Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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photograph by
Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Philip Morrill
Where Did It Go?
As some of your know, Google's Blogger only allows an archive of 1000 posts. I have reached that limit, again.
So, ...
I am consolidating some of the Wednesday's posts and Other Stuff in one ginormous post ; - )
Needless to say, it's one big blurb of everything. Good luck ; - )
Update: 16 December 2014
I was wrong, I needed two big blurbs to hold everything.
So, ...
This one is July to December 2013
Wednesday: 3 July 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Water Barrels being Transported into
Point Calimere Wildlife and Bird Sanctuary
One Gallon of Water, Every Day, in the Beginning
During an event, you and your family will need about one gallon of water, every day.
There are various methods to provide this water. You can store it, in advance, or you can collect the water then treat it, during the event.
There are also various ways of treating the water, you have collected during the disaster. You can boil the water, filter it, or distill the water.
National Terror Alert - Emergency Water Storage
Collecting Water, Another Method
There are many improvised methods of collecting water, such as solar stills for ground water, sheets of plastic for collecting rain water, and many others.
But, ...
During a long-term event, these methods may not provide enough water, so you and your family may need to develop another solution, such as ...
Wednesday: 3 July 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Afternoon Tea and Scones
Jeremy Keith,
from Brighton & Hove, United Kingdom
Trial and Error
One of the reasons preppers practice with their food storage is to insure their family's like the foods; they are storing.
Well, ...
Sometimes, we make mistakes.
Coffee, Tea, Books, and Me - Living the Pantry Lifestyle
The Survival Mom - The Top 10 Foods Not to Store
Wednesday: 3 July 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Food for Thought
Needless to say, this article should be excluding tornado shelters, root cellars, and nuclear blast and fallout shelters.
Daily Caller - “Bunker” is Prepper for “Coffin”
It's a Little Harder than That
Next up is a link to a 'fake' these United States' military manual or training militias.
Needless to say, it's a little bit harder than that, if you want to stay alive.
Scribd - PM- 8-94: How to Start and Train a Militia Unit
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Soviet sappers defuse explosive devices during the 1941-1945
Great Patriotic War
Russian International News Agency
Here's another one from Scribd (and these United States' military)
Scribd - The Sapper Hnadbook
Wednesday: 3 July 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The Frugal Repast
Emily Friant
Coffee, Tea, Books, and Me - Rethinking Frugal Myths (Repost)
First, Buy 'The Best'
There is a certain level of danger buying 'cheap' gear, such as the gear can fail during an event; you waste money having to buy it again; and ...
Well, ...
The is an almost equal danger buying the most expensive gear because you and your family have limited funds for prepping purchases.
All Outdoor.com - How (and Why) to Avoid the Upgrade Treadmill
How (and why) to avoid the upgrade treadmill
How (and why) to avoid the upgrade treadmill
How (and why) to avoid the upgrade treadmill
Wednesday: 10 July 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Fires are the most common disaster that a prepper's family will face.
Well, ...
Luckily, Howard Godfrey from Preparedness Advice Blog has an article on ...
Preparedness Advice Blog - How to Survive a House Fire
Wednesday: 10 July 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Scenic View of the Desert
George Gentry,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
The Desert
One of the first 'survival' books, I ever read, was the U.S. Marine manual ...
U.S. Marines - FMFRP 0-53: Afoot in the Desert
The Priorities are the Same
Needless to say, the priorities of air, shelter, water, food, and ... are the same.
Stealth Survival - Riverwalker's Pics: Desert Shelter
Stealth Survival - Desert Survival Skills Practice, Part Two: Water, Wildlife and Plants
It's Just Not for the Desert, Either
Lastly, here is a link to eight tips that could save your life, in any outdoor survival situation.
Discovery: News - Desert Survival: 8 Simple Tips That Could Save Your Life
Wednesday: 10 July 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Erik Pitti
The Face Book
I'm not on social media. It can be dangerous; as we are finding out.
Well, ...
It seems, someone else doesn't think that.
Facebook: - DIY Survival - Home
And Someone Else Agrees
Facebook - Prepper: Links
A New Type of Prepper is Created
Urban Dictionary - Facebook Prepper
Wednesday: 10 July 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
For Friends and Family
This is the classic publication by these United States' Federal Emergency Management Agency and the American Red Cross.
If you're worried about your friends and family, this is the publication to send them.
FEMA - Food and Water in an Emergency
Grill mit Fleischspiessen und Bratwursten
Food During a Power Outage
There are many events that may cause your home to lose power. If the power is out long enough, the outage could effect your family's ability to prepare meals.
Lucky us, the University of Florida Extension Service has a publication to help us.
University of Florida - Meal Preparation and Food Safety during and after a Power Failure
Another Recommendation
A few weeks ago, I highlighted FerFAL's recommendations on the three, six, and one 'must' have food item for you and your family's food storage.
Well, ...
Howard Godfrey, from Preparedness Advice Blog has a list of food; he recommends for your family.
Preparedness Advice Blog - A List of Foods That I Recommend You Have in Your Storage
Wednesday: 17 July 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
On The Road
I'm still traveling
So, ...
Here are a couple of links, with little to no commentary, for y'all.
How to Shoot a Rifle
The Art of Manliness - How to Shoot a Rifle
How to Fire a Handgun Safely and Correctly
The Art of Manliness - How to Fire a Handgun Safely and Correctly
Wednesday: 17 July 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
On the Road
I'm driving about 13 hours today.
So, ...
Here are a couple of links for y'all
Vehicle Emergency Kit
The Allstate Blog - The Ultimate Emergency Car Kit: How to Equip Yourself for Most Any Calamity
Changing a Tire
WikiHow - How to Change a Tire
What to do if you Breakdown
National Safety Council - What to Do If Your Car Breaks Down on the Highway
Green Flag - What to do if your car breaks down
Wednesday: 17 July 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
By the time you read this, I'll have been on the road for a few hours.
So, ...
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Two Boys Cultivate a Field
with a Horse-Drawn Plow
Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Indian Affairs
One of My Favorites
Food Storage Made Easy, in my opinion, is one of the better informational sites for food storage.
Well, ...
They also have some videos that you might be interested to watch.
Oh, ...
I only provided two links to some improvised food cookser/heaters.
The other two links are to Jodi's and Julie's video pages, on YouTube.
YouTube: Food Storage Made Easy -
YouTube: Food Storage Made Easy -
YouTube: Food Storage Made Easy - Food Storage Made Easy Videos
YouTube: Food Storage Made Easy - jweiss08
Wednesday: 24 July 2013
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Tools Hung Up on a Board, Ready to Use
For most preppers, a basic assortment of tools will be all the prepper's family will need during an event; hammer, changeable multi-bit screwdriver, tape measure, adjustable wrench, razor knife, and ...
However, ...
Some preppers are going to want a more extensive tool chest, like the International Space Station's tool box ; - )
If you're one of those preppers, John H, writing a guest article over at The Survivalist Blog, has a good list for you.
Needless to say, make sure to read the comments to get some opinions from the article's commenter's.
The Survivalist Blog: John H -Hand Tools vs. Power Tools in a SHTF Situation
Gizmodo - Gaze Inside the Enormous Space Toolbox that Lives on the ISS
Improvised Tools
This is a little extreme.
But, ...
If all you have is trash or broken equipment, you could improvise several survival tools from a damaged cellphone.
Before It Was News - Turn Your Cell Phone Into a Survival Tool
Wednesday: 24 July 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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1896 Telephone from Sweden
During an emergency, you and your family may have access to a cellphone with its contact list.
Well, ...
What happens if you have to use someone else's cellphone or a store's telephone?
Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has created two (one with pictures for the younger preppers and a list without pictures for the older preppers in the family) emergency phone number lists.
Food Storage and Survival - 15+ Emergency Phone Numbers to Have Handy
Continuing the Trend
Damian Brindle, from ReThink Survival, has two articles abnout communicating with your friends and family during an event.
ReThink Survival - Capacity #67: Contact Family Members
ReThink Survival - Capacity #68: Communicate With Family Members at a Distance
Wednesday: 24 July 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Camp Fire with Food, in Ranua, Finland
Zouayman Le Zouave
One of the easiest and most important survival skills is making a fire. All you need are a few matches and some flammable material.
O.K. It's a little bit more complicated, so here's a collection of articles from Walter Muma on making fire.
Wildwood Survival.com - Fire Making Methods and Information
My Efforts
I built a small fire-making kit, a few months ago, using stuff from around the house, except for the waterproof box.
GSIEP - Building a Fire Kit
Fire Safety
Howard over at Preparedness Advice Blog has a quick, short article on ...
Prepardness Advice Blog - Campfires and Fire Safety after TEOTWAWKI
Boy Scouts
Here's a ten minute video from Troop 33 in Takoma Park, Maryland on ...
YouTube: Aaron Richards -
Here's a slicker produced video
YouTube: Rene Dupont -
Dutch Oven Cooking
Speaking of Boy Scouts, here is a link to the ultimate source for outdoor cooking.
O.K. It might not be the ultimate source.
But, ...
It is the 'best' because the Boy Scouts have walked the walk for decades and still continue "to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law."
