first-aid kit.
Folks, we don't know what the market is going to do, so the only advice we're going to give is have an emergency stash of cash, A few hundred is fine, if they can afford it.
Almost lastly, this advice is only good for three days. (3 days of water, 3 days of food, and improvised shelter) If they are interested in prepping for more than three days, they are going to need a lot of schooling on getting prepared.
To school them, send 'em to this blog and have them read the archives. Starting Here
Once they're finished (If you like them) tell 'em they can ask you all the question they have about prepping and what they have read.
Lastly, make sure they know that you have a big family and they aren't invited to your home.
Going Through My Bookmarks (17 March 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
Here's a good one!
"This guide is for families preparing for imminent terrorist or strategic nuclear attacks with expected blast destruction followed by widespread radioactive fallout downwind."
KI for You - What to do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent!
Here's another one!
Flu season isn't over, folks, and it'll be back next year, and next year, and the year after that, too.
Flu.gov - Pandemic Flu Planning Checklist for Individuals and Families
Lastly, a recent one. Make sure you check it out this Saturday if there's no clouds.
io9 - The largest full moon in the last 18 years will light up the night sky this Saturday
Going Through My Bookmarks (24 March 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was cleaning up my office, got bored, and started eliminating some of my bookmarks that I've had on the computer for the last few years.
David Baldwin Trauma Information Pages - Disaster Mental Health
Surplus Rifle.com - Home
University of Minnesota: Poultry U - Small-Scale Poultry Production
Dang. It looks like I am running out of quality bookmarks to share with everyone : - (
On-Going Projects (25 March 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
As some of you know, mainly my family, I have a lot of projects happening at the same time. I an looking for a new, better paying job, working for the federal government. (Hey, they have better pay and benefits) I am getting my family's stuff squared away (survival and non-survival related), and I am trying to write interesting articles for this blog.
As I have said in the past, I work in an industry that we will always have work. (No, I don't collect taxes or bury people) The company I work for almost never fires anybody because most people don't want to do this work, and we are expanding because of that.
And there lies the problem.
The government may get smaller in the next few years. (I doubt it, but I'm a survivalist. We plan for potential/possible problems) I don't want to get a federal job then get laid off because the politicians are cutting the big, bad federal government ; - (
Spring is officially here, so my family projects are increasing. I still haven't finished adding the cross pieces to the shelves I built in our basement (Remember, I told you I had built these types of shelves a couple of time, and I had learned from my mistakes. This is one of my lessons) Another project we, my partner and I, are starting is our vegetable garden. Next, I built a set of poles for my wife's bird feeders, and I need to get them in the ground. I will also be removing some of our fence line. The removed posts and boards will be used to replace some worn posts and broken boards. (No, I haven't forgot. The fence line needs painting, this year!) Plus, we are adding to our fruit trees; I hope. We'll probably put in a few cherry trees. Lastly, I still haven't cleaned my office.
And the list of stuff to do is added to, almost continuously.
Lastly, writing for the blog takes time. Usually in the winter, the sun sets early, so I can justify writing at night. Come Spring, the days are getting longer, so more time to do things, less time to write.
And this is the real reason for this article.
I wanted to tell you about some articles; I am planning to write. A few articles will cover patrolling and other military skills that I think are important, for the urban, suburban, and rural prepper. Another few articles will cover treating surface (stream, rivers, ponds, lakes, and ...) water for drinking.
Lastly, I'm going to look for some advertisers.
Spouse, Children, Family, then Friends (2 April 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
On Friday morning, at 2:00 am, my partner wakes me with "Mom needs to go to the emergency room." So for the next 14 hours (2 hour drive, 10 hours in the emergency room, another 2 hour drive) we hung out with the emergency department staff at a local hospital.
Since I missed work, and the bossman is understanding, I will be working instead of writing, this weekend.
Please come back in a few days for another installment on patrolling.
Just so you know.
The "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" may be short this week too, but there are already three good articles ready for you to read on Wednesday.
Patrolling, Silver/Gold, and Other Stuff (22 April 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
For some of y'all, the recent series of articles on patrolling is unneeded, unwanted, and unnecessary. I understand, but ...
I think it is important to you and your family because it illustrates how having a thought out plan, that's been practiced, and effectively communicated increases the likelihood of success for you and your family.
Second, it also shows how leadership during a disaster is important.
Lastly, it gives you an idea of how to organize after a disaster to improve your chances of survival.
Silver and Gold
Last night, Nightly Business Report had a commentator, Mark Leibovit, that expects silver to go to over $100 and gold to reach over $3000 an ounce, in about five years. Right now silver is at $46.47 and gold is at $1505 an ounce.
Before you rush out to buy some silver/gold (Remember, take physical possession because Do you really trust some guy to actually hold the gold/silver in a vault for you?) I would like to put some things in perspective
First, I purchased 50 pounds of various beans (10 pounds of red beans, 10 pounds of split peas, 10 pounds of brown lentils, 10 pounds of black beans, and 10 pounds of great northern beans) for less than an ounce of silver, yesterday from a local grocery store. Add 50 pounds of rice and a family of four has enough long-term storage food for 12 days.
Yeah, it's beans and rice but you and your family won't be hungry.
Second, for the cost of two ounces of silver, you and your family could buy a set of Berkey water filters to make a home-made water filter from Directive 21. It would provide up to 6,000 gallons of filtered water for you and your family.
Next, for about the cost of one ounce of gold, you and your partner could arm yourselves with a SKS rifle, 500 rounds of ammunition, and purchase some web gear, for both of you.
And have some cash left over to buy a set of Berkey filters.
Lastly, if Mark Leibovit is right then he expects the United States dollar to lose one-hundred percent of its current value in under five years. Put a different way, Mr. Leibovit thinks everything will cost twice as much in five years.
Hope is Not a Plan (29 April 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
My brother, Spartan, has a saying:
"Hope is not a plan."
Simply elegant isn't it, but it's what a lot of us do. We hope that the economy will recover; we hope that folks will elect a better President, Senator, Representative, Sheriff, or ...; we hope that we will be prepared for the next disaster; we hope, we'll have money next week to buy some long-term storage food; and ad nauseam.
Some of us; heck, most of us; do nothing about it. We don't buy long-term food such as wheat, rice, and dried beans. We don't store two-weeks of water, nor or do we save enough money for an emergency.
This irresponsibility must stop.
We, as preppers and survivalists, must spread the word that as responsible citizens (no matter your country) that our friends and families must be prepared for disasters because a disaster will happen.
So how do we do this?
* Give preparedness items as Christ Mass presents, this year. (Yes, I have stated my holiday shopping, already) or any other gift-giving occasion
* Send an e-mail with a quick note to all your family and friends with this .pdf attached or the link:
FEMA and The American Red Cross - Preparing for Disaster
* Make the tough decision to piss off your partner and prepare without her/his support because you know it is the right choice.
* Stop researching, endless reading, and/or procrastinating and make your prepping plans happen.
As a descendant of a former subject of The Crown, I would like to offer my congratulations to Prince William and Princess Catherine. May your love grow for each other as each day passes
Have lots of children. Your Mother and Grandmothers will be very happy.
Psychological Survival (6 May 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was listening to National Public Radio (NPR) the other morning when they did a story on the lack of temporary shelter for the survivors of last week's tornadoes. What caught my attention, in the report, was one of the intervee's comments about wanting to cry but he couldn't because he needed to be strong for his partner.
And that statement got me to thinking about psychological survival because after a disaster we (you and your family) are going to have to deal with such things as the stress of living in a shelter, the lose of important items, the death/injury of your partner or child, and/or being hurt yourself, lack of food, cramp living, and ... to name a few possibilities.
Lucky for us, the United State's military has a chapter in FM 21-76 Survival about the psychology of survival. This chapter is a good starting point for the prepper and survivalist interested in the psychological survival.
But there's more.
And this is where survival gets fuzzy for me.
Let me explain.
I was in an accident. The accident was so bad; the only things that were working when I arrived at the hospital were my heart and my brain. Almost every other body system had shut down. It was so bad; the doctors called my Mom and told her I was going to die.
After surviving three more days, the doctors told me I would never walk again and that I would spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.
I still get freaked, in certain situations, not very often now. Plus, my wife and I have completed over 3 half-marathons, walking the course, of course.
So how did I survive.
I don't know. Sometimes I think it was blind luck because once I realized I couldn't do anything to prevent being hurt; I quit fighting.
And I quit fighting a couple of times. In the beginning, the pain would become so great that I would stop and let the intense pain wash over me. My mantra became "Ah, a new definition of pain" as pain became the only thing I thought about.
As I got better, I started to fight more often. The pain was still there, but I would push myself, fighting for one more rep on some exercise machine or taking another step.
I made a mistake. I didn't talk to anybody about the way that I felt, or the mental effect that my accident was having on me. I still avoid certain situations, and that affects my life.
