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Candle Heater
Doyle Doss
During a power outage, in the winter, you and your family are going to need a source of heat. An inexpensive heater can be made with a ceramic flower pot. Plus, this heater can be used as an emergency heater for your vehicle, if you're ever stranded, like Atlanta two weeks ago.
Here is my efforts.
Materials needed:
1 * Small Flower Pot
1 * Small Flower Pot Saucer
1 * Medium Flower Pot
4 * Tea-Light Candles (of course, you will need more for a longer event)
2 * nonflammable supports
1 * Bolt that fills in the small flower pot's drain hole
Tools Needed:
First, remove all flammable items away from the area, you plan to place the candle heater. Got it?
Next, place the small flower pot saucer on a nonflammable surface like a pizza pan (or in my case a metal footlocker.
Next, lay the flower pot saucer on the nonflammable surface.
Next, lay the nonflammable supports on the flower pot saucer.
Next, place the three tea-light candles in the saucer and light the candles with a match or lighter.
Next, place the small flower pot over the tea-light candles and place the bolt in the flower pot's drain hole.
Lastly, place the medium flower pot over the smaller flower pot.
Needless to say, I didn't follow my advice the first time around.
First, I tried using a votive candle. If you know your candles, you know a votive candle is a lot taller than a tea-light candle. The votive candle would start to burn then almost go out because the carbon monoxide and other hot gases, that collect at the top of the inner flower pot, would almost extinguish the votive candle.
Second, I didn't have an outer flower pot (medium flower pot) covering the smaller inner pot. Guess what?
That smaller flower pot gets really, really, really f*cking hot. How do I know?
I want to pick up the smaller flower pot, after it had been heating for a little bit, (no, I'm not that stupid) and the gloves, I was wearing, had a little bit of polyester content and the gloves melted!
Needless to say, you should have a outer flower pot covering the inner pot to protect folks from that hot pot.
Third, at first, I used a pair of wooden pencils. Bad idea 'cause ...
You guessed it.The pencils caught fire!
Fourth, the tea-light candles, I used only, lasted two hours, not the three to four hours everyone else has said the candles will last. Plus, I had a tea-light candle malfunction; one of the wicks fall out of its holder, extinguishing the flame.
Lastly, I tried to heat a 14X14 foot room. It didn't work; the room was too big.
So, ...
If you plan to use this method, you and your family will probably have to heat a smaller room, build more candle heaters, or ...
If your notice the very first picture, you will see some improvements compared to the candle heater that I built.
First, the candle can be easily removed, relighted, and different sized candles could be used.
In some of the methods, I link to, they use a bread pan that would allow using different sized candles, too.
Second, ...
I have to think about this, so I'll see you later.
YouTube: Chris Topher -
YouTube: AxeBros - How To Make a Candle Powered Space Heater
YouTube: Vegitate -
YouTube: The Suburban Hippie Experimentalist -
Thanks to Jadinardo for the last link above to a manufactured product that you might be interested in.
Just to remind you.
YouTube: COUNTRYFinancial -
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