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Nikolai Dmitriyevich Kuznetsov
The Price
You have probably heard the saying 'Freedom isn't Free' and immediately thought about a Soldier going off to foreign lands to protect our country from ruthless dictators then paying the ultimate price.
But, ...
Did you think about the protester, locked away in prison for fighting a ruthless government, giving twenty or thirty years of their life, to protect our rights to protest, Freedom of Speech
How about the price that your family pays in taxes to protect us from criminals, thugs, and gangsters, Freedom from Fear.
How about the price your family paid to give food or money to charity, the time to help your children, in Scouting, to collect food, or the taxes paid to provide indigent people with food and shelter, Freedom from Want.
Lastly, did you ever think about the legal battles fought and paid for by others to insure you and your family have the right to believe in any religion, Freedom to Worship.
Needless to say, most folks will recognize F.D.R.'s Four Freedoms, but what most people won't recognize is the sacrifice over fifty people made early last week, for our freedom
That's right, ...
Those people died because a scumbag had the constitutional right to purchase a firearm, the constitutional right to own ammunition for those firearms, and the constitutional right to possess standard capacity magazines for those firearms.
So, ...
Don't forget, as you talk with people, we pay a price for our freedoms. We have to let the ignorant
So, ...
Don't ever forget 'Freedom, truly, isn't Free'
Doom and Gloom
60 Years
Things You Might Want to Think About
Like any partisan organization, we are going to see folks bashing us, for good reason.
We know the New Your Times has a bias against our freedoms.
So, ... Anything they write about firearms should be automatically suspected, even if they include some words by pro-freedom writers.
Plus, they will play games, with our freedoms, by linking to article that are, to be kind, incorrect, inaccurate, and down right lies, to push their agenda.
Of course, folks are going to use any opportunity to take away your freedoms because ...
They can.
No!, No!!, No!!!
Yes, a Bump Fire stock is a novelty item.
Yes, they turn good ammunition into useless noise.
Yes, 'we' could probably get a "Two for One" deal from the Democrats.
But, ...
No!, ... Because banning a novelty item will lead to no good, lowlife, egg sucking Democrats and Republicans into thinking they can negotiate away our rights. 'We' have to teach them that attacking all of our rights, just not the Second Amendment, will get them thrown out of power.
No!!!, ... Because the Bump Fire stock just increases the cyclic rate of a semiautomatic rifle. Next, the
No!!!, ... Because 'we' are winning. The number of firearms owners has increased dramatically in the last ten years. The public is seeing the lies of the
NO!!!!, ... Because these Democrats and Republicans politicians that you want to deal with will take that deal and stab each and everyone of us in the back with it.
Let me get this straight.
A person commits a crime, possibly a felony. The person spends some time on probation and does a few months of jail or prison time.
Next, the person still owes money to the court for fines, might have some legal fees, and possibly owes the victims some restitution.
Then, ... They can't vote.
Sounds good to me, but wait.
If, ... The person pays off their debts, they get to vote.
Sounds good to me, but wait.
They're complaining about it.
I guess they shouldn't have committed the crime, in the first place.
If corporations are considered 'people.' Then they should pay taxes, like people, at the 38% level ;- )
Like any institution, unions can be a source of good,or evil.
We are winning 'The War on Guns,' just ask any politician.
"Fixing it, on the other hand, will also require more than “raising awareness” of healthy food options or promoting “beauty at any size.” "
"The incident will live in infamy for maybe a day and a half in the US media. Stand by today as there will be calls far and wide, by persons masquerading as political leaders, for measures to make sure something like this never happens again. That’s rich, isn’t it? Meanwhile, the same six a.m. headlines declared that S &P futures were up in the overnight markets. Nothing can faze this mad bull, apparently. Except maybe the $90 trillion combined derivatives books of CitiBank, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, who have gone back whole hog into manufacturing the same kind of hallucinatory collateralized debt obligations (giant sacks of non-performing loans) that gave Wall Street a heart attack in the fall of 2008."
"The attack on our language in particular is a very dangerous, albeit effective tactic"
"What this is not. is an investigation about Russia meddling in the election."
What Others Wrote
Ace of Spades HQ: The Morning Report, 10/4/17
Defense One: The D Brief, 6 October, 2017
Shall Not Be Questioned: Weekly Gun News, Edition 60
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report: Index 481
Z Man - A Salty Mix
That's Just the Way it Was: Lexington, Kentucky (ca 1940)
General view of Russell Spear's farm
Old home on Russell Spear's farm
Cornfield with tobacco barn in background
Hereford cattle on Russell Spear's farm
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