Covering tips, techniques, and information for everyone interested in surviving short and long-term emergencies, natural or human-made.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
The Woodsman's Backpack
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
First, I would like to thank Md. Knighthawk for the link, to his mini-athoids tin, in the comments for "Survival Kit in a Tin."
Next, I would like to thank the Woodsman for allowing me to photograph his backpack (BOB, GHB, GOOD, 72-hour Kit) that he plans to wear with his combat vest.
The Woodsman's Backpack
The Woodsman is new to prepping, about two years. Like most of us, he has limited funds, so he 'makes do' with what he has.
His backpack is his former bookbag from middle school. If you enlarge the picture, you will notice one of the back pockets is missing.
For as old as the bag (ssh, it's over 10 years old) is, it's still in good shape and has many more years of service. Plus, Woodsman has hacked his backpack, so it works for him.
First, you will notice the sheath on the outside; Woodsman made it out of deer hide (Yes, he shot it, skinned it, butchered it, tanned the hide, and stitched it into the right shape) to fit a machete; he made from an oversized machete. He bought from one of the china-marts.
Next, Woodsman ripped out the computer pocket of his backpack and installed a water bladder. He threaded the drinking tube through the pocket's opening and connected it to the bag's shoulder strap.
Which he modified.
By adding an adjustment strap that the Woodsman took from the water bladder carrier, he installed in the backpack. The bite-valve can be easily adjusted up or down to allow the Woodsman to drink his water from the water bladder.
Neat-O Items
The woodsman has some really neat stuff, in his backpack.
The Woodsman's Dad give him a compact firearm cleaning kit, for Christ's Mass or his birthday. The kit has cleaning patches, cleaning rod, cleaning jig, bore cleaner, oil, and a bore brush.
The patches cleaning jig, and bore brush are in plastic baggies to prevent them from getting lost. An important issue in prepping.
The next neat-o is his knife sharpening kit. It fits in a nylon case. He has a sharpening rod and a handle knife sharpener.
I like the idea that the handle knife sharpener is in orange, so it is hard to lose. Plus, the sharpening rod allows him to sharpen serrated knives.
The next two neat things, I'm going to write about, are his headlamp and a can of spices that the Woodsman carries in his backpack.
The headlamp allows the Woodsman to use both hands, when it's dark, to cook, clean, tend a wound, or complete other tasks.
The spices allow the Woodsman to add flavor to his food, if needed.
The last neat-o item is Woodsman's piece of camouflage cloth. The camo cloth is big enough for the Woodsman to hide himself and his gear.
He also carries a small copy of FM 21-76-1 from June '99. (I think the booklet is an excerpt)
Other Supplies
Now, the Woodsman also carries additional gear.
He has a first aid kit, a sewing kit with needles and two strengths of thread, rain gear, and hand/body warmers.
The Woodsman told me that he carries the chemical warmers because he found out first hand how cold it can get here when he went coon hunting and got wet, miles from home.
OK folks, I left out some stuff, in this article like Woodsman's fire kit in a tin and his rudimentary first-aid kit. The fire kit has cotton balls, a magnesium fire starter with a piece of hacksaw blade for the striker, and water-proof matches.
The Woodsman's first-aid stuff is some gauze pads and a small bottle of aspirin.
OK. What do you think?
Pretty good, isn't it. It is, but Woodsman is missing some critical items, to me. Let's take a look.
Woodsman is missing some kind of shelter, to me. Yes, he can improvise a shelter using the machete and the cordage, in the headlight and spice picture, or he can use the rain poncho to make a shelter.
Me? I prefer a blue or green tarp dedicated for shelter, say a 10 feet X 8 feet or a 12X12 tarp and some 550 cord to tie the shelter down.
Woodsman has a water bladder, I think 80 to 100 ounces, that's enough for short emergencies about one to two days. He can obtain more potable water by using the matches to make a fire to purify the water for drinking.
Me? I would carry some Polar Pure (Nope, not an Amazon link because it's not a DOSC article) or some kind of disinfection tablet. I like Polar Pure because it's iodine crystals; they'll never go bad.
Yep, Woodsman knows it too. He has no food in his pack. Of course for a short emergency, more water is better since a person can survive three to five weeks without food.
Woodsman and I talked about it, and he's thinking a couple packages of Ramen noodles, trail mix-type bars, and other stuff like that.