I apologize for rumbling, but the mental side of prepping is fuzzy to me because I couldn't have told you in advance that fighting or not fighting would have saved my life on that day or in the days ahead.
Lastly, Charles Smith, Of Two Minds, has a point that I would like to highlight.
Failure may become the 'new' normal not because we want it, but because that's the best that is going to happen.
National Public Radio: Morning Edition - In Alabama, A Shortage Of Shelter For Storm Survivors
Equipped To Survive - FM 21-76: Chapter 2, Psychology of Survival
Of Two Minds - Failure: Don't Despair, It's The New Normal
A Death in the Family (13 May 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This week, my brother-in-law passed away. It was sudden but expected.
Even though his death was expected by family members, civil authorities wanted to be involved. (The police wanted to make sure he wasn't murdered. The public health service wants to know the cause of death. The various taxing agencies want their cut of his estate, and that's only the beginning of the list.)
In a disaster, folks might die. Your neighbors may have their home collapse on them. Your partner may be killed trying to get home, or you may pass away from lack of certain medications.
So what's a prepper to do?
First, are civil authorities functioning? If they are, they need to be contacted. Hopefully, they will be able to inform you of the necessary procedures, where to take the body for proper disposal, and provide any needed paperwork to report/record the death.
Right now, most folks are thinking: 'It's a disaster. Why do I need to contact the government to report a death?'
First, insurance companies are going to want proof. No death certificate; No insurance money. Next, how do the cops know you didn't kill your youngest daughter? They weren't informed at the time of her death, so they didn't investigate to clear you of any wrong doing. Lastly, you don't want a dead person starting to spread disease and stinking up the place, so you will need to take them to a designated location for disposal, such as a funeral home, church, or mass grave. And I'll bet ya, they will want some kind of government 'proof' before they allow you to leave a body.
But what if the government authorities are absent. Needless to say, you and your family are going to have to handle it.
First, document, document, document. You need to collect witnesses' accounts of the accident, shooting, or what ever happened to cause the person's or people's death.
If it is a crime scene you will need to make sure you get photographs, sworn witness statements, and collect evidence. If you have seen a crime drama, you now what I'm talking about. Don't forget 'chain of custody' as your collect, store, and transfer the evidence.
Next, you need to bury the body. I suggest you adopt the Jewish tradition of getting the body in the ground in less than 24 hours, after death.
There is a reason that popular lore says a grave is 6-feet deep, animals and smell, but a grave doesn't have to be 6-feet deep. It just needs to be away from the house and watched over to keep animals out of the grave.
If you don't believe me on the smell issue, place a 1-inch cube of meat in a jar with a lid that has holes punched in it and wait. Sniff it everyday. You'll know when to throw it out. Don't do this inside; do it outside.
Next, you're going to mark the body this will allow easy identification of the body, later. One method is a military issue dog tag. Just place the dog tag on the person then bury the body. Another method is to take a plastic jar (a glass jar will work but it's easily broken) and place the person's name, address, and any other information on a sheet of paper that is placed in the jar and buried next to the body. The last method, I will mention, is if a person has a driver's license. The driver's license is placed in the grave with the body, just like the plastic jar.
Lastly, you are going to need to mark the location of the grave, twice. The first is with a grave marker. The grave marker has the person's name and date of death. Next, you need to have a map showing the location of the grave.
You are probably asking why twice.
If the grave marker is removed or destroyed, you have a back up to the first. Plus, sooner or later, folks are going to want to collect the dead and intern them in a cemetery.
Survival Blog - Letter Re: That Leaking Body in Your Living Room
Wikipedia - Chain of Custody
NY State Department of Health - Chain-of-Custody Considerations
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism - Guide to Jewish Funeral Practice
Wikipedia - Dog Tags
The President of these United States of America,
Barack Hussein Obama II (28 May 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This post is in response to an article I read at Northeast Intelligence Network.
The President of these United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II has done a crappy job of being the President of these United States of America. One of the fifth grades from "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grade?" could have done a better job then President Obama.
The President of these United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II is weak; he should have invaded Egypt, Syria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Great Britain and any other country he has visited since he's been President of these United States.
The President of these United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II can't shoot a basketball or a firearm. He should join the NRA, so he can get a discount on some firearm safety classes, then he'll be able to go to the range with the girls (Michelle, Malia Ann, and Natasha) without embarrassing himself.
Lastly, the President of these United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II is a fool. He is the most powerful man in the world, and he's worried about some jackasses like Glenn (That's with two n's and a few drinks, too) Beck, Rush (I love prescription drugs) Limbaugh, or any other wack jobs on the internet, conservative or progressive.
Northeast Intelligence Network - The “Obamanator:” Destroying Opposing Speech
I respect the President of these United States of America Barack Hussein Obama II and the office he currently holds. He has a rough job balancing the issues facing this country, but he's an elected official.
If he can't take the heat, he needs to get out of the kitchen. Not hire someone to mess with the food critics because the critics can't cook and will never will try.
Mental Preparedness (2 July 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
We have a certain image in our minds what the end of the world will look like. It might be from some movie we've seen such as Zombieland," "Mad Max: Thunder Dome", or "Falling Skies," or it could be from a book like "Patriots," "Lucifer's Hammer" or "Dies the Fire."
Guess what?
We're not in Kansas any more, Toto.
Just like Dorthy, in "The Wizard of Oz," all familiar landmarks may be destroyed. Just look at the images from the Tsunamis in Japan and Indonesia or the tornadoes in Missouri and Alabama.
Total destruction
But it could be ...
Same Sh*t, Different Day
In a disaster, the children are still going to act silly. Your partner is still going to nag, and you are still going to need to go to work.
And this brings up my next point.
You Have What You Have
Some disasters are predictable. Hurricane season comes about the same time every year. Winter storms happen almost every winter. This predictability allows us to prepare in advance for them, but some disasters are unpredictable. Economic collapse, pandemics, and sudden wars are some of these unpredictable disasters.
When these unpredictable disasters happen (or any other disaster you're not prepared for happens) the supplies you have on hand and the knowledge you have in your head is all you and your family are going to have to survive with until you can get more, shelter, water, food, protection, and ...
Barack Hussein Obama II is not a Citizen of these United States of America (4 July 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Barack Hussein Obama II is not a Citizen of these United States of America. Let me tell you how I know.
He would get up on a soap box and tell everybody in these United States what his true religion is then go to a church, mosque, temple, or a bar. Next, he would handout tracts to everyone telling how every elected official is screwing up this country. After that, the President would take a group of friends to Congress and complain about firearms restrictions in DC then...
Head on over to Virginia to buy a firearm and bring it into D.C. for a little target practice on the White House lawn, with Congress' pictures as the targets, of course.
He would kick the Commander-in-Chief of these United States' military out of his bed, and make that solider sleep in the barracks where he belongs.
When the jack-booted thugs try to arrest him, he would ask for their warrant. Since jack-booted thugs never have a legal warrant, he would kick them out of his house, too.
Mr. Obama would request Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. to convene a Grand Jury to investigate the financial difficulties, and to make sure the prosecuting attorney called the President to answer for any crimes. When President Obama took the stand, he would then invoke his right to not testify because of possible self-incrimination then ...
He would get a lawyer, payed for by these United States Citizens, to defend himself in a very public trial, ...
... by a jury of his peers
He would order the CIA to quit 'water boarding,' shipping prisoners to other countries for questioning, and doing other underhanded things.
He would release all the drug offenders, except those who committed violent crimes, from Federal custody, reinstate their rights as citizens, and ...
The tenth and last reason,
He would dismantle over 75% of the federal government because it's not covered in the Constitution of these United States because those powers/offices/responsibilities belong to the States or the People.
Almost lastly,
He would sit Michelle down and explain to her that she needs to be proud of this nation, every day because this county tries to correct its mistakes. Yes, we have done some very terrible things as a nation (and sometimes as individuals), but we try to rectify those mistakes even as we make new mistakes. But we try, every day.
Are you a citizen of these United States of America?
I write this "tongue in cheek" since President Obama's citizenship is still in question by some, but this bit of humour could be used to illustrate that any President of these United States' (past, present, and future) citizenship could be called into question if we based her/his performance on their adherence to the Bill of Rights.
Mental Preparedness, ... Part Two (9 July 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
... and this is where ...
Improvisation is Important
In a disaster, certain items may be unavailable, so you and your family are going to need to improvise.
And this is where it's important to know the "How" and "Why" of things.
Let's take water treatment as an example.
How - One method of water treatment is a water filter. The filter removes microorganisms by passing the water through smaller and smaller holes then places certain chemicals in the clear water to kill the last of the little nasties.
Why - We treat our water because there are microorganisms in the water that can make us very sick or kill us.
Or Shelter
How - A permanent shelter uses layers to protect us from the elements. There is a water-proof layer on the outside with an insulation layer underneath. The shelter is sloped in such a way that rain and snow will fall off the shelter to prevent damage to the shelter. There are ways for supplies and people to enter the shelter, and it may have windows that open and close to allow built-up moisture to escape, sunlight to illuminate the interior, or people to see the outside.
