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Marcel Duchamp
I don't hate you.
It might seem that way, but I don't hate you. The same goes for 'Brown,' Yellow,' and 'Red' people.
To be in fact, I admire you.
Your people have faced many adversities over the centuries, being repressed, oppressed, enslaved, and treated as inferiors, the world over. During these times, your people have earned an education, built wealth, and accomplished many great things.
But, ... Your people have become less.
For some reason, your people complain about the hard won freedoms that our ancestors brought to all people. You complain about living together, after you fought to live with us. Your people sit with your own kind, ignoring others, at the lunch table. After fighting to sit with us, at the lunch counter.
You seem to want a handout, not a hand up.Your people want set asides, in politics, business, and education. After fighting to be included in these areas, as equals.
After being denied the right of an education, fighting for it on many fronts, your children, grand-children, and yourself ignore the opportunities offered by the public school system. The system that your ancestors fought to attend.
So, when
Doom and Gloom
The Economy
Hip Hop
Puerto Rico
Vampire Hunters
Things You Might Want to Think About
Hey, ... Just so you know.
I don't vote Republican. I vote Freedom
So, ...
If you're like me, some Republicans will be losing their seat, next election.
Anhedonic Quality Adjustments
Sounds like a good idea. Now, all we need to do is convince Mr. R. Alexander Acosta, the 27th United States Secretary of Labor.
Katniss and I watched The Wizard of Lies, the movie about Bernie Madoff 50 to 65 billion dollar ponzi scheme.
Well, ...
One of the interesting movie scenes is when Bernie, played by Robert De Niro, says that everybody is guilty, just not him because the investors didn't do their due diligence, were greedy, or just looked the other way.
In other words, the investors were in on the scam, they just didn't know it ; - )
Yeap, the proof of concept has been tested. Now, it's a matter of time before someone puts it to use.
In these United States, we can publish (almost) anything we want. We can read anything we want, and we can say (almost) anything we want. We can also think anything we want.
Cool, ... Right?
Needless to say, there are a lot of other folks that want this freedom, too.
So, ... Our country tries to help the citizens of other countries (Russia, China, North Korea, and many others) to gain these freedoms and many others, by ...
Buying Advertisements
Good Boy and Girls
It might not help you.
But, ... Then again, Carrying your defensive firearm, just might save your family's lives.
Ha, Ha, Ha
I have nothing to say
Like any other group, that wants to control you and your family, they will attack you 'myths.'
Yeap, ... I agree.
I might have to change my mind.
They live in a country at war, with
These terrorists have been using knives, axes, and other tools to stab people to death on the street.
So, ...
They dress up like killer clowns carrying fake knives, axes, and so on.
What could go wrong?
You know, you can tell when the economy is bad. There are layoffs
Well, ... You can tell the atitude of the so-called 'Elites' when they fire hundreds of people for poor performance, making and selling a useless product.
“You need to understand how land purchases work in Pakistan and I don’t have time to explain it to you,”
"The one thing we know so far is the guy was a careful planner. He apparently had his wits together enough to spend months planning his work and working his plan. He studied up on firearms, learned about shooting from an elevated position at a distance. The police found notes he made calculating drop and distance so he could increase is killing rate while shooting into the crowd. This is a guy who spent a long time thinking about this and planning for the right event on which to unleash his attack."
"California has no right to every lecture anybody about gun laws every again."
"When London has outlawed every weapon, chemical, and sharp or heavy object, these people will turn to eye gouging with their fingers, I guarantee it."
"All that hate promoted at the Congressional Black Caucus Prayer Breakfast was insidiously shrouded in Christianity. As a Christian, I found the so-called "prayer breakfast" a sad, evil deception."
"As Orwell observed about a totalitarian oligarchy, some are more equal than others."
What Others Wrote
Ace of Spades HQ: The Morning Report, 10/13/17
Defense One: The D Brief, 13 October, 2017
Shall Not Be Questioned: Weekly Gun News, Edition 65
Survivalist Blog: The Survivalists' Odds and Sods
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report: Index 499
The Z Man: Racist Pumpkins
That's Just the Way it Was: Fowler, Indiana (ca 1937)
Farmhouse on the owner-operated two hundred thirty acre farm of Mary Lah, widow. This farm, which has carried a small mortgage since the Depression, lies west of Fowler, Indiana, near the Illinois state line. Note the asbestos shingles, good fences and fine appearance of the yard
Barn and silo on the owner-operated farm of two hundred thirty acres belonging to Mary Lah, widow.
Corn crib on the owner-operated farm of Mary Lah, two hundred thirty acres.
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