Dear Preppers and Survivalists,
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Changing of the Guard Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Moscow, Russia (2006)
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Kok Leng and Maurice
SKS Rifle
The SKS rifle is a fixed magazine-fed semiautomatic rifle. It fires a 7.62 X 39 cartridge. The SKS rifle weighs 8.5 pounds (3.85 kg), and it is 40 inches (1.02 meters) long.
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The SKS rifle is no longer used, in front line service, by any country. It can be found in the hands of second line troops (National Guard and Reservists), cadets, ceremonial guards, security forces, and ... freedom fighters or terrorists.
Oooh, ... and citizens, too, for self defense and sporting purposes.
The AR-15 series rifle was never used, in front line service, by any country. (O.K. It was used by the U.S. Air Force ) The ones you will see in firearms' stores are an adaptation of the M-16 series rifle for the general public. It is used by citizens for self defense and sporting purposes.
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Steelerdon at Wikipedia
The AR-15 series rifle is a detachable magazine-fed semiautomatic rifle. It commonly fires the 5.56 X 45 (5.56 NATO) or .223 Remington cartridge. The rifle, when properly designed, will also fire the 7.62 X 39 mm, .300 Blackout, and the 5.56 X 39 mm cartridges. The AR-15 rifle comes in a variety of lengths and weights, depending on its configuration.
For this blurb, I'm going to use the M-16A2 lengths and weight. They are 39.62 inches (1 meter, just about) and 8.8 pounds (4 kg). Needless to say, a 16 inch barreled AR-15 (M-4ish) rifle with a collapsible stock will weigh 7.3 pounds (3.33 kg) and be 30 to 33 inches (.76 to .84 meters) long, depending on "If" the stock is extended or collapsed.
Both rifles fire a commonly available cartridge. The SKS rifle fires the 7.62 X 39mm while the AR-15 fires the 5.56 X 45mm cartridge.
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Richard C. Wysong II
Both cartridges will kill or wound a person out to 437 yards (400 meters) for the SKS rifle and 600 yards (550 meters) for the AR-15 rifle, if the shooter is doing their part.
Of course, some folks are going to ask about the other cartridges that a properly configured AR-15 can fire. I consider these rounds to be 'exotic' for the prepper or survivalist, so I will not discuss them. You will need to do your own research if you're interested in the .300 Blackout and 5.56 X 39 mm cartridges.
The SKS rifle is no longer manufactured, so you and your family can only purchase 'used' rifles. These rifles will range in price from about $300 for a basic well-used rifle to $650 for a newish rifle with accessories such as a rifle case, stripper clips, magazine pouches, and manuals.
Needless to say, a family member or friend may have an SKS rifle that they will give you for free or the price of a favor ; - )
AR-15 rifles can be purchased new or used. A new basic rifle can be had for about $700 with the sky's the limit for a custom manufacturer's rifle. Yes, there are some people selling AR-15s for $2,000.
Like any other firearm, used AR-15 rifles will come in a variety of prices depending on the rifle's configuration and manufacturer.
Before I continue, the AR-15 series rifle comes in a variety of barrel lengths, 10, 12, 14.5, 16, 20, 22, 24, and probably others. The shorter barreled rifles (10, 12, and 14.5 inches) are considered SBRs or short barreled rifles. They are more regulated then the longer barreled rifles (16, 20, 22, an 24 inches). These SBR AR-15s require additional paperwork and fees. Plus, there is the hassle factor because of the additional paperwork.
The AR-15 rifle also have a variety of buttstocks and handguards. Some buttstocks (the part that goes against your shoulder) are fixed; they stay the same length; while others are collapsible; they can change lengths to better fit a person.
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Some handguards allow attachment of various devices to the handguard such as flashlights, grips, and lasers.
The SKS and AR-15 rifles have different sights. The SKS rifle uses open sights while the AR-15 uses peep sights. Between the two, peep sights are the easiest to use.
However, ... The easiest sights to use will require you to spend more money. These sights are the telescopic sight and the reflector sight.
Telescopic sights are the ones that you have seen for many decades. They are usually found on hunting rifles, generally. These telescopic sights (rifle scopes) increase the target's image size when viewed through the rifle scope.
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Staff Sergeant Bronco Suzuki
Reflector sights are the ones that you have seen used by our country's Soldiers, Airman, Sailors, Marines, and Coast Guardsman. They are usually found on combat type weapons. The reflector sights (red dots) are usually unmagnified; however, there are magnified versions.