MacScouter.com - Cooking
US Scouts.org - The Boy Scout Oath: The Meaning of the Boy Scout Oath
US Scouts.org - The Boy Scout Law: The Meaning of the Boy Scout Law
Wednesday: 24 July 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Yhteissisu Assembly Line
circa, late 1940s
A-R Nasredtin
Supply Chain Management
One of the problems facing preppers is the supply chain management philosophy of 'Just in Time.' This wide spread philosophy requires manufactures and producers of products to reduce the amount of items in the warehouse. As we saw during the recent Japanese tsunami, the reduced warehouse space required by 'just in time' caused several disruptions, all over the world.
To reduce these disruptions of critical supplies for our families, preppers must store additional water, food, and other items.
But, ...
When do we, you and your family, need to restock those items you have used, in your daily lives?
Well, ...
Damian Brindle, from ReThink Survival, has a suggestion for you.
ReThink Survival - 50% is The Critical Threshold to NEVER Drop Below in Your Preps
It will Work
And , ...
That whats counts
Modern Survival Online - Method for gathering water…….
Wednesday: 31 July 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
A Constant 55 Degrees
In a world without electricity, food storage becomes complicated, like root cellars.
Because, ...
* You have to dig the root cellar, in advance.
* You have to practice with it, learning which foods store 'best' in which area of the cellar, in advance.
With that said, ...
During the early to mid-stages of an event, you and your family could use barrel root cellars.
YouTube: Dean Leatherman -
10 Degrees and That Depends
Needless to say, the lower the humidity, the more effective the Zeer pot.
Preparedness Advice Blog - How to Make and Use Zeer Pots to Keep Your Foods Cold
Just Add, ...
For long-term storage
This is one of the reasons, me and my family store a lot more salt, 100-pounds (46 kg) per person., instead of the recommended 8-pounds (4 kg) per person
Prepardness Advice Blog - Brining Meats for Long-Term Storage
Wednesday: 31 July 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Rain Water Harvesting Tank
Ranjith Siji
Massive Water Storage
O.K. It's not 'massive' but do you and your family have 150 gallons of water storage? Stacked?
YouTube: Incubator Warehouse -
Not Matter What, ...
You have to find the water, before you can use it.
ReThink Survivali - Emergency Water Procurement for Short and Long Term Needs
Wednesday: 31 July 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Redneck Storm Shelter
PhotoBucket: Synful_Desire00
A Good Idea, ...
Except for the kerosene heater in a buried bus, with very small fresh-air vents.
YouTube: willsfc -
Notice the entrance, it's not nine feet underground. The hole was nine feet deep when the crew pushed the bus into the hole. The shelter is really about one-inch underground.
But, ...
The shelter will protect its occupants from flying debris.
And, ...
That's what counts.
Wednesday: 31 July 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Surviva;ists,
Yeah, I know I got the order wrong. It should have been Air, Shelter, Water, then Food.
Oh, well.
Thanks for noticing ; - )
Wednesday: 31 July 2013, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
After, They Come for Your Firearms, ...
They will come for your family's ...
YouTube: Homemade Game Guru -
That's it for today.
Wednesday: 7 August 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Afghan National Police Trainees
Prepare to load their AK-47 rifles
NATO Training Mission - Afghanistan
I have been reading Survival Mom: How to Prepare Your Family for Everyday Disasters and Worst-Case Scenarios by Lisa Bedford. Of course, Ms. Bedford got me thinking about the women in my life.
So, ...
Here's some prepper videos from some gals.
Bugout Bag
There is a lot of good info in this video.
Needless to say, when you pack an emergency evacuation kit, make sure you can carry it.
YouTube: Goldminerswife -
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Facilities Protection Service (FPS) Guard
holds her AKM Rifle
James Gordon
Girl Survival Kit
O.K. y'all are going to watch this video and go WTF.
This young lady is smart:
Hand Sanitizer = Fire Started
Brush/Mirror = Signal Mirror
Elastics = Equipment Tie downs
Mini-toothbrush = Hygiene
Feminine Hygiene Products = Need I say more
Q-tips = Applicators for topical application of triple antibiotics
Makeup = ...
All I have to say, ...
Add a water bottle, some food, and a small first-aid kit and this young lady has a kit that would work in certain emergencies, just not fashion emergencies ; - )
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Spec. Stephanie Mock,
keeps an eye out for Insurgents (2005)
U.S. Army
Wednesday: 7 August 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Aufspringmühle, in
Frimersheim Germany
with a 5 meter (16 feet) high wall enclosing the courtyard
Wilderness Shelters
Kellie Nightlinger, from Wild Woman Outdoors.com, has a quick overview of survival shelters for everyone in your family. I especially like this quote:
"Remember, think outside of the box, it could save your life."
Wild Woman Outdoors - Survival Shelters
It Takes a Village
Many months ago, James Rawles and et al, over at Survival Blog, had a link to pictures and explanations of fifteen hilltop villages.
As you view the pictures, notice the high walls, steep cliffs, and long-range views offered to protect the towns from marauder bands looking for food, women (and men), and loot.
World Geography - 15 Wonderful Hilltop Towns and Villages
We'll Get Older
Lastly, check out the picture (click on it to em'biggen). Notice, the windows are at least 3.5 meters (12 feet) off the ground. At that height, it takes two to three people (or a ladder) to access the windows.
But, ...
That's not my point.
My point is that, more likely then not, you and your partner are going to have a long and hopefully wonderful life together.
So, ...
Your family could purchase some property, say three to five acres, build a home (with thick walls using insulated concrete forms (ICF) to provide ballistic protection and window seats; a barn, storage building, or detached garage with living quarters above; then enclose the courtyard with a high wall and a stout gate.
Dang, that's not my point.
My point, ...
Most of us are going to get older that means we need to design our homes so that we can stay in them as long as possible.
So, ...
The Kendal Northern Ohio Blog - Universal Design: Outfitting Your Home for Older Adults
eHow: Amber Keefer - How to Select Furniture Appropriate for Older Adults
Cornell University: College of Human Ecology - Home Safety Guidelines for Older Adults
Wednesday: 7 August 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Japanese WW II First-Aid Kit with Contents
U.S. War Department
First-Aid Kit
FerFAL, over at The Modern Survivalist, has a video on his small first-aid kit.
The Modern Survivalist - Content of Small First Aid Kit
Patriot Nurses' Recommendations
Thanks to Amy (because I'm lazy), over at Gotta Wanna Needa Getta Prepared, for the links to the Patriot Nurse's videos on what to put in your first-aid kit
Gotta Wanna Needa Getta Prepared - Patriot Nurse: What to put in your first aid kit
YouTube: Patriot Nurse - Home
First-Aid Manual
Needless to say, if you're going to stock and maintain a first-ad kit, you and your family need to know how to use the items.
So, ...
Get some training.
Of course, preppers and survivalists are going to want some specialized training that y'all might not be able to afford.
So, ...
Here are these United States military's first-aid manual with two more that you might need.
U.S. Army Doctrine and Training Publications - First-Aid
U.S. Army Doctrine and Training Publications - Field Hygiene and Sanitation
U.S. Army Doctrine and Training Publications - Field Sanitation Team
Here is the link for these United States Doctrine and Training Publications, if you want to download other manuals, for free
Of course, some of the manuals are restricted for various reasons
Wednesday: 7 August 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Just not for Women
Folks, you need to make sure that your sons, daughters, and partners know the basics of firearms safety.
Don't blow this off, especially this article 'cause it has some insight that others, including me, have never covered about firearms safety.
The Well Armed Woman - Gun Safety For Women
I Would Never Have Thought
For many years, firearms have been the exclusive realm of male preppers. Needless to say, females are quickly learning that firearms are necessary for survival.
The Well Armed Woman - Home
Massad Ayoob
There are many firearms writers, some good, some bad, and some great.
Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms: Tools of Rural Living
Backwoods Home Magazine - Firearms and Cold Weather Considerations
Politics Ahead
I use to argue with anti-gunners, trying to convince them of their error, then I realized ...
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Wednesday: 14 August 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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MacArthur Maze Collapse (2007)
“580 meet 880”
Tj Morales
What will "It" be like?
The other day, I was over at another blog, and they were talking about buying items to barter with, like .22LR cartridges, canned food, and (to me) other silly stuff.
Trust me, I thought the article was
Because, the article was suggesting you and your family stock stuff that historically was never used for barter during an event.
Now, don't get me wrong. The article got me to thinking about what happens historically during a disaster.
But, ...
Stocking .22LR ammunition for barter doesn't make sense because .22LR ammo has never been used, after an event. Just look at the earthquake in Haiti, the tornado in Joplin, the tsunami in Indonesia, or the riots in Sweden. (or the occupation of Germany and occupation of Japan after WW II, the Panic of 1873 and the 'Great Depression' of 1929, the Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918 or ...)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ammunition was used during some of these and other events.
But, ...
The ammunition was used by its owner to protect their family or property. Not as barter. Plus, the ammo used was usually centerfire cartridges like 7.62 NATO, 9mm, or 12 gauge shotgun rounds. Not 22LR.
O.K. Sorry about that mini-rant.
So, ...
FerFAL has a quick letter from one of his readers about the conflict in Syria that you might be interested in.
The Modern Survivalist - War in Syria: Are Cities Safer?
At least for me, when FerFAL talks about kidnapping, I use to think of million-dollar ransoms.
Well, ...
I'm wrong.
These kidnappings happen to people with money, that means you and me.
Put yourself in the criminal's place.
