Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wednesday: 5 December 2018, Part Four

Dear Preppers and Survivalists,

Protest at John F. Kennedy International Airport (ca 2017)
photograph by

Sorry about that folks. I thought I had enough time to get some stuff done before this blurb was posted.

Oh well, ...

Before I begin, please notice handgun is plural, as in Handguns.

First, ...

You need to purchase a handgun. I suggest a .357 magnum revolver. If you disagree that's o.k. You just need a handgun with several magazines. I suggest five, at least.

Second, ...

Your partner needs a handgun. Once again, I suggest a .357 magnum revolver. If you disagree, blah, blah, blah. You need at least five magazines.

Third, ...

You and your partner need holsters. Outside the waistband are the best because you don't have to lose weight or buy larger sized pants for an inside the waistband holster to fit, inside your waistband.

Fourth, ...

You and your partner need to take some training classes, notice class is plural.

So, ...

Start off with the basics like safety, the Law, and how to draw your handgun, holster it, and do the other basic things.

Fifth, ...

Stop, take a breath, and save some cash because ...

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