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LCpl Miguel A. Carrasco Jr.
Now, these sights can be mounted on either rifle with specialized mounts. Depending on the mount, the SKS can accept a sight on the cover or over the rear sight. The AR-15A3 (M-16A3/M-16A4) has picatinny rails machined in the upper receiver. Picatinny rails can also be found on handguards.
Needless to say, the state of art in weapons is always changing, so you may find more options for your rifle during your research. Plus, you're going to spend about, say ... $200 to $400 dollars or more for a quality reflector sight for the AR-15 rifle. While a good telescopic sight for the SKS rifle will set you back about $150.
I mentioned earlier that the AR-15 series rifle will have a variety of barrel lengths. That's not what I want to talk about in this section. I want to talk about whether the barrel is chrome-lined or not.
It seems these United States military and a lot of others countries have chrome lining in their military's barrels. This chrome lining protects the rifle barrel from rusting, harsh environments, cleaning chemicals, and other reasons.
Some AR-15s don't have a chrome-lined barrel while some barrels have one. Now, some folks think an unlined barrel is o.k. because you and your family won't be doing things (patrols, cordon and search, repealing attacks, and ...) like the military. Plus, the unlined barrel are, supposedly, more accurate.
SKS rifles, on the other hand, are all almost chrome-lined because they originally started out as military rifles.
Did you notice the 'almost?'
Yeah, the SKS rifles manufactured by the Yugoslavians have unlined barrels. (You can tell them buy the grenade launcher attached to the end og the barrel) It seems the Yugoslavians didn't have the money to chrome line their barrels : - (
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Another thing that I would like to mention about rifle barrels is their thickness. In the SKS, you don't get a choice. There is one barrel, and one barrel only. (O.K. There are two. One is 20 inches long, and the other is 16 inches long)
With the AR-15 rifles, it's a different story.
There are 'pencil' barrels (very thin), a medium profile (a thicker barrel), M-4 profile (a medium barrel with a notch cut in the barrel to mount a grenade launcher), a heavy barrel (a thicker and heavier barrel), and some I probably don't know about or forgot.
Like the M-16A2 barrel. It's thinner underneath the handguard and thicker just before the front sight.
So, what's the big deal about barrel thickness. First, these United States started noticing that soldiers were bending their rifle's barrels. Not a good thing 'If" they were trying to kill someone.
So, ... They went with a thicker barrel. Of course, there's more to the story.
It seems, a thicker barrel will take longer to heat up (and cool off), staying accurate longer. In other words, the barrel get so hot it starts to droop.
The SKS rifle has a fixed magazine that holds 10 rounds. The magazine can't be taken out of the SKS rifle. (O.K. The magazine can pivot. That's kind'a 'out').
So, ... The rifle is reloaded with cartridges on stripper clips or individual cartridges.
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U.S. Military
The AR-15, usually, has a 10, 20, or 30 round detachable magazine. The magazine can be removed from the rifle and reloaded with stripper clips and individual cartridges. The added benefit of a detachable magazine allows the AR-15 to have several pre-loaded magazines allowing a 'faster' reload.
Preppers that practice will be able to reload a SKS rifle as fast as a trained person reloading an AR-15, kind'a.
So far, I have written over 1200 words on the SKS rifle and the AR-15.
And, ... You probably realize the SKS Rifle and the AR-15 are two different rifles, by now.
Before I begin; I have to tell you something.
Both rifles will kill. A newish SKS rifle for $400 will kill just as well as a $2,200 La Rue Tactical AR-15 series rifle.
So, ...Which one to get?
First, let us think about some considerations.
- If you're former or current military, I would immediately suggest an AR-15. You have a lot of high priced training and lots of muscle memory, even if you were a clerk or cook. Plus, you might have some 'extra' gear and magazines laying around from your military service ; - )
I would also suggest a "Ford or Chevy" version of the rifle from Bushmaster, Olympic Arms, Ruger, or ... You know; the ones that are selling for around $700, new.
- If you're married with children, I would suggest a SKS rifle because you're going to be buying a lot of these rifles. Your children will need to be armed for tough times, so you will need a rifle for each family member. At around $400 per rifle, your family could purchase four SKS rifles for the price of two AR-15s with required accessories.
Remember, the SKS rifle is ready to shoot the way it is while the AR-15 rifle needs magazines, sights (depending on the rifle), and other things to function properly.