Why - We need shelters to protect us from the elements like rain, snow, sun, cold wind, heat, and ...
Once you know the "How" and "Why" you and your family will be able to take an inventory of the things you have to use during a disaster then use all that stuff to build shelters for your family, filter water, defend yourself, cook food, and ... The list is endless.
Now, improvisation is a two edged sword; it can be helpful and harmful.
It's easy to think of ways that improvisation can be helpful. Thinking of ways that improvisation can be harmful is a little difficult because you don't know it's harmful until it happens. Take shelter.
An improvised shelter could hurt you, if it collapses from a heavy snow fall. If there's not enough insulation, you and your family could freeze to death, or suffocate from a too 'tight' of a shelter. (No air circulation/air exchange)
But there's a solution. Practice, practice, and a lot of common sense because I believe everyone can learn to improvise.
Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without!
Lastly, during these United States' "Great Depression" and later World War II "Use it Up, Wear it Out, Make it Do, or Do Without!" was used to communicate the importance of using everything to its fullest potential.
In a disaster, you and your family may have to have the same mindset.
Mental Preparedness, ... Part Three (16 July 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
In the last two articles, I have been positive this is where I get negative, very negative
Your Friends and Neighbors May Try to Kill You and Your Family
I want you to take a few minutes to think about these questions before you truthfully answer them.
Would you or your partner lie to save your children? For your wife or husband?
How about ...
Would you or your partner steal to get food for your children? For your wife or husband?
You don't have to answer out loud, but be honest.
Next, ...
Would you or your partner hurt a stranger to get something to save your children? For your wife or husband?
Lastly, ...
Would you or your partner kill someone to save your children? For your wife or husband?
A lot of folks would answer "Yes" to all of these questions, and I would whole heartily agree with them.
But, answering these questions "Yes" means ...
We (you and your family) have become targets because y'all are going to have the food, medical supplies, shelter, guns, and whatever else an unprepared family needs.
That's why ...
OPSEC is Vital
The military uses OPSEC (Operational Security) to keep the enemy from learning about their plans. Preppers and survivalists will use OPSEC to keep unprepared folks and family from finding out about their supplies.
Some methods to conceal your family's preps are to pay cash (no credit card records), buy large quantities of supplies out of town, (no close neighbors at the store), don't brag about your preps, drive the car into the garage before unloading supplies (and close the garage door, too), have a cover story if someone asks (but make sure the alibi is air tight) ...
You get the point.
Well, one of my brothers, sorry can't tell you which one, came up with the idea of caching small supplies of food in different locations. When the family gets hungry, he would secretly dig up the food and bring it back to the house. If he was seen by the neighbors, they wouldn't know where the rest of the food was at. Plus, if freeloading family members showed up, they wouldn't know about the food supplies.
Another one of my brothers, sorry can't tell you which one, rents a climate-controlled storage place. The rental place will sign for shipments for him and his family, so he orders pallets of food (and other stuff). Once the food is signed for, and placed in his storage unit he loads up in his truck and takes it home. He and his family then offload the cases of food into their basement, in the garage.
Just so you know, he makes sure the cases can't be seen above the side of his truck, and he always parks his truck in the garage to offload the supplies.
Of BOBs, GOODs, and GHBs (23 July 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
For those that have scanned the archives of this blog, you will notice that I have started repeating myself. I am experimenting with the sequence of the important things that every prepper/survivalist needs to survive or exploring new subjects that are important for survival.
If you haven't noticed or are new to the blog, I suggest you start reading the archives here and just keep clicking "Newer Post," in the lower left-hand corner (Just above the "Disclaimer" section) of the blog page until you get tired. Take a nap, then come back because you might not have much time left before the collapse.
Yes, I know it's a lot of information, but you're going to need it. Quite possibly very soon. So, don't get discouraged, and keep on reading.
With that said, let's begin today's article.
In most disasters, you can leave the area. Tornado wipes out your house; go to a friends place on the other side of town. Laid off from your job and no other jobs in town; go to another town/county/state for a job. A war waging in your country; immigrate to another country.
Pretty simple, isn't it.
Well, it's called "bugging out," and it's a little bit more complicated then that.
Where are you going to go? Do they know you're coming? With your family? Pets?
What's the climate like? Culture? Terrain? Will you blend in or stick out?
A lot of questions, isn't it?
Well, the biggest question that most people never answer is: Where are you and your family going to go? because bugging out is a temporary solution to a mighty big problem.
What do you 'need' in your bag? I mean, really, really need in your bag?
Yep, you guessed it; I'm not going to answer that question. You'll have to wait until next week ; - (
Do you really need to leave? Because when you leave, you leave all of your remaining supplies, possessions, and network of friends behind for others to
Just So You Know
BOB = Bug Out Bag
GOOD = Get Out Of Dodge bag
GHB = Get Home Bag
Diffen.com - Climate vs Weather
Of BOBs, GOODS, and GHBs, ... Part Two (30 July 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Last article about BOBs, GOODS, and GHBs, I cautioned you to have a destination that knows you and your family are going to be arriving during/after a disaster.
This article, as promised, I will be writing about what you might carry in your bug.
How much you carry is your decision. If you want to carry a bag that weighs 8 pounds or 80 pounds, it's your decision. Be warned, a heavier bag will slow you down and a light bag might not have what you need.
It's also your decision what to carry in your bag. Let me explain.
For my get home bag (GHB) I have one bag and a box. The bag I carry with me all the time.
It has a rain suit, 2 liters of water, a very simple first-aid kit, and some clothing items. In the fall, the bag also carries polypro long johns, a scarf, a wool watch cap, and extra gloves.
Since I work close to home, the bag is designed to get me home or to my car depending on the situation.
The box, I carry in my car. It is a plastic storage box that contains supplies that I can decide to carry or leave in the car, for my walk home or my stay at work, depending on the situation.
Car Kit and Contents |
Training or practice on improvising needed items will allow you to reduce the amount of weight and number of items you need to carry in your bag. Let me give you an example.
Take the blue tarp that you can buy in most hardware stores.
The tarp can be used as shelter, sleeping cover (I wanted to say sleeping bag) with a poncho liner or blanket, signaling device, water collection, and boat.
Remember! The first priority is to have a destination that knows you and your family will arrive during or after a disaster. The next priority is to have a bag that you are comfortable carrying for your entire trip. Lastly, you and your family need to practice and improvise using the contents of your BOB, GOOD, or GHB bag to survive a trip to a safer place.
Just So You Know:
BOB - bug out bag
GOOD - get out of Dodge
GHB - get home bag
MiiU - AxMan's $30 Bug Out Bag
Note: I would like to thank John Robb of Global Guerrillas for this link.
I will add pictures later. I've been busy
My Apologies (6 August 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
I have to apologize. I do not have an article for you, this day.
There are many reasons for this oversight
- job interview last Friday
- Mother-in-Law staying with us for the last two week because it's too (way too) hot
- packaged 125 pounds of long-term food storage, various dried beans like black, small red, brown lentils, great northern, and green split peas, in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers (Yes, I took pictures and will share my info with you)
- still getting accustomed to the 'new' workplace
- a wedding, this afternoon
I have just been lazy.
Please come back because I still have a lot to say
Of BOBs, GOODS, and GHBs, ... Part Three (13 August 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Almost lastly,
There's a lot of other opinions out there about BOBs, GOODS, and GHBs. Some will suggest to carry three methods of making fire; others will tell you to have two methods. Some will tell you to carry the latest high tech gadget while others will suggest carrying only things that you have improvised. Lastly, others will tell you to have three guns and hundreds of rounds for them all.
At the end, you and your family are the ones that will be carrying and, hopefully never, actually using your bug out bags for a disaster.
And this last point is important.
You must practice with your bug-out-bags.
Now, you don't have to do this all at once. You can start out slow.
Like building a tarp shelter.
You and your family can practice this skill in your backyard then spend the night camping in the backyard. Do this a couple of times using different methods and using different material and you'll learn what works and what doesn't for you and your family.
Then move on to another skill, like making fire.
Start out with an easy method. Say, using fire ribbon and a butane lighter then move on to using just a butane lighter (I prefer Scripto lighter with an adjustable flame but the Bic lighters will do) then to just the spark from the lighter's roller and flint then to a metal match (fire steel) then ...
Then move to another skill like map reading or moving through the woods.
You can do this by taking part in Geocaching or Orienteering. Both are fun sports for you and your family. Plus, you, your partner, and the children can carry your bug-out bags to see what it is really like to carry all that gear you think you need.
Trust me, you definitely want to do a test of carrying your bug-out bag. The first time, it is usually too heavy. The second time, once you get rid of some stuff from the first walk about, will still be too heavy. The third or fourth time, you'll still probably have too much stuff, but at least it will be light enough.
Lastly, have a good time with your family.
