Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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.22LR Rifle (ca 2015)
photograph by
Faceless Enemy
.22LR Rifles
Here in these United States, there are basically two semiautomatic .22 rifles for preppers, the Ruger 10/22 and the Marlin Model 60.
Both have been manufactured in the millions (or close enough) that they can be found in almost any gun store, new or used. Spare parts are easy to find from the manufacturer and many others, such as Brownell's, Midway, Sarco, and Numrich.
Needless to say, there are many recently manufacturer bolt-action rifles; made by Ruger, Savage, Marlin, CZ, Keystone, Mossberg, Browning, Henry, and many others; that you can purchase from the 'big bog' retailers such as Gander Mountain and Cabela's. You can also find used .22LR bolt-action rifles in the local gun stores or pawn shop.
To find spare parts for the new rifles, you can contact the rifle's manufacturer or Brownell's and Midway. The used rifles (depending on how old they are) will require you and your family to contact Sarco and Numrich for spare parts.
Spare Parts
For most events (hurricane, earthquake, car crash, and many others), you're not going to need spare parts for your rifle. These event will be local and short-term, so you will be able to order spare parts and quickly receive the replacement parts from an internet or local retailer.
However, ... Some, very rare, events will require you to have a minimum of spare parts, such as a replacement firing pin, front and rear sight, any action springs, extractor, ejector, and many spare magazines.
In the case of the Marlin Model 60 or other tubular magazine fed rifles, you will need a few springs and followers instead of box magazines.
If your firearms use magazines, you need a minimum of five (5) magazines for each rifle and pistol, at least. More would be better!
If you don't have a magazine for a semiautomatic rifle or pistol, you have a very difficult to load single shot firearm. Negating the reason for using a magazine fed semiautomatic rifle or pistol in the first place
Remember, ... Magazines are a critical item for semiautomatic rifles and pistols.
Of course, .22LR ammunition has seen a dramatic price increase in the last few years (decade?), so you won't be able to stock as much ammo as before the current reality.
To purchase, you can buy .22LR ammunition from the only China-Mart that still sells firearms, the local gun store, farm and home stores (such as Rural King), and the internet retailers, like, Lucky Gunner, and others.
Be warned, I almost passed out from sticker shock.
For preppers, the .22LR rifle is the third or fourth firearm purchased by your family. (The first should be a defensive revolver, in .357 magnum, and the second should be a defensive rifle, like the SKS) because the highest priority is protecting yourself and your family from villains.
Yes, ... I know, you can use the .22LR as a defensive cartridge, but . 38 Special, .357 magnum, 9mm, .40 caliber, or .45 ACP for handguns and .223 caliber/5.56 mm, .308 caliber/7.62 NATO, or 7.62X39 for rifles are sooo much better for defensive purposes.
I also know, you and your family are stocking food such as white rice and dried beans, or wheat and dried beans (Right?), so you won't need to hunt during an event. Plus, telling your partner that your family is going to be foraging for wild edibles and shooting rabbits, squirrel, and other small game for food during an event isn't going to be pretty ; - )
Lastly, with the 'recent' price increase of .22LR, it makes a certain economic sense to purchase, learn, and use a pellet rifle for hunting or to purchase, learn, and use traps for trapping small game to provide protein during an event.
Ruger: Products - 10/22 Rifle
Marlin: Firearms - Model 60
Brownell's - Home
Midway, USA - Home
Sarco, Inc - Home
Numrich Gun Parts, Corp - Home
Gander Mountain: New Guns - New Rimfire Rifles: Bolt Action
Cabela's: Bolt Action - Rimfire Rifles - .22LR
Lucky Gunner: Rimfire - .22LR
The reason I asked about my first gun was, that my sense of security was shatter by a recent burglary. They were looking for money, jewelry, medications, weapons (I didn't had any). whatever they could find......Well they found food, silverware, dishes, and appliances which they took......The worst thing they took was my sense of I have a baseball bat for home defense. (not much @ 72 years old)
I'm planning to buy the new 10 rounds revolver from S&W as soon as it hit the market. .357 will be too much for my hearing aids..... Plus the price is too high.
Thanks for your post.
Just another victim.