Some wilderness writers will put fire on the same level as shelter. I agree and Woodsman agrees too that's why he has two different ways, in his pack, to start a fire. If you count his combat vest with rifle and pistol, he would have five ways of starting a fire.
Let's count:
1 - Matches, 2 - fire starter, 3 - rifle bullet, 4 - pistol bullet, 5 - fire starter on his knife.
Rifle, pistol, knife. I don't think he needs anymore.
Woodsman is a little light on the medical gear. He could use some duct tape and a couple of band-aids, maybe a few more sterile gauze pads, too.
OK, that's it. I'm going to bed.
Thanks again to the Woodsman for allowing me to photograph his backpack and its contents.
State of Washington: Department of Health - Purifying Household Water
Backpacker Magazine - Gear Review Polar Pure Water Disinfectant
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Survival Kit in a Tin
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Going into the wilderness requires you to be prepared because "Mother Nature" is a cold-hearted killer. She doesn't care who you are. If you screw up, she'll kill you dead.
To survive ... (and no guarantees)
First, Dress for the Weather
Yes, I know you're only driving to the grocery store, but you need to wear clothes for the season. This means, long pants, shoes with socks, a coat, hat, gloves, and a scarf for winter. This goes double if you're going into the woods or fields.
Second, Tell People Where You're Going
Phone a friend, leave a note, just tell someone responsible where you're going, how long you'll be gone, what you're wearing blah, blah, blah.
Third, Carry a Kit
When you go into the wilderness (say it like this "wilder" "ness"), you need to carry a kit. Just like prepping for other disasters, you need shelter, water, food, and protection, medical supplies, and ...
Plus, Fire!!!
This is where the 'Survival Kit in a Tin' comes in.
The Tin |
Metal tins are better because the top can be polished and used as a signal mirror. The Altoids' tin is probably the best because it can slip in your shirt pocket.
You can put anything in you tin, but the most important thing to remember is to carry your tin.
Jungle G's Tin |
He has, from the right and going counter clockwise, cotton balls, wood shavings, P-38 can opener, string, a magnesium fire starter (cut in half lengthwise), two fish hooks, and a diamond knife sharpening 'card.' Inside the tin is a compass.
Notice the shiny interior of the tin. It can be used as a signal mirror.
Needless to say, this tin lacks a lot of the things you might need.
Or does it.
First, Jungle G (and you, too) should carry a knife, fixed blade, folder, or multi-tool. It doesn't matter. The knife will allow you to build a temporary shelter with the string as cordage to help hold the shelter together.
Next, he has a method of making fire. The magnesium fire starter has the fire steel still attached. Using his knife, he would strike the fire steel towards the cotton balls then use the cotton balls to light a fire.
I don't know if he can use the P-38 as a striker. I'll have to ask him or try it myself.
Next, he has a method of signally potential rescuers by using the shiny interior of the tin to flash the searchers.
Almost lastly, according to Jungle G, he can use the string and fish hooks to either catch fish or trap small game.
Lastly, he can sharpen his knife with the knife sharpening card.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Department of Shameless Commerce - Water
I'm lucky. I live in a city (or close enough) that has two public supported radio stations, really four. One of these stations is a National Public Radio (NPR) affiliate station. Another one is a part-time affiliate, and the last two are college music stations.
On the full-time NPR station, they broadcast Car Talk with Tom and Ray Magliozzi, "also known as Click and Clack, the Tappet Brothers." At the end of their show, the Magliozzi brothers list all the people that help them every week with some fictional funny names thrown in for laughs. One of their funny support staff heads the The Department of Shameless Commerce.
Since, I want to make money with my writing, but not 'trick' people by embedding links in the posts, I have started a 'pure' blerb (article) that just points out some useful stuff for the prepper/survivalist on Amazon from "My" Amazon Store
Remember, If you can buy it local or buy it cheaper; don't buy it from Amazon.
If you pay cash, the federals don't know you bought it.
For most folks, the water coming out of their faucets is ready to store, all you need are some containers. Containers come in different sizes.
Canteens and Water Bottles
The first water containers I'll write about are water bottles and canteens. Water bottles come in a variety of material, mainly plastic and metal. The plastic bottles will allow you to blend in, and you can (sometimes) pick a water bottle color to match your gear.
