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Weltachse mit Haase
August Neter
The Lottery
The odds of winning the Powerball are 292,000,000 to 1, but you and your partner play the game.
Because, ...
A winning ticket would be life-changing to say the least.
What else would be life changing? To your family? To the country? To the World?
How about a nuclear war? Nationwide Cyber Attack? Space War?
Let's take a nuclear war, ... for now.
China, Russia, and some of our 'allies' have the ability to launch 10 to 100 nuclear weapons towards our country. What's to stop them from doing that?
Of course, our country has the ability to retaliate in kind, plus more. You know M.A.D, mutually assured destruction.
O.K. That might stop them, but what happens if a leader or ruling party determines it's worth the losses to their country to attack? What stops them from attacking?
How about our shelter program, the Continuity of Operations program that, really only, protects the President, Congress, the Supreme Court Justices, and some select few government employees? Will that stop the hostile leader?
Neither do I.
Let's change the subject to a Nationwide Cyber Attack. During an attack, we possibly loss the ability to gather information, communicate with friends and family, power our cities, feed our citizens, treat our ill, defend our country, and much, much more.
How would that work out for you and your family?
Let us change the subject to a Space War. How would a space war that causes a Kessler
I'm going to stop because you see my point. There are some events, mainly low probability events, that would affect you and your family in ways that would be life-changing to the country and the World.
Doom and Gloom
2nd Fleet
Gunfree Zone
White Nose Syndrome
Things You Might Want to Think About
Let me get this straight, ...
The Massachusetts State Police supposedly have a bunch of officers overstating their work hours, which is fraud. Afterwards or just before that, the State Police had a scandal about a judge's daughter offering sex for drugs then a possible coverup of the arrest report.
Then, ...
An officer, who laundered money for a drug dealer but was granted immunity for her cooperation when she was younger, is fired.
Wow, ... I would hate to be in the Human Resource office, the next few years.
Wow, ... Trump was right.Mr. John Brennan and many like him should lose their security clearances when leaving government service.
I guess these folks have never read Rudyard Kipling's poem Danegeld
Parents send their children to parochial schools for several reasons.
The biggest is to get a better education then the public schools.
The second reason, especially for Middle school is to try and overcome the predominate mindset of the local community.
A third reason is to help their children walk in their faith.
So, ...
The parents should have abided by the student handbook
Hillary Rodham-Clinton
I applaud Mr. Mueller. His efforts to hunt down tax frauds, income tax cheats, and people that take unreported money from foreign powers, are greatly appreciated
But, ...
When are Bill Clinton, Hillary Rodham-Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation going to be investigated for the same crimes?
Hoop Ear Rings
What did people expect?
Aretha Franklin?
Yeap, the liberals attacks on the Immigration Service will work out well, for the country.
In the times ahead, ...
Don't plan on getting lucky
Other countries have learned this lesson. Hopefully, we will learn it, too.
Why was a Federal agent at a State of North Carolina raid?
Six Miles
Who would you walk six miles for?
There is a lot going on in this article, some that I agree with and some that I don't.
First, the Don't
I don't agree with 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and 3.
However, ...
I agree with #1 and #2.
With that said, ...
I also think our country should enforce the Second Amendment, so villains would have a harder time getting into prison.
South Africa
When are your friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers going to learn?
Socialism doesn't work
These folks were lucky.
A 2 X 4 moving at 120 to 240 mph is deadly.
Help Walmart pay a $135,000 settlement, by boycotting them for violating a young lady's right to own a firearm!
Ea-nasir was lucky; he didn't get a bad yelp review ; - )
"A Perfect Storm Threatens America's Survival"
"Local officials have already expressed dehumanizing outlooks on the role of the re-education camps as “eradicating tumors” and “spraying chemicals on the crops to kill the weeds.” Should authorities decide that forced indoctrination has widely failed, much of Xinjiang’s minority population will be framed as irredeemable. And with the state-controlled Global Times claiming, in response to the recent U.N. condemnation of China’s racist policies in Xinjiang, that “all measures can be tried” in the pursuit of China’s “stability,” mass murder and genocide do not look like impossible outcomes."
"When they see that there is no longer a social compact of peace, they will begin violating it themselves."
"What do you do if you are the New York Times and 20 people show up to the white-supremacist rally that you had been breathlessly billing as further proof of the normalization of hatred in the Donald Trump era? Expand the definition of "white supremacist" to cover a large portion of the American electorate and its representatives."
"For more than half-a-century, the Democratic Party has sown the wind of radicalism. Now, they are about to reap the whirlwind of revolution."
"What never crosses their mind is what could happen if they terrorize the wrong person and he decides to take action. They never think about what could happen if the public begins to turn on them in large numbers. No one in the ruling class thinks about the mob showing up with torches and rope. They don’t even think the mob will show up at the voting booth and cast a protest vote. Instead, they assume bad election results are the doings of gremlins and magic fairies with sinister names like Boris and Natasha."
"Nothing is as permanent as we image--especially super-complex, super-costly, super-asymmetric, and super-debt-dependent systems."
"So why are we a Western nation and not a third world hellhole engaged in ceaseless tribal warfare?"
What Others Wrote
Ace of Spades HQ: The Morning Report, 8/24/18
Active Response Training: Weekend Knowledge Dump, August 24, 2018
Defense One: The D Brief, 24 August 2018
Survival Blog: The Survivalist's Odds n' Sods, 256
Yer Ol' Woodpile Report: Index 542
The Z Blog: Summer World Tour
That's Just the Way it Was: San Augustine, Texas (ca 1939)
Farmers' vehicles parked near courthouse, Saturday afternoon
Farmer's family in town, Saturday afternoon
Farmer's wagon in town
Farmer's children sitting in farm truck, Saturday afternoon
Negro family with supplies in wagon ready to leave for the farm, Saturday afternoon
Negro farmer with supplies and freshly pressed suit, Saturday afternoon
Saddle horses with supplies tied to telephone post, Saturday afternoon
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