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Winter Sunset at Arches National Park (ca 2013) photograph by Albert Herring National Park Service |
The End
That's it.
You're on your own, ...
Until next year.
Doom and Gloom
Acute Flaccid Paralysis
Ha, Ha
Jet Bridge
Secret Life
State Budgets
New York Times
Things You Might Want to Think About
We have to be careful about making fun of Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez because she is serious about changing the status quo.
A change that could cause the death of millions of people, like you and your family.
Notice, ... They to mention the killer was a black guy
Buy Backs
Leftists subvert our language to change the argument when they can't win, take 'Gun Buybacks.'
Did Maryland sell these guns to those people?
No, of course not. These people bought these firearms from a business, not the state or federal government.
So, ...
These events are really firearm confiscations with a gift card or a little bit of money thrown in.
This story involves several more people, some are illegal immigrants
I understand what Mr. Jair Bolsonaro is trying to do for his country.
But, ...
Using a decree will allow others to return the national policy back to an
Making up charges or faking violations of a company's policies to get rid of a paying guest is reprehensible.
With that said, ...
Fox News also reported about this event but they screwed it up by including an incident that justified kicking the people out of the store, at the end of the story.
The guy had it going, money, connections, and even the hot girlfriend then he became a raving Jew Hater.
Serves him right.
Fake News
You know how all Politicians lie? How about there are always long lines at the DMV? Do you know, you can't trust a used car salesman, right?
Well, ...
Now you know, every reporter and news organization has a bias. Most of them against white Christians that believe in God, Guns, and Country.
Fake Videos
Yes, ... It's disturbing to think that your wife, daughter, sister, or grand-daughter could show up in a fake porn video.
But, ...
What happens when someone 'assassinates' former President Obama or another popular Liberal politician, and their follows overreact?
Or, ...
Uses the technology to implement you and your family in a drug deal or terror plot?
Or, ...
Raise funds for a terrorist organizations.
We forget the value of our freedoms
Yeap, ... He wanted to kill 10,000 people, blow up crowded nightclubs, and burn college students alive.
All in the name of his god, ... Allah
God and ... Samuel Colt
At double the national crime rate, 11th most dangerous city in these United States, highest property tax rate in the state, and ...
People wonder why the city is falling apart.
Please read the whole thing.
Folks, ... Just to make it clear.
Illegal Immigrants
I don't care who you are, including the future President of these United States, if you hire illegals, help illegals evade immigration laws, or do other illegal things, your company should pay a hefty fine and the owners, managers, and employees that helped should go to prison.
Knives and Buses
All I have to say, ...
Outlaw guns then mentally ill/outlaws/terrorists will use ... automobiles, baseball bats, chains, screwdrivers, and lots of other tools to kill people.
Oooh, ... There will be no one to stop them, either.
Next, people are going to be telling us that we need to embrace Communism, Islam, Socialism, Witchcraft, and other ideologies that wish to destroy us.
Oooh, ... They already did.
Nine Months
Wow, ... I wonder when Medicaid and Medicare will stop their payments?
If I have this right, ...
It's seven to ten years of supply for these United States, about the same amount as Libya with the 9th largest reserves,
If someone is vague enough, don't give an actual date, or keep making the same prediction year after year.
Sooner or later, the person will be right about the future.
It's very simple, ... The politicians screwed up, again.
So, ...
Here the link to the IRS Withholding Calculator
They couldn't find a 'black' guy to wear it.
Which side are you on?
No, ... I didn't mess up and put a quote in the wrong section. I intentionally did it.
With that said, ...
There are more then two ways to solve a problem.
The only problem, ...
Sometimes there is only one.
"Every single civil right for every single person,"
"Real walls are deterrents and are the only thing that really work to deter and prevent illegal border crossings."
"That would be a nice change of pace, now wouldn’t it?"
"Now we can see a major reason why progressives want to dismantle the Constitutional order: ..."
"He is to be praised, not scorned, for the way he lives. This is one good and humble man."
“Ultimately, the only long-term solution to the migration crisis is to help people build more hopeful futures in their home countries [and] make their countries great again.”
"Victors write the accepted history of events."
"It is because they want to be the special person that can turn this life around and be able to attribute that to their own self esteem,"
"Events will tell us soon enough."
"Erasing history is a dangerous road when it comes to art — change is essential, but so, too, is remembering the past, in all of its transgression and barbarism, so that we may properly gauge how far we have come, and also how far we still need to go."
"I cannot forget it for the rest of my life."
"The Homeland Security Department last year found “anomalous activity” consistent with use of cell site simulators near the White House and other sensitive buildings. Driving tests suggest that cell site simulators are positioned near the buildings of federal agencies and high technology defense contractors. Foreign intelligence services are presumed to be responsible. Yet the Homeland Security Department said it does not have the technical expertise or resources to find these cell site simulators."
"... expanding Medicaid, banning high-capacity rifles, passing a DREAM Act."
"High on their list: making businesses pay more and ending a sweetheart deal for people who inherit homes and their low tax bills, then turn a profit by renting them out."
"Getting that gratification from the get-go almost doesn’t seem right."
"nobody answers the phone."
What Others Wrote
Ace of Spades HQ: The Morning Report, 12/28/18
Ace of Spades HQ - Gun Thread:
Active Response Training: Weekend Knowledge Dump, December 28, 2018
Defense One: The D Brief, ?? December 2018
Defense One- Radio: What We Learned in 2018 - What's Ahead for Syria
Defense One- Radio: What We Learned in 2108 - Averting War with North Korea
Survival Blog: The Survivalist's Odds n' Sods, 329
Survival Blog: The Survivalist's Odds n' Sods, 331
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report: Index 559
The Z Blog:???
That's Just the Way it Was: Tulelake, California (ca 19??)