Canteens will likely scream survivalist, but the military surplus canteen are rugged, especially the metal canteen. Metal canteens and water bottles will allow you to heat your water.
Remember: Only put water in your canteen or water bottle. Never put milk, kool-aid, or soda in a water bottle or canteen, that's what a canteen cup is for.
Water Jugs or Water Cans
For storing larger amounts of water, you will need water cans. The come in different sizes. The larger the container the more water it will hold; the heaver the water jug will be.
For storing even greater quantities of water, you and your family will want to use barrels. Barrels come in 15, 30, and 55 gallons.
You will need a pump to get the water out of the drum
For some folks, traveling in the wilderness or during a disaster, they may need to drink from questionable sources, so they will want a water filter.
Kitchen Filter
The kitchen type filters will remove bad tastes from your water and not much more.
Handheld Water Filters
The handheld water filters will work on the water you find in the streams, rivers, and lakes.
Base Camp Water Filter
If you're worried about needing to filter a lot of water, the big table top water filters (base camp filters) will filter 1.000s of gallons of water. They're expensive, but worth the price.
Purification with Chemicals
I'm headed to bed.
Wikipedia - Car Talk
EPA - Potassium Permanganate
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Combat Vests and Survival Vests
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Before I begin, I want to review buying in a spiral for all the new folks to this blog.
Buying in a spiral allows you and your family to have well-rounded preps. Instead of unnecessarily concentrating on one prep, like firearms, you and your family buy in a different prep area every week or month. Let me give you an example. The first week, you buy a family-sized tent, shelter. The next week, you purchase and fill a few water containers, water. The third week, you buy an extra weeks worth of canned food, food. Next week, you buy a used .357 revolver, protection. The fifth week, you buy a first-aid kit, medical.
You're probably doing this, but here's where the spiral comes in.
The sixth week, you buy wool blankets, shelter again. The next week, you buy and fill more water containers, water again. The seventh week, you buy another extra week of food, food again. The eighth week, you buy 500 rounds of .38 special +P ammunition, protection again. The next week, you buy some trauma bandages, medical again.
The tenth week, you buy some blue tarps, shelter. Next, you buy a water filter, water. Next, another weeks worth of extra food. Next, another .357 revolver. Next, ...
You get the idea, so, you'll understand my next statement.
For most urban and suburban preppers, combat vests and survival vests will be some of the last things that you purchase. You need to concentrate on shelter, water, food, medical, guns and ammo then tactical gear.
With that said ...
When I was in these United States' Army, I wore TA-50 to carry my canteens, magazines for my rifle, sleeping bag, MREs, extra clothing, land mines, antitank rockets, and all the other stuff; we took to the field. Nowadays, soldiers wear MOLLE gear for tactical operations.
Some preppers, especially recently discharged veterans, may want to use MOLLE gear.
First, The Woodsman's Kit
The Woodsman's Tactical Vest (Front) |
On the right, starting from the top, are three pistol magazine pouches, and below that is an area of velcro (the soft side) that held a cross draw pistol holster when I first met the Woodsman. Below that is a magazine carrier for pistol magazines.
The Woodsman's Tactical Vest (Back) |
You can also see the adjustment straps to loosen and tighten the vest and the drop-leg holster and the drop leg magazine pouches.
Before I met the Woodsman, his plan was to carry a 9mm pistol in the drop leg holster, a .45 pistol in the cross draw holster, carry an AR-15 in his hands, a 12 gauge shotgun in a scabbard attached to the back of his vest, and a .270 rifle with a scope slung across his back.
That's a lot of fire power, too much firepower to carry.
First, I advised him to get rid of one of the pistols because a pistol is used for self-protection and to 'fight' your way back to your rifle. He didn't need two pistols, so the 9mm pistol is going to his wife.
The 12 gauge shotgun is going into his front hall closet, so he and his wife have something to answer the door with, if needed.
The .270 rifle is going back into his gun safe, so it's protected from villains and ready for next hunting season.
Another problem, he was having was properly carrying his rifle at 'the ready' with the cross draw holster in place, he decided to carry his .45 pistol and its magazines in the drop leg holster and magazine pouch and ditch the cross draw holster.
He was also having another problem with the double rifle magazine pouches digging into his underarm, if he carried two magazines in each pouch.