Goggle - search "bugout bags"
Goggle - search "bug out bag"
Survivalist Boards.com - Don't need a BOB, need a GHB!
WikiHow - How to Make a Lighter Shoot a Huge Flame
Note: This is probably dangerous, so f*cking be smart. Use only in a real emergency.
Fire Steel.com - Home
Geocaching - Home
Orienteering USA.org - Home
International Orienteering Federation - Home
Food-Grade Plastic Buckets with Lids (17 August 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Lowe's has 5-gallon plastic buckets, the store is advertising the buckets as food-grade, for $3.99 and the lids are $1.99.
These buckets are the heavier .90 mil bucket. I checked the lids and couldn't find the thickness, the mil, of the lid; they look to be at least .75 mil. Plus, they have the tear strip for easy opening if you don't have a plastic bucket lid opener.
Three types of plastic bucket lid openers and a rubber mallet |
If you are planning to buy some bulk food and pack it in plastic buckets, mylar bags, with oxygen absorbers, these buckets are a good buy.
Needless to say, I don't know when the sale goes away, so make sure you buy some if you're planning to do any packing of any long-term food storage in the near future
Every Day Carry ... (20 August 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
You have your bug-out bag packed and ready to go. Plus, you're making sure that any perishable supplies are rotated out of the bag and used before their expiration dates. Right?
Cool! But what happens if you lose your bug-out bag?
Think about it.
The house catches fire and instead of grabbing your BOBs; you and your partner grab the children.
You and your family walk out to the car and someone has stolen it, the car, your bag, and everything else.
You are away from your desk, having a quick snack at a street vendor's hot dog cart, and an airplane slams into your office building.
Could happen; has happened.
Needless to say, you and your family are going to have to use the items in your pockets/purse to solve these problems.
Every Day Carry (EDC)
I have done a little research about every-day carry items. Most of the suggestions center on three items, protection, light, and fire.
Most folks recommend a small locking pocket knife. Depending on the model, these small folding knives will have a pocket clip to keep the knife in the same place throughout your day.
This is important because when you need your knife, for protection, you will need it without fumbling in your pockets for your knife.
A source of light is important to carry with you everyday because you don't know when a disaster is going to happen. Plus, you'll be able to use your little keychain light to find your husband's sunglasses when they fell from his pocket at the movie theatre ; - )
The last item most folks recommend is a way to make fire. Either a small butane lighter or a fire steel are recommended. I like the military Swedish firesteel because it can be attached to your key ring and it is rated up to 12,000 strikes.
Now, these three items are carried on your person, in your purse (or pockets), everyday, but some folks will see the limitations of carrying just these three survival items. They are right, but these three items allow you to ... cut rope, tape, cardboard, or an assailant; illuminate a dark hallway, room, or signal a rescuer, and start a fire, boil water, or heat your cold child with a fire.
However, most folks writing about emergency preparedness forget about the ultimate short-term emergency preparedness tool.
The Credit Card
Most short-term emergencies will require access to cash, and a credit card will allow that easy access.
Need a place to stay for the night. Go to a motel.
Need a ride home. Call a taxi
Need clothes. Go to the mall
Need a firearm for protection. Go to a gun store
and most of those things that you would need during a short-term emergency, if you lose it all, could be bought with a credit card.
Now, don't get me wrong.
You and your family still need to be buying and storing water, food, firearms, water filters, and the other stuff you and your family feel that you will need during a long-term emergency because these items may be unavailable during a disaster.
A (mostly) true story
Family friends have a late-night/early morning kitchen fire (faulty toaster oven). After the fire is out, they decide to go to a hotel for the rest of the night, and wait to call the insurance agent, in the morning.
They could do this because they had a credit card.
Warrior Talk News - Knife Carry, Access and Opening
Flashlight Reviews.com - Flashlight Buyer's Guide
I have linked to some retailers or manufacturers websites to give you an idea of some of the equipment that is available for the prepper/survivalist. I do not receive any compensation from these manufacturers/retailers. Plus, you and your partner have to determine, if these products are necessary for you and your family.
Remember! You decide.
... and Caches (27 August 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
.. and this leads to my next point.
Remember when I asked what you would do if a villain stole you car, you couldn't get to your GOOD bag, or you had to choose between your children or your bug-out bag.
There is the possibility that you will have to flee (to the place that knows you and your family will be coming during/after a disaster) with just the clothes on your back.
What will you wear, eat, shoot, drink, sleep on, once you get there?
Don't know. Well, you could store some stuff there.
One method of storing stuff is a cache.
Talking to some folks, you would think that a cache is some fancy underground lair with a two-year supply of everything you need to survive. Well, for most folks reading this blog, the answer is probably, not really; more than likely it's a small box of food in your desk at work or a few Rubbermaid storage containers in your sister's home. Plus, these supplies are going to be limited by the space that you are able to use.
So let's look at setting up a cache by asking a few questions
First, what is the reason for the cache?
Second, how much space do you have?
Third, what are you caching?
Let's do a few scenarios.
First up, a winter storm and you're stranded at work.
So, a possible reason for your cache is to provide a little comfort during a one to two day stay at work because of a winter storm. The amount of space you have is limited to a 10-ream paper box under your desk.
A set of polypro long johns for warmth, polypro sock liners, a polypro watch cap, and a pair of polypro glove liners; a couple of votive candles in a tin can with matches (for light and a little heat); a blanket with a space blanket and a small inflatable pillow; and a little food and water. Oh, I almost forgot a toothbrush, toothpaste, some deodorant, soap, and a wash cloth or small towel for a refreshing clean up in the morning.
Second, a house fire and you move in with family for a "few" days.
You have lost it all, temporally, and your family has homeowner's/renter's insurance. You need a place to stay until the insurance agent gets everything in order.
Now, depending on your immediate family, you might need to store a lot of stuff or just a little, so I'm going to say your sister will allow you and your family to cache a big (18-gallon) Rubbermaid tote for each member of the family, and she'll have bed linens, pillows, towels, and a lot of other everyday kind'a stuff for you and your family.
Some suggestions:
- two changes of clothes for everyone (wash one, wear one). Don't forget undies and belts and shoes and socks.
- medicines (just in case)
- any preferred toiletries or other 'special' items such as teddy bears, blankets, or favorite games.
- contact info for friends, family, work, creditors, insurance agents, and account info for your credit union (I hope, you have stopped using the 'big' banks for your saving, checking, and credit card accounts)
- backup inventory of your home's contents with pictures
Notice. This cache is concerned mostly with information. Plus, this cache could be used for other reasons; I just wanted you to focus on a non-end-of-the-world moment.
The skies the limit. It's the end of the world and you have just arrived at that place that knows you and your family are coming. What do you need? Shelter, Water, Food, Medical Supplies, Protection (Firearms, ammo, spare parts, and cleaning supplies), Clothing, and ... the list goes on forever and ever.
This is where a buried cache may come in handy because your sister may not have enough room for her family's preps, much less your family's stuff.
This is where you definitely need to read "TC 31-29/A: Special Forces Caching Techniques." (It's listed in the links)
Merriam-Webster: Online - Cache
The Firearm Blog - Weapons Cache found in Serbia
The Chip Monk Family Survival Podcast - Episode 219: Caching
TEOTWAWKI - TC 31-29/A: Special Forces Caching Techniques
Lest We Forget ... (1 September 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Before I begin, I would like for you to know that I will be off-line for the next 30 days. I have decided to limit my access to the internet for the next month. I have taken this action to test my preparations in obtaining and accessing information.
My absences from the internet will cause a little disruption to the blog. Monday's "Weekly Dose of Doom and Gloom" will be halted because it is usually limited to current threats. Wednesdays' articles will continue, but they will be from older articles found on my favorite blogs and newer blogs to me. Saturday's posts will also continue because I still have much more to say.
Lastly, I need to apologize about the vagueness of the recent Saturdays' posts. What you and your family decide to carry in your bug-out bags, stock in your caches, and do in your general preparations are based on what you think and feel are necessary. You have to decide what to do; you can't take my family's preps and say they will work for your family and friends.
Remember, You decide!
Warning: This article may offend you. If it does, go read another blog.
Over the next few days, many United States citizens will turn their attention to the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks that happened on September 11th, 2001. During these observations, I would like you to remember that Osama bin Laden won. Yep, you heard me; he won.
Let me explain.
A small group of religious fanatics launched an attack, ten years ago, that has caused the most powerful country (and the 'freest' country) on this planet to implement costly counter-measures and expand its state security powers to prevent a similar attack. These expanding limitations on our freedoms has caused citizens and visitors to question the actions and intentions of our government.
This increase in warrantless wiretapping, unprecedented searches of innocent citizens, suspension of civil rights, and unnecessary secrecy has contributed to a feeling of oppression in these United States. Oppression of its citizens by their government.
We have also been dragged into two wars, possibly three and maybe a forth. These wars are sapping treasure from a country that may no longer be able to afford it. We have also had over 5,000 killed and 30,000 injured in the last ten years.