Would you whether kidnap a multimillionaire, with the resources and political power to hunt you down, or would you whether kidnap a schoolteacher, car mechanic, small business owner, or some other person with a few thousand in the bank, that don't have the resources to hunt you down.
Wednesday: 14 August 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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British Soldiers use a wheelbarrow
to carry their kit
during the evacuation (1940)
Captain Keating,
War Office Photographer
Vehicle Emergency Kit
Like most people, I spend about an hour every weekday in my car, same for my wife.
So, ...
I assembled an emergency car kit for our vehicles. Since I drive a truck with an extended cab, and Katniss drives a sedan, The kits are slightly different. Her kit is more extensive and better concealed in the trunk of her car.
Now, for you folks that might ride a motorcycle to work, take public transportation, ride a bicycle, or (lucky you) walk to work; you're going to need to evaluate your vehicle's storage space, probably very small, and determine what you can carry.
Needless to say, for those walking to work, you might carry nothing but what's in your pocket and an umbrella. If you decide to carry a small pack, don't buy it in a camouflage pattern, Buy it in a solid color like black, dark green, or dark brown. Heck, a solid red fabric pack would work; just as long as you're not planning to escape and evade (E&E) the jack-booted N.A.T.O. thugs working for the Bilderbergs to collect our country's unpaid debt ; - )
Now, motorcyclists might be able to purchase and install panniers (saddle bags) on your motorcycle depending on your fashion sense, of course. The small plastic or fiberglass boxes would allow you to carry a greater, but limited, amount of supplies to get you back home or to a relative's home.
Same goes for your bicyclists.
Wow, I hadn't planned to write so much
So, ...
Here's a link to Angela from Food Storage and Survival on her suggestions for assembling a car emergency kit.
Food Storage and Survival - Assembling a Car Emergency Kit with Printable Checklist
Wednesday: 14 August 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Shipyard Machinist (1919)
War Industries Board
Skills, Skills, Skills
One of the modern prepper lessons is that skills are more important then 'stuff' because people can steal your stuff; you can lose your stuff to fire, or you might not have the proper stuff.
But, ...
If you have certain skills, you and your family can survive.
Plus, I hate to say it, but you might be able to get rich using your skills.
All Outdoor.com - Five Essential Long-Term Survival Skills
Five essential long-term survival skillsFive
Five essential long-term survival skills
Five essential long-term survival skills
Wednesday: 14 August 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Potager Plate-bande
Growing Food
Sooner or later, your food storage is going to run out. One way of extending your family's food storage is to supplement it with growing your own food.
So, ...
Here are a some of links to get you thinking.
The Telgraph - Seed Saving for Beginners
Environmental Graffiti.com - Hot Tips For Growing Your Own Veggies in Greenhouses
Art of Manliness - 9 Rules for Starting Your Own Farm
The Telegraph - Scything makes a comeback
Almost Lastly,
Here is a short story to remind you to think 'outside the box' when it come to food.
Modern Survival Online - “Marmot Farm” – Humor by Shirley Swift, June 2013
By the Way
If you plan to implement a system like Jason, you might want to buy a cookbook to help you.
Missouri Department of Conservation - MDC offers new "Cooking Wild in Missouri" cookbook
Here are a 'few' free links to various recipes, from Missouri
Missouri Department of Conservation - Discover Nature: Cooking
Here's a free .pdf from Indiana
Indiana Department of Natural Resources - Wild Game Recipes
And, here's a few (about one hundred recipes) from Ohio, my home state.
Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Wild Game Gourmet Recipes
Follow the Law
Of course, in most events, law enforcement officials will be out and about doing their job, so make sure you're following the law.
Missouri Department of Conservation - Trapping
The link has a more information than just the trapping regulations in my home state of Missouri.
Remember, OPSEC, OPSEC, and more OPSEC.
If you were wondering about having two different home states.
Wednesday: 14 August 2013, Part Five
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Tombstone in Heinde, Germany
Pop and No Kick
Thanks to Say Uncle for reminding us about a rare malfunction with quality manufactured ammunition.
Make sure you read the article and teach everyone about this potential harmful occurrence
Say Uncle - Know When to Quit
I'm Old Enough
I'm old enough to remember being told, by my mothers, to respect the police and to talk to them, if they ask me any questions.
Well, ...
With the current state of affairs (even though, we are wining) I would keep my mouth shut, if I was being interviewed by the police after a self-defense shooting, until I retained a lawyer.
The Survivalist Blog - Don't Talk to [the] Police
With That Said
Make sure you are getting self-defense advice from a knowledgeable source because, as we see in this article, it could get you killed.
Say Uncle - Gun Shop Lawyers
Gun Shop Lawyers
Gun Shop Lawyers
http://www.saysuncle.com/2013/08/08/gun-shop-lawyers/Wednesday: 21 August 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I'm Not Sure
I have been cleaning up my bookmarks and ran across these sites; I'm not sure that I have mentioned in the past.
So, ...
Here they are.
And, ...
If I already mentioned them, sorry about that.
Emergency Evacuation Kit
Probably the easiest method of surviving a disaster is to leave, so you need an emergency evacuation kit.
Well, ...
What do you put all this gear in?
YouTube: Bushcraft412 -
YouTube: Agile Woodsman -
YouTube: Charper3006 -
Wednesday: 21 August 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Before, During and After an event, your mindset, how you think, may determine whether you and your family survive the event.
So, ...
First, you need to realize an event will happen. It could be a minor event, like a car accident, workplace accident, or some other accident.
Next, you and your family need to understand that extraordinary events will also happen, but not as often as smaller events.
Almost lastly, you need to plan for these expected and unexpected emergencies by making a Threat Analysis. The analysis allows you to focus your preps
Lastly, you need to prepare for these events.
SurvivalistBooks.com - Survival FAQ: In the Beginning, The Threat Analysis
Bam! In a moment, your world could be turned upside down; you and your family having to reorient your perspectives to what is actually happening around you, possibly having to break years of habit.
YouTube: talkingsticktv -
Sooner or later, the event will subside, and the rebuilding will start.
So, ...
You need to make sure you and your family have insurance to cover the rebuilding expenses.
Brigham Young University: Marriott School - Personal Finance: Know What to Look for When Buying Insurance
Financial preparations are important. The Brigham Young University's Marriott School of Management has a good site providing the basics for you and your family.
Brigham Young University: Marriott School - Personal Finance
Wednesday: 21 August 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bodiam Castle
Paul Farmer
3 to 5 Hours
Maybe less. Maybe much less
Three feet under the ground is an almost constant 55° F (13°C), so an underground home may be a possible long-term shelter for you and your family.
So, ...
* This 55° will allow your family to reduce the amount of fuel needed during the winter.
* Subsurface will also camouflage your home if properly landscaped.
* Concrete will last multiple generations.
But, ...
An underground home isn't a bunker.
And, ...
If you build a bunker, make dang sure you have two ways of getting out of the bunker, just like the rabbit. (That last one is from Katniss)
Form Works Building - Home
Davis Caves - Home
Multi-generational Housing
Some preppers will take a longer term view about shelter.
Well, ...
If you want to learn about very long-term shelter, you need to research the castles and stone buildings of the 'Old' country that have stood for centuries.
Flickr - Fortified Farm
Flickr - Fortified Barn
Flickr - Bodiam Castle
The 'New' Country
Needless to say, previous generations modified these building using locally available material, such as wood.
Remember, we live in the modern world, so wood, even thick wood, will burn and will not stop bullets fired from modern weapons, especially the Browning .50 caliber Machine Gun, Heavy Barrel.
Flicker - Fort Nisqually
Flickr - Fort Nisqually at Point Defiance Park, Tower
Wednesday: 21 August 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Water and Food
I have pretty much covered water and food preps for an event, in these many past Wednesday's posts.
So, ...
First, you need to make sure that you and your family are practicing preventative medicine, such as exercising, regular medical check-ups (physicals, eye exams, dentist visits), and ...
Next, you need to obtain medical supplies, such as band-aids, triple antibiotics, over-the-counter medicines.
Third, your family should start obtaining medical training from the American Red Cross.
Lastly, practice, practice, and practice some more.
Firearms and Ammunition
During a civil war, foreign powers may provide arms and ammunition to the combatants. Needless to say, these arms may be available to preppers and survivalists.
YouTube: humans4targets2 -
YouTube: GunWebsites -
Handguns in 9mm, .357 magnum, .40 caliber, or .45 ACP. Rifles (especially the SKS) in 7.62 X 39mm, .223/5.56, 7.62 NATO, or even 8mm Mauser then a rifle in .22LR for small game hunting and target practice.
Lastly, you might want to purchase an airgun.
Airgun Depot - Airgun Articles and Buying Guides
Tuesday, Just Because
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Whole Onion and Sliced Onions
Donovan Govan
The Onion
Yesterday, I wrote about extremist organizations. Well, The Onion has a piece about Neo-Nazis that you might be interested in.
The Onion - Today's Neo-Nazis Have No Respect For Tradition
Wednesday: 28 August 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survialists,
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Pile of Antique Money from Greece
Jon Eben Field
Getting prepared can be expensive; it can also be inexpensive. Either way, it depends on you and your family.
Although I don't agree with everything Ryan, over at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, has to say on prepping; he has some good insight in this article about saving money on your preps.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - 10 Lower Prices Solutions to Survivalism
Just in Case
To go along with Ryan's article, the TEOTWAWKI blog has an article about an inexpensive evacuation kit that was linked to in his article.