I suggested he hack his vest (since he's not carrying a cross draw holster, anymore) by adding a set of rifle magazine pouches where the velcro patch is at. This will give some balance to the vest. Plus, the Woodsman will be able to carry six rifle magazine comfortably across his abdomen, and if need be, he can add another six magazines by placing two magazine in each pouch.
Another addition, I suggested, was adding two canteens to the back, attached to the belt. The two canteens would be carried in canteen pouches with one also holding a canteen cup.
The last two hacks I recommended was to replace the pistol magazine pouch on the left shoulder with a pouch big enough to hold a couple of combat dressings, and to add a butt-pack to the back of his vest.
Lastly, you will notice that black sucks as a tactical color. The Woodsman is going to tie-dye the vest to a better colour. Hopefully he'll let me take pictures after his vest hack.
Now, ...
What does the Woodsman carry in his vest?
Bear Grylls Survival Series Ultimate Knife |
The knife has a fire steel, located on the front of the sheath, and a whistle. On the back, the sheath has a knife sharpening stone and brief instructions for signaling and communicating with rescuers.
Lastly, for the Woodsman, he carries a backpack, but you will have to wait for another article
Second, Jungle G's Vest
Jungle G's Vest (Front) |
As you can see the vest is in the desert camoflauge patteren. It has six magazine pouches, three on each side, Each magazine pouch can hold two rifle magazines. A small pouch, just underneath the "US" on the vest, holds a military compass.
Jungle G's Vest (Rear) |
The rear of the vest has two canteen covers (Jungle G didn't bring his canteens to the photo shoot) and a medium "butt" pack.
All of the gear attached to the MOLLE vest uses plastic malice clips or the MOLLE attachment webbing.
In this picture, you will also notice a drag handle at the very top of the MOLLE. A drag handle allows someone to easily drag a wounded comrade, out of immediate danger, if needed.
Jungle G's vest is also a combat vest, but it has more survival gear then the Woodsman's vest.
Let's take a look.
First, just like the Woodsman, Jungle G carries his knife on the vest's belt. Jungle G's knife is a Mora knife. The knife is about seven inches long with a three inch stainless steel blade. Jungle G suggests stainless steel blades because they don't rust.
The butt pack is what seems to turn this combat vest into a survival vest. The main compartment holds a rolled up poncho liner and poncho. The outer pockets hold an emergency space blanket, to be used as shelter; a small pack of stick matches, wrapped in plastic wrap; some Ramen noodles, hot cocco, and trail mix bars, for food; and what looks like mechanic hand cleaner.
Yep, you guessed it. It's not hand cleaner. It's a bottle of hand sanitizer.
Jungle G took an old bottle, of proper size and shape, and filled it with very flammable hand sanitizer. If he needs a fire, he squirts a little one something flammable and lights with a match.
Yeah, that sounds weird, but it guarantees the fire will light, a big deal in a survival situation.
Needless to say...
That's it for now. I'm headed to bed.
Wikipedia - All-purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipme
Wikipedia - MOLLE
NCO Support - U.S. Army TA-50 Pictures for CIF Turn-in
Emdom USA - MALICE Clip: Installation Instructions
Wikipedia - More Knife
Federal Aviation Administration: Fire Safety Branch - Flammability Test of Alcohol-Based Hand Sanitizer
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Department of Shameless Commerce - Cordage
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I listen to National Public Radio. It is awesome; they have many shows; one of the shows I listen to is Car Talk. Those guys are hilarious.
Well, one of the things they do, at the end of the show, is promote their 'stuff,' and that gave me an idea.
I'll promote useful (to me) products for my store, every once in a while.
So, let's begin.
Rope, twain, string, it can go by one name, cordage. It has many uses, but the number one use of cordage is joining two or more things together.
In Robert Graves' seminal work Ropes and Cords, he illustrates how to make cordage from natural material like grass, water rushes, or bark fiber, a useful bushcraft skill.
Cr*p, $40 for a used copy, It's a great book (I have a copy) but not for $40.
We're in luck there is an electronic version to a .pdf for Robert Graves' The Ten Bushcraft Books in the links. Needless to say, you will want to download it, study the techniques, and practice those skills, or print the .pdf for your survival bible.