Almost lastly, political and nonpolitical organizations will use these next few days to sell us useless things and ideas. T-shirts, flags, posters, and other merchandise will be 'pushed' so that we may show our 'loyalty' to our country. Others will push their political agenda by excusing their dissenters of disloyalty to this nation, their message, or ideas.
Lastly, and this is the sad part for me, very few people will realize this manipulation, oppression, waste of money and life, and the fact that we have lost so much in the last ten years, just not the almost 3,000 people on September 11th, 2001.
Lest we forget ...
... and Caches, Part Two (3 September 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
So, I was talking to this guy at work (Jungle G) and he brought up a few points about bugging out and caches.
Doesn't want to bug-out
First, Jungle G is well known in his community. He was a volunteer firefighter, police office (6 as a patrol officer and 15 years as Chief of Police, in his community) His home is paid for and he has great neighbors.
Did I mention, he knows everyone in his community.
There comes a time you get too much stuff, to easily bug-out
The second problem that most preppers (definitely survivalists) will have is having a lot of stuff. Just think about it.
Water (more is preferred)
* 14 gallons of water
* Filters and storage containers
Food (at least)
* 350 pounds of rice
* 350 pounds of beans
* 3 month supply of regular canned food
Protection (at least)
* Rifle and Handgun
* 1000 rounds for the rifle
* 500 rounds for the handgun
Clothing (stored in varmint proof containers)
* Lots of extra Summer and Winter clothing
* Boots, shoes, and sandals
* Gloves galore
* Large tent
* building material for repairs
* tarps and more tarps
Fuel (safely stored)
* cords of wood
* oil and gasoline
* disel
You get the idea.
Jungle G joked, it would take a large truck (think large moving van) to get all his family's stuff moved.
And this is his last point, for today. Prepping is basically an insurance policy, and insurance policies need to cover possible disasters. One of these possible disasters is you and your family might need to leave your home, very quickly.
Jungle G has some friends about four hours south of him. They have invited him to come on down, if the sh*t ever hits the fan (SEHTF).
We have talked about this, and we came to the conclusion he needs to cache some stuff down there, just in case.
Needless to say, he thinks that food, more food, and even more food is the priority, for him and his family.
We think two open-head steel drums, per family member, would hold enough stuff for a little while. One drum would hold long-term food storage in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers, and the other drum would have clothing, an inexpensive firearm, ammo, boots, gloves, and other stuff. The drums would be placed in their basement or buried a couple of yards from the house. Plus, he can financially swing these extra preps.
We talked about putting the drums in a shed, but it gets too hot here. The food would lose its nutritional value pretty quick. (I think under five years.) The clothes and other stuff would be fine, but it would be easily stolen above ground.
So there you go. One man and his family's solution to bugging-out and caching supplies.
Technical Tuesday: 13 September 2011
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This is the first article in an irregular series of articles about modern technical skills useful for preppers and survivalists. This article is kinda stretching it, but you might be interested.
Let's begin.
Items/Material Needed:
Mylar Bags, Different Sizes
Plastic Buckets with lids (not pictured)
Oxygen Absorbers (not pictured)
Oxygen Absorber Bag Seal (thin blue thing in front of mylar bags)
Bucket Lid Openers
Rubber Mallet
Large Box
Take all of these items, except the plastic buckets with lids, and place in a large box.
I use a 12-gallon flip-top plastic storage container because it's easier to access all the stuff in a box with a flip-top lid.
Easy peesy
Now the reason why.
Before a disaster, you might have an opportunity to purchase long-term food but have no mylar bags to properly store it. Having a modest supply of bags, in advance, will allow you and your family to properly store it.
Remember! If you have the chance to buy food, buy it first because you will probably be able to properly store it later.
I (almost) always purchase new oxygen absorbers when I am planning to store up some long-term food storage like wheat, dried beans, popcorn, or white rice. This insures the oxygen absorbers are fresh and will absorb the oxygen in my sealed bags.
The absorbers are under 15¢ each. Not a big loss if I trash 10 of them.
Technical Tuesday: 20 September 2011
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
This is the second article in an irregular series of articles about modern technical skills useful for preppers and survivalists.
Let's begin.
Items/Material Needed:
Mylar Bags
Clothes Iron
Towel and a flat, hard surface
As always, the priority in survival is to think, so to begin this project, you need to determine the mylar bag sizes; you want to create from a larger mylar bag.
Next, you need to assemble the listed items.
Mylar Bag, Scissors, Clothes Iron, Towel, and a Flat, Hard Surface |
Next, fold the large mylar bag in half and cut along the fold.
Large Mylar Bag Cut in Half |
Next, I cut the halves in half creating four (almost) bags.
Four (Almost) Bags Because They're Not Sealed, Yet |
Next, I seal the edges of the recently cut bags; leaving one edge open, this will allow the bags to be filled, later.
To seal the edges of the bag, I place the bag on a towel and iron an (approximate) one inch seal. I use a clothes iron set on medium-high to make the one inch seal.
Note: I do not reseal the factory sealed edges
Smaller Bag with Three Edges Sealed |
To make things go faster, (At least it seems faster to me!) I cut all of the bags down to size than seal them.
Once all the bags are finished, they are ready to be filled with food or other items.
Other sizes and shapes can be created. It just depends on how the larger mylar bag is folded then cut.
Same Capacity, Different Shape |
In the above picture, two of the smaller bags (left side of picture) were created using the technique discussed in the article. On the right of the picture are two bags that were created by folding the bag differently.
Note: All of the bags will hold (almost) the same exact amount.
Appleseed and Occupy Wall Street (7 October 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
A few weeks ago, I went to an Appleseed marksmanship clinic. It was fantastic.
The clinic was a two day event. The first day, the instructors taught how to shoot (using a sling) in the prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing positions. The second day was about using those skills.
Each day the instructors were very courteous. They focused on helping participants safely learn to shoot their rifles, and they emphasized the basics of rifle marksmanship.
Did I mention, safety.
They were very safe!!!
What happened?
I showed up on the day of the shoot, payed my money, and learned a lot.
Jungle G let me borrow his M&P 15-22 rifle. Most folks were shooting Ruger 10/22 rifles with Tech-Sights. One young lady (about 10 years old), her father had built a 10/22 rifle with Tech-Sights and had installed a pink stock modified to specifically fit her.
All participants used an US Army nylon sling designed for the M-14 rifle. You'll need one.
Now, you can shoot a stock Ruger 10/22 or any other .22 caliber rifle as long as it has 10 round magazines. You'll need at least two magazines
You will also need a shooting mat. I used a piece of old carpet, some folks used blankets, and other folks had shooting mats. The reason why? The grass is very wet, early in the morning, and you'll be more comfortable because you'll do a lot of shooting.
And that bring up two more points, ammo and Ibuprofen. You'll need both.
I and everyone else used inexpensive bulk box .22 ammo. After shooting 150 to 200 rounds the first day, I was glad I was using a .22LR rifle. With all the getting up, moving into a new position (prone, sitting, kneeling, and standing) and checking targets, I was ready for an Ibuprofen at the end of each day
Did I mention safety?
You'll need ear and eye protection. I suggest using the foam rubber ear plugs. They are a lot less distracting then the muff-type of ear protection.
Trust me.
I shot the first day with ear-muffs hearing protection. The ear-muffs kept hitting the rifle stock once I started wearing my hat to shield my eyes from the late-afternoon sun.
Almost lastly, Appleseed is not militia training. They only teach you how to shoot using an adjustable sling. If you want to learn how to run patrols, overthrow your government, or ..., you'll have to go some place else.
However, the instructors will tell you some true stories from the United States' revolutionary war. I really liked the stories. Plus, the stories helped to break up all of the instruction and shooting.
Lastly, this is for Fred.
I have heard that you want to make everyone sit through all of the stories in one marathon storytelling session. Screw that.
If it ever happens, to me, I'll ask for my money back and leave because I'm there for the shooting skills, not the stories.
Project Appleseed - Home
Project Appleseed - How to Prepare for an Event
Occupy Wall Street
Folks, I would like to suggest that you support or oppose the Occupy Wall Street folks.
What he/they said
Global Guerrillas - Occupy Wall Street (The Theory)
Global Guerrillas - - OCCUPY (Insert Your City Here): Protesting Capitalism's Crisis
Zombies!!! (21 October 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
From a link at Say Uncle, to a post at Neatorama, to a .pdf about Zombies from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Centers for Disease Control - Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic
From Sharon Astyk at Casaubon's Book
Casaubon's Book - Duh, of Course That's Why We Do It!
World Series (29 October 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I would like to thank the Texas Rangers and the St. Louis Cardinals baseball clubs for a great World Series. It was awesome.
Needless to say, this is a prepper's/survivalist's blog, so I have a survival perspective for y'all on the World Series.
To recap,
The St. Louis Cardinals were counted out during the regular season, through hard work and perseverance they made the playoffs. During the playoffs, they arose to the challenge, and they beat better teams, with a little luck.