TEOTWAWKI blog - $150 "Common Man" bug out kit
Use What You Have
In keeping with reducing your costs to prepare, Rourke from Seasoned Citizen Prepper has an article you might be interested in.
Seasoned Citizen Prepper - Top 10 Preparedness Items You Own Right Now (and don’t even know it)
Wednesday: 28 August 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Various Water Filters and Water Bottles |
The Great Outdoors
If you and your family plan to obtain water from outdoor sources, you may need a water filter.
But, ...
Which one to buy?
The Backpacker.com - Water Filters Review
The Backpacker.com - Water Filter Reviews, Page Two
Backpacking Guide.com - Backpacking Water Filter/Water Purifier Reviews & Comparisons
Make sure, you read the comments for each filter; you are thinking of purchasing.
Wednesday: 28 August 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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90 gr. (3 oz.) Jar of De-seeded
Red Current Jam made by
Dutriez in Bar-le-Duc, France
Jellies and Jams
One way of preserving your family's harvest of fruit is to make jelly. Well, you will need pectin to do that.
Thanks to Daily-Survival, we have a method and an explanation of making pectin from Off the Grid News.
Daily-Survival - Make Your Own Pectin
Make Your Own Pectin
Make Your Own Pectin
Make Your Own Pectin
Off the Grid News - Making Pectin From Scratch
Pressure Canner vs. Pressure Cooker
A pressure canner can do the job of a pressure cooker, but a pressure cooker can't be a pressure canner.
Of course, you and your family will want to purchase a pressure canner, if you plan to can your own food.
About.com: Housewares/Appliances - Pressure Cooker vs Pressure Canner: How They Are Different
Canadian Preppers Network - Presto vs. All American Pressure Canner
Wednesday: 28 August 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
One Gun, Three Guns, or More
There are many articles telling you and your family which firearms to purchase. Some folks recommend buying only a handgun, such as a used Glock 19, for personal defense. Other folks recommend an array of firearms for each member of your family, to defend themselves against foreign troops implementing the 'New World' order.
This article from Prepping to Survive.com has a suggestion on three firearms for hunting. Plus, they also make o.k. defensive weapons, for you and your family.
Prepping to Survive.com - Three Weapons Every Prepper Needs
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Djiboutian Soldier Checking a Simulated Casualty’s
Airway and Pulse
MC 2 Kelly Onteverios
Building an Individual First-Aid Kit (IFAK)
If you and your family are going to use firearms, get tactically involved with villains, or do dangerous stuff, you need an IFAK.
Of course, make sure you heed the advice of the Patriot Nurse about sensible medical preparations.
The Load Out Room - IFAK: What do you really need?
The Load Out Room - The Tourniquet
Wednesday: 4 September 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Combination Rifles
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link to a post about a combination rifle; they have two barrels, sometimes the same caliber, sometimes different calibers, and some have a rifle and a shotgun barrel
Well, ...
If you and your family are just preparing for a non-violent event, a combination rifle might be for you.
The Next Chapter - Stevens Model .22 .410 combo gun with Tenite forend and stock
Model 24
Needless to say, these United States 'classic' combination rifle is the Model 24, by Savage.
Savage 24 - Home
Guns.com - Savage Model 24: C-C-C-Combo breaker!
Reality Survival - Savage Model 24: Gun Review
Model 42
Of course, the classic Model 24 has been discontinued, and it has been replaced by the Model 42, also by Savage.
Guns.com - Gun Review: Savage Model 42, a .22/.410 Combo (VIDEO)
Other 'Modern' Combination Rifles
Needless to say, there are other combination rilfes.
Guns.com - Prep School 101: Five .22/.410 Combos Built for Survival
Wednesday: 4 September 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Chemical Weapons
The on-going conflict in Syria has highlighted the need to prepare for an event involving chemical weapons.
Of course, it is going to be expensive.
Approved Gas Masks - Home
This, You Will Want to Read
Rand Corp. - Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks
Rand Corp. - Individual Preparedness and Response to Chemical, Radiological, Nuclear, and Biological Terrorist Attacks, Chapter 3: An Individual's Strategy
What I said, ...
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness - Air
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness - Air, Second Half
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness - Air, Third Half
Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness - Air, Forth Half
Wednesday: 4 September 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A 1960 Chrysler Station Wagon
Lars-Gröran Lindgren Sweden
Walking Home
The easiest method of movement; no equipment needed, except a pair of shoes and some socks; is walking.
Well, ...
It will take you all day to cover the same distance that you commute in half an hour, and it will take you two days to cover the distance you drive in an hour.
ReThinkSurvival - The Razor Scooter: Alternative Transportation Genius?
With What You Have
I don't know about you, but I don't have the money to buy (or fuel) a midsize or full-size truck for a bugout vehicle.
So, ...
Katniss, my wife, and I have decided to use our exsisting vehicles in an emergency.
SurvivalSites.com - Survival by Blackstar: Survival Transportation, Small & Midsize cars
Wednesday: 4 September 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Pressure Cooker
Manufactured by Georg Gutbrod
Stuttugart, Germany (c. 1864)
Pressure Cookers
Last week, I mentioned pressure cookers.
Well, pressure cookers might have a place in your preps because they reduce the amount of fuel needed to cook a meal.
About.com: Housewares/Appliance - Pressure Cookers: Real Time Savers
Another method of producing nutritious food for your family is ...
Prepping to Survive.com - The Benefits of Spouts
Wednesday: 11 September 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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SR9 SAI Tier1 concept by Zgauthier |
In the Beginning
Over at Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest, Ryan has provided us with ...
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - The Ten Commandments of Concealed Carry
Somebody Else
Some areas of the world restrict firearms ownership (You and your friends are working to correct that, aren't you?), so some folks are going to need an alternative method of protecting themselves. One of those hi-tech methods is a stun gun.
Stealth Survival - Riverwalker's Gear Test and Review: Stealth Flashlights
Everyone Else
In some countries, manufactured weapons are heavily restricted, so you and your family may have to improvise protective weapons.
Survival Outdoor Skills - Improvised Survival Weapons
Adapting to the Circumstances
Lastly, the twelfth anniversary of any event usually doesn't make the national news, so the hijackings and murder of over 2.500 people in these United States, twelve years ago, will probably go unnoticed, except by the relatives and friends of the victims.
As you analyze that event, I want you to remember, that up until that time, submitting to the hijackers' requests to sit quietly and remain calm was the 'best' method to survive the event.
So, ...
The next time you have a quiet moment at the airport, in a hotel lobby, doctor's office, or other public place; I want you to identify three possible weapons you could use to protect yourself.
You can only count one item, of the three items, from your pocket.
Wednesday: 11 September 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Lance Cpl. Andrew Stets and a fellow Marine show that Marines can be tree-huggers, as they clean up the 49 Palms Oasis area. by United States Marine Corps |
For Most People
Hugging a tree is probably the 'best' method to survive getting lost in the woods, especially for younger preppers. For some, mainly the 'older' prepper, following Riverwalker's, from Stealth Survival, advice would work, too
Stealth Survival - Getting Lost in the Woods: Prevention and Resolution
Eating Bugs!
I don't plan to be lost in the woods long enough to have to find food to eat, especially bugs.
But, ...
That doesn't mean that this advice should be discounted
Lew Rockwell - 10 Basic Survival Tips
Just Because ...
Someone will want to know.
Field and Stream - Eating Insects for Survival
If you want to know more, you can do a search for "Eating Bugs for Survival."
In my search, a few YouTube videos and some other links provided enough information, for me.
Wednesday: 11 September 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Traveling with Kickbike by Martin Ketzl |
Latter-day Saints
Last week or a few weeks ago, I forget, I wrote about using a push scooter to travel during an emergency evacuation or travel during and after an event.
Well, ...
There is another method, especially if you plan to carry a lot of stuff.
Heritage Gateways - Pioneer 1848 - 1868 Companies
Mormon Handcart Companies - Build a Handcart
Another Way, ...
O.K., a lot more ways of hauling your stuff without motors
Zombie Survival and Defence Wiki - Non-Motor Powered Supply Hauling Ideas
Just be careful
Denver Post - Handcart Hypocrisy
Wednesday: 11 September 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Les Ruines du Ministère des Finances à Paris sourceL'illustration Européenne : /1870 / no34- p.265/ |
Yes, A Survival Kit for Your Finances
You and your partner need to read this link and complete the simple steps.
Investopedia - What You Need in a Financial Survival Kit
Another Opinion
Needless to say, past performance does not insures future success, especially in these times.
The Survival Podcast - Episode 770: Modern Financial Survival
I haven't listened to this episode of the Survival Podcast, but Mr Spriko has a lot of good advice, in the past, for preppers.
Wednesday: 18 September 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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MMM ...Veggie Beef Soup by jeffreyw |
Food, Food, and More Food
After shelter and water, food is the most important item a family can store, and it's easy too.
So, ...
What to store?
Food Storage and Survival - 7 Steps to Store Food for a Natural Disaster
After you you and your family have decided what to store. You need to figure how much to store.
Preparedness Advice - How Much Food to Store
Or, ...
Maybe first, you need to decide what you family will eat.
Preparedness Advice - Beans and Rice: A Complete Protein for Your Storage
Preparedness Advice - Winter Soups are Nourishing and Easy to Make
Wednesday: 18 September 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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C.E.R.T. Patch by Department of Homeland Security |
Do you want free training?