- If you're going to 'share' a rifle, I would suggest an AR-15 with a collapsible stock. The collapsible stock will allow the rifle to 'shorten' or 'lengthen' as needed by each person. Plus, a collapsible stock will allow the rifle to be more easily hidden.
Just to contradict myself. Most people can effectively shoot the SKS rifle even "If" the rifle is too short for them. Plus, there are folks that manufacture a collapsible stock for the SKS rifle. It just adds to the total cost of the rifle.
And, ... I think, they're not worth the price, at over $100
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Mitch Barrie
- If you live in a state or country that prohibits so called 'assualt rifles,' a SKS rifle may be your only choice to arm your family.
But, ... You're going to have to be politically active because states that prohibit so called 'assault rifles' will be coming to confiscate your SKS rifle, next.
Second, let us be practical.
Most preppers are going to need a good quality handgun because a rifle is a weapon that defends a country while a handgun is a weapon that defends you and your family.
So, ... I suggest you skip getting a rifle unless you live in the country, don't plan on manning road blocks, and ... other 'combat' related tasks. Plus, most 'likely' events (hurricanes, winter storms, under employment, and ...) won't require a rifle.
Yep, I said it. You just might be wasting your money buying a rifle for your family's preps, so you have to seriously think about this!
Plus, ... Have you ever seen a refugee with a rifle? Of course you haven't because the security forces would be calling them Terrorists ; - )
Third, to reinforce my preference for the SKS rifle for most preppers and their families, Katniss and I were talking about this blurb and she said something like 'So you're saying, for about $2,800 dollars, (the price of four AR-15s and nothing else) a family could purchase four SKS rifles, ammo, and some other stuff to help them be better prepared.'
Yeah, I love Katniss!!!
Equipment, Spare Parts, and ...
I talked about this several years ago.
GSIEP - Firearms for Preppers: SKS Rifle
GSIEP - Firearms for Preppers: M-16?AR-15 Rifle, Part Two
Avoid the DERP
I do not know who came up with term, but it's bad, just plan bad. (probably Say Uncle or someone he linked to ; - ) This is the useless stuff that folks are trying to get you to buy.
Like Fireclean, over-sized magazine release, or putting a bullpup stock on the SKS rifle.
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I apologize. I couldn't find a SKS rifle with a 30 round magazine, reflector sight, and bullpup stock.
Full Metal Jacket (FMJ) is the standard for military rifles. Someone that is or was in the military will probably be able to tell you why they use it. I just know that it works.
So, ... How much do you need?
I would suggest about 500 rounds for each rifle. This is a good beginning, but you're going to need more. Our elected representatives and unelected officials have a tendency to cause trouble every once in a while. This trouble usually causes shortages for a couple of years. Plus, it's never a bad idea to have more than you need. It's just like food for you and your family. Except you're feeding a firearm ; - )
Almost Lastly, ...
I was going to compare the AK-47 series rifle with the AR-15. Until, I found a really good Wikipedia page that does a ... Comparison of the AK-47 and M-16
Lastly, ...
If you liked this blurb, I ask that you mention it in a the facebook post, tweet it, e-mail, or other method of communications to your friends and family.
Next, ... I would like for you to join the National Rifle Association and donate to the NRA's Institute of Legislative Action, the Second Amendment Foundation, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, or the American Civil Liberties Union.
When you donate to the ACLU, make sure you include a note about your support for the Second Amendment to the Constitution of these United States and how you think they should support it, too ; - )
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
Like any other subject, there is more, but I'm hungry ; - )
SKS Rifle - Simonov SKS Carbine
J&G Sales - TC 9-56: SKS Rifle - Simonov SKS Disassembly
AR-15 Rifle - TM 9-1005-249-10
Commonwealth Protection Institute - TM 9-1005-249-23&P
South Texas Marksmanship Training Center - TM 9-1005-319-10
KDE Guns - TM 9-1005-319-23&P
Global Security - MCRP 3-01A: Rifle Marksmanship - FM 3-22.9
U.S. Army - FM 3-22.9: Rifle Marksmanship with Change 1
Utah National Guard - FM 3-22.9 Change 4
WeaponsMan - If You Had Only One 5.56mm Carbine?
Others - Introduction to Gun Sights
Wikipedia - Telescopic Sight
Wikipedia - Reflector Sights
WeaponsMan - A Short History of Chrome Bores
U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-01B: Pistol Marksmanship
U.S. Army - Crew Served Machineguns
Wikipedia - Comparison of the AK-47 and M16