Before the World Series began, the St. Louis Cardinals were expected to lose to the Texas Rangers, in four games. Lastly, the St. Louis Cardinals made some serious mistakes, during the seven game series.
So what's a prepper/survivalist to take away from this.
First is training. You have to practice your skills because the skills you have will take you through the rough times.
Next, you have to give the situation your best. The best that you have at that moment in time.
Third, you might lose, but you have to gather your wits and the people and things that you have and make another effort, if needed.
Come up with another way of meeting the challenges facing your family and friends.
Next, you and your family are going to make mistakes. Be prepared for them, have a reserve to fall back on in hard times.
Lastly, celebrate every day that you are on this planet.
PS, ...
Just to remind y'all, I will be deleting the 2008 and some/most of the 2009 posts starting November firstish.
Prepare In A Year (4 November 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Are you looking for a resource to help you get friends and family prepared? Your immediate family?
Here is a link to a program called "Prepare in a Year."
The "Prepare in a Year" program is a basic program for folks to follow to get ready for various disasters/emergencies. The website has awesome, non-threatening, links covering a variety of subjects.
Washington State: Emergency Management Division - Prepare In A Year
Washington State: Emergency Management Division - Prepare in a Year: Complete Booklet
It's done.
I deleted over 130 posts from 2008 and 2009, mainly the early posts that repeated information on thinking, air, shelter, water, food, firearms, ...
If You Had Time (5 November 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
I was talking to one of my brothers, and he suggested I write an article about ...
What would you do with your emergency cash if you had time.
Let me explain.
One of the disasters/situations my family and I are getting ready for is financial hyperinflation. We believe there is the possibility of a hyperinflationary period happening in the next, say, 3 years.
As I have written in the past (I will try to find the articles), a financial hyperinflation happens over a period of years. At first, we see mild inflation, 3 to 6 percent, for a couple of years then inflation increases to 10%, to 15%, to 20% then all of a sudden, Bam!!! We are taking a wheelbarrow full of cash to the grocery store to buy a loaf of bread.
Well, Spartan asked (His family already has an idea/plan) what would I do with our emergency cash if I saw hyperinflation kicking in.
Needless to say, I gave him a vague answer.
Why vague?
Because we (you and your family) are different. Some of us have $10.000 under our mattress and no preps, and others have $100 and three years worth of food, water filters, firearms/ammo, and everything else needed for a long-term disaster.
So let's talk about it. (Spartan and I talked about two hours about this)
First, how much cash do you have on hand. I'm talking cold, hard cash under the mattress, not in the bank, not a debit card, but Federal Reserve Notes (FRN) in your hand.
For any readers outside these United States substitute FRNs for your national currency such as Euros, Pounds, Rubles, Rials, Wons, Hryvnias, Dinars, Liras and ... You get the point.
Next, how much and what kind of preps do you have? Do you have food, water filters, and ... You know the stuff I have been writing about for the last three years.
Make a List
First, make a list of the things you're short of; I'm talking water, food, and protection (guns and ammo). If you have 3 years supply of food, you and your family are good. If not, food is the first priority.
Be warned!
In the very early stages of the event, you'll be able to order long-term food storage from folks like Walton Feed, Honeyville, Safecastle, Ready Made Resources, and ... then get the food in a few weeks.
As more folks 'wake-up' to the possible difficulties, supplies will start to run low, then you'll have to wait longer for the long-term food storage to arrive.
If ...
You waited until the event is happening to store food, you and your family are f*cked.
Ok, folks enough warnings. Let's get back to the article.
Next, you need to identify the foods your family are going to eat then go to the grocery store and buy that food. You need to concentrate on the food that you'll find on the store's shelves. The food in boxes, bags, bottles, and cans. Not the food found in the freezer or refrigerated sections of the store.
You can also head to a warehouse store like Costco, Sam's or ... At these stores, you can buy 350 pounds of long-grain white rice for, about, $150, 100 pounds of pinto beans for $100, 50 lbs of sugar for under $20 then self-store that food using oxygen absorbers, mylar bags, and plastic buckets. (I'll be writing an article with instructions on how to do this next Saturday)
When you go to the Costco site, you can do a search for "Augason Farms." It will show you a relatively inexpensive method (I think it's expensive) of purchasing food store. Be careful though, food stored in plastic buckets without a mylar bag liner will not last as long as the method I will show you next Saturday.
Lastly, make sure you don't tell anyone about your extra food and make sure you properly store the food. Remember OPSEC.
Needless to say, the more food you have, the better in a hyperinflation disaster.
You'll notice I mentioned water. I believe we (you and your family) would have time to find containers and properly store two weeks worth of water, in the beginning. Once the event is going on, you
As far as protection, FerFAL, of Modern Survivalist, has recommended pistols and revolvers as the first firearm for you and your partner. From his personal experience, FerFAL knows that most urban and suburban preppers will be hunkered down in their homes with trips to work and the store, and for those trips to work and the store you will want a concealable firearm, not a rifle. Plus, walking around the house with a shotgun or rifle is a pain in the *ss.
Trust me, I tried it for a few days. I was always forgetting to take the SKS with me to the bathroom.
As far as which pistol or revolver to buy, I can't tell you which one will work for you and your family.
A pistol in 9mm, 40 caliber, or 45 caliber will be fine, and a revolver in .38 special or .357 magnum will also work. You will need a couple of magazines, a holster, and you will need, say, 250 rounds of ammunition. Don't forget that your partner will need a firearm also.
On that issue "your partner doesn't 'like' guns" get a 9 mm double-action only pistol or a .38 special double-action revolver for your partner. They are easy to learn how to use. Plus, it seems anytime there is a real emergency, your partner will want a gun.
My Reservations
Now, I have reservations about the idea of running to the store with a bundle of cash just before an emergency. There's a couple of reasons for this.
First, as we are seeing, companies aren't keeping up with demand. Let me give you two recent examples.
Jungle G ordered a grain mill two months ago. It just got here. When I ordered mine, five years ago, I had it in less than two weeks. It's also happening with the long-term food storage companies. Mountain House, supposedly, has been restricting deliveries to their dealers.
My second reason. Rushing out to buy supplies puts you and your family at risk. You don't know what kind of chaos you'll find at the food stores. Plus, your local stores may not have what you need.
So that's it.
When it's all said and done, you and your family are going to have to decide what you're going to do. Just understand, I think you need to be making basic preps, immediately.
Wikipedia - List of Circulating Currencies
Walton Feed - Home
Honeyville - Home
Safecastle - Home
Armistice Day (11 November 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 the great bloodletting that consumed Europe and the World ended. The four year "War to End All Wars" saw over 15 million people die (10 million soldiers and 5 million civilians) and 20 million wounded.
As preppers and survivalists, we need to remember that civilians bear the brunt of any war. We, as civilians, will bear the hardship of food rationing, poor medical care, and lack of protection from the enemy's weapons.
Department of Veteran's Affairs - History of Veteran's Day
Wikipedia - World War I Casualties
Veteran's Day (11 November 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
On June 1, 1954, President Eisenhower signed legislation changing Armistice Day to Veteran's Day to honour the men and women of these United States' Armed Forces.
As preppers and survivalists, we need to remember that these men and women have certain skills that we can use.
As someone pointed out many years ago.
If you know that local authorities are going to
US Army Center of Military History - The History of Veteran's Day
Armistice Day/Veteran's Day (11 November 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
As a peace-time veteran, I don't feel all 'shucks and golly gee' about being a veteran. I feel that I didn't do anything special drinking beer in Germany, enjoying the beaches in Hawaii, and having a good time everywhere else I was stationed.
I does bother me that some folks have forgotten what this day really means. Some mighty fine (and not so honorable) men and women have sacrificed for this country. Leaving their friends and family behind to serve this nation.
Please remember those that have served, today.
Prepping Information and Lessons Learned (16 November 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I was searching around the internet for an old article that I had written, and I found someone had recommended "Getting Started In Emergency Preparedness" to new preppers on This Blue Marble.
According to the site, "This Blue Marble" is a global current events discussion forum. You might want to check it out. As always, you decide.
Well, Preppie Chick (the person doing the recommending) also recommended a few other sites for new preppers. One of these sites was the Flu Wiki Forum.
Needless to say, the Flu Wiki Forum had some very good information. Below are some links to those areas, I thought y'all would like to read.
Thanks again, Preppie Chick : - )
Flu Wiki Forum - Home
Flu Wiki Forum - Real-World Lessons Learned
Flu Wiki Forum - Prepping Information Index
The National Alert System Test and The Importance of Practice
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
As most people know, on November 9th, these United States tested its National Alert System (NAS). What most people don't know is the NAS test had some difficulties.
Now, some folks will make snide remarks. Let them because preppers and survivalists know that we (you and your family) have to practice our prepping plans and skill.
Without practice, we will never know if our preps will work during an emergency.