You can get it by joining the local Community Emergency Response Team.
If you don't want to, then find a friend who has, and learn neat stuff from them.
Food Storage and Survival - Search and Rescue X code: What Does it Mean?
Wednesday: 18 September 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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'Edison's Famous Horseshoe Paper-Filament Lamp sourceWilliam J. Hammer |
Artificial lighting allows us, you and your family, to extend the day. It can be as primitive as an oil lamp.
Or, ...
Food Storage and Survival - Crafting an Oil Lamp from Tin Cans
L.E.D. Light
As high speed as a self-contained rechargeable light emitting diode (L.E.D.) light, for under $20
Or, ...
Prepardness Advice - Solar Powered Light Bulb by Nekero: A Review
The Frugal Method
In an emergency, you may already have some hi-tech lights that you already use, every night.
Backwoods Home Magazine - Using Solar Landscape Lights for Emergencies
Wednesday: 18 September 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
McCowan Log Cabin, Toronto by SimonP |
This should hold you for awhile.
Backwoods Home Magazine - Article Index
If there is anyone that would like to purchase this or this for me, leave a note in the comments ; - )
Wednesday: 25 September 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Israeli shekels and a U.S. Dollar by Hmbr |
Financial Survival
It has been rough for me these last few weeks, with the job. I haven't been paid, yet.
So, ...
Finances have been tight.
Well, ...
Riverwalker from Stealth Survival has some thoughts for us.
Stealth Survival - Financial Survival: Stuffing the Mattress
I Agree
It might be a poor idea to barter after a disaster.
ReThink Survival - Bartering Post-SHTF is Unrealistic, Don’t Set Yourself up for Disappointment
Wednesday: 25 September 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Kraftwerk Heimbach in the Eifel, Germany
Markus Schweiss
It's Popular
Using solar landscape lights is a popular idea with preppers.
'Cause, ...
Here's another article about ...
Gotta Wanna Needa Getta Prepared - Solar Yard Lights: Use them inside
Cellphone Charging
Amy, from Gotta Wanna Needa Getta Prepared, also reminds us, ...
Gotta Wanna Needa Getta Prepared - Cellphone Chargers
For y'all that don't read German, Kraftwerk Heimbach is a hydroelectric power plant in Germany.
Wednesday: 25 September 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Vietcong Improvised Handgun (ca. 1966)
For Those Handy with Tools
Here is an inexpensive method of mounting a handgun to your bed, from Prepper-Resources.com
Prepper-Resources.com - DIY: Bedside Holster System
What He Said
Just to remind you, one of the reasons, why these United States are different.
Gun Free Zone - No Mr. President. It is not what sets us apart.
Thanks to Say Uncle for the link.
Just So You Know
As we know, fire is the number one threat to most preppers.
Well, ...
What about ammo in a fire?
Weaponsman has a quick article, with a video, about what happens when ammunition is exposed to fire.
Weaponsman - Flaming Gun Accident
Wednesday: 25 September 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Apple II Computer source Jrpvaldi |
Another One
Last week, I gave you a link to Backwoods Homes Magazines' article index.
Well, ...
Here's something similar, as in a huge list of articles, books, and .pdfs for you to look through.
HigherIntellect - Texts
HigherIntellect - Texts: Survival
Some of these items are just plain crazy; others are usable.
And, ...
Some are gems.
But, ...
You have to wade through them, if you're interested.
Wednesday: 2 October 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Solar Greenhouse, at about 8,500 feet by Boyd Norton |
I was talking to Spartan about greenhouses, today.
Spartan is the serious doomer and gloomer in the family. He is planning on a "The Road," Nuclear Winter, or other very serious type of event.
Well, I was telling him about a greenhouse design from the University of Missouri.
So, ...
I did some quick google fu. Thanks to Say Uncle for teaching me that term.
University of Missouri: Southwest Research Center - Small Farm Today: An Energy-Efficient ...
The above link is from Small Farm Today
University of Missouri: Bradford Research and Extension Center - Building a Passive Solar Greenhouse
Doing the Math
Here's a link from West Virginia University that has some awesome line drawing explaining the basics, too
West Virginia University: Extension Service - Planning and Building a Greenhouse
Build It Solar
you folks that are handy with tools or are looking for project that
their family would build after a long-term event, Build It Solar has
many solar energy project for you to complete.
Build It Solar - Sunspaces and Solar Greenhouses:
Wednesday: 2 October 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bushcraft Speervissen by Michel van Eupen (The Bushman) at nl.wikipedia |
Staying Alive
Riverwalker, from Stealth Survival, has an important article on staying alive in the woods, if you get lost.
Stealth Survival - Lost in the Wilderness: The Common Sense Approach to Staying Alive
Spear Fishing
Here is a quick article on making a simple spear for ...
Bushcraft Plus - Making a Fishing Spear
Just In Case
With a possible collapse of civilization, unlikely, there will be an excess of stuff. One of these items will be drill bits, especially spade bits.
Well, ...
Here is a link to some pictures
Bushcraft Living.com: Discussion Forum - re: spear fishing
Wednesday: 2 October 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Job Shadow Day by Airman 1st Class Desiree Esposito |
Gun Proof the Child
When I was a kid, my brother and sister found a .22 revolver. It was hidden in a wall that my dad was tearing apart to sheet rock.
Well, my brother and I got hold of that little revolver and shot it in our backyard.
No one was hurt, nothing was broken.
Because, ...
My dad had taught us firearms safety.
But, ...
He did forget to teach us not to handle a firearm without an adult around ; - )
Well, ...
Thanks to Say Uncle for a link to the National Shooting Sports Foundation's efforts to educate folks and their families on safe firearms handling and storage practices.
Project Childsafe - Home
Gun Moving
For folks that will be moving, here is an article on recent Ryan's move
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Moving Guns 'N Ammo
John Moses Browning
If you shoot a 1911, Hi-Power, or ... You need to know a little history about the man that designed them.
Weaponsman - What's so Special About John Moses Browning?
Wednesday: 2 October 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Various Dishes by not not phil |
Being 'Different'
Katniss, my partner, is a vegetarian for spiritual reasons.
Me, ...
I worry about her, since I eat meat.
Needless to say, she will transition to a meatless diet better than I will. For those thinking about going vegan during a long-term event, Doc wrote a guest post over at The Survivalists Blog that has lots of links for y'all.
The Survivalist Blog - Surviving SHTF Means Thinking and Doing Outside the Boz, if You're a Vegan
Wednesday: 9 October 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Amundsen-Scott South Pole StationbyChris Danals |
Winter is Coming
A lot of folks, at work, love this time of year. The summer heat is fading into cooler weather.
I know the extreme cold will be here soon, real soon.
With that said, ...
Riverwalker reminds us that we can be killed, from the cold, at 50°F (10°C)
Stealth Survival - Immersion Hypothermia: Death at Fifty Degrees
Summer is Coming
For those folks that live in the Southern Hemisphere, summer is coming.
Even if you live in the Antarctic.
And, ...
Those folks know how to deal with cold
United States Antarctic Program - Home
United States Antarctic Program - Field Manual for the United States Antarctic Program
Wednesday: 9 October 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Masonry Heater in Scheibler's Palace by J. David |
Heating Your Home
Earlier in the week, I linked to an article about the EPA and wood stoves, and that got me to thinking about heating your family's home during an event.
In these United States, wood stoves are traditionally metal. These metal stoves take a lot of energy to use because they don't hold heat. In the colder areas of Europe, Finland, Sweden, and Russia large masonry stoves are the norm. These stoves use less wood and stay warmer, longer.
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Example of a Masonry Heater by Rienvr |
Wikipedia - Masonry Heater
Pyromasse: Montreal - Masonry Heaters: Origin and Function
Mother Earth News - Building a Russian Masonry Heater from Brick
Dirt Cheap Builder - The Masonry Stove or Russian Fireplace
The Brick Industry Association - Technical Notes: Brick Masonry Fireplaces, Part 1 Russian-Style Heaters
The Brick Industry Association - Technical Notes: Brick Masonry Fireplaces, Part 2 Foundation and Contemporary Style Heaters
The 'secret' of these heaters. The hot smoke and other gases must pass through flue that looks like a maze, warming the masonry. The warm brick then radiates heat back into the room that the masonry heater is in.
Wednesday: 9 October 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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British Emergency Mirror by Heliograph |
Emergency Kits and Mindset
Riverwalker, at Stealth Survival, has a guest article reminding us that we need to prepare, and practice our skills, before the disaster happens.
Stealth Survival - Emergency Kits and Your Mindset
Build a Kit
For those folks that still haven't built a kit; these United States has a link for you.
Ready.gov - Build a Kit
Wednesday: 9 October 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Reenactors in Gelderland Nederland by Peter van der Sluijs |
There are certain folks and their families that will spend a lot of time researching then reenacting a specific period in history. Some folks portray folks living in many ages.
Why, do I mention this?
Because, ...
Reenactors would be a wealth of information on using older, even acient, technology to solve some of your potential problems. Plus, it's fun.
The Civil War Reenactors - Home
Photo Blog - 150 Years After Gettysburg, 'Hardcore' Reenactors Fight to Keep History Alive
English Civil War.org - English Civil War Re-enactment Groups
The Anglo-Scandinavian Chronicles - Advice to Beginning Vikings, Part 1
By the Way
My inspiration for this article is the recent United States federal government shutdown.
Free Beacon - Shutdown Threater
Wednesday: 16 October 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Standing and Fighting
For most folks leaving the area is going to be the best solution during a violent event, such as a civil war, sectarian violence, or plain old war between two countries.
For others, they are going to stay and fight the 'forces of evil,' whatever they are.
But, ...
That doesn't cover all the situations when a prepper or survivalist may need to fight, like battling bandits, criminal gangs (a'la Mexican drug cartels, Communist revolutionaries, or other villains), or another town trying to control a local water source.
Well, ...
Ryan has some posts, linking to some others, about combat fitness and other things of interest
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Rucking, Combat Fitness and Realist Goals
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Rucking 101, Part One: Feet, Socks, and Boots
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Rucking 101, Part Two: Training Plans
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Reader Questions: Rucking Weights, Fighting vs. Approach March Loads, Afghanistan, etc.
Needless to say, some of these ideas can be applied to your emergency evacuation kits.
Wednesday: 16 October 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Boat Parts and Other Stuff Stacked up Outside Hangars, at the Northwest end of Magnuson Park by Tom Harpel |
Plastic Bags!
My family and I store plastic bags. They range in size from the large 55-gallon contractor bags to those small plastic grocery bags. We even store Ziploc storage bags.
Well, the Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters blog (CARDs) has ten uses for plastic trash bags.
Collaborating Agencies Responding to Disasters blog - #Everyday Prep: Creative Uses for Garbage Bags
Plastic Bottles
ReThink Survival has an article on using two-liter soda bottles for your preps.
ReThink Survival - 17 Ways to Utilize Two-Liter Soda Bottles for Survival
Duct Tape
Of course, noboby uses duct tape on ducts; they use duct mastic.
Prepared Christian - 34 Ways to Use Duct Tape for Survival
And, ...
Stuff to avoid.
Maybe ; - )
ReThink Survival - Survival Crap You Should Never Buy, Use, or Bet Your Life On
I own a small hand-crank flashlight and a separate hand-crank radio that is my back-up to my back-up back-up flashlights and radios.
Wednesday: 16 October 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Women from the Australian Women's Army Service bathing in tubs at the 3rd Advanced Ordnance Depot, Wallangarra source John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland |
Everyone knows washing your hands, after a disaster, is one of the easiest method of preventing diseases.
But, ...
What about getting a job?
Think about it.
Would you hire someone smelly, dirty, and unshaven for a job?
Prepared Christian - Shaving After the Stuff has Hit the Fan
Washing Your Hands
Speaking of washing your hands, Prepared Christian has some thoughts on flu preps to purchase
Prepared Christian - Flu and Pandemic Preps to Buy Now
Wednesday: 16 October 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Mother and child in a "Presto" grocery store Glenrothes, Fife (ca. 1970) by Debbie Mc |
Making Life Easier
If you and your family are planning to 'rough it' after an event, y'all will want to read this quick illustrated article.
Thanks to Prepared Christian for the link.
BuzzFeed - 41 camping Hacks that are Borderline Genius
When I was Growing Up ...
My parents would beat us children on a regular bases, let us play unsupervised with loaded guns, and eat flakes of lead paint coming off our windows ; - )
Well, ...
Parents aren't like that, today.
BuzzFeed - 35 Genis Parenting Inventions
The Ultimate Survival Scenario
Not for the faint of heart
You have been warned
BuzzFeed - 20 Survival Tips to get you Through COSTCO Alive
Wednesday: 23 October 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Russian Special Forces by SpetsnazAlpha |
Operational Security
Many preppers think, they need to emulate the military to survive an event, that's not true.
However, ...
There are certain skills we need to acquire to insure our family's survival, and one of these skill is OPSEC
ReThink Survival - Don't Follow My Lead, Get Your OPSEC in Order ... Now!
Wednesday: 23 October 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
You and your family may be storing long-term food storage.
But, ...
Are you using it?
Preparedness Advice Blog - Dried Apples Stored in Mylar Bags with O2 Absorber, Good After 14 Years
Food, Food
Needless to say, your children may inherit your long-term food storage.
But, ...
Do they know if it's any good?
Preparedness Advice Blog -
Food, Food, and More Food
Lastly, you and your family must rotate your long-term food storage because it will go bad.
Preparedness Advice Blog - A Test of Long Term Foods, Stored Since 1970s, Part One
Preparedness Advice Blog - A Test of Long Term Foods, Stored Since 1970s, Part Two
Wednesday: 23 October 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Woman Walking in the Snow by Utagawa Kuniyoshi |
One of My Goals
While away from my family, I am trying to control my eating habits and be more physically active to reduce my weight.
And, ...
Not sink into a deep depression being away from Katniss, my partner ; - )
Sorry, back to my ramblings.
One of the methods, I am using is counting calories. Since I have never done this before, I have been amazed about the difference between my meal choices.
As an example, I can have one pot pie (one serving 450 calories) or two servings of canned soup (250 calories per serving) Needless to say, the soup fills me up and the pot pie? I'm still hungry and want more food.
Well, ...
During an event, we may need to "watch our waist lines" or not
So, ...
Yahoo: Shine Foods - Martha Stewart: Not Your Nonna's Red Sauce: 4 Lighter, Fresher Italian Food Recipes
Yahoo: Shine - Martha Stewart: Cold Weather Classics made Even More Irresistible
Some folks might be a perplexed about the Shrimp Francese recipe.
Hey, ...
Your family might have access to sea food but not red meat during and after an event.
So, ...
Plan accordingly.
Using My Food Storage
Of course, being the person that I am, I have been using 'my' food storage, while away. It has helped me save some money.
Well, ...
Here is recipe for you folks storing corn, as in popcorn.
Preparedness Advice Blog -
If you were wondering, ...
Beans and Rice for lunch with fresh fruit, from the grocer
Wednesday: 23 October 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) women at a 3.7-inch anti-aircraft gun site at Wormwood Scrubs in London, 22 October 1941 by Lt. Puttnam, War Office official photographer |
Women Only
Many years ago, the firearms industry came out with pink guns.
Stupid, right.
Well, they are learning and so are we.
Say Uncle - Shocking
Men Only, Not Really
Because everyone should know how to shoot firearms!
For Everyone
I have nothing to say.
Say Uncle - Pay Attention
Say Uncle - Lessons Learned from the NY Biker Attack
As some y'all know, I have been using the local library's internet.
So, ...
I have been unable, which is a good thing, to keep up on my internet reading.
So, ...
That's the reason for all the older posts from my 'former' regular reads.
Needless to say, ...
Say Uncle has a lot of great stuff, that I don't get to read everyday ; - (
Wednesday: 30 October 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Albert Einstein during a lecture, Vienna ca 1921 by Ferdinand Schmutzer |
For Our Families
Some of y'all, to put it politely, lack support from your family; especially, your extended family.
Well, ...
Thoreau, from Prep-Blog.com has something for you to think about.
Prep-Blog.com - Why Preppers “can’t be wrong”
Reflective Thinking
Sooner or later, we are all going to make mistakes in our lives and in our prepping. What we do with those mistakes may determine if our families survive during an event.
Prep-Blog.com - 5 Prepping Mistakes I’ve Made
Being the 'Best'
I was talking to a guy at work, last week. He said something interesting that you might be interested in. He said, 'I don't want to be the 'Best'
You would agree; wouldn't you?
Well, in my opinion, there is a problem with that.
He doesn't want to improve
Prep-Blog.com -7 Ways to be a Better Prepper
I disagree, a little, with this article, especially the comment for item #7.
I believe, 'if' you and your family have the resources to purchase scalpels, hypodermic needles, c-collars, backboards, surgical supplies, and other more advance medical items, these supplies could be used by a well-trained professional that had no supplies after a catastrophic event.
Don't get me wrong, Thoreau over at Prep-Blog.com has many good points in these articles.
Wednesday: 30 October 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Range Rover Evoque by Land Rover |
Dual Use
Way back, at the beginning of prepping, these United States had a concept called 'Dual-Use.' The idea suggested you and your family could purchase preparedness items and use them for other uses, such as sleeping bags, propane outdoor equipment, and other items, like camping.
Well, ...
Rourke, from Modern Survival Online, has another dual-use suggestion for you.
Modern Survival Online - Excellent portable survival shelter you already have….and don’t even realize it
Wednesday: 30 October 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Artillery Manufactured by "Hagana" (ca 1948) by Shershel Frank |
Firearms for Women
If you and your partner are thinking about purchasing a firearm, I suggest you give this some thought.
Owning a firearm that is 'right' for you and your situation (available money, size of your hand, available practice time, and ...) is very personal.
Of course, here is another opinion to help confuse you some more ; - )
Prep-Blog.com - Good Self Defense Guns for Women Preppers
There are some related posts at the bottom of the page, you might be interested in.
In the military, a 'gun' is considered an artillery piece, like the picture.
Wednesday: 30 October 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Wagon Loaded with Squash (ca 1936) by Department of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs |
Lastly, for today, I have some links for you and your family about food.
How Much?
I am currently asking myself 'How much food does my family need to survive an one to two year event.
Preparedness Advice Blog - How Much Food to Store From an Article by the Utah State University
According to some folks that I have read in the past, the American Aborigines (Indians) would plant corn, beans, and pumpkins in the same field. The corn would act as supports for the beans, and the pumpkins would grow between the corn stocks, to be harvested after the corn.
Well, ...
Alice, writing a guest post, has more of the story.
Renee's Garden: Alice Formiga - Celebrate the Three Sisters: Corn, Beans and Squash
Pumpkin Recipes
Needless to say, when you and your family go to all that trouble to plant pumpkins, you're going to want to eat them.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Pumpkins are for More than Making Jack O Lanterns
Dirt Time - Campfire Pumpkin Pie… Pioneer Style
Wednesday: 6 November 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Pacific 'Ring of Fire' by United States Geological Survey |
If you live in the 'Ring of Fire,' you need to prepare for an earthquake.
Needless to say, Angela, from Food Storage and Survival, has a couple of suggestion for you and your family
Food Storage and Survival - 8 Steps to Prepare for an Earthquake with a Printable Checklist
Wednesday: 6 November 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Talvinen Maisema Lappeenrannassa (ca 2005) by Petrit |
Winter's Coming
Folks, it's getting colder.
Unless, ...
You and your family live in the south
ReThink Survival - It's Getting Cold Outside, Are You Preparing for Winter
Preparedness Advice Blog - Hypothermia, How to Dress to Avoid It
Summer's Coming
Folks, it's getting hotter
Unless, ...
You and your family live in the north
WebMD - Surviving Summer Scorchers
Speaking of Summer
Scribd - U.S. Marine Corps Summer Survival Course
Wednesday: 6 November 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Colt 1851 'Navy' Revolver by Ricce |
When it comes to firearms, we can learn a lot from the military and the police. (No, not the rock group)
Thanks to Ryan, over at TSLR, for the link
The Firearms Blog.com - S&W Model 19: The Police Officers Perfect Revolver
Wednesday: 6 November 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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A Small Castle in Horusice, Czech Republic by Packa |
Moving to the Country
Many popular preparedness writers advocate moving to the country.
That might be a bad idea.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - Harder Homes and Gardens, Rhodesian Style
Flickr: Ken and Nyetta - Castle of Valongo in the Alentejo Region of Portugal
I would like for you to notice; the vineyard; they allows the castle's inhabitants to see any possible approaching hostiles.
Wednesday: 13 November 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Hot Water Heater by ReniHH |
Most of us have good intentions. We plan to get physically fit, store water, purchase a year supply of food, and do all those other things to insure our family's survival.
Well, ...
Modern Survival Blog - Ways to Quickly Store Water at Home During Disaster
Just in Case
Lastly, a little tidbit about finding water in the wilderness
WIkibooks - Outdoor Survival/Water
Wednesday: 13 November 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Bean Market in Kampala, Uganda (2009) by Neil Palmer |
The more you eat, ...
ReThink Survival - 30+ year old Pinto Beans Really do go bad ...
Make sure to read the comments.
The more you ... ; - )
Preparedness Advice Blog - Split Pea Soup, Great for Cold Weather
Wednesday: 13 November 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Springfield Armory 1911A1 by Yaf |
That's all I have to say.
Say Uncle - World's First 3D Printed Metal Firearm
Another Very 'Low' Cost Rifle
I think the SKS rifle is the 'best' low cost rifle for the beginning prepper.
Well, ...
If you're on a really low budget, the Chinese T-53 rifle may be for you.
Say Uncle - Gun Porn
Mosin Nagant.net - The Chinese Type 53 Mosin Nagant Carbine
Wednesday: 13 November 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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日本語: 朝鮮出兵図屏風 source ブレイズマン |
Cities, because of their size and location, are venerable to violent disruption by various folks, such as armies, insurgents, criminals, and other villains.
During these conflicts, these city's citizens may see their city walls assaulted during a siege.
Surviving in Argentina - Sarajevo: A Street Under Siege
Wikipedia - Siege
Needless to say, the supplies needed by you and your family during a siege are the same that y'all would need during a prolonged event.
Wednesday: 20 November 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Austrian Verndl Rifle, Model 1868 by Antique Military Rifles |
Pre-1898 Firearms
If you head on over to Survival Blog, Mr James Rawles has been hyping pre-1898 rifles again. He believes that 'If' firearms are banned that these antique weapons will be overlooked.
I seriously doubt it.
With that said, ...
Some folks aren't going to listen and purchase these firearms anyway.
Well, ...
Rawles Home Page - Pre-1899 Antique Guns FAQ
Stopping Power
Another perennial question is about stopping power for handguns and rifles.
The Modern Survivalist - Question on stopping power
Veterans for Responsible Solutions
Most of y'all already know, I am a peace-time veteran.
And, ...
I don't support this group
Say Uncle - Just in Time for the 2014 Elections
Just in case you're confused.
Millions of Veterans understand the need for self-defense that is why we also support the Constitution of these United States.
Not, ...
Some dip-sh*t Admiral
Wednesday: 20 November 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Domino Sugar Plant by Mark Peters |
Needless to say, after a post about firearms, I have to tell you about water or food.
Wow, I didn't know that
Doomsday Moose - Survival Foods: Five Merits of Sugar in an Emergency
Sugar, until recently, was very scares. It wasn't until industrialization, and use of different plants like sugar beets, that sugar become so common.
So, ...
Make sure you're stocking up on sugar.
Cane sugar and sugar from sugar beet is the same.
So, ...
Don't believe the hype from the cane sugar growers.
Long-Term Food Storage
Some preppers and their families are going to see the need to prepare for longer term events.
The Modern Survivalist - 5 Steps to set up a Long Term Storage Food Supply
Wednesday: 20 November 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Promotional poster for Forepaugh & Sells Brothers by Strobridge Lithographic Co |
Sooner or later, we are going to make mistakes in our preps. These mistakes will cost us time and money.
However, ...
We can reduce the number of mistakes we make by learning from others.
Prepared Christian - Ten Common Mistakes Preppers Make
Backdoor Survival - Food Storage Mistakes and Goofs
and, the classic ...
Backwoods Home Magazine: Vikie Tate - Seven Mistakes of Food Storage
Wednesday: 20 November 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Early automobile Near Yosemite Falls by J.T. Boysen |
Washing Your Hair, Brushing Your Teeth, and ...
Will be important during many events.
YouTube: Obsessiveprepperaz - Preppers: What's in Your Closet? Personal Hygeine Supplies
and, ...
YouTube: katzcradul - ***Important*** Emergency Sanitation Kit
You will want to browse their other videos.
Wednesday: 27 November 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Rucksack der Schweizer Armee aus dem Raum Zurich by Joadl |
Bugging Out
The easiest way of dealing with disaster is to leave, if you can.
Needless to say, you need to carry your stuff, cheaply.
One of the most inexpensive methods is to purchase surplus military gear.
But, ...
Which one to purchase?
Me? I'm partial to the ALICE medium rucksacks because ...
Sorry, OPSEC
But, ...
If you live in another country, you might want to purchase a surplus military rucksack from your country's military, like the Swiss rucksack pictured above.
Survival Preparedness HeadQuarters - Gear Review: MOLLE Packs vs. ALICE Packs for Your Bugout Bag
... in the Winter
Many good points in this article
Except, ...
Don't use cat litter! It's clay and it turns to mud when placed on snow.
Use sand, instead
Survivopedia - Winter Survival and Blizzard Prep Tips
Make sure you read the comments.
Wednesday: 27 November 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Zippo Lighter by Hu Totya |
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Survival Mastery - How Not to Make S'mores
Wednesday: 27 November 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Fallout Shelter Water Storage Can by Minnesota Historical Society |
Storing Water
After shelter, water is the most important preparation you and your family need to make.
Well, ...
Urban Survival Network - Preparing and Storing Water Before SHTF
Wednesday: 27 November 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
A Cannon at Spis Castle, Slovak Republic by I, Joxy |
That's About Right
I have nothing to add.
Except, ...
You and you family need to acquire firearms for protection after an event.
So, ...
You can protect yourself from fools, criminals, and ...
Survivor.com - These Guys will Die Trying
Wednesday: 4 December 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Complesso sotterraneo del missile Titan 1 by Alfio |
More Money than Brains?
Either way, it's a cool house.
Viral Nova - This House has a Massive Door Going to the Basement. When You See What's Down There You'll Get It
Cast Offs
I have been trying to build a small 'survival' kit from cast offs and found trash.
Well, ...
I was running around a couple of days ago and found a butane lighter. I picked it up, flipped the little spark wheel, expecting it to just spark.
And, ...
After flipping it a couple of times, it worked!!!
I was pleased with myself because during an event, that lighter could be the difference between life and death.
WikiHow - How to Start a Fire with a Dead Lighter
Instructables: Babblin5 - Fire From a Dead Lighter
Wednesday: 4 December 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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The Wounded Man by Gustav Corbet |
I was running the vacuum cleaner and accidentally cut myself, a couple of days ago.
I wasn't gushing blood, but it was bleeding enough for a band-aid.
I went to the hall closet to get the first-aid kit
And, ...
There was no hall closet or first-aid kit because I was at my home away from home.
So, ...
I grabbed a piece of toilet paper and applied some pressure. The bleeding stopped and now I'm in the process of build a first-aid kit.
Total Survivalist Libertarian Rantfest - An Accident and A First Aid Kit Lesson
For Information Only
Yeah, I know, this site seems to be trying to rip you off.
But, ...
It has some good ideas and explanations for each of the suggested supplies.