Making ropes and cords, for most folks will be little extreme, so instead a prepper may want to purchase cordage. One of the most versatile cordage is 550 cord. There are two or three types. One is actual military 550 cord. It will be rated to hold 550 pounds and have 7 internal strings inside an outer braided sheath. Another type is the military style that will be the same as military 550 cord. The last one that I know about is 300 cord. It had only 5 inter-strings and an outer braided sheath, and it will only hold 300 pounds.
Another type of cordage is the braided nylon rope. Just like 550 cord, it comes in different colors and different test strengths.
Now, the general nylon, polypropylene, polyester rope that you'll find in your local farm and home are rated for uses like tying down traps, tying stuff together, using a tie downs, and other general uses. Ropes for climbing are different; they are designed to save your life, if you fall.
Needless to say, buying and using climbing ropes will require additional equipment and training.
OK. That's it.
Remember, Don't buy it from, if you can buy it cheaper, locally.
Don't forget, buying local allows you to conceal your purchases from the federales when you pay cash.
Car Talk - Home
Survival Station - The Ten Bushcraft Books
Stealth Survival - Free Online Bushcraft Books
Wikipedia - Parachute Cord
Backcountry Beacon - Learning the Ropes: Rope Ratings, Length, Rope Care
REI - How to Choose a Climbing Rope
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Get Home Gear
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Wrote the wrong post date, and I'm changing the subject.
A couple of months ago, I wrote that every prepper should have a BOB, GOOD bag, or 72-hour kit for our vehicles.
Here's mine.
All My Gear |
The Box, Blanket, and Toilet Paper |
The toilet paper can be used to wipe my butt, as fire starter, or first-aid dressings. The rudimentary orange backpack can be used to carry stuff, signal device, or ... The polyester throw is for my wife; she uses it to keep warm when I'm driving in the winter. (I like it cool in the car, during the winter)
Staying Warm Without Fire |
I like the German parka because it's warm, has a hood, and was inexpensive (under $20) The wet weather jacket, I had left over from my military service.
The two blankets, I found at a couple of garage sales for a few dollars.
Fire Kit |
First-Aid and Safety Gear |
The picture, to the left, is the safety gear. I have three warning triangles, a pair of decent jumper cables, two ice scraper, and an umbrella, an empty (never used) fuel can, and a very basic first-aid kit in the red pouch.
I apologize, I failed to mention the safety vest, in the third picture (it's laying on the blanket). I wear the safety vest to make sure folks see me if I have to pull over in the middle of the night.
I apologize, I failed to mention the safety vest, in the third picture (it's laying on the blanket). I wear the safety vest to make sure folks see me if I have to pull over in the middle of the night.
The black bag in the picture usually holds the warning triangles, the jumper cables, and one of the ice scrapers. The reason I keep that stuff in a separate black bag; I usually only use that stuff.
Needless to say, some folks will tell you that I'm lacking in some way or another, and I am.
There's no water (#1 after shelter) and no food. Plus, I don't have a rain coat or warm coats for my wife and children, no gloves, and no hats, too.
Guess what?
That's one of the great things about telling folks about prepping. I have a chance to check my preps, so I can make modifications to my stuff.
That green pencil box in the first picture. It held a bunch of change, for pay phones ; - )
Needless to say, some folks will tell you that I'm lacking in some way or another, and I am.
There's no water (#1 after shelter) and no food. Plus, I don't have a rain coat or warm coats for my wife and children, no gloves, and no hats, too.
Guess what?
That's one of the great things about telling folks about prepping. I have a chance to check my preps, so I can make modifications to my stuff.
That green pencil box in the first picture. It held a bunch of change, for pay phones ; - )
Pencil Box used to Hold Change for Pay Phones |
Not really. I didn't have any paper money when I was making up the kit, so I throw a bunch of change into the former pencil box.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Link Dump, 5
Welcome Preppers and Survivalists,
I have some time this morning, so the first set of links is to three places (and one for recipes) where you can search for all kinds of information on how to do all kinds of stuff. Want to learn how to cook your wheat, search "cooking wheat" on YouTube. Want to learn some recipes for your dried beans, search "cooking dried beans" at Instructables. Want to learn about producing some of your own food, search "gardening," "raising chickens for food," or "making mead" at WikiHow.
Needless to say, want a recipe for ..., search All
Instructables - Home
WikiHow - Home
YouTube - Home
All - Home
The next link is for John Robb's effort to get folks developing and building communities that will work, during uncertain times.
