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Road in Maine
Edward Hopper
Nature and Nurture
There is a debate going on among certain folks. Some folks say 'Blacks' need help because they don't have the mental ability to help themselves. These folks cite many example, like the violence in Chicago, welfare participation numbers, and affirmative action. While others say 'Blacks' can't help themselves because they don't have a proper upbringing or education.
Of course, the first group is the most dangerous for blacks while the second group would justify spending 'extra' money on education, and other programs such as affirmative action.
I think both groups are wrong because it's more complicated than that.
First, blacks were held in slavery for over 80 years in this country, 1780 to 1865. From the 1890s, blacks faced discrimination in our country through 'Jim Crow' laws and bigotry until the late 1960s. After the 1960s, blacks unofficially faced difficulties.
Second, great black men and women, such as W.E.B. Dubious, Washington Carver, Fredrick Douglas, and many others (possibly excluding Mr. Obama) disprove that 'Blacks' don't have the mental ability to take care of themselves.
Third, during the time of segregation, many blacks excelled in barely funded schools with marginal facilities, graduating, then proceeding to college to become doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, educators, and many other professions while others headed to segregated trade schools to learn plumbing, metal work, carpentry, electrical, and other highly skilled trades.
Fourth, a certain group of politicians pander to the 'Blacks' demographics. They tell blacks that they are oppressed and only government can help them and their families.
Fifth, there are groups of people that don't hold individual 'Blacks' accountable for their actions. One group makes excuses for poor decisions, such as buying unaffordable clothing, keeping mistresses, or .... Another group allows 'Blacks' to commit crimes like taking bribes and kickbacks, drug dealing, murder, or other violent and nonviolent crimes, while; other groups allow 'Blacks' to fail in school, never read, learn to coherently speak, or assimilate to our country's norms.
Sixth, there are black parents that make great sacrifices to insure their children have the best education possible, filling out elementary school scholarship forms, forcing their child to excel (in the face of great odds, like gangs, Hip-Hop culture, and ...), and endure many others hardships for their children.
With that said, ... What do I think is the solution, for all people?
First, ... Freedom, by increasing firearm ownership
Second, ... Freedom, by reducing the 'nanny' state
Third, ... Freedom, by eliminating the War on Drugs
Fourth, ... Freedom, by reducing the 'security' state
Fifth, ... Freedom, by eliminating national education standards
Sixth, ... Freedom, by reducing slavery through taxation.
Seventh, ... Freedom, Freedom, Freedom.
Doom and Gloom
The Ocean
Things You Might Want to Think About
What are some of your back-ups? Stored Water and Food? Emergency Cash? Defensive Handgun? AM/FM Radio? ...
Well, ... It seems a lot of people are joining you and your family.
Maybe we should start doing this to villains.
A Hat
Wow, Transgenders support President Trump ; - )
O.K. Their families support his fashion sense. Ha, Ha, Ha
The writer makes several good points, 'blacks' focus on the grievances against 'Whites,' the media has a limited supply of 'Black' employees, and other matters.
But, ... He made a serious mistake.
Blacks want to live close to whites because they want their children to be successful. Blacks parents don't want their children in gangs; they want them in good schools with great teachers. Black parents don't want their children in dysfunctional communities; they want their children to live in nice neighborhoods.
In other words, black parents want what's best for their children, a culture of success.
Lunch Line
All I have to say, ...
It sucks being poor
A lot of 'rich' people might be moving in a couple of months
Hippies are cool. They have some thoughtful sayings, like ...
If you give the word power, it will have power over you
Oil and Electric
I was going to title this blurb, 'Future Trends,' but I changed my mind. 'Cause, I would have to tell you that there were two links, so I separated them.
Needless to say, these two commodities control our lives. With expensive oil, (I'm talking crude oil) our families would pay more for daily basics. With cheap oil, our families have more to spend. The same goes for electricity.
Well, ... You and your family already know this, but did you know that one billion Chinese are looking forward to having a life style like you and your family?
Repeat after me, ...
Registration leads to confiscation
State Troopers
Neat idea, send in a dozen state troopers to patrol the interstate freeing up the local police to increase neighborhood patrols to keep the escalating murder rate from getting out of control.
But, ... Some folks think it's a bad idea. They want money for social programs.
Cool, we give those folks a bunch of money, so they keep the murderers, the rapists, and the other thugs, as long as the Social Justice Warriors (SJW) have to live in Chicago, St. Louis, Little Rock, and ...
Want to Bet
We'll know more about this dirtbag then all the other scumbags that have murdered people over the last few years.
"It may not be the 'mark of the beast,' but it certainly is a slippery slope," Balmer said. "I think we should be cautious about allowing that measure of control or surveillance into our lives."
"Neither impeaching Trump nor putting Brexit on the backburner solves this fundamental problem."
“Statistically we’re uncovering fraud about 70 percent of the time, but in China it’s very close to 100 percent,” he said. “It’s pervasive, it’s across food groups, and it’s anything you can possibly imagine.”
"Here’s what you need to know about what’s going on and where we’re headed."
“How difficult do you think it would be to go to an engineering meeting and tell all these people who went to Cal, Stanford, and MIT that the person coming from the University of Texas El Paso or a community college can do their job as well as they can?” Miley asked. “You will not be able to convince them of that. They don’t want to believe that they’re not special.”
"As I have said before, the real demand for bitcoin will not be known until a global financial crisis guts confidence in central banks and politicized capital controls. Only then will we know for sure how the financial and political Elites will view bitcoin: as a threat to their wealth or as a lifeboat with precious few seats."
What Others Wrote
Ace of Spades HQ: The Morning Report, 8/11/17
Active Response Training: Weekend Knowledge Dump, August 11, 2017
Defense One: The D Brief, 11 August, 2017
Shall Not Be Questioned: Weekly Gun News, Edition 64
The View from Chaos Manor: 10 August, 2017
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report: Index 490
That's Just the Way it Was: Osage Farms, Missouri (ca 1939)
Eight cows at a time are milked by hand
Accurate records are kept of each cow's milk production.
Most of the milk is refrigerated until time for shipment to a nearby city.
A major part of the income of the Hillview Cooperative is obtained from the seventy-five dairy cows.
Members of the Hillview Cooperative receive their milk at cost.
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