Now, you don't have to practice all of your preps at once. You can practice a portion of them at a time.
Let's take eating.
Instead of trying to eat 3 meals a day for a week from your food storage, make a different dinner meal each week. At the end of the month, you and your family have cooked 4 meals from your long-term food storage. A plus of doing it this way, you and your partner have a chance to determine, if your family liked the food, an important issue.
You and your partner, at the same time can take lunch from home using your long-term food storage. This gives y'all an opportunity to practice with spices and meals to fit your tastes and work environment.
Remember, during a disaster, we will probably still have to go to work.
Another example, we can use is transportation.
I believe most folks are either going to walk or ride a bicycle. Some folks might be lucky and will have access to a car or carpool with friends. Either way, we can practice.
First, get the family out walking and riding the bikes. A few hours each week during the warm months will get everyone accustomed to walking or riding. As a challenge, you might want to practice riding in the cold and wet weather with the kids and your partner, so you will learn what to do to keep dry and warm.
Make sure your sensible about this last part. You don't want to hurt or kill 'Family' during practice. Plus, pissing someone off/making their life miserable will turn them off to your prepping efforts.
Once you and your partner feel prepared; you and your family can practice at home by completing a weekend without any utilities. If your plans include bugging out, next vacation practice your bug-out plans.
Needless to say, the weekend without utilities is the classic test that most survivalists have heard about but most preppers don't know about, yet.
First Explain the Rules
No using outside services. No turning on the water, no turning on the heat/air conditioner, and no using the electricity. If you don't have it, you will have to do without or make do.
Start the Test
On Friday night, go to the main circuit breaker and turn the electricity off. Leave the water and gas "on" because these services usually require a technician (especially the gas) to turn back "on" once they have been turned off.
Conduct the Test
You and your family go through the day and night using your skills to live your life. Wake up, brush your teeth (with stored water), cook breakfast (outside on the gas grill), clean up (stored water again or paper plates with plastic utensils), and ... until Sunday afternoon.
Needles to say, if something goes horribly wrong immediately stop the exercise and take quick action to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Have a Meeting
Lastly, well almost lastly, on Sunday afternoon, you and your family have a meeting to discuss the good, bad, and ugly of the test. Make sure to include everyone because you and your partner can't know it all, can't see it all, and can't do it all.
Plus, most kids are pretty smart; they'll have some good ideas.
Lastly, Really
Make changes to your preps
North Dakota State University - Family Communication and Family Meetings
Link Dump (1 December 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
For what it's worth.
Peace of Preparedness - 30 Days Worth of Storage Recipes
Scouting Resources.UK - The Dutch Oven Cookbook
The Medical Journal of Australia - A Food “lifeboat”: Food and Nutrition Considerations in the Event of a Pandemic or Other Catastrophe
Utah State University: Cache County Extension - Cooking with Food Storage Ingredients
Wikipedia - Survival Kit
Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff (2 December 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Instead of doing a chore, I'd been promising myself to complete for over two months, I'm going to talk to you about some things.
We, really my partner, have chickens; they live in our barn. I built an 8 feet by 12 feet coop for them using 2X4s, plywood, and 1X4 fencing. It was designed to keep varmints out, but there is a flaw. The coop has no walls, except for 1X4 fencing.
So, to protect the chickens during the winter, every fall, I go down to the local recycle place and pick up huge cardboard boxes. The boxes are cut along one corner, unfolded, and nailed to the 2X4s, except this year.
This year, I tied the boxes to the fencing using a simple knot ...
So I can practice my improvisation skills. oooooh!
I'm reading a book.
The book is about defending your home. The author seems to be doing a good job of helping the reader to determine if it's worth the trouble to defend your home. The writer also helps the reader to determine if you have the resources and the people with the needed skills to defend your retreat and prevail during an attack.
The book is bleak, and there lies the problem.
The villains will use gall and guile to trick you into lowering your defenses. They will send a weak old woman or an emaciated little girl to your door to ask for a drink of water or a little food, or they will appear as a delivery man (with the uniform and truck to match) to deliver a package to your door, always with a signature required, then shoot you when you open the door.
Attackers will conduct surveillance, over many days, watching your homestead day and night from a hidden location. The villains will then plan the attack to occur when your group is at its weakest.
A notice will arrive in the mail; from the mortgage company, zoning commission, or some other "official" source; notifying you that you and your family have 30 days to move.
Sorry folks, I went in a direction I didn't plan on.
So to start over.
As civilized humans, we naturally trust everyone until proven wrong. Don't believe me.
Tomorrow, walk up to a total stranger, smile, hold out your hand, make eye contact and introduce yourself. More likely then not they will smile back, shake your hand, and say "Hi," especially if you're well dressed.
During a collapse, you and your family will need to turn that around. You will need to distrust everyone. Every encounter should be considered a possible violent encounter.
That still didn't go where I wanted it to go
so, I'll try again.
In these U.S. Army, they have a saying "Have a plan to kill everyone you meet."
Sorry, I can't tell you which book yet because I'm not finished and I want to figure out if it's worth suggesting for you to read the book.
The $10, $20, or $50 a Month Plan
I was talking to my supervisor, today. He is starting to see the cracks in the financial institutions, and he's getting a little worried.
But, he still doesn't think he has the money to get prepared. He thinks he needs to drop $10.000 to get ready, today.
We talked and I came up with some ideas.
First, we need shelter.
Most folks aren't going to get kicked out of their homes. At least he isn't. Plus, if he needs to, he and his family can move in with the family. Basically doubling up.
Second, we need water.
I suggested to ask family and friends for 1 and 2 liter soda bottles with the lids. Rinse them out and fill them up with tap water. My 'boss' mentioned that we need to add unscented chlorine bleach to the water. Not really, most city's tap water is already chlorinated enough for short term storage, six months easy.
So that's 15 to 70 gallons of water for his family of five. A 3-day to 2-week supply of water.
He also mentioned something about 'flat' water. It's water that has lost its dissolved oxygen. All you do is pour a cup of water into a glass then shake the bottle real hard. Make sure to put the cap on first ; - )
Next, we need food.
We have been talking about storing long-term food (white rice, dried beans, wheat, and other stuff like that) for a couple of weeks because of Glenn Beck.
This is where he thinks he needs ten grand ($10.000).
I told him about buying a couple extra cans of the stuff his family normally eats. Putting the food in the pantry and using it. The $10 a month plan.
Next, I talked about buying a couple of cases of food then putting this food in the basement, but always buying food his family normally eats. The $20 a month plan
Naturally, he asked about rice, wheat, and beans. I told him that he can store white rice, wheat, and dried beans in mylar bags with oxygen absorbers then place that food into boxes. I also mentioned to store the food his family will eat.
He said they eat rice, but not a lot. I told him "if" they decide to store rice they should eat it more often in the family's daily meals. I used the example of my bringing beans and rice for lunch every other day to eat at work.
We also talked about storing buckets under his kid's bed. To do this move the kid's beds, place sealed buckets in the place where their bed was, get rid of the box springs, lay a piece of plywood on top of the buckets, put a bed skirt on the plywood then place their mattress on the plywood (OK, I have to do an article on this)
Forth, we need protection.
He owns a couple of hunting rifles and a Hi-Point 9mm pistol. He has about 200 rounds of 9mm and one magazine for the pistol. Plus, he's thinking of getting a Hi-Point carbine.
Let me say up front, I think the Hi-Point pistol is the least thing to have. A used Smith and Wesson, Colt, Springfield Armory, Taurus, Glock or ... would be much, much better, additional; a 9mm carbine for him is all wrong; he lives in the country on three acres.
First, he isn't going to buy another pistol, so I told him he needs at least three magazines for the pistol. I also told him he needs another pistol for his wife!
Next, we talked about the need to purchase a military-style rifle. He hemmed and hawed, but military-style rifles (SKS, AK-47, AR-15) are designed to shoot and shoot and shoot. A 30-06 hunting rifle is designed to shoot once or twice; good for hunting or taking care of one or two villains, but not a group of people. Plus, the SKS, AK-47, or AR-15 can be used by his wife and kids.
Lastly, an AR-15 can be built-up over time. First, he buys the receiver (from a dealer) then he can buy the lower receiver parts and a buttstock, next month. Then he saves his money for a few months and buys a complete upper receiver. If he can't save his money, he can always buy an upper receiver then the bolt carrier then the bolt, then the blah, blah, blah ... until he has a complete AR-15. The $50 a month plan.
I like to buy my upper receivers complete and pre-built. I don't have the tools to properly assemble an upper receiver and headspace a bolt.
Lastly, the "Collapse" hasn't Happen in 40 Years
Lastly, I told him, we still may have time to get ready. He might be able to build up his family's food supplies over the next few years. He might have years to build a couple of AR-15s, but ...
Don't count on it.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I know I'm repeating myself, but folks aren't getting the message.
Let me give you an example.
Jumper, one of my brothers, calls me the other day, and we're talking and all of a sudden he says ...