Resilient Communities - Home
This last link, for today, is for a 'free' e-book? on baking bread without an oven.
The Prepared Pantry - Baking Bread without an Oven
Note: They will ask for an email address, and yes, I know this is a repeat link from many months (years?) ago.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Firearms for Preppers, ... Handguns
Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
Before I begin, I have to mention my biases.
First, I believe that everyone has the right to self-protection (even convicted felons)
Second, the most effective weapon for self-protection is a firearm.
Third, a handgun (revolver or pistol) is the easiest type of firearm to carry for self-protection
Lastly, a M1911A1-style handgun in .45 ACP is the BEST handgun for self-protection ; - )
Now that I have stirred some sh*t, let's begin.
Pistols and revolvers are collectively known as handguns, and handguns come in three different actions. They are single-action (SA), double-action (DA), and double-action only (DAO)
A single-action handgun's hammer must be pulled back, cocking the weapon, before the handgun is able to shoot. On a double-action handgun the trigger needs to be squeezed, to cock the weapon, for it to shoot, additionally; a double-action can also be cocked by pulling back the hammer, just like a SA handgun. A double-action only handgun can only fire by pulling the trigger thus cocking the hammer.
![]() |
Taurus 669 by Philippe Kurlapski |
Revolvers are a good choice for the prepper because they require little equipment and minimal training to be effective, especially the double-action or the double-action only revolver.
The only equipment, a revolver will need, is a holster and a cleaning kit. The holster can be made from nylon, leather, or another material like Kydex; it just needs to fit the revolver.
Some nice to have equipment, for a revolver, are speed loaders, speed strips, or 1/2 moon/moon clips; these allow the revolver to be loaded faster. Speed strips hold 6 rounds, but a speed strip only allows inserting two round at a time, into the cylinder. Moon clips are circular; they hold 6 rounds (3 rounds for a 1/2 moon clip), by clipping the round to the moon clip. Needless to say, a prepper, once the spent cartridges are ejected, can insert six rounds into the revolver's cylinder with a moon clip. Speed loaders also hold six rounds, but the rounds are held by a mechanism. This mechanism is similar to a moon clip, but the cartridges are released, by the speed loader, by turning a knob after inserting the cartridges.
![]() |
Two Speedstrips by Chrisf8657 |
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Ma917 Revolver with Two Moon Clips by Mcumpston |
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HKS model 29 speedloader, for 6 shot .44 Magnum revolver by unknown |
Oh, I almost forgot about the ammo.
You will need ammunition for your revolver. Ammunition comes in many configurations for handguns. One of the pluses for revolvers is their ability to shoot a variety of ammunition.
Basically, if the ammunition goes bang and leaves the barrel, it will shoot in a revolver designed for that ammunition.
![]() |
U.S. Army M-1911 (ca. 1912) by Sam Lisker |
Pistols are a good choice for the prepper, but they require a little more equipment and training to be effective for the prepper.
Just like the revolver, a pistol will need a holster and a cleaning kit. Plus, a pistol requires magazines. Magazines come in a variety of capacities, normal capacity and reduced capacity. Of course, you will want to stock up on magazines from a quality manufacturer. (Here's one you might want to avoid)
For most preppers, magazines allow a quicker handgun reload, but it takes training.
Needless to say, like any other tool, you and your family will need training. I believe, basic safety training is mandatory for everyone in the family, including the children. There are many fine organizations (NRA and your states conservation department) and private instructors to teach you and your family, locally.
After, basic safety training, you and your partner will need to decide how much further y'all will go with your firearms education. It's fun and can be addictive.
Ammunition for Pistols
I apologize. I almost forgot to mention about ammo for a pistol.
A pistol is more finicky about ammo then a revolver. You will need to make sure the ammunition that you buy for your family's pistols will function in the pistol because the ammo 'makes' the pistol work.
Yeah, I know that explanation's vague, but that's why you and your family get training.
Say Uncle - Bashing v. Reasoning - Double Action Only versus Double Action/Single Action
From The Heartland - They are "Normal Capacity" Magazines
Zombie Squad - ProMag Pistol Magazines
National Rifle Association - NRA Eduction and Training
Video Link:
YouTube: Gun Websites - What Pistol to Buy? Single Action, Double Action or DAO
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