Dear Anonymous,
Sorry to hear about the burglary at your home. It is a terrible thing when villains steal your stuff and your sense of security.
However, ... We (you and your family) can learn from this experience.
First, instead of buying the new Smith & Wesson ten round revolver, you might want to harden your home by installing deadbolt locks, applying break resistant window film to the basement and lower level windows, replace outside door hinge screws with longer screws (usually 3-inches), installing a burglar and emergency notification alarm system, and purchase insurance for replacing expensive valuables.
Second, I suggest (if possible) for you go to a local shooting range and test fire the revolver or a similar revolver because all preppers, including you, are concerned about being able to pull the trigger, reload the handgun, handle the recoil, and doing immediate action drills.
Third, any firearm is going to be loud, very loud, so your hearing aids will be overwhelmed with a .22LR, .38 Special, or any other cartridge.
Fourth, .22LR is a marginal round for self defense, while you're at the range, so check out the small .38 Specials.
Needless to say, ... I have more for you at:
Sincerely, Someone you Know
The link isn't active until 4:30 am PDT on the 28th.
What are your thoughts on the 17 hmr rifle. When the 22lr became hard to get I noticed the 17 ammo was plentiful. So I purchased one and I have found it to be very versatile.
No mention of the Chiappa Little Badger? Its only a single shot 22, and feels like a childs toy, but its collapsible for backpack carry and very light...
Dear Anonymous,
I'm not a hunter or a 'collector of guns,'
But, ... I have read some things about the .17 HMR (Hornady Magnum Rimfire). It is a good varmint hunting ammunition for squirrel, rabbit, and other animals(up to 100 yards) with coyote and similar animals needing the hunter to be closer( 50 yards or less)
I have also read that the bullet will cause too much destruction of the meat, making it a poor game cartridge, unless a head shoot is made.
According to the articles, I read, the .17 HMR is a flat shooting cartridge that has a muzzle energy of about 250 foot pounds. (The 9mm is over 500 foot pounds, depending on the cartridge)
With that said, ...
Will it kill someone at close range? Yes, but like the .22LR you're going to need multiple shoots in a line from navel to head.
Can a prepper use the .17 HMR, for surviving an event? Yes, but within its limitations. Like any improvisation, using the .17 HMR cartridge for anything, other than varmint hunting, can be risky.
Would I use it? The short answer, No because my brothers and I have decided to standardize on .22LR, 5.56mm, and 7.62 NATO for rifles; and .45 ACP, and 9mm for handguns to simplify interchangeability and resupply within our family.
With that said, ...
Do we have firearms outside of those cartridges? Yes, we do. We have several SKS rifles in 7.62X39 and several revolvers in .357 magnum/.38 Special (We're changing our common cartridges. More about that later)
Are you correct that .17 HMR was available during the 'Great Ammunition Buying Spree?' Yes, you are and there is a technique for having firearms chambered in uncommon cartridges for your family's preps (More about that later)
Is it a versatile round? Yes, it is.
However, ... With any choose, there is much more with many different nuances thrown in for region of the world, types of animals, skill level of the prepper, uses for the item, and the list goes on.
Sincerely, Someone You Know
Chuck Hawks - The .17 Hornady Magnum Rimfire
Chuck Hawks - Compared: .17 HMR Varmint Ammunition
Chuck Hawks - Compared: .17 HMR and .22 WMR
Wikipedia - 9mm Parabellum
Yahoo: Answers - What are a list of animals i can succsessfully hunt with a .17 HMR?
Dear slingerofoinions X2,
Thanks for mentioning Chiappa's Little Badger single shot .22LR rifle. For someone looking for a lightweight (less than 3 pounds) 'survival' rifle for an Air Force-style survival kit, it would be ideal.
However, ... I think, a prepper would need to add a sling (made with 550 cord ; - ) and taping a Marble's Catch 22 Storage Dispenser to make it easier to carry and securely have more ammo handy.
Sincerely, Someone You Know
I personally think it's a poor idea to hold ammunition in the open like that (clipped on the buttstock). It might get dirty or lost. Plus, five rounds of .22LR isn't enough.
Chiappa Firearms - Little Badger Single Shot Rifle cal. .22LR, Standard
Midway USA - Marble's Catch 22 Storage Dispenser ...
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