"Me and the family are planning to head out your way if "stuff" happens."
I asked, "Stuff?"
"Yeah. Like the collapse"
I asked, "Planning to bring any food?'
He had the balls to say, "Nope."
"I'll shoot you in the head"
After I said that Jumper acted all shocked. I politely, but firmly, informed him that planning to show up with no food means that he and his family will stave to death because we have no 'extra' food to share.
If we share food with him and his family then that sharing will take food out of my children's mouthes during the collapse. Sentencing my family to an early death because his family won't store food or send me money to store food for him.
I swear; Jumper was adopted.
Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff, ... World War IV (9 December 2011)
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
According to the internet, it would seem that World War IV has started. (Note 1) It seems the Chinese and Russians are going to attack every United States' overseas military base. Doing this, the Sino-Russian Bloc hopes, would destroy these United States' ability to control the world.
They would do this a few different ways.
Nuclear War
A direct nuclear attack would be disastrous for the Sino-Russian Bloc. Everyone would know they did it. Instead they would use North Korea's or Pakistan's nuclear weapons transported over these United States by Gulfstream V aircraft, piloted by Islamist terrorist.
The Sino-Russian Bloc using their Islamist terrorist surrogates would detonate four nuclear weapons over these United States creating an EMP blast. As most people read, in One Second After, this would cripple the country for years, if not decades.
Another option the Sino-Russian bloc could use would be to use those same four nuclear weapons, donated by the North Koreans, and detonate them in these United States. The cities would be second-tier cities such as Albuquerque, Baltimore, Colorado Springs, Long Beach, Nashville, Plano, Seattle, or ... because the first-tier cities are heavily monitored by the federal government.
The effect of two or three of these weapons going off would shut this nation down. The President of these United States would declare marshal law, suspend the November elections, halt all vehicle traffic bigger than a pick-up truck or SUV within this nation, and ...
The scary part, we wouldn't know who did it.
Conventional War
Yeah, yeah. I know I said the war was going to start with the Sino-Russian Bloc attacking our overseas bases. I'll get to that, next.
So, the Sino-Russian Bloc attack these United States' military bases. They kick our butts, so what?
We regroup back in the states and go kick their butts.
But there's a few problem.
We don't have the manufacturing capabilities we once had, so we would have to rebuild. This would cause massive shortages in all commodities. Next, we don't have a large enough military, so we would have to institute the draft of everyone over, say, 21 years old; call up all veterans, including Vietnam vets, as trainers. Lastly, we wouldn't have the oil to fuel our nation because the Sino-Russian Bloc would control the oil-producing nations.
What? You thought they would allow the Islamists to control their own caliphate. Not within the Islamists' very short lifetimes, once the Sino-Russian Bloc consolidated their control.
Needless to say, the President of these United States would
The President would also
Of course, the President would
If the Islamists had direct support from powerful countries like China and Russia, they would be able to wage a terrorist war like none seen in any country. Daily bombing at our places of worship, commerce, transportation hubs, schools, and ... would devastate this country. Just like in the other scenarios, the President would implement draconian measures to stop these attacks.
So what's a prepper to do?
First, don't believe everything you hear. Take every rumour with a grain of salt. (Note 5)
Next, practice your OPSEC and make sure your family and friends are too.
Third, have appropriate shelter for the disasters listed in your threat analysis. Store water, food, and have a means of protecting yourself and your family during tough times (If you haven't gotten it by now, I mean firearms and plenty of ammunition for you and your family) Make sure you have a quality first-aid kit that can be used for serious accidents during a disaster.
Lastly, you know, basically all those things I have been writing about for the last three years.
Note 1:
According to Captain Brown, the world wars are numbered incorrectly. WW I was when the British Empire was fighting the American Colonist's Insurrection and almost everyone else on this planet in the 1770s. WW II was 1914 - 1919, and WW III was 1931 - 1945.
Note 2:
This happened during WW III. United States citizens sent tens of thousands of firearms (and almost no ammunition) to then Great Britain. After the war, the British destroyed most of them; I think by dumping them into the ocean.
** Me and Jungle G talked about this today. His thoughts: 'Never Again! Those mother f*uckers can use the guns they have now to try and liberate themselves. F*ck them; they had their chance the first time.'
As you can tell, he was pissed about this incident.
Note 3:
I told you; OPSEC is important.
Note 4:
Always hold your precious metals physically in your home, place of business, or buried in your yard. That way, your IRA precious metals account custodian can't surrender your gold and silver (or lose it, either)
Note 5:
Supposedly, a high-level meeting was recently held (within the last few weeks) outlining the threat to these United States by the Sino-Russian Bloc to our overseas bases.
Like any juicy rumour, I can't tell you where I heard, who I heard it from, or when I first heard the rumour. Just like any other good rumour
Friday's Thoughts and Other Stuff, ... I'm Coming to Your House (16 December 2011)
Dear Family and Friends,
As you read this letter, I want you to remember two-weeks, three months, and one-year.
A few years back, folks working for these United States started recommending that citizens keep a two-week supply of food and other necessities on hand for a disaster, after Katrina, a disaster that everyone knew would happen, happened.
I remember seeing the folks stuck at that stadium, quickly running out of water, food, and toilet paper. Everybody was outraged.
But, the government had told us; we should expect to be on our own for up to three days.
The government didn't count on a disaster like Katrina. Roads were littered with debris. Debris that quickly made travel impossible for over two weeks, in some areas, so the federal government learned the lesson and changed their recommendations to two-weeks.
But some folks suggest we store even more food.
The Latter-day Saints suggest their members store a three-month supply of food and other necessities. The Mormons suggest this for a couple of reasons.
Their religious leaders know that disaster can strike at any moment, and it doesn't have to be a hurricane. The disaster can be very personal such as being laid-off, unexpected illness, or death of the major wage earner in the family.
The Mormons also know that disaster can be wide spread and long. Sectarian violence, economic collapse, and ... are some of the disasters; their members have had to survive.
Storing three-months supply of food is a recent suggestion for the Latter-day Saints. They use to require a one-year supply of food and necessities, and this is what my family stores.
We have enough food set aside to feed my family for one year, maybe two, if we watch what and how we eat. We have stored hard-red winter wheat, white rice, various kinds of dried beans, popcorn, and some freeze-dried veggies, and we have a year supply of multi-vitamins for me, my wife, and the kids. If we can, we will supplement this food with vegetables from our garden, eggs from the chickens, and fruit from our trees.
When I talk to you about the coming difficulties, you ignore me. I suggest that you and your family start storing food, slowly, just like my family.
You always have an excuse not to buy and store extra food for your family. "The kids need new clothes; Christ's Mass is coming; or I need a new car, computer, television, phone, and ..." or "My partner won't let me!"
Then last month, we were talking and you said "We're coming to your house during the collapse."
I regret some of the things I said to you, but you're still not invited. I don't care that your partner is a nurse.
Will she bring bandages; drugs such as antibiotics, vaccines, and painkillers; and knowledge of how to treat gunshot wounds, dysentery, and a host of other medical problems that are found in the Third-World and on the battlefield?
Even if she knew how to do all this stuff, what food will you eat? Will you and your partner take food from my mouth, my wifer's, or my childrens' mouths? because there is no 'extra' food.
Lastly, who else will come with you? Her mother and father? sisters and brothers? friends? How about your children?
A one-year supply of food will last one year, for one person. For two people, it will last six-months. Four people, it will last three months, and 12 people, a year supply of food will only last one month.
There's more but you get the idea because ...
Family and friends are expecting to show up at your home to be fed, even though; you have talked to them about the coming troubles and the need to store water, food, have a means of protection, medical supplies, and ...
They need to be told, in the harshest manner if need be, that they must contribute to their survival because you are responsible for your family and they are responsible for their family.
I apologize about the lack of informative weekend articles with pictures, but I am behind on some stuff. I will try and get some stuff out, this week's end.
(25 December 2011)
Merry Christ's Mass
Fair Winds and Following Seas (26 December 2011)
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
You have probably seen the picture by now and probably read about it, too
![]() |
Petty Officer 2nd Class Marissa Gaeta, left, kisses her girlfriend of two years, Petty Officer 3rd Class Citlalic Snell |
I would like to put this kiss in perspective.
These two women are Sailors in these United States Navy; two citizens that have pledged, if need be, their lives to the defense of this country. Once they, their crew mates, and the ship's officers leave on a cruise, they are at war. War with pirates, countries that wish us harm, and the sea.
There is no guarantee that they will return to home port, alive, even during 'peace' time.
It looks like they (and us) may not have much time for peace.
So, quit worrying about gays in the military and start asking the right questions.
Is the military ready to fight, kill, and if need be
to die for this country?
to die for this country?
Are you and your family ready for the troubled times ahead?
ibiblio.org - "Fair Winds and Following Seas"
Daily Mail - Sealed with a (lesbian) kiss: Gay sailors share Navy's traditional homecoming embrace as ship returns
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