First Aid 1234.com - Complete List of First Aid Items
A Better Source
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness for a basic medical kit for 10 to 20 people.
Of course, you and your family will have to gather the medical supplies from local or internet sources that are less expensive then the above link.
Doctors for Disaster Preparedness - A Basic Medical Kit for a 10-20 Person Shelter
Wednesday: 4 December 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Winter Quarters of the 18th Pennsylvania Calvary (ca 1864) source Library of Congress |
The Original Survival Food
I'm joking.
But, ...
Honest Eagle Survivalist - Survival Food 101: Hardtrack
Not for Most Folks
Hardtack isn't for most people. It's bland and hard to chew if you don't soak it first.
So, ...
You and your family need to store food that you normally eat.
Needless to say, here is a link to some suggestions for y'all.
Prepared LDS Family - Step 1: Three Month Food Storage Supply
Wednesday: 11 December 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Thirsty Lady Bugs
John Fowler
Bugging Out
By now, most preppers know the easiest way to deal with an event is to leave, as quickly as possible.
What some of us forget is ...
Dirt Time.com - Plan B or a Reality Check?
Building a Bug-Out Bag
Folks will recommend all kinds of stuff for your emergency evacuation kit.
Here's a suggestion for the basics
Survival Cache - The Seven Types of Gear You Must Have in Your Bug Out Bag
Wednesday: 11 December 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Delivering U.S. Army Space Heaters
to a Resident’ Barracks
at Topaz, Utah (ca 1942)
Tom Parker
Heating Your Shelter
Heating your shelter during and after an event is important.
Needless to say, most folks are unable to afford a kerosene heater and the many gallons of fuel needed to keep it working; and the wicks, too; for a few days.
So, ...
You and your family may have to improvise a small space heater.
Preparedness Advice Blog - Improvised Heaters can Keep You Alive in Cold Weather
Of course, you need to practice appropriate safety measures when using a small heater, even an improvised heater.
National Fire Protection Association - Heating Safety Tips
Underwriters Laboratories - Space Heater Safety Tips
Texas Department of Insurance - Home Heater Safety
Wednesday: 11 December 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Daniel K. Gebhart
If you and your family are planning to store food for an event, you will want to read this link for some ideas and suggestions.
Areawide News - Food Storage: Planning Ahead for the Long Term
Some Warnings
Lastly, here are some warning about long-term food storage
Dirt Time.com - Eating your Long Term Stores
Wednesday: 11 December 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Zip Gun by Ґенадій Ржевіч |
Just In Case
Many years ago, I was visiting a friend, and I saw a poster hanging on the barrack's wall. The poster said something like 'Your Mind is ... Your Primary Weapon'
WeaponsMan - When Guns are Outlawed: Improvised Weapons Takeover
To save you some effort, Jorg Sprave is on YouTube
YouTube: Jorg Sprave - Home
Wednesday: 18 December 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Family Meeting by Willem van Mieris |
It's Personal
As you and your family get prepared, you and your family need to make a lot of decisions. These decisions will cover many things and situations.
But, ...
These situations and other matters are unique to you and your family.
The Survivalist Blog: Guest Blogger - Assess Your Personal Survival Situation
Don't Believe the Hype
There are many views on prepping and survivalism. Some good; some bad.
Either way, ...
No one knows the future.
With that said, ...
I believe that preppers and their families can look at history to determine what is likely to happen during an event.
The Survivalist Blog: M.D. Creekmore - Warning: Do You Recognize These Five Common Piles of Prepper B.S.
Nikki, someone 'new' to Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness (GSIEP), left a comment the other day, over at Wednesdays and Other Stuff.
Awesome, ...
Needless to say, Nikki if you have any questions feel free to ask.
Or, ...
If you have any research, about prepping, that you would like to suggest for me that would be cool too.
Same goes for y'all.
Just post your question or research suggestion in one of the comments.
Wednesday: 18 December 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Nuclear Blast Shelter sponsored by the French Government under a Civil Effects Test Group project source National Nuclear Security Administration/Nevada Site Office (ca 1957) |
Nuclear Attack Shelters
I hate to tell y'all, but the threat of a nuclear attack on these United States has not gone away. It may even be increasing with other countries such as Israel, South Africa, India, and Pakistan possessing the bomb. Plus, the efforts of many others to acquire a nuclear weapon, like North Korea and Saudi Arabia, increase the possibility of a nuclear attack on other countries.
So, ...
If a nuclear war is on your threat analysis, you might want to research possible attack sites and shelters.
Needless to say, probably the best source is Rich Fleetwood.
Survival Ring - U.S. Nuclear Targets
Rad Shelters for You
You know how some 'survival' product sites try to scare you and your family into buying their product by saying 'The World, as you know it, is ending, so you and your family need to purchase our product XYZ to survive' without telling you about the threat.
Well, ...
These folks aren't like that, at least in my opinion. They provide a massive amount of information for you to determine 'If' you and your family 'need' their products.
RadShelters4You - Bomb and Fallout Shelter Plans and Nuclear Civil Defense FAQ, Part 3
Some folks complain about "Getting Started in Emergency Preparedness (GSIEP) being overwhelming.
They're right!
Because, I don't know what events you and your family are preparing to survive; how much money your family has to spend on preps; and many other specifics
Well, ...
Here is a quick synopsis about nuclear weapons
Family Survival Planning - Nuclear Attack
One More Time
If you and your family are preparing for a nuclear attack, you need to get a copy of Nuclear War Survival Skills and read it!
Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine - Free On-Line Book: Nuclear War Survival Skills
Preppers.info - Nuclear War Survival Skills.pdf
Nuke Pils.com - Nuclear War Survival Skills.pdf
The above link has some advertisements attached to the .pdf.
Just so You Know
Where I found the picture of the French shelter pictured above.
Wikimedia Commons - Search: Nuclear Blast Shelters
Wednesday: 18 December 2013, Part Three
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Astronaut Edward White III floats in space during these United States first spacewalk by Command Pilot James McDivitt |
Just Like Shelter
Clothing is similar to shelter; it protects you from the ravages of the environment.
Well, ...
Stealth Survival - Survival Gear: The Survival Vest, Part One
Stealth Survival - Survival Gear: Choosing Clothing for Survival, The Pocket
Cleaning Clothes After an Event
One of the things, my partner and I are preparing to provide for our family is mechanical clothes washing. We have clothes washing detergent, chlorine bleach, and ...
Informed Christian - How to Wash Laundry Post-Disaster
Folks, an all encompassing disaster is unlikely.
More likely than not, you and your family will be affected by a personal disaster or a regional disaster, and these disaster will see people and organizations coming to your aid.
Like, Tide detergent.
Tide: Loads of Hope - About
Wednesday: 18 December 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
Crowing Pains
Warner Brothers
I Think ...
I already linked to this piece that I found at Say Uncle.
I did, I did.
Papa Delta Bravo - Your Gun Works Fine and I don't Care
Wednesday: 25 December 2013
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Simeon with the Christ Child (ca 1260) by Unknown |
Merry Christ's Mass
Wednesday: 25 December 2013, Part Two
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Looters running during the 2006 riots in Nukuʻalofa, Tonga (ca 2006) by Tauʻolunga |
Folks, I can't say it enough.
Off the Grid News - Keeping Your Preparations Secret: Five Ways to Keep Lowlife Scum off Your Doorstep
And, ...
The Survivalist Blog - Top Ten Ways to Blow Your Operational Security
Wednesday: 25 December 2013, Part Three
Welcome Prppers and Survivalists,
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The Last Joke by Alfred Stieglitz |
Ha Ha Ha
Our children are smarter than we think.
Survival Kit.com: Blog - Kid's Survival Tips for 'Running Away'
You have a notepad. Don't you?
Another Stove
Thanks to Survival Kit.com for the link to another 'home-made' stove.
Skip To My Lou - DIY Camp Stove
Wednesday: 25 December 2013, Part Four
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
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Propane Tanks by Hustvedt |
Is probably one of the 'best' fossil fuels. It stores indefinitely, unless the container leaks.
Backdoor Survival - Primer on Propane for Prepping and Survival
Backdoor Survival - Primer on Propane for Prepping and Survival, Part Two
December 27, 2013
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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A winter landscape in Lappeenranta countryside, Finland photo by Petritap |
The End of a Year
Like most disastrous events, predicted by doomsayers, the end of the world as we know it didn't happen.
But, ...
There is always ...
The Beginning of Another Year ...
for folks to predict the end of the world.
December 28, 2013
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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A wintry street in a residential area of Lappeenranta, Finland photo by Petritap |
Starting Over
Ahhh, the beginnings of a new year, and with it, a chance to change our ways for a better life.
Like most folks, my family and I use to make 'New Year's' resolutions to be treat people better, exercise more, stop smoking, lose weight, and many others.
Well, ...
It didn't work, for a couple of reasons.
First, we would make too many. Trying to keep up with all the goals quickly overwhelmed our efforts.
Next, with all those resolutions, we would forget one, two, or all of them then feel 'bad' about not keeping a resolution.
Third, our resolutions would be too high.
Lastly, we just quit making them because resolutions didn't work for us.
Instead, ...
We started to change our life.
To do this, we would pick one goal, a realistic goal.
We would work on this goal until it became a habit.
After that goal became a habit, we would continue that habit until it became 'natural'
Then, ...
We would pick another goal and do the same thing.
New York Daily